HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-68-81 A CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 27, 1981. REPORT NO. : P-68-81 SUBJECT: Proposed Official Plan Amendment - Durham Regional Official Plan - Sceptre Management Services Limited File: 80-56/D RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully submitted: 1. That this Report be received; and 2. That the Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the proposed amend- GAtoLL 9 ment to the Durham Regional Official Plan as appezimrd to Regional Planning Commissioner's Report 81-87 (Revised) . BACKGROUND & COMMENT: On February 2, 1981, staff forwarded the attached Report P-27-81 to Committee for consideration. Committee adopted staff's recom- mendation with one amendment to the effect that the Town wished to have the opportunity to review the proposed amendment (the actual document) as it relates to the present Regional Official Plan (PD#55-81) . On March 27, 1981 staff received the attached correspondence tt from the Region of Durham including a possible Official Plan Amendment } ij 2 fulfilling the requested amendment application 80-56/D. Staff have reviewed the amendment and have no objection to it. As a general principle, staff feel, however, that day care centres, homes for the aged, etc. should be located in urban areas in proximity to their concentrations of population and other community facilities. Respectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. March 31, 1981 Director of Planning N�N ry'HD{7,yy l tK CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON. ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTER MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 1981. REPORT NO. : P-27-81 SUBJECT: Proposed Official Plan Amendment Durham Regional Official Plan Sceptre Management Services Ltd. File: 80-56/D BACKGROUND: On December 29, 1980, staff received the attached request for comments in respect of a proposed amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan which would permit Community Facilities, as an exception in Rural Areas. Our review of the subject application and discussions with Regional Planning staff indicate that the basis for this amend- ment is a proposal to develop a day-care facility in conjunction with an existing Nursing Home located in Uxbridge Township. It is the opinion of Regional staff that under the circumstances a general amendment to the Regional Plan may be warranted, as opposed to a site specific amend- ment to permit this proposal. COMMENTS: In view of the fact that the proposed amendment would permit greater flexibility in locating such community facilities as nursing homes, homes for the aged and day-care centres and would be an incentive to the development of such facilities, staff have no major a J Ca) 2 - objections to it. However, we would note that it appears to be the intent of the Regional Plan to encourage the location of such facilities in proximity to population concentrations, retail and personal service uses, other community facilities and public transit; and as such, the indiscriminate development of such facilities within rural areas should not be encouraged. In that regard, it may be appropriate to consider an amendment which would permit such community facilities within any land use designation subject to; compatibility with its surroundings; compatibility with the predominant permitted use(s) of the land use designation; and a demonstrated need for the facility. Such an amend- ment could, conceivably, be accommodated with Section 6.2.6 of the Durham Regional Official Plan which presently permits local municipalities to zone to permit such uses as; police stations; fire stations; public parks; and certain cultural facilities, within any land use designation provided Council is satisfied that the proposed use is compatible with its surroundings. CONCLUSION: Based upon the foregoing, staff have no objection to the proposed amendment to permit community facilities within rural areas provided that such facilities are being provided in response to a demon- strated need and are compatible with their surroundings. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend - to Council the following: j (�1 1 3 - 1) That Report P-27-81 be received; and that 2) The Region of Durham be forwarded a copy of staff report P-27-81; and that 3) The Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to pro- posed Official Plan Amendment 80-56/D. Respectfully submitted, TTP:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. January 14, 1981 Director of Planning i 4 ' ' DURHAM File: 80-50/D The Regional Municipality WR /017 1981 of Durham March 26, 1981 Planning nonomnvnt Box 623 ---- ms consumers Dr. Whitby, Ontario '^ ^ M. McIlroy Canada,uwoAn Clerk (416)668-7731 Town Mun8S nx. m. x. M/cxAE� w�.a 40 treet c""°=�"�wp�""�o BowOtdri0 LlC 386 / Dear Mr, MCllr0y: Re: Application submitted on behalf of Sceptre Management Services Limited to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan File: 80-56/D At its March 24, 1981 meeting, the Durham Planning Committee considered the attached Commissioner's Report No, 81-87 (Revised) and authorized staff to forward the amendment proposal to the Councils of the respective area municipalities for review and C00m8Dt. ID this regard, would you provide Us with any CmDments you wish to 08k8 within 30 days. / If you require further information or have any AU85tiOOS regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mr, David Cr0Ue of this Department. Yours very truly, Strategic Planning Branch � :CE Encl . CC: D. S0ith\/ � x� -MAM Planning Department j Commissioner' s Report to Planning Committee Report No. 81-87(Revised) Date: March 24, 1981 SUBJECT AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN SUBMITTED ON BEHALF OF SCEPTRE MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED, FILE 80-56/D. CORRESPONDENCE #81-64 DATED DECEMBER 10, 1980 FROM MS. ANN McDONALD ON BEHALF OF SCEPTRE MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED (APPLICATION) CORRESPONDENCE #81-185 DATED FEBRUARY 3, 1981 FROM MR. BRUCE TAYLOR, CLERK, TOWN OF PICKERING CORRESPONDENCE #81-227 DATED FEBRUARY 11, 1981 FROM MS. GERTRUDE GRAY, DEPUTY CLERK, TOWN OF NEWCASTLE. RECOMMENDATION THAT the Planning Committee authorize staff to advertise in appropriate newspapers that the Planning Committee and Regional Council will be considering an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan as indicated in Appendix I to Commissioner' s Report #81-87 (Revised) , and to forward the proposed amendment to the Councils of the respective area municipalities. REPORT 1 . Background 1 .1 In December 1980, Sceptre Management Services Limited submitted an application to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan in order to permit a rest home and/or a home for the aged and/or a day care centre In addition to the existing nursing home on a 5.4 ha (13.3 acre) site located in Part of Lots 6 and 7 , Concession VII in the former Township of Scott now located in the Township of Uxbridge. 1 .2 In considering the amendment application, staff felt that it may be Official Plan to permit community facilities such as day care centres , nursing--homes and homes for the arced as an exceptio-n- in the rural areas. As a result, the amendment application was circulated to area Commissioner' s Rennrt Nio 81-87 page municipalities with a request to review the proposal and comment on the concept of a general policy amendment. 1 .3 The Township of Brock, the Township of Scugog and -the Township of Uxbridge have no objection or no comment to make with respect to a site specific amendment or a general policy amendment. 1 .4 The Town of Pickering and the Town of Ajax endorse the concept of a general policy amendment. The Town of Ajax requests that any amendment proposal require that the appropriate locational criteria for community uses in the rural area be incorporated in the respective area municipal district plan. 1 .5 The Town of Whitby has no objection to a site specific amendment. However, the Town does not support the concept of permitting community uses as an exception in the rural area by zoning by-law amendment. As an alternative, the Town suggests that existing community uses in the rural area be permitted to diversify and that new community uses in the rural area be permitted only by amendment to the respective area municipal district plan. 1 .6 The Town of Newcastle and the City of Oshawa have no objection to a site specific amendment to permit a day care centre on the subject property. However, they request an opportunity to review any proposed general policy amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan prior to making any comments on the concept of permitting community uses in the rural area. 2. Comments 2.1 Staff have prepared a proposal for a general policy amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan as indicated in Appendix I . Staff feels that such an amendment would permit the development of certain community facilities which could benefit from a rural location and at the same time protect the integrity of the existing rural land uses and the Durham Plan land use designations. The proposed amendment would provide area municipalities with the flexibility of determining whether a community facility is appropriate or not in a given rural location. Under the amendment proposal , each community facility would be examined on its own merits with respect to the criteria detailed in the Durham Regional Official Plan and/or the respective area municipal district plan. Such criteria would ensure the evaluation of a proposed community use in terms of compatibility with surrounding uses , preservation of prime agricultural land, accessibility, need and appropriateness of a rural location. If a given use was determined by the area municipality to be suitable, only a zoni nq by-law amendme_nt_ ______-_ Tr ermi suc use. 2.2 Staff recommends that the proposal for a general policy amendment be forwarded to the respective area municipalities for review and comment. Dr. M. Michael , M.E. I .P. DC/LK Commissioner of Planning Attachment: Appendix 1 32 APPENDIX I PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN (For Discussion Purposes Only) PURPOSE: The purpose of this amendment is to permit community uses as an exception in the rural areas if deemed desirable by the respective area municipality. BASIS: The Durham Regional Official Plan presently permits community uses such as day care centres, nursing homes and homes for the aged within certain portions of the urban areas and in hamlets. It is the opinion of Council that certain community uses in certain circumstances can benefit from a rural environment or can better serve the people of the rural area if located within the rural community. PROPOSAL: The Durham Regional Official Plan is hereby amended by: i ) Adding a new Section 11.2 .11 as follows: 1111 .2 .11 Notwithstanding any provisions in this Plan to the contrary, community uses such as day care centres , nursing homes, homes for the aged and schools may be allowed as an exception in any specific location in all Agricultural Areas at the discretion of the respective area municipality provided that such use: a) is compatible with the surrounding land uses and does not unduly restrict or conflict with the predominant permitted uses in the land use designation; b ) is not located on highly productive agri cut tural 1 ands; c) is accessible by a public road which is maintained by the appropriate authority as open to traffic on a year-round basi s and i s of a standard of construction adequate to provide for the additional traffic generated by the proposed amendment; d) is shown to fill a demonstrated need in the community and is appropriate to a rural coca�i�r�• e) meets any other criteria detailed in the respective area municipal district plan and/or restricted area (zoning) by-1 aw; and f) is zoned in the respective restricted area (zoning) by-law in a special zoning category for that use." e 7 17TH 0 al ng a new Secti on 2ZT2 as follows: "12.2.12 Notwithstanding any provisions in this Plan to the contrary, community uses such as day care centres, nursing homes, homes for the aged and schools may be allowed as an exception in any specific location within the Major Open Space System at the discretion of the respective area municipality provided that such use: a) is compatible with the surrounding land uses and does not unduly restrict or conflict with the predominant permitted uses in the land use designation; b ) is not located on highly productive agricultural lands; c) is accessible by a public road which is maintained by the appropriate authority as open to traffic on a year-round basis and is of a standard of construction adequate to provide for the addi tional traffic generated by the proposed development; d) Is shown to fi l 1 a demonstrated need i n the community and is appropriate to a rural location; e) meets any other criteria detailed in the respective area municipal district plan and/or restricted area (zoning) by-1 aw; and f) is zoned in the restricted area (zoning) by-1 aw in a special zoning. category for that use." IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Durham Regional Official PI an, as amended , regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Durham Regional Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this amendment. 34