HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-67-81 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 27, 1981. REPORT NO.: P-67-81 SUBJECT: Correspondence from Ms. M. Puff and Mr. J. F. Brown regarding Ontario Neighbourhood Improvement Program (O.N.I.P.) RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully submitted: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That the Clerk be requested to advise Mr. J. F. Brown, Director Community Renewal Branch, Ministry of Housing that the Town of Newcastle will not be making an application to the Ministry for "O.N.I.P." in 1981; and 3. A copy of the Clerk's letter to Mr. Brown be forwarded to Ms. M. Puff, Provincial Municipal Affairs Secretariat, Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs, for information. BACKGROUND & COMMENT: The attached correspondence from the Ministries of Housing and Intergovernmental Affairs, dated March 19th and March 16th, respec- tively, was forwarded to the Department of Planning and Development for a report to the Planning and Development Committee. y " r 2 - Staff note that the Provincial Government has introduced its own version of the "Neighbourhood Improvement Program" (O.N.I.P.) as a result of the cancellation of the C.S.C.P. Program by the Federal Government. The Town of Newcastle has never had a Neighbourhood Improve- ment Program nor in the estimation of staff would the Town qualify for such a program at the present time. The Neighbourhood Improvement Program in its various forms has required the adoption of a redevelopment plan under Section 22 of The Planning Act, defining a redevelopment area, whereby a municipality could receive grants and loans for undertaking various public works to improve and stabilize typically older resi- dential neighbourhoods. Money would also be available to individual property owners for home renovations, to bring their properties up to municipal standards (Property Standards By-law) . To undertake a Neighbourhood Improvement Program in the Town of Newcastle in 1981 is a major commitment outside of the 1981 Work Program and in the opinion of the Director of Planning, the capa- bilities of Town staff. Staff note that the Town has expressed its dis- satisfaction with the cancellation of the, C.S.C.P. Program, particularly because of the loss of potential funding for storm water facilities in Courtice. In that regard, staff have received the attached letter from Mr. J. Gardiner (Ministry of Housing) in response to the January 12, 1981 letter to the Ministry of Housing (copy also attached) . For the information of the Committee, staff have written a letter directly to Mr. Gardiner asking for clarification of some of the points made in his letter of March 2, 1981 (copy attached) . Respectflinly submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. March 31, 1981 Director or Planning COMMICATIONS 1 5 wrormation NA i r)i-s f I y f 20-50-6 Af 5 Ws March 16 1931 Mr. Joseph M. McIlroy, A.M,C.T. Town Clerk Town of Ne%•*castj0 40 TcmperQncc Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3AG Dear %tar. �icj,Lroy- The Honourable Thomas L . Wells , Minister of Inter- governmental Affairs has asked ch4c I acknowledge receipt of your Council ' s recent resolution requesting A the reinstatement of Program the Community Services Contribution in a long term Federal—Provincial Agreement . As You will see by the attached News Release the Government of Ontario has announced the -Ontario Neigh- bourhood Improvement Program ( ONIT) " in response to numerous concerns expressed by municipalities followi7g the cancellation by the federal g6vernment last Fall of the Community Services ContribuVidn Program. Thank you for bringing your Council ' s views to the attention of the government . ! Ours very truly Marion Puff Provincial—Municipal MpIgm Affairs Secretariat A 0 t . e w s else ran!-1,;C :7 Release. Febr,.iar_ ?e ter Bo "S (416) 965-2326 Premier William Davis today announced a $12 million provincial grant program for 1931/612 to assist municipalities in planning anc. implementing neighborhood improvement projects . The Ontario Neighborhood Innrovement Program has been introduced in response to the cancellation by the f� federal government last fall of the Community Services Contributicn =rogram. i Linder the new program, the province and participating municipalities will each contributei50 per cent towards t`ie total costs of a �local neighborhood improvement project'. "The unilateral cancellation of CSCP by the ^der :i _ G'O eri.:I':Lnt not on!", made it extre:7el' dizf�c,, i� for Ontar`,., municipalities t0 continue planning fOr ��1^.nt:O-_I70Qd i r' 1 :provement, .Dut also had seriOL'S economic I^P1'_C CoP.Sc' '1e nCt S if t in terms of foregone construction and lost employment" , said Davis. f "This new program is being introduced in the spirit - t of the traditional leadership role pilaved by the province 4_I1 community -re.n,,jal and Core area rpv1'.:al. zatlOn . "Althcugh we cannot fully z 1 _ re_ pace the total ( Lederal-provincial funding previousl,, orovi�Ed under CSC this iriti __ :e will contribute to :e ontinuaticn of a ct•: nur.i ty arcgran and de mcnstrates our der .it ent f` to mainta_ . Dgrade older neighborhoods " , Davis s d . 1. 2 a The $12 million equals the amount of funding t. the province would have provided under the former neighborhood improvement program had CSCP continued . Grants under CNIP will go towards a wide range of neighborhood projects , including roads , sidewalks , oarks , com:;uni'Ity centres and recreational facilities to help �. preserve and =Tprove residential areas . ,dministration of the prograr: will be carried a4' out by the Ministry of Housing under guidelines similar to thosa developed for the neighborhood improvement component �. tv of the former CSCP program. New program guidelines are currently being prepared and will be mailed to municipalities in the near future . ', - 30 - �I � i i I' I, L Ministry cc,mn ,In ity 56 Wellesley Street Vilest Of Ren;'viai Toronto,Ontario Housing Branf:h M7A 2K4 Jntario 965-2826 March 19, 19831 TO: ILL MUINTICIP.,1LITILS Dear Sir/'Mad,�m: Re: Ontario - ';eighbourrc ITnprovanent program On February 23, 1981, the pre-crier announced the introduction of the Ontario Neighbourhood lmprovement program (ONIp) in response to the cancellation by the Federal Gove=ent of the Co=ivanity Services Contribution program. Under the new program, the province and participating municipalities will each contribute 50 per'' cent tcwards the total costs of a local neighbourhood irovement pro j ec t. The prgvinco %,:ill Lx-- allocating $12 minion for the fiscal year 1981/82 to Ontario municipalities to assist them to undertake a wide range of neigh )ouri, r projects including sewer and water utilities, roa-as, sidewalks, parks, miTm:nity centres and recreational facilities to help preserve and improve residential areas. Because of the limited funds available fur the prograTn, the Province will be screening file applications closely so as to ensure an equitable distribution of tine funds to those municipalities where the need is n-cst a,,-)parent. The guidelines for the na.7 I� o ;ran are now being prepa ca and will be discussed with the Municipal Liaison_ CcaTrnitt&F, 'fore they are finalized. Besides other eligibility criteria, an official plan will be a prerequisite. If your municipQlity is seriously interested in entering the program in 1981, bearing in mir_d the availability of limited provincial funds, would you please advise us as soon as possible so that %-,re n:1Y semi you a copy of the c>uidolines anu application form when they have bean finalized. For yoi i.nfornation, it is the intention of the goverment to continue the Ontario Neigtz}ouncood Inrovcxnent Program in subsequent }-ears, and for this reason, it �-:rould help us to IM0-,; if and when your municipality rrr:v consider- entering the prcxram'. Yours tru v, a' I 'i� I W4ry .F. Dircctor i `y COR F .ATION OF THE TOWN OF NEW( fLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK L aD TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623. 379 >,'j -•' :r1 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ` 5 L,C3A6 c. January 14, 1.981 (: ', 15 Honourable Claude F. Bennett Minister of Housing Hearst Block Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario _ M7A 2K5 Dear Sir:- Re; Community Services Contribution Program Neighbourhood Improvement Component 1981 Allocations The following resolution was adopted by the Council of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on January 12, 1981: WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Housing through the Ontario Housing Action Program for the provision .of funds for the construction of a Storm Water j Control System; AND WHEREAS the O.H.A.P. Agreements include an allocation of $50,000. from C.M.H.C. ; AND WHEREAS the $50,000. updated to 1981 figures, would now be allocated to the Town of Newcastle through the Community Services Contribution Program; t I i r I 2 i � J . . . . . 2 BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Housing to allocate suitable funds through the C.S.C.P. program for the construction of Storm Water Control facilities in Courtice in accordance with existing Ontario Housing Action Program Agreements." Yours very truly, r t- f r% Gertrude E. Cray Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary gg C.C. D. Smith, Director of Planning. i Ministry Plan; 416;`165-6418 56 Wellesley Street West r of Admin, ion 8th Floor i� Toronto, Ontarin k' Housing Divi,,ioti M 7 A 2 K 4 Ontario ✓ i ,� 1 ---_ ----j-� - March1981 - -. - 2, Mrs . Gertrude E . Gray _ - - Deputy Clerk �� L Committee Secretary : Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Office of the Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street N"" Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 °W ==- s- -1 Dear Mrs. Gray : c: Re : Community Services Contribution Program Neighbourhood Improvement Component - 1981 Allocations Your letter of January 14 , 1981 to the Minister has been passed to me for reply. The Community Services Contribution Program has been terminated, and unless you have received a previous commitment, funds for the storm water control facili- ties in Courtice will not be available for this project. ,-,-- We have investigated other grants , but find there are _ ,apparently none for which this project is eligible. That leaves only the interest free loan embodied in the OHAP agreement with the Minister which provides for an amount of $282 , 700 . Section 1 of the agreement dated March 11, 1977 provides _ for the interest free loan on conditions that : 1} Only those parts of the loan will be advanced i ? ' r as have been approved by the Ontario Municipal Board order J 2) payment in respect of any contract to carry out the project shall be made to the Town when satisfactory evidence of awarding of the contract has been received by the Minister f 3) the Minister may consider a request from the Town for an adjustment in the amount of the loan to reflect more closely the cost of construction 1 F ri I I ? E 2 4) the loan or any part shall be repaid in full on the fifth anniversary of the date on which the moneys were paid and if the loan is advanced in more than one payment, each of such payments shall be repayable in full on the fifth anniver- sary from the date of such advance. The only additional amount you could expect to receive would be in accordance with section 1 (3) above providing for increase due to inflation. In this regard, I believe an amount of $50, 000 has been mentioned informally. r, f- In order to get things under way, tenders should be called ; to determine exactly to what extent the present cost of the proDect might exceed the amount of the interest free loan. This together with an Ontario Municipal Board order approving the borrowing would constitute a proper application to this ministry. O}1--the-basis of the lowest tender a request for '�r J an adjustment cowl be cons_ider_ed_ in ac_c_ordance with section 1 (3) of the agreement. I trust this clarifies the matter of funding, however if you have any further question , please give me a call. Yours truly, J. Barry Gardiner, MCIP Acting Director Operations Control Branch C. C. G.M. Farrow W. Wronski P . Boles U CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTL-E PLANNING AND DEV ELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1J0 TEL. (416)263-2231 March 13, 1981 Mr. J. Barry Gardiner, M.C.I.P. Acting Director Operations Control Branch Ministry of Housing Plans Administration Division 56 Wellesley Street West 8th Floor TORONTO, Ontario M7A 2K4 Dear Sir: Re: Community Services Contribution Program - Neighbourhood Improvement Component 1981 Allocations Town of Newcastle Further to your letter of March 2, 1981 to Mrs. G. Gray, Deputy Clerk, Town of Newcastle, in respect of the above, could you please clarify a couple of points for our information. Firstly, an amount of $50,000 is mentioned in your letter as a possible adjustment to the total loan amount of $282, 700 (apparently to recognize the effect of inflation on the total loan amount) . Could you please confirm that the $50,000 is not all the additional funding potentially available to the Town for this project. Secondly, could you please advise us as to any deadlines for making application to the Ministry for an adjustment under Section 1(3) of the O.H.A.P. Agreement. How much longer do you expect to provide funding for O.H.A.P, loans? I would appreciate your reply at your earliest possible opportunity. Thank you very much. Yours ve, truly, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning c.c. P. Sia J )a�3nham ADDENDUM TO REPORT P-67-81 SUBJECT: Correspondence from the Ministry of Housing regarding Courtice Storm Water Facilities Please find attached a copy of a letter received from the Ministry of Housing regarding the above as referred to in Staff Report P-67-81. The letter appears to be self-explanatory. Staff intends to review the financing of the above-noted project in detail and expect to be making specific recommendations on this matter in the context of the Courtice Heights Subdivision Agreement. Respectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. April Z, 1981 Director of Planning Ministry Plans 416/965-6418 56 Wellesley Street West of Administration 8th Floor Housing Division Toronto,Ontario 1 M7A 2K4 C�1 Ontario � March 26 , 1981 I ' PR 2 IS a 1 I Mr. D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. ':: y'. Director of Planning Pi • . �i �- Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department Hampton, Ontario LOB 1JO Dear Mr. Smith : Re : Ontario Housing Action Program Storm Drainage Facilities Interest Free Loan I have your letter of March 13 , 1981 for acknowledg- ment. We are prepared to advance an interest free loan of up to $350 , 000 toward the construction of a Storm Water Control System within the Courtice area of the Town of Newcastle. This represents an increase of $67, 300 over the _ stated amount in the 1977 agreement between the Town of Newcastle and the Minister of Housing. These funds have been allocated to our 1981/82 budget and will be available provided a proper application, as specified in my March 2, 1981 letter to Mrs . G. Gray, is received no later than March 31, 1982. Yours truly, w nh� 5�n. fn J. B. Gardiner i Acting Director Operations Control Branch Ministry Plans 416/965-6418 56 Wellesley Street West Of Administration 8th Floor Toronto,Ontario Housing Division M7A 2K4 Ontario March 2, 1981 Mrs. Gertrude E. Gray Deputy Clerk Committee Secretary Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Office of the Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario = L1C 3A6 Dear Mrs. Gray: Re: Community Services Contribution Program Neighbourhood Improvement Component 1981 Allocations Your letter of January 14 , 1981 to the Minister has been passed to me for reply. The Community Services Contribution Program has been terminated, and unless you have received a previous commitment, funds for the storm water control facili- ties in Courtice will not be available for this project. We have investigated other grants, but find there are apparently none for which this project is eligible. That leaves only the interest free loan embodied in the OHAP agreement with the Minister which provides for an amount of $282, 700. Section 1 of the agreement dated March 11, 1977 provides for the interest free loan on conditions that: 1) Only those parts .of the loan will be advanced as have been approved by the Ontario Municipal Board order 0 2) payment in respect of any contract to carry out the project shall be made to the Town when satisfactory evidence of awarding of the contract has been received by the Minister 3) the Minister may consider a request from the Town for an adjustment in the amount of the loan to reflect more closely the cost of construction ------------- - ti a 6 R - 2 - 4) the loan or any part shall be repaid in full on the fifth anniversary of the date on which the moneys were paid and if the loan is advanced in more than one payment, each of such payments shall be repayable in full on the fifth anniver- sary from the date of such advance. The only additional amount you could expect to receive would be in accordance with section 1 (3) above providing for increase due to inflation. In this regard, I believe an amount of $50,000 has been mentioned informally. In order to get things under way, tenders should be called to determine exactly to what extent the present cost of the project might exceed the amount of the interest free loan. This together with an Ontario Municipal Board order approvin the borrowing would constitute a proper application to this ministry. On the basis of the lowest tender a request for an adjustment could be considered in accordance with section 1 (3) of the agreement. I trust this clarifies the matter of funding, however if you have any further question , please give me a call. Yours truly, J. Barry Gardiner, MCIP Acting Director Operations Control Branch C.C. G.M. Farrow W. Wronski P. Boles January 14, 1981 Honourable Claude F. Bennett Minister of dousing Hearst Block Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M 7A 2AX Dear Sir:- Fe: Community Services Contribution Program Neighbourhood improvement Component 1931 Allocations The following resolution was adopted by the Council of the Town of Newcattle at its meeting held on January 12, 1981: WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Housing through the Ontario Eousing Action Program for the provision of funds for *_he construction of a Storm Water Control System; AND WHEREAS the O.D.A.P. Agreements include an allocation of $50;000. from C.-M.H.C. ; AND WHETS the $50,000. updated to 1981 figures, would now be allocated to the Town of Newcastle through the Community Services Contribution Program; ..... 2 2 BE IT NOW THE-IREFORE PESOLVED that the Town of Newcastle hereby requests t1ha M-mister of Housing to allocate suitable funds through the C.S.C.P. program for the construction of Storm Water Control facilities in Courtice in accordance with existing Ontario Housing Action Program Ag re emen is.vg Yours Very truly, ;4 Gertrude E. Graff; Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary 99 c.c. D. Smith, SiTector of Planning. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON.ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 1981. REPORT NO. : P-7-81 SUBJECT: Community Services Contribution Program Neighbourhood Improvement Component - 1981 Allocations BACKGROUND: The attached correspondence was forwarded to the Plan- ning Department on November 6, 1980 for a report to Council. Mr. Bennett's letter seeks municipal support for the Province's request to the Federal Government for the continuation of the Community Services Contribution Program. Recently the Federal Government has indicated that they are contemplating a change in their financing through this program including the possible withdrawal of funds. The Community Services Contribution Program was intro- duced by the Federal Government in the spring of 1979 through the Ministry of Urban Affairs. The program replaced existing programs then in operation through C.M.H.C., including the N.I.P. program. The C.S.C.P. program is, in essence, a block funding system whereby money is transferred from the Federal Government to the Provinces for - 2 - Community Services. The allocation of the money and the criteria for receiving such funds has become the responsibility of Provincial administration rather than Federal. COMMENT: As Committee may be aware, the Town of Newcastle has not been involved in a neighbourhood improvement program and, therefore, is not in need of funds through the neighbourhood improvement compon- ent of C.S.C.P. However, this municipality has in the past expected to receive some $50,000 of Federal money as part of the Storm Water Control System in Courtice specified in the 1977 Ontario Housing Act Program Agreements. It would, therefore, be appropriate for this munici- pality to advise the Ontario Ministry of Housing that we are still in need of those funds and wish the Province to make a suitable allocation to the Town in accordance with the O.H.A.P. Agreements. It is suggested, therefore, that Town Council adopt the following resolution. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the following resolution be fore- warded to Town Council for adoption: "WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has entered into an Agreement with the Ministry of Housing through the Ontario Housing Action Program for the provision of funds for the construction of a Storm Water Control System; AND WHEREAS the O.H.A.P. Agreements include an allo- cation of $50,000 from C.M.H.C.` ic, �� � AND WHEREAS the $50,000 would now be allocated to the Town of Newcastle through the Community Services Con- tribution Program. 3 — BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Minister of Housing to allocate suitable funds through the C.S.C.P. program for the construction of Storm Water Control facilities in Courtice in accordance with existing Ontario Housing Action Program Agreements." Respectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. December 4, 1980 Director of Planning aAWUNI CAT IO D - 2 ,Wthe Ministry er Hearst Block of Queen's Pak X Housing Toronto On ario - M7A 2K5 416/965-64 6 October 10 , 1980 Z OPEN LETTER TO ALL MUNICIPALITIES Re: Community Services Contribution Program - Neighbourhood Improvement Component - 1981 Allocations As you are aware, the Community Services Contribution Program (Neighbourhood Improvement Program Component) has been in effect since 1979 , and a new long-term agreement covering the period 1981-1985 was to be negotiated this Fall . i The Federal Government is in the process of reviewing the entire Community Services Contribution Program, and there is a clear indication that this might be one of the programs they will be cutting in the near future . This would directly contravene the agreement signed between Ontario and Canada for the 1979-1980 Community Services Contribution Program on March 15 , 1979 . This subject was a major topic of discussion by the Provincial Ministers responsible for C.S.C.P . delivery last month in New Brunswick. At that meeting, the Ministers unanimously stated their objection to the Federal Government' s intention to "reconsider" the i agreement and issued a joint communique to this effect. A copy is attached. 1 The purpose of this letter is two-fold: 1 . To make you aware of the Federal Govern- ment ' s position at this time, and to suggest Ontario municipalities make their j views known directly to the Honourable E. Paul Cosgrove , Minister responsible for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation; RECEIVED (continued) OCT 24 1980 __ _ , ?'O`diN OF NEWCASTLF COMMUNITY SERVICES CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM — NEIGHBOURHOOD IMPROVEMENT COMPONENT — 1981 ALLOCATIONS "On behalf .of Provincial Ministers responsible for the Community Services Contribution Program meeting in con- ference in St. Andrews today , I am responding to your recent telegram. The following is our unanimous position. The importance of theIC.S .C.P. is one we are sure everyone appreciates. Not only do C.S.C.P. monies provide the basic capital needs to undertake projects which improve the quality of life for Canadians, they also generate significant employment and spin-off social opportunities for our citizens. "We refuse to accept that the Government of Canada should reconsider the future of the C.S.C.P. In 1978, when preliminary negotiations took place, the former minister responsible for this program, the Honourable Andre Ouellet, stated the federal government' s desire to have a long-term agreement to replace the three major municipal programs that were unilaterally terminated by the federal government. His urgent desire to implement the present interim agreement was agreed to by the provinces because of the federal government' s commitment that a long-term agreement would be signed prior to 31 December 1980 . A clause to this effect is included in the agreement: signed by each province . Without this federal commitment , the provinces would certainly have reacted differently -at the time the other programs were abandoned. Further , at no time in any discussions with Mr. Ouellet, was it ever implied that the program might be terminated. "Time is running short. We want to stress our urgent desire to have the Government of Canada ' s commitment fulfilled forth- with. In all provinces , long-term project commitments have been made under this program. We and the thousands of munici- palities- must have this formal agreement in place now, so that orderly, long-term municipal project planning and budgeting can continue. Given the significant benefits generated by the program for municipalities, we are at a loss to understand the federal government' s reexamination of its continued participa- tion. We want to state emphatically, on behalf of the municipalities of all the provinces , that the 1978 commitment to a long-term agreement must be honoured. In view of the extreme urgency and importance of this matter to municipalities, your government' s immediate positive response .-is expected. " i ib r 4 1. OPEN LETTER TO ALL MUNICIPALITIES 6 2 . And, in the event that as a result of the collective views of the Provinces and their municipalities, an extension to the current C.S .C.P . agreement is offered by the Federal Government, you should immediately advise my Ministry of your interest in participating in the 1981 program. This would assist in expediting the processing of applications. I look forwar hearing from you. Yours sincerel x Claude F. Bennett Minister M.P.P. Ottawa South Attachment c F i