HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-81-81 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 27, 1981. REPORT NO.: P-81-81 SUBJECT: Activities of Planning Department January through March, 1981, inclusive RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that: 1. This Report be received for information. BACKGROUND: On January S, 1981 the Planning and Development Committee adopted the Planning and Development Department's 1981 Work Program, as presented in Report P-1-81. The 1981 Work Program calls for three status reports during the year reviewing the work schedule, the Depart- ment's Budget, staff time and outstanding items. COMMENT: WORK SCHEDULE Staff have attached the work schedule sheets from the Work Program and have indicated on each the status of particular items. - 2 - In respect of Long Range Planning, the Courtice Environ- mental Impact Study is behind the anticipated schedule, due to delays in preparation of comments by the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority. A final draft of the Report was received on April 10, 1981 thereby delaying the preparation of a Development Plan for Courtice Neighbourhood No. 3. It is hoped that this matter can be brought back on schedule before the end of June. In respect of Current Operations, work has proceeded on two subdivision plans in Courtice Neighbourhood No. 2 and on, at least, three subdivision plans in Bowmanville urban Area. Work has proceeded in the Bowmanville Area ahead of schedule as delays noted above have been experienced in preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for Courtice Nei- - ghbourhood No. 3. In respect of the Building Division, a revised Sign By-law was submitted to Town Council on April 21st, 1981 in accordance with the Work Program. In respect of the Administration of the Department, work has proceeded on the Financial Analysis and Growth Management Study. A final Report has been received and is with the Department Heads' Committee for review. The Director continues the practice of reviewing the Depart- _ ment's Budget monthly and has prepared a review of the expenditures for the first quarter of the year as outlined in the Report. Respectfully submitted, ZUA DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. April 16, 1981 Director of Planning - 3 - PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1981 BUDGET EXPENDITURES For the information of the Committee and as noted above, staff have reviewed the Statement of Accounts for the Planning and Development Department for the period ending March, 1981. Expenditure figures are also available for the period ending April, but have not been included for the purposes of this review. Total expenditures and commitments are summarized on the attached sheets and represent 18.0% of the 1981 Budget submission. PLANNING BUDGET AS OF APRIL 3, 1981 ACCOUNT 1981 BUDGET ACTUALS COMMITMENTS BALANCE (submission) POSTAGE 7702-103-000 $ 2,960.00 $ Nil $ 200.00 $ 2,760.00 Printing & Reproduction 7702-104-000 7,550.00 198.42 100.00 ± 7,250.00± Membership & Association Dues 7702-201-000 550.00 270.00 Nil 280.00 Convention & Conference Expenses 7702-202-000 2,000.00 Nil Nil 2,000.00 Car Allowance 7702-203-000 4,400.00 415.50 (112.50) 3,872.00 Telephone 7702-205-000 1,500.00 Nil Nil Nil Advertising 7702-206-000 4,080.00 415.50 Nil 3,664.50 Professional Fees 7702-207-000 47,000.00 100.00 1,847.00 45,053.00 Equipment Maintenance 7702-209-000 600.00 117.00 Nil 483.00 (under review) Salaries & Fringe Benefits 7702-001-000 153,200.00 36,434.34 Nil 116,765.66 cl _ Page 2 ACCOUNT 1981 BUDGET ACTUALS COMMITMENTS BALANCE (submission) Office Supplies 7702-101-000 $ 3,000.00 $ 820.25 $ 329.22 $ 1,850.52 Publications & Subscrip- tions 7702-102-000 550.00 125.56 26.06 362.38 Miscellaneous 7702-290-000 350.00 7.00 Nil 343.00 Office Equipment 7702-401-000 1,050.00 341.12 Nil 708.88 REVENUES TOTAL 26,000.00 5,590.65 N/A 20,409.35 BUILDING DIVISION BUDGET AS OF APRIL 3, 1981 ACCOUNT 1981 BUDGET ACTUALS COMMITMENTS BALANCE (submission) Salaries & Fringe Benefits 7103-001-000 $ 88,250.00 $ 17,464.62 $ Nil $ 70,785.38 Office Supplies 7103-101-000 900.00 Nil Nil 900.00 Postage 7103-103-000 450.00 Nil 50.00± 400.00 Membership & Association Dues 7103-201-000 100.00 60.00 Nil 40.00 Convention & Conference Expenses 7103-202-000 1,415.00 Nil Nil 1,415.00 Car Allowance 7103-203-000 8,400.00 1,889.00 Monthly Charges 6,511.00 Telephone 7103-206-000 Nil Nil Nil Nil Miscellaneous 7103-290-000 2,650.00 Nil Nil 2,650.00 REVENUES 56,000.00 6,709.27 N/A 49,290.73 * Excludes Hydro Revenues �� f C� - 4 - STAFF TIME AND PERFORMANCE The following table summarizes staff time sheets for the January through March period, for the full-time union staff in the Planning Department. Please note that the Long Range Planner's position has been vacant for a majority of the first quarter. Please note that a full 21.2% of total staff time is spent on Official Plan matters and 22% of total staff time is spent on matters related to Zoning. Enquiries take up 12.3% of staff time, not including the Director's time in this regard. TOTA1'- 7TAFF TIME BY EMPLOYEE AND ACTI'- DATES ACTIVITY hrs % hrs. % hrs % hrs. % hrs.% H OFFICIAL PLAN MATTERS a�Ca1 SUBDIVISION MATTERS SEVERANCE MATTERS ZONING MATTERS i COML%IITTEE OF ADJUSTMfENT MATTERS 11j C1 ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD - 0 SITE INSPECTIONS OFFICE ORGANIZATION (Filing) IfEETINGS O OUTSIDE REQUESTS (Other Departments) - O INQUIRIES %v '2 TYPING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8-0 T O T A L o o° o o 0 100% SICK DAYS HOLIDAYS �� ATIONS �. OTHER (Funeral, Jury Duty, etc. ) \° 0 0 0 0 0 0 o u.•� T 0 T A L o° o o °o ° c�C QOO a o y1 TOTAL FOR 5 EMPLOYEES Total Man Days /-SCI -SCI Total Man Hours : ' >� �•S Total Sick Days Total Sick Hours Total Holiday, Vacations, and Other Days — �teu�s � - - 5 - SUMMARY OF OUTSTANDING ITEMS Staff have updated the Outstanding Applications list as of the end of March, 1981 for the information and future reference of Committee members. } d' SUMMARY OF OUTSTANDING APPLICATIONS \y 1c l 1981 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM CURRENT OPERATIONS JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 5 19 2 16 2 16 13 27 1 1 25 MEETING 8 22 6 20 4 AU G I? 14 E28 13QC26 9 N 23 7 DEC.21 COURTICE SUBDIVISIONS ONGO NG IN NE BOURHO DS 1 and 2 NEIGHBOURHOODS 2 AND 3 GH umrnraan essraunas sasssuasn nasararu aarruaaQara sasaQ®arse@ easraae @ @ar asss@asssss aaumsrsa @rQ SUBDIVISION .PLANS - BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA NO A TIONS IN NEIGHBOU WOOD 3 P NDING CO LETION F NEIGHB -OURHOOD LAN BASEL ON ENVIR NMENTAL NEWCASTLE VILLAGE aaarrQaaQ @e mmaamara@mr mQa @ra @seam eaammmaQam@ amrasaQ @asr rsrsaramaQrr maaaaam @maa maamm @ass @m @aaaeaamsaa@ HAMLET SUBDIVISION STUD (see Lo g Range Tanning) COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW rrarrraassr aaarasrsarr arara @soars aaasranrar scar @ceases nreaasQrrr SIGN BY-LAW anrrsarar■ nrrrrrrosr nrr@QSaaar rrrrarararr rararrraQsrs $saaunella Inglossaveno anararsar■ •rararrrsar narrQrrrsr sraeaararrr raraarrrraa ONG01 NG PRIORTI ES 1 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION INDUSTRIAL / COMMERCIAL 2 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION RESIDENTIAL ( by date of submission or as shown above) 3 COMMENTS TO LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 4 COMMENTS TO COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMEN 5 REVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS/COMMENTS LEGEND Primary activity Secondary activity iramaammaaa canons raaaarsQ @aaeaamaopen on, C, 1981 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM LONG RANGE PLANNING JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 5 19 2 16 2 16 13 27 II 25 8 22 6 20 4 ' 17 14 28 13 26 9 23 7 21 MEETING COURTICE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY ,0011101c/i peeiii,eeii ,iii,iiii,i Die°ipi�ir a 8aorrnr/ a•@one°pare ISBN vassals lots all p,lnnp,ep COURTICE"SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL" ,i®°®i°ia,® ra ,11i1]mm,i pip OWNS a OIBEI �i°eia°iDer ,2012,15454, ur„21,546 ,6,01654„n au,annep onto COURTICE NEIGHBOURHOOD 3 DEVELOPMENT PLAN (In conjunction with Courtice storm Water NO WORK 0 DATE P NDING #1 ABOVE management study and growth analysis and °lQS1splal, i1i10iS,p�°° aa,i624i3O, ,@ri2el2pia pr @Q,62,1rp Q,°1!@16i/am 1l,Qlr,@ra0 @a,Qr,i,a21 /i1,i,mp,p, development strategy) PART I DISTRICT PLAN 11010112454 ,@5415401161 ,542601254 54p,54enr,r 54apm5401Qe 154/6/15454 epup54,ua 5454,n01ie 6!54!2!6 @,!, URBAN AREA PLANS - BOWMANVILLE AND NEWCASTLE VILLAGE 10121611011 54542424°@! ,p°110202°i 2/ip548,54 85454542541, app54i54/r• 54p54Q,nn ,54'111111,54/ HAMLET PLANS - TYRONE HAMPTON,ORONO AND MITCHELL'S CORNERS a101nn01! amps/2454011r 54262542666 5422/5411182 82Q11i54811 @54 54p54115422i r!1l54aep54 !2°!r54l54QR ir54r5481,1 MAIN CENTRAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PLANS BOWMANVILLE lmiQaaepapm °pamrmmppee ameampuaa 11aan2ina aaraem,pne m°rlprpmmam 1110 I'm NEWCASTLE VILLAGE 54111110122 raplrainna 5412611542 !0601542541 sian01a254 8611820248/ ORONO aie2ina0n •54!5462541 /6545406542 1912442012111 154015411015 012e5454mpm MMMMUMMEMM COMPREHENSIVE RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW 1a24amen6r mosonessonal along on a4a5401ani 60254541699 sale Ion SOON loss as ago Ron vamaansn9 95411124549 mnamr24pn 954pem1,2pp2 2229541°0111 HAMLET PLANS -KIRBY, ENFIELD, KENDAL pa111m1,pe■ ngaen24sa a96eep1s6me a54541s6546 89501151 all as11nmmmam m6e01mis14o /1542441540 a54nae606a r6an5454se 54906080/54 04aen54s01 AND LESKARD ONGOING OFFICIAL PLAN APPLICATION HOUSING POLICY STATEMENT DATA COLLECTION REVIEW OF PLANS /COMMENTS LEGEND Primary activity Secondary activity Aetna maepm0appppmpppa Rona m16sa0/2162!1 c BUILDING /ADMINISTRATION 1981 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT NOV. BUILDING DEC. 5 19 2 16 2 16 13 27 11 25 8 22 6 20 4 17 14 28 13 26 9 23 7 21 SIGN BY-LAW ADVERTISING ENFORCEMENT aaaaaaaa* EVISED B —LAW A fA Y318 UBMITTED TO COUNC L PRIL 21s .1 BUILDING & PLUMBING / PERMITS /INSPECTIOq /PROCESSING 2 COMMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 3 PROVISION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE INC ADMINISTRATION 1 REVIEW OF DEPARTMENT'S ACTIVITIES REPORT REPORT /?EPO/?;r 2 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND GROWTH 0 BE REV EWED WIT OTHER D PARTMENT EADS MANAGEMENT STUDY 3VARIOUS ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS LEGEND Primary activity Ram= Secondary activity I J 1 APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM I SUBDIVISIONS FILE_ # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED t Ain.. off Town of lous.. Newcastle 17T-19720 S-A-3-12-1 East Woodbridge Pt. L. 29, Con. 1, 99 Subdivision Agreement - report to Committee May 11/81 Newcastle Village Signed By-law approved - execute subdivision agreement by O.M.B. - clear Minister's conditions 17T-24001 S-A-1-15-6 Oakland Develop- Pt. L. 18, Con. 7, 44 Draft approved by Min- - subdivision agreement with Town ments Ltd. Darlington ister of Housing and Region (Enniskillen) - zoning By-law amendment - after subdivision agreements signed 17T-24689 S-A-1-12-2 Waverly Heights Pt. L. 17, Con. 5, 44 Under Review - resolution of servicing scheme Darlington for Hampton - completion of Hamlet Plan - staff report 18T-24043 S-A-3-10-1 Veltri & Son. Ltd. Pt. L. 29, Con. 5, 5 Under Review - resolution of potential problems Clarke (Orono) with servicing, access - staff report 18T-25149 S-A-3-1-3 Murray Payne Pt. L. 7&8, Con. 2, 68 Formal application - finalize Newtonville Hamlet Plan Clarke (Newtonville) circulated - staff report 18T-25449 S-A-1-7-2 Gatehouse Holdings Pt. L. 35, Con. 2, 395 Preliminary application - submission of revised plans Darlington (Courtice) referred to staff for - staff report preliminary report 18T-74067 S-A-2-5-1 Cean Investments Pt. L. 12, Con. 2, 52 Draft approved - submission by applicant of re- Darlington (Bowmanville) zoning, draft subdivision agree. - negotiate subdivision agreement - staff report 18T-74080 S-A-1-15-3 1927 Investments Pt. L. 19, Con. 8, 140 Formal application - staff report Darlington (Enniskillen) circulated c APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page 2 I SUBDIVISIONS FIL'&# APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED an.. of. Town of 'bus. Newcas tle 18T-75362 S-A-1-15-5 Burketon Hills Ltd. Pt. L. 18&19, Con. 10, 52 Draft approved by - proposed "red-line" revision in Darlington Ministry of Housing circulation - submission by applicant of appli- cation for rezoning, draft subdi- vision agreement - negotiate subdivision agreement - staff report 18T-75493 S-A-3-13-2 Narva, KSW, Pt. L. 29 00, Con. 2, 680 Formal application - completion of Newcastle Village Erehwon Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) circulated District Plan, also Development Plan for area - resolution of servicing problem - staff report 18T-75526 S-A-2-6-3 Schickedanz Pt. L. 8, Con. 1, Darlington (Bowmanville) 236 Recommended for draft - draft approval by Minister of approval to Minister Housing of Housing, conditional - negotiate subdivision agreement on availability of ser- - rezoning vices 18T-76011 S-A-2-6-2 Penwest Develop- Pt. L. 9, Con. 1, 307 Draft approved by - negotiate subdivision agreement ments Darlington (Bowmanville) Ministry of Housing - rezoning 18T-76020 S-A-3-13-6 S. Gujda Estate Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, 56 Formal application cir- - completion of Newcastle Village Clarke (newcastle Vg.) culated District Plan, Development Plan, Development Plan - staff report 18T-76021 S-A-3-12-2 S. Gujda Estate Pt. L. 28, Con. 1, 21 Draft approved - submission by applicant of appli- T. Huzar Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) cation for rezoning, draft subdi- vision agreement - negotiate subdivision agreement - staff report J t APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page 3 I SUBDIVISIONS FI1 # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Kin. of Town of Newcastle f 18T-76025 S-A-2-4-1 One-Fourth Pt. L. 14, Con. 1, 297 Recommended for Draft Investments Darlington (Bowmanville) Plan Approval 18T-76027 S-A-1-6-2 Courtice Heights Pt. L. 31&32, Con. 2, 681 Draft approved by OMB - OMB approval of revised sub- Darlington (Courtice) Amending By-law approved division plan by OMB - clear Minister's conditions Subdivision agreement to - execute subdivision agreement be renegotiated 18T-76038 S-A-2-6-1 Schickedanz Dev. Pt. L. 10, Con. 1, 79 Under Review - applicant requested to complete Ltd. Bowmanville land assembly 18T-76048 S-A-1-10-1 Courtice Heights Pt. L. 31, Con. 3, 292 Draft approved by OMB, - clear Minister's conditions Dev. Ltd. Darlington (Courtice) amending By-law approved - execute subdivision agreement by OMB, subdivision agree- ment to be renegotiated 18T-76071 S-A-2-1-2 LDCM Investments Pt. L. 14, Con. 2, 14 Draft approved - submission by applicant of draft Darlington (Bowmanville) subdivision agreement - negotiate subdivision agreement 18T-77001 S-A-1-10-4 Goldfan Holdings Pt. L. 34, Con. 3, 730 Draft approved - negotiate subdivision agreement Darlington (Courtice) - rezoning 18T-77028 S-A-1-9-1 Goldfan Holdings Pt. L. 29&30, Con. 3, 667 Preliminary application - Storm Water Management Study Darlington (Courtice) referred to staff for - preparation of development plan preliminary report - preliminary report 18T-77037 S-A-1-5-1 Yugo Construction Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, Darlington (Courtice) 4 Plan draft approved - submission by applicant of draft { subdivision agreement - negotiate subdivision agreement - staff report \ I SUBDIVISIONS Page 4 FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous. Newcastle 18T-77041 S-A-1-10-2 Tekla Perun Pt. L. 31, Con. 3, 121 Formal application cir- - Storm Water Management Study Darlington (Courtice) culated - preparation of development plan - staff report 18T-77047 S-A-1-10-3 Durcourt Develop- Pt. L. 32, Con. 3, 493 Formal application cir- - Storm Water Management Study ments Ltd. Darlington culated - preparation of Development Plan - staff report 18T-77066 S-A-1-13-4 Colin & Lack Pt. L. 30, Con. 4, 7 Preliminary review of - preparation of Mitchell's Darlington (Mitchell's application indicated Corner's Hamlet Plan Corners) that application pre- - formal report to Committee mature pending Mitchell's Corners Hamlet Plan 18T-77067 S-A-1-11-3 Ray Abbott Pt. L. 8, Con. 7, 8 Under Review - staff report Darlington (Tyrone) 18T-77095 S-A-2-12-1 Schwarz Brothers Pt. L. 12, Con. 1, 18 Draft approval recom- - submission of engineering Bowmanville mended by Town, subject study to CLOCA by appli- to CLOCA approval cant Site allocated sewage - staff report capacity by Council 18T-77123 S-A-1-8-2 East Woodbridge Pt. L. 11, Con. 3, 46 Draft approved by Min- - report to Committee (Rills of Liberty Darlington ister of Housing May 11, 1981 North) 18T-77133 S-A-3-13-1 E. Vierhout & Bow- Pt. L. 27, Con. 2, 41 Formal application cir- - completion of Newcastle manville Const. Newcastle Village culated Village District Plan, also Development Plan for Area staff report \C A\PPENDI.X A PR0GRIM I SUBDIVISIONS Page 5 FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous. Newcastle 18T-78006 S-A-3-11-1 Newcastle Shoreline Pt. L. 25, B.F.C. 7 Draft approval by Min- - submission by applicant of Properties Ltd. Clarke istry of Housing application for rezoning, (Jack Jacobsen Const.) draft subdivision agree. - negotiate subdivision agree. - staff report 18T-78027 S-A-3-13-7 Wilswar Enterprises Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) 191 Formal application cir- - completion of Newcastle Vg. culated District Plan, also Develop- ment Plan for area - staff report - S-A-2-6-4 D & M Developments Pt. L. 9, Con. 2, 59 Preliminary application - completion of Bowmanville Ltd. Bowmanville Urban Area Plan - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Treatment Plan - preliminary report S-A-2-4-2 Wilswar Enterprises Pt. L. 13, Con. 1, 108 Preliminary application - completion of Bowmanville Bowmanville Urban Area Plan - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Treatment Plant - staff report S-A-1-12-1 Super Max Pt. L. 17&18, Con. 5, 19 Revised application - resolution of servicing Darlington (Hampton) circulated problem - Hampton Development Plan - staff report 18T-79038 S-A-1-6-5 Remlark Holdings Pt. L. 35, Con. 2, 94 Draft approved - draft approval by Minister Darlington (Courtice) of Housing - negotiate subdivision agree. - rezoning i AL'1 hiVDIX A WORK k'ROGI�UV14 I SUBDIVISIONS Page 6 FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous. Newcastle 18T-79059 S-A-3-7-1 Waverly Heights Pt. L. 24, Con. 9, 26 Preliminary application - decision re; related Clarke Official Plan amendment application - staff report 18T-79067 S-A-2-5-2 Danad Properties Pt. L. 11&12, Con. 2, 935 Preliminary application - completion of Urban Area Bowmanville Plan and Dev. Plan . - availability of services - staff report 18T-79071 S-A-1-1-3 Brooks, Lovell, Pt. L. 3&4, Con. 4, 15 Preliminary application - decision re; related Offi- McLellan Darlington cial Plan Amendment appli- cation - staff report - decision re; application for rezoning S-A-1-5-3 Gyan Jain Pt. L. 30, Con. 1, 5 Preliminary application - staff report Darlington 18T-80062 S-A-1-2-2(b) East Woodbridge Pt. L. 16, B,F.C, , 20 Preliminary application - staff report Darlington Industrial circulated Lots 18T-8007 S-A-1-6-6 Dr. King Pt. L. 33, Con. 2, 135 Preliminary application - preparation of Environmental Darlington Impact Analysis staff report II CURRENT APPLICATIONS FOR REZONING FILE NO. APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Z-A-1-1-5 Brooks, Lovell, Pt. L. 3&4, Con. 4, Estate Residential - under review in con- - decision on subdivision and McLellan (Aug./79) Darlington junction with application O.P.A. for subdivision and O.P.A. - staff report i Z-A-1-7-4 Ron Amyotte Pt. L. 31 02, B.F.C. Industrial - recommended for approval - awaits negotiation of subdi- (Sept./79) Darlington vision agreement Z-A-1-7-5(2) Ridge Pine Park Pt. L. 32, 33, 34, 35, Mobile Home Park - approved By-law 81-15 - possible referral to O.M.B. (1980) Con. 1, Darlington Pt. L. 32 03, B.F.C., Clarke Z-A-1-9-1 Courtice Auto Pt. L. 27, Con. 3, Industrial - circulation completed - completion of Derelict Wreckers (Mar./80) Darlington Motor Vehicle By-law Z-A-1-10-1 Alliance Exurban Pt. L. 34, Con. 3, Residential - awaiting decision on - none at this time (May/77) Darlington 18T-77001 Z-A-1-13-4 Laycoe (Sept./80) Pt. L. 30, Con. 4, Commercial - recommended for approval - awaiting road widening Darlington clearance Z-A-1-15-4 Oakland Develop- Pt. L. 18, Con. 7, Residential - report required - staff report ments (Randy Jeffrey) Darlington (Aug./77) Z-A-1-15-7 Wm. Henderson (Oct./78) Pt. L. 18, Con. 7, Commercial - revised By-law recommended - awaiting development agree. Darlington for approval Z-A-1-16-1 Balint (July/80) Pt. L. 31, Con. 5, Commercial - recommended for approval - awaiting notification from Darlington Durham Works regarding road widenings prior to approval of By-law. Z-A-2-4-5 J. Rice (Feb./77) Pt. L. 12, Con. 1, Residential - under review - resolution of servicing pro- Bowmanville blem - staff report II CURRENT APPLICATIONS FOR REZONING Page 2 ! FILE NO. APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED s ; Z-A-2-4-8 J. Chow (Oct./79) Pt. L. 13, Con. 1, Commercial - resolution of servicing - resolution of servicin Bowmanville problem g pro- x blem and/or decision on O.P.A. ` a - staff report Z-A-2-6-3 Brooking Transport Pt. L. 10, Con. 2, Industrial is (Mar./79) Bowmanville J - By-law 79-137 approved - submission by applicant of by Council but not site plan agreement appli- circulated cation - no action requested by appli- cant Z-A-2-8-1 E. Samuels King St. Residential - held open Bowmanville p - applicant to submit new plans - no action requested by appli- cant Z-A-2-12-5 Rejczak (Aug./80) Pt. L. 9, Con. 2, Residential - recommended for approval - awaiting the dedication of a Bowmanville 10 foot road widening and $1500 lot development charge Z-A-2-13-1 Darlington Marina Pt. L. 10, B.F.C., Marine Commercial - under review (Aug./79) Bowmanville - report required in respect of & Residential by-law and site plan agree. Z-A-2-13-2 Noseworthy (Jan./80) Pt. L. 9, B.F.C., Residential Bowmanville - BY-law 80-126 received - negotiate an agreement guar- for information anteeing that the existing cottage will not be used for residential purposes - By-law will then be forwarded for approval - revised agreement to be for- warded to staff. Z-A-3-3-5 394256 Ontario Pt. L. 29, Cori. 3, Hwy. Commercial in circulation Ltd. (Mar./80) Clarke - preparation of amending By following receipt of revised plans Z-A-3-12-1 Narva Developments Pt. L. 30, Con. 1, Residential (1975) - under review in con- - staff report following decision Clarke junction with subdivision on subdivision application II CURRENT APPLICATIONS FOR RE 3 ZONING Page 3 1 FILE NO, APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Z-A-3-12-5 Windsweep Farms Pt. L. 28, B.F.C. Residential/Commercial - approved in principle - staff report on revised Clarke subject to site plan proposal z; agreement - development agreement k?, Z-A-3-12-9 Bond Head Harbour Pt. L. 28,2930, Residential & Com- - under review - development agreement Village B.F.C., Clarke mercial - staff report Z-A-3-13-3 Erehwon Developments Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, Residential r under review in con- - staff report following (Oct./75) Clarke junction with subdivision decision on subdivision Z-A-3-13-4 KSW Developments Pt. L. 30, Con. 2, Residential - under review in conjun- - staff report following de- (Oct. 1975) Clarke ction with subdivision cision on subdivision Z-A-3-13-5 Wilswar Enterprises Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, Residential - under review in conjun- - staff report following (June/77) Clarke ction with subdivision decision on subdivision Z-A-3-13-6 Mychalchuk Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, Mobile Home Park - objection on rezoning - clarification from Ministry (Apr./79) Clarke application of Agriculture & Food - staff report to follow Z-A-3-13-8 Syvan Developments/ Pt. L. 28, Con. 2, Commercial - to be considered with - none at this time Lucbar Investments Clarke Development Plan i III DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS AND SUBDIVISION AGREEMENTS Planning staff input is required to review and assist in the preparation of development agreements or subdivision i agreements for all draft approved plans of subdivision, as well as certain industrial and commercial developments, as required by Council. The following is a list of proposals, which require staff input at this time: - Windsweep Farms Newcastle Village - Edmond Vanhaverbeke Bowmanville - Darlington Marina Bowmanville - Bowman Construction Darlington - Newcastle Shoreline Properties Clarke - Cean Investments Bowmanville - British Bulldog Restaurant/ Courtice Tavern - Marwald Industrial Bowmanville - Misner Beverages Darlington - Papanikolopoulos Darlington - Salco Sand & Gravel Clarke