HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-60-81 CORPORATION OFT E TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPA TMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND D VELOPMENT C MMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 13, 1981. I REPORT NO.: P-60-81 SUBJECT: Ridge Pine lark Inc. - Part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Broken Front Concession former Township of Darlington, now within the Town of Newcastle, Application to amend th Official Plan for the Township of Darlington Our File: 81-9/ND RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommend d: 1. That this Report be received; and 2. That the following resolition and attached infor- mation be fo arded to t e Regional Municipality of Durham in respect of app ication 81-9/ND: "WHEREAS, the Durham Regional Official Plan designates Part of Lots 1 2 and 3, Broken Front Concession, former Township of Darlington, ' for use as a mobile home park development r adults", and WHEREAS, the own of Newcastle has adopted Restricted n r . Area By-law X81-15, rezoning the above-mentioned lands I k in accordance with the D rham Regional Official Plan, and i WHEREAS, the Durham Regional Official Plan prevails to the extent of any confli t between itself and any existing Official Pla , until suc� time as such existing Official t ,C5) - 2 - Plans are am ded or rep aled, (Section 16.3.2) , BE IT NOW RE OLVED TI3ERE ORE that Regional Council be advised t at Newcastl Town Council has "no objection" t the approval of application 81-9/ND and hereby r quests the Region of Durham to undertake the preparation and proc ssing of the requested amend- ment to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington." I BACKGROUND: On March 5, 1981 the attached correspondence dated March 3, 1981 from Mr. J. Winberg of eir and Fou ds Ltd. was received by the Planning and Development Dep rtment with the attached application to amend the Official Plan of t e former To ship of Darlington. The corresponden e from Mr, Winberg was received for infor- mation by Town Council at th meeting of March 11, 1981 (meeting of March 9, 1981 continued) . COMMENT: Staff believe the attached correspondence from Mr. Winberg is self-explanatory. Staff do not feel that an amendment to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington is ecessary under Section 16.3.2 of the Durham Regional Official Plan. S aff have outlined Council's recent actions in respect of the mobile home park proposed in the above suggested resolution. 3 - Staff feel it wou d be appro riate for Committee to for- ward the above-noted resoluti n to Counc�l for adoption and submission to Regional Council. Respectfully submitted, t DNS:lb D. N. Smi h, M.C.I.P. March 16, 1981 Director of Planning I �5 I WEIR & FOUNDS BARRIS'T'ERS AND SOLICITORS K.A. FOULDS,Q.C. H. S. O. MORRIS,Q C. R. B. OBINSON.Q.C. CANADA LIFE BUILDING J. P. HAMILTON A MCN AUSTIN M. S. RCHIBALD.Q.C. SIXTH FLOOR J.J. CARTHY. Q.C. J. D. MCKELLAR,Q.C. G.J 'MITH,Q.0 330 UNIVERSITY AVENUE M.J. MCQUAID, Q.C. N.W. C. ROSS W.T R.WILSON TORONTO. CANADA M5G 1S2 S. FINLAY R. W. ROSENMAN S. B. STEIN L.J. O'CONNOR W. A. D. MILLAR R. R. OZENILEK TELEPHONE: (416) 595-1595 L. C. E. BROWN R. S.SLEIGHTHOLM P. M. 5RELL CABLE ADDRESS:MASEMIDON J. G. COWAN J. L. LAX J. D.. INBERG TELEX:06-22471 B. HEBERT D. R. ELVER M. ARAY FAXCOM J.S. PRYPASNIAK C.J.TZEKAS J. D. JAMPBELL K. PREHOGAN March 3 , 1981 The Chairman & Members of _ Council of the Regional -- "_ - Municipality of Durham ` Box 623 , 105 Consumers Road Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 1� Dear Sirs. Re: Ridge Pile Park In . , pi Part of Lots 1 , 2 , and 3 , Broken Font Conce Sion, former Township of Darlington, now with n the Tow of Newcastle, Application to amend the Official Plan forithe Towns ip of Darlington As you are aware, we re the solicitors for Ridge Pine Park Inc . . I Our client' s lands ha�e been designated in your recently approved Official Plan as mobile ho e park development for adults" . Recently, th Town of ewcastle has entered into a Development Agreement with our client and as well , a restricted area By-Law has been ena4ed to permit the develop- ment of our client' s lands to procee . A portion of our clie is lands is within the former Township of Clarke which h s no Official Plan. The lands described above are within the forme Township of Darlington the Official Plan for whic designated our client ' s lands as "agricultural" . The pr visions of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, specificall Section 19 (4) makes it abundantly clear that the Regional Plan is to s persede any Local Official Plan and further that the Local Off-Mal Plan is to be amended forthwith upon approval of the Reqio al Plan so as to be brought into conformity therewith ✓ Throughout the processing of oust client ' s application for a Development Agreement and the reparation Pf the appropriate zoning By-Law, the Planner for the Town of Newcastle and, by inference, your Planning Department have determined that the provisions of ThE Regional Act and the provisions of Section 16 of your Official Plan would prevail and that the development co ld proce d without an amendment being undertaR to the Pla for the former Township of Darlington- The Chairman & Members of Council of the Regional j Municipality of Durham i - 2 March 3 , 1981 E 1 While, from a practicaEl stand point, the positions taken by the Local Planning Dire for and the Planning Director for the Region are quite appropriate , it is our view that, perhaps out of an abundance of caution, an amendment to the Local Plan is technically required and should be proceeded with. Accordingly, our clie is have p epared and I am enclosing herewith an application to amend the Official Plan for the former ', Township of Darlington so s to chan e the designation of our client's lands from "agricultural" tc the designation which would conform with that in the Regional Plan. Having regard to the long history of this matter and the Legislative scheme, I trust that this application can be processed with dispatch. If I may be of any further assi tance to you I trust that you will not hesitate to contac me. ours very truly, - JDW: lam Jack Winberg Encl. i c.c . . Dr . M. Michael Commissioner of Planning i C .C . : Clerk of the corporation of the Town of Newca�tle c .c . : Donald Smith, Esq.,/ Planning Director i i i i 1 I _ 0 i File: 81-9/ND DURHAM March 5, 1981rvy r + WR U JILJ"ET The Regional Municipality of Durham Mr. J.M. McIlroy F Planning C1 er Department Town o Newcastle C Sox 623 Muni cipi. Offices 105 consumers Dr. Whitby, Ontario 40 Tem er ce Street p Canada,L1N 6A3 Bowman ville, Ontario (416) 668-7731 Ll C 3A6 i I DR. M. R. MICHAEL. M.C.I.P. Dear Mr. MCI1roy: Commissioner of Planning Re: Application submitted by Ridge Pine Park Inc. to amend the Official Plan of the former Planning Area of the Township of Darlington Town of Newcastle i File : 81-9/ND I We have received the abolve-noted Official Plan Amendment application and are forwarding one (fl ) copy of same to you in order to obtain your Council ' s recommendation. In accordance with the R gional Council adopted procedures for processing Official Plan�Amendme nt applications , this proposal has been determined to be anlapplicatior to amend the Official Plan for the former Planning rea of the former Township of Darlington. The Durham Regional Offi�ial Plan designates the area subject to the amendment for an adult mobile home ark. J I p In this regard, would you please arrange that a Public Notice is advertised in the appropIlate newspapers for the purpose of inviting public input wi�h respect to the above-noted Official Plan Amendment application. i In forwarding your Counc 1 ' s recommendation with respect to the subject application, would you also lease forward and the following : i ) a copy of the Publi� Notice and schedule of newspaper advertising; I ii ) copies of any stafflor backgrou d reports regarding the subject application ' and iii ) the Minutes of the Council meet�ng at which the application was considered. i i i i i i v,C� i If you require any further information or have any questions regarding this matter, 'please don t hesitate to contact Mrs. Valerie Cranmer of this Department. Yours very truly, L. Kotseff, M.C.I .P. Manager Strategic Planning Branch :CE Encl s. cc: D. Smith V i "I% y /l 4� �f^ and ',I, / I 10 March 3, 1981 i Commissioner of Planning Regional Municipality of Durham 105 Consumers Drive WHITBY, Ontario L1N 1C4 i Dear Sir: RE: RIDGE PINE PARK INC. - REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM - OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON Please find enclosed the following: 1. Application for an Official Plan A_e-ndmen for the former Township of Darlington which is self-explanatory. Thi3 application has been duly signed and sealed. 2. Twenty-five (25) copies of a plan of survey of the subject land with the Darlington portion outlined in red. 3. Our cheque in the amount of $500.00 payable to the Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham. 4. A letter from our solicitors, i';Weir and Fo 1ds. Please be advised that for purposes of this a plication we have prepared our calculations for the former Township of Darlington area only. As you are aware the Park also extends into the form r Township of Clarke. We trust that all of the above isiin order ani that you will give this matter your immediate attention. If youlhave any quDstions please call . Yours very truly RIDGE PINE PARK�INC. h( ' f j Andrew Orr i AO:JM Encl. - 28 A _MBER OF THE R! E GROUP 17 G cola LBW 1 M7 Tel (416) 451 0443 SCHFt DULE °A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT LANDS OF THIS OFFICIAL PLAN APPLICATION Part of Lots 1, 2 & 2, Broken Front Concession, and part of Road Allowance between Lots 2 & 3, Broken Front Concession, former Township of Darlington, all now in the Town of Newcastle and part of Road Allowance between said .Township of Darlington and said Township of Clarke, now in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham. LANLj LI t TUZ 1r'7,ra;U j r 7 rW BARRIS`FENS AND SOLICITORS i K.A. FOULDS.Q.G. H S. O. MORRIS. Q C. R. B. ROBINSON. Q C. CANADA LIFE BUILDING J. P. HAMILTON A MCN. AUSTIN M. S ARCHIBALO. Q C. S;XTH FLOOR J.J. CARTHY.Q.C. J. D MCKELLAR. Q C. G J. SMITH. Q C. 33 UNIVERSITY AVENUE � M.J. MCQUAID, Q.C. N. W. C ROSS W. T R, WILSON TORONTO, CANADA M5G 1S2 B. FINLAY R. W. ROSENMAN S. B STEIN L.J. O'CONNOR W A. D MILLAR R. R W'OZENILEK 7,�LEPHONE: (416) 595-1595 L.C. E. BROWN R S. SLEIGHTHOLM P. M. PERELL C�\BLE ADDRESS: MASEMIDON J. G. COWAN J. L. LAX J. D.WINSERG TELEX:06-22471 B- HEBERT D. R. ELVER M. A GRAY FAXCOM J.S. PRYPASNIAK C.J. TZEKAS J. D. CAt.IPBELL K PREHOGAN March 3 , 1981 The Chairman & Members of Win - Council of the Regional - c Municipality of Durham - --- ;=----- Box 623 , 105 Consumers Road -- Whitby Ontar ' ! c. - ' L1N 6A3 �o _ r Dear Sirs: ; 0> p L 1,N Inia ril•. Re: Ridge Pine Park In Part of Lots 1 , 2 , and 3 , Broken Front Concession, forger Township of Darlington, now within the Town of Nc:•,castle , Application to amend the Official Plan for the Tot,ns Nip of Darlington As you are aware, we are the solicitors for Ridge Pine Park Inc . . Our client' s lands have been designated in your recently approved Official Plan as "mobile home park development for adults" . Recently, the Town of Newcastle has entered into a Development Agreement with our cli nt and as well , a restricted area By-Law has been enac ed to permit the develop- ment of our client' s lands to proceed . y A portion of our client' s lands is witin the former Township of Clarke which has no Official Plan. The lands described above are within the forme Townshi>✓ Of Darlington the Official Plan for which designated our client ' s lands as "agricultural" . The provisions of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act, specifically Section 9 (4 ) makes it abundantly clear that. the Regional Plan is to supersede any Local Official Plan and further that the Local. Official Plan is to be amended forthwith upon approval of the Regional Plar, so as to be brought into conformity therewith. I Throughout the processing of oui client ' s application for a Development Agreement and the reparation of the i appropriate zoning By-Law, the Planner for the Town of Newcastle and, by inference, your Planning Department have determined that the provisions of ThE Regional Act and the provisions of Section 16 of your Official Plan would prevail and that the development could prose d without an amendment being undertaken to the Plan fOr the former Township of Darlington. i j r Y 5 The Chairman & Members of Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham - 2 - March 3 , 1981 I , While, from a practical stand po 'nt, the positions taken by the Local Planning Director and tha Planning Director for the Region are quite appropriate, it is our view that, perhaps out of an abundance of caution, an am ndment to the Local Plan is technically required and should be proceeded with. Accordingly , our clients have prepared and I am enclosing herewith an application to amend the fficial Plan for the former ' Township of Darlington so as to change the designation of our client' s lands from "agricultural" to the designation which would conform with that in the Regional Plan. Raving regard to the long histor� of this matter and the Legislative scheme, I trust that this application can be processed with dispatch. If I may be of any further assistance to you I trust that you will not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, JDW: lam J ck Winberg t° Encl . c.c . : Dr . M. Michael Commissioner of Planning c .c . : Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle c .c . : Donald Smith, Esq. Planning Director I I ' a REGIONAL" MUNICIPALI Y OF DURHAM DURHAM OFFICIAL PLAN M T OFFICE USE !� _ FILE NUMBER - DISTRICT PLANNING AREA � -�- ✓`:-:i.' r` '- FORMER PLANNING AREA: D4RZ-.11V 7- ---- _ LS' aPLAN ! Jr^LAN MAP TEXT a�. --- F LLt L � CHECKE D J i --- -- — I 1. DAME OF APPLICANT Ridge Pine Park Inc. ADDRESS 17 Dean Street BRAMPTON Onto -jo L6V 1�"S TELEPHONE (41 6) 451-0443 2. APPLICANT'S INTEREST IN LAND Option o urcha se and Deve10 0 3. NAME OF REGISTERED OWNER (1)ontario Hydro, c/o P.N.Beed, Property Administrator 4' NAME OF Ads x¢#FxA Y Central Region, 5760 Yonge st. ,willowdale 12M 3P TELEPHONE 5.MATTERS RELATED TO THE APPLICATION SHOULI BE ADDRESSED TO NAME Ridge Pine Park Inc. , c/o Andrew Orr ADDRESS 17 Dean street BP.A2,1PTON, On to r i Lbw 1M7 f TELEPHONE (416) 451-0443 G.LOCATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: AREA MUNICIPALITY Town Of Newcastle FORMER LOCAL MUNICIPALITY 1 Township of Darlington � DESCRIPTION (LOT,CONCESSION) i 7 D I PENSIONS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY SPP a to he -chec� 1P FRONTAGE 1720 (525m-- ) AVE AGE WIDTH 75501t - - � AVERAGE DEPTH 4094 '- (125om-) ACREAGE 135.3- &EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION (FILL IN APPR PRIATE SECTIONS) DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN Adult tiobile Home Park I DISTRICT PLAN n/` * EXISTING LOCAL OFFICIAL PLAN f?uric lLural-Two. of Darlington 9.PROPOSED LAND USE DEc — � IGN.4T►pN (FILL !�! A.P, 'OPRIATE SECTIONS) DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL_ PLAN to chinge-Adult Mobile Home Parr: !i i DISTRICT PLAN Adult II•lobile Home Park I. ` EXISTING LOCAL OFFICIAL PLAt4 Adult 2.lobile Ha�:e Park (O.PRESEN i USE former Township . of Darlin_�t i! i :gric 1 tural I I !.PROPOSED USE Adult !-+obi l e Home Park ' 12 PURPOSE CF AMENDMENT To bring the form r my p. of Dar_"ncton local Official Plan into conformit y with the -�eyion of Durham Official 4 * There is no local Official ;;Ian for the former tcwnsnip of Clarke. FORM OPa I 16-PROPOSED METHOD OF SL,,VICING = � Regional Se vices to lie connection to Graham TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL Pollution OIntrol Plant � TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY To be connected to Newcastle water supply plan 14.IS THE APPLICANT WILLING TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT YES 7 N O Site Plan Agreement mad with Town of Newcastle Jan_ 26181 Servicing Agreement nearing finalization with Region of Dtrhim. 15AF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS PROPOSED,SP CIFY= NUMBER OF SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS 380 mobile home units NUMBER OF SEMI-DETACHED UNITS nil NUMBER OF MULTIPLE FAMILY UNITS nil OVERALL GROSS DENSITY 2.8 homes/acre (6.9 1ha) OPEN SPACE (ACRES) 97.0+ ages OTHER USES f i 2.5- acres - Zvice shop, maintenance building, sto�age area (1.0-ha.) I6. IF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IS PROPOSED ,SP CIFY= GROSS RETAIL AND PERSONAL SERVICE i FLOOR SPACE (SQUARE FEET) n/a 17AF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IS PROPOSED,SPE IFY: USABLE FLOOR SPACE (SPACE FEET) n/a POTENTIAL EMPLOYMENT CREATED n/a i 18.IF SUBDIVISION OR REZONING APPLICATION HAS BEENJRBMITTED, SPECIFwYho DETAILS AND FILE NUMBER(S): Re-zoning application/to Town of Newcastle/passed Restricted area (Zoning) By-law 81-15, Jan ary 26,1981 Town of Newcastle file Z-A-1-7-5 (2) . 19.OTHER INFORMATION APPLICABLE TO PROPOSAL= we understand that you are in receipt of all applicable information but _�f anything else is required please contact Andrew Orr. Also please se attached letter from weir & 'ouid' 20. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true statement and I also hereby agree to reimburse the Regional Municipality of Durham for any costs which may be incurred before the Ontario Municipal Board arising as a result of approval of this application. RIDGE PINE PARK INC. iii /7 SIGNATURE per: GJ DATE u on :e -i nines O± icer INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE COMPLETE THE APPLICATION FORM IN FULL AND SeBMIT TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING: ' i a) 25 copies of a survey of the property prepare by a registered Ontario Land Surveyor indicating tcoographical contours an other natural and artificial features such as buildings, railways, iu :' wayq!!, pipelines, watE r ccur__s, drainage, ditches, swamps and wooded areas within or adjacent to the subiect lands, applicant/owner's total holdings. I b) 25 copies of any dccjamentation that may be required as part of the amendment application in accordance with the provisionslof the Durham Regional Official Plan. i c) A non-refundable application fee of $500.00 (in cheque or mcnev order) Wade payable to the Ccrporation of the Regional Muncipality of Durham. I TO: Cormissioner of Planning i Re 4 anal Municipality of Durham, 105 Consumers Drive, Whi_by, Ontario. LIN 7'C4 Till _',_.piicant - be required upon recuest at ja later date, tc submit additional WIL.I card to t a aooii cation