HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-86-81 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1.10 TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO COUNCIL MAY 42 1981. ADDENDUM REPORT NO. : P-86-81 SUBJECT: Street Names - Romney Mead Subdivision East Woodbridge Developments - Village of Newcastle RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that Town Council pass the following resolution: "Town Council hereby approves the following street names for the Romney Mead Subdivision proposal.: Rosemead Lane Romford Place Meadford Boulevard Rosemeadow Court." BACKGROUND & COMMENT: As indicated in the attached Memorr.nndum from Mr. J. Dunham, the street names for the Romney Plead subdivis (on have been approved - 2 by the Region of Durham and by the Newcastle Public Works Depart- ment. . It has been past practice to have Town Council confirm the approval of street names through the Public Works Committee and Council. As this matter has not been addressed to date and as the Romney Mead subdivision agreement is before Council for execution, Planning staff feel it appropriate for Council to con- firm approval of the street names at this time. Respectfully submitted, i � � DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. May 1, 1981 Director of Planning M E M O R A N D, U M APR Icl�l T0: D.N. Smith, Director of Planning. FROM: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works , SUBJECT: Street Names - Romney Mead Subdivision. Village of Newcastle (No, 18T-19720) . DATE: April 30, 1981. r ' Further to your enquiry earlier today, attached please find copies of our file data relative to the subject matter. This will confirm that the Public Works Department approves of the following street names: ROSEMEAD LANE ROMFORD PLACE MEADFORD BOULEVARD ROSEMEADOW COURT. It will he noted that the Developer made direct application to the Regional Municipality of Durham for approval of the above. Normally, however, all such requests are made to this Department, following which a report is made to Public Works Committed, and Council. Subsequently the Town notifies Region of the request and awaits approval . I trust the foregoing will he of Interest and assistance to you. cc: D.T. Cray. I I I I THE kE: GIONAI_ MUNICIPALITY Of DURHAM 1 PLANNING ;,Nr) DEVELOPMENT DEPAFITMENT Ww F. N. MCADAMS, M.C.I.P /Commission., 105CONskjAfs;; On1VF/i3O. eox521-WHITBY,ONTARIO 0i4I&AJ TEL. 14161WAMI In ,*ply. 0194" rotor t0 No v"Inher. 15 , 1. 978 Fil• NumpIDo 18T--19720 Ms- Mailena Protich, Project Manager, Milani & Milani Holdings Limited , 44 UPlandS Ave. , Thornhill , Ontario L 3'I' 4 AS Dear Ms . I'rotich : ! Street Name Reservations Plan of Subdivision Ministry of Housing File 18T_1 y720 Town of Newcastle (Villa. e _ 1 of N e w c a_ s t 1 e)- Further tQ your corres )ondence, pleas(' �.ldvised that the Sul- lowing`jStreet Novem�)er 9 , 1978 t. are no r(:,4)ititious Of existing or resexveci street name w.i C i i n the Region ; do s E .,kt) L~tiv Er 1 E' w i V E f ; ROMFo RD is LACE MEADFO Ri,) DOULL,jAfRf) ROS E N..EADOW COURT I ; Accordi ;._; i;- , the s ject street reservE> _j �cr- the above-noted Plan` ofSSUbdivisi� TT.---- Yours very truly, G. D. '1me ron , Manager � urrcr;� Operations Branch cc: Wol " l pt Newcastle MILANI &- MILANI HOLDINGS LIMITED I, \111 ANI I'KI\1N N1 UFASI'KIK OOWn Of Department of hYvks Municipal Bui Z, ., - Nampton, Ontario Attention; Mr. .lack Dunham Dir'aotor Dow Sirs : :;t I'�. r t Names - komney mead o �1'e W�•a c; t Z e' to our telephone conversation T Would appreciate receiving your' '��mm nts With r t f<�1' our RoniPi�',, ', regard o the street names We C'roUO3e cad subdivision in toe Village of NewcustZ.e , •� s �.' , , agreed at the mn,� t. i, , the 1:ng nccA i. hold between r�,,, o I' W"ill• jtaVe'. CAP 't ^te';/Unly, the street now shown X s "A " and 1 'L • ,l � r o F O�s� tj at c t ;et n� rI osemead j l , i ret (al j uF l ) b c Ic,r it td bovome Rvsemcd ; bcuome ) ,IJ ,Ld P lac ,, a t ree t Boulevard. CC <It and street "G " 1 , named '/ c a r.t f D Y'�i � .1E %, M2Lc O ii l -t hc. I .,a t yo <I fU � ' thi.; Yours very tPN MILANI S MIL,1,7.1 M-i Z nu Pror• iA, PrQ _a NOV i n 1978 ' W . . " 10Y,N CGF ri::.,