HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-65-81 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1J0 TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 13, 1981. REPORT NO. : P-65-81 SUBJECT: Implementation of a Property Standards By-law (Maintenance and Occupancy) Mainstreet Revitalization Program Loan (Main Central Bowmanville) Administrative Facilities Improvements Off-street Parking in Main Central Bowmanville Proposed Purchase of Certain Lands Bowmanville Creek, Conveyance of Town Lands to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That the Committee recommend to Council that the Town j implement a property standards program through the adoption of a Maintenance and Occupancy By-law(and provide staff with direction as to the area to be covered and the budget for the program; and) i 2 - 3. That the Committee recommend to Council that the Town support an application for a Mainstreet Revital- ization Program Loan from the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area Board of Management and in that regard consider adopting off-street parking policies for the Main Central Area of Bowmanville in conjunction with —the---p-repar--anon--o-f--a.--downs own--project-pr-oposal-required --------- -- a° by the Main Street Revitalization Program, said consider- ations to include examination of the possibility of establish- ing a Municipal Parking Authority; and 4. That the Committee request the Directors of Planning and 2«,,, Works and the Treasurer to bring forward terms of reference for a study of the Town's administrative facility require- ments (as soon as possible' and 5. The Committee recommend to Council that certain lands adjacent to the Main Central Area of Bowmanville be pur- chased from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications p ,�/in an amount not exceeding $10,0001 and that tie Town solicitor be instructed to complete such transaction as soon as possible; Aand �6. That Committee recommend to Council that certain other lands be considered for purchase by the Town in conjunction with those lands mentioned in recommendation (5) above on the basis of a property appraisal to be undertaken by the Town and hereby authorized; and 7. That the Committee recommend to Council that the Town offer `'� those municipal lands situate in the Bowmanville Creek Valley / R 3 - south of Highway Number 2 to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for a nominal ($2.00), provided that all legal and survey expenses are borne by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. BACKGROUND: At the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of March 16, 1981, the following resolution was passed (PD-105-81) : "That Staff report on the implementation of the Maintenance and Occupancy By-law including a recommendation on the working committee, its composition and how the Director sees the Building Inspectors enforcing the by-law and in response to Staff Report P-50-81 make a recommendation how parking in the main central area of Bowmanville might be funded." Resolution #PD-105-81 was adopted by the Committee as a result of discussions in respect of Staff Reports P-50-81 (Main Street Revitalization Program) and P-51-81 (Maintenance and Occupancy By-law) . Committee Members and staff discussed the requirements for the imple- menting programs described in those reports and the inter-relationship of those items with overall possibilities for the revitalization of the main central areas of Bowmanville, Newcastle Village and Orono. In accordance with the resolution, staff have combined a number of related matters in this report for Committee's consideration. - 4 - COMMENT: 1. Implementation of a Property Standards By-law The Director of Planning and the Chief Building Official have discussed this subject at some length, and remain of the opinion that a property standards program for the entire Town is both desirable and necessary. There are a number of properties in different areas of the — -- - -To-w---th-at age subs-tandard-and-canld be-successfully-rehab-i-1 hated-through a property standards program. Staff feel it would be useful for members of Committee to take a tour of the Town with staff to view various problem areas. At a cost of less than $100.00 staff can arrange for a van and driver for a half day tour. If Committee is interested, staff will also attempt to arrange for a property standards officer from another municipality to attend a Committee Meeting and discuss the problems inherent in such a program. Staff note that cost estimates for a full scale property standards program are included in report P-51-81. In the alternative, and following on Committee resolution #PD-105-81, it would be possible to implement a very limited property standards pro- gram in the main central areas of Bowmanville, Orono and Newcastle Village using existing and new part-time building division staff. Staff have es- timated the cost of this alternative as follows: 1. Part-time Inspector (Building Division) 2 Part-time Secretarial staff for Inspector and Property Standards Committee 3,000.00 3. Office Supplies, Postage, etc. 500.00 4. Remuneration to Property Standards Committee 2,000.00 - 6 - its various activities, primarily on past beautification efforts. Staff would like to continue this effort as part of the Department's Work Program rather than on an individual consulting basis, however, due to other commitments it is not reasonable to expect staff to consult to all Business Improvement Areas in the Town on a regular basis. Staff feel that in order to be most effective and in order to see revitalization ---e_f ar-ts--co-o-rdi-nated---w-it-h-ether muffieipal-ae-t-.-ans--,--to---the-highest-degree -- possible, that the Town should encourage only one application to the i Ministry of Housing for a Mainstreet Revitalization Program Loan in 1981. The Boards of Management in Orono and Newcastle Village may wish to con- sider such an application in the future after gaining additional. experience with the "B.I.A." concept, and on the basis of the Bowmanville Board of Management's experience. Staff note that there are a considerable number of projects and programs that can be undertaken by the Orono and Newcastle Village Boards of Management without a government loan. Staff also note that with the implementation of a property stan- dards program as discussed under Point 1 of this Report that property improvements will also be possible in Orono and Newcastle Village. Combined with the implementation of the Town's Sign By-law (see Staff Report P-63-81) then property improvements, beautification efforts, and possible new public works, can form the basis of significant revital- ization efforts in those communities. Staff recommend that the Town encourage the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area Board of Management to make an application to the Ministry of Housing for a Mainstreet Revitalization Program loan and that the Town support that application through the measures recommended recommended in this report. 7 - 3. Administrative Facilities Review As discussed in the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of March 16, 1981, and previously noted, the Town has the opportunity to co-ordinate various actions with the efforts of the Business Improve- ment Area in Bowmanville in revitalizing the Main Central Area of the Bowmanville Urban Area. —I-t-is-sugges-t- d-by-Plann ing--s-ta€f--th-at---sel-ee-ted staff-persons-be--------- requested to bring forward possible terms of reference for a study of the Town's Administrative Facilities Requirements more particularly dealing with: a) The options for Administrative Facility Improvements in the Main Central Area of Bowmanville, and b) An examination of the potential for improving existing municipal buildings and/or other government facilities, and c) Alternatives and costs for possible short term improvements. Planning staff recommend that the Directors of Planning, Works and the Treasurer be requested to bring forward terms of reference as briefly noted above, as soon as possible. 4. Off-street Parking in Main Central Bowmanville In 1979, the Town undertook a study of the Main Central Area of Bowmanville (The Baird Report) which address various matters relevant to the revitalization of the Bowmanville historic shopping area. An excerpt from the study dealing with parking is attached for the Committee's consideration. 8 - Planning staff feel that it would be appropriate for the Town to support the Mainstreet Revitalization Program Loan through reviewing its current policies in respect of off-street parking in the Town and by considering the establishment of a Parking Authority to administer municipal parking operations and development. This review would appropriately take place in conjunction with the pre- pax-at-ion. -off a de-tai-1 ed- revitali-za-ti on--roje-et--as-r-e quired--by--t-h€ Mainstreet Revitalization Program. The legislative basis for a Parking Authority is contained in Section 352, Paragraph 73 of Municipal Act, excerpt attached. Planning staff feel that Town staff should be involved in the preparation of the detailed revitalization project referred to above, and that staff and the Bowmanville B.I.A. Board of Management should be authorized to submit a report directly to Council on how potential loan monies would be expended on off-street parking facilities and on how a Parking Authority might be of benefit to the development of parking facilities in, at least, central Bowmanville. Until such time as a detailed project has been prepared, it is the feeling of staff that the Town should proceed to augment existing off- street parking facilities in the Main Central Area of Bowmanville, as opportunities arise. 5. Purchase of Certain Lands in the Vicinity of the Bowmanville Staff have prepared are-addendum to-this report dealing with t he possible purchase of certain lands in the vicinity of the Main Central Area of Bowmanville. Staff note that as this proposed purchase would involve the conveyance of privately owned lands, that it is very important that this matter be considered confidential. r 9 C - 9 - 6. Conveyance of Town Owned Lands to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority On July 26, 1979, the General Manager of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority wrote to the Town, forwarding the Authority's request that the Town of Newcastle, "dispose of two parcels of property on the Bowmanville Creek immediately south of Highway #2 for costs plus one dollar to transfer title". On January 22, 1981, Mr. Campbell wrote to the Town again, i indicating that the Authority had not received a reply to its request of July, 1979 response. At the Department Head's meeting of March 4, 1981 this matter was referred to the Director of Planning for a report to the Planning and Development Committee. Planning staff have examined this proposal and feel that the Town should fulfill the Conservation Authority's request, provided that all survey and legal expenses are borne by the Authority. It should be clearly understood that such expenses would also cover the costs of any severances that might be necessary to effect the conveyance, and that the Authority would be responsible for clearing any matters affecting title of the lands (encumbrances, etc.) . Planning staff urge Committee members to favourably consider the Authority's request, as these lands are an important component of a future possible open space system along the Bowmanville Creek. If these lands in time could be linked to other Conservation Authority and/or public lands, then staff foresee the possibility of developing future walking trails, educational facilities, picnic grounds, etc. helping to integrate the older and newer residential areas in the Town while providing an extremely valuable community recreational resource. Staff note that these lands are designated "Major Open Space" under - 10 - the Durham Regional Official Plan and if dedicated to the Conser- vation Authority, then in time the achievement of the overall goals of the Regional Plan would be considerably furthered. Goals related to the MAJOR OPEN SPACE SYSTEM (Regional Official Plan) 1. To preserve and protect the unique attributes of the Region's landscape including the Oak Ridges Moraine, the waterfronts, conservation areas, valleylands, marshes and other natural environments and recreational _ res_o_urces_ 2. To provide a continuous open space system that separates i urban communities. 3. To provide a range of leisure activities for all age and interest groups. Staff note that a large scale map of the Creek Valley Area is on display, in addition to the small scale map attached to this report. Respect lly submitted, A4k__ DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. March 27, 1981 Director of Planning