HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-59-81 i CORPORATION OFT E TOW OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB UO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 13, 1981. i REPORT NO.: P-59-81 SUBJECT: The DESIGNA ION of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Flood P ain Maps RECOMMENDATION: It is recommende that: 1. This Report le received; and that 2. The Planning and Development Committee Secretary be instructe to invite Mr. W. M. Campbell, General Manager, of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority or a member cf his staff to an upcoming Planning and Development Committee meeting with a view to discussing the Authorit 's request �o DESIGNATE all C.L.O.C.A. Flood Plain Mapping unde� the Federal-Provincial Agree- ment respecting fl od risk mapping and other flood dam- age reductioi measures in the Province of Ontario. BACKGROUND & COMMENT: The attached cor espon ence from C.L.O.C.A. in respect o the DESIGNATION of all flood plain mappi g within the Central Lake Ontario J'ib;a - 2 - Conservation Authority's watershed was referred to the Planning and Development Department for a Report to Committee. In Mr. Campbell's letter of February 19, 1981, Town Council is requested to endorse the Central Lake Ontario Conservation uthority's petition to have all flood plain mapping within its watershed DESIGNATED under the terms of a Federal-Provincial Agreement in respect of flood damage and flood risk mapping. In 1978, the GovernrLent of Canada and the Government of Ontario signed an Agreement whereby flood risk areas would be mapped at mutual expense and whereby the costs of remedial flood damage contro could be shared. In order tc institute he anticipated flood control program, a Steering CommitteE was set up under the Agreement whereby flood control mapping projec s could be administered. When flood risk mapping is prepared for a watershed area it is staff's understanding that the flood risk areas shown on such mapping may be "DESIGNATED" or recognized as subject to the terms of the Agreement. I A copy of Mr. Campbell's Report to the Executive of the Conservation Authority detailing s me of the implications of the re- I quested DESIGNATION is attac ed for the Committee's consideration. it appears that the major implication to th� Town of Newcastle through This action lies in the Town's re ponsi ilities for the zoning of land, in that under the Agreement, zoning 8uthorities will be encouraged to impose land use restrictions that will piohibiL or restrict development in DESIGNATED areas. Staff feel that it wou d be beneficial to have Authority staff available to explain t is program in greater detail, particula ly - 3 - in view of the Planning and evelo went Department's 1981 Work Program, which, as the Committee is aware, includes the preparation of comprehensive zoning by-law ame dment . Staff note also that Authority staff would like tc see a Council resolution along the lines of the following: "That the Council of tha Town of Newcastle is aware of and understan the 'mplic tions of the policies enunciated in the agre went nd hereby agree to this undertaking." Res ectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. q. Smi h, M.C.I.P. March 17, 1981 Dir ctor of Planning TOWN OF NEWC STLE _77 T To: Mr. D. Smith, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning From: J. M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Date: March 6 1981 Re: Flood Plain Mapping I refer to my letter dated February 26 1981 to Mr. Campbell of C.L.O.C.A. Mr. Campbell called me today an ind cated that he would like to see the following resolution includad in the recommendations to Council : "That the Council of tie Town of ( ewcastle is aware of and understand the imp licat. ons of the policies enunciated in the agreement and h reby agrees to this undertaking." i I CORPORATION OFT E T WN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1J0 TEL.(416)263-2231 March 3, 1981 Mr. W. Campbell Central Lake Ontario Conservation uthority 1650 Dundas Street East WHITBY, Ontario Dear Sir: Re: Flood Plan Ma in I have received a copy of your le per to Mr. Mcllroy of February 19, 1981 in respect of the designation of flood plain areas in the Town of Newcastle. I am somewhat unclear as to the purpose and effect of the agreement between the Province and the Federal Government and what the implication is to a local municipality, such as the Town of Newcastle. Could you please provide me with ny background material or supporting explanatory notes relevant to this matter. Yo rs ve truly, DNS:lb- D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning 3NTAe CONS ERVAT ION AU1,_HCR 17( DATE: January 29, 1931 FILE: MEMO TO: The Chairman and Members of tie Executive Com it 7�7 FROM: W. M. Campbell, General Manag r M A R I Z;3 19 8]-` SUBJECT: DESIGNATION of Aithori :y Floo plain flops T, D J �- An Agreement was entered into on March 31, 1978 between the Federal and Provincial governme is re pectin flood risk mapping and other flood damage reduction measures, The purposc- of this Agreement is to recog- nize that: . the intrusion by man into the flood plains of lakes and rivers, . that such intrusion has resulted in public pressure on the federal and provincial governments to assist in the construction Of protective works, . that such works are costly to construct, operate and maintain, . that disaster assistance repr&ents a finan ;aI burden I on 'he public at large and represents an income transfer to hose receiving the benefit, . -that flood damage and costs to the public c n be reduced by control of the uses made of areas prone to flooding, that public awareness of the risks aid cost involved in occupying areas prone to flooding may result in support of uch controls, that comprehensive planning an management of such areas is a suitable approach to reducing potential flood' damage ,, that maintenance of adequate floodplains in a natural state has major social benefits through signif cant nviron ental enhancement of valleylan s. d Consequently it h s bee deemec desirable to encourage the map- Ping Of flood risk areas and sub sequen;ly having such areas "designated" through a STEERING COMMITTEE, appointe to act on behalf of both levels of C government. In the Agreement the term "desii9nation" is defined as "the Joint determination by the Ministers for the purposes of the Agreement of the geographical extent of the flood risk areas shown on the map referred to in delineated areas". The implications of havirig thesa maps recognized through ugh designation are that: ro - nbither the federal or provincial gov rnment nor any agencies related thereto Will contribute to further proj2cts that are vulnerable to flood damage, . the zoning authority will b,: -en::ourag(!d to impose land use restrictions tha Will prohibit all further proje is in design ted areas, that are vulnerable to flood damage (water and sewn ie works exem. t if it can be shown that no other reasonable location exist ), federal and Provincial disaster assistance sfall not extend to costs nor losses incurred as a result of z, flooc with respect to any project commenced or any moveable property placed withir an ar a after its designation. The steps necessary for, implementing the designation process are, subject to Authority ratification,' to obtain the approval of local and regiona councils, federal and provincial members of parliament, and then apply to the Inter-governmental STEERING COMMIITEE for designation. An extensive public awareness program, comparable to that undertaken in conjunction with the Oshawa mapping, is also a prerequisite for designation. RECO13 F11DATION Ex. Res 10/8 1 ; Au h. Res. #44/81 THAT the Executive Conceit ee recortuffend, to the Authority that the inter-governmpntaZ Stecrine'9 Commit ce be petitioned to designate aZZ CentraZ Lake Ontario Con ervation Authority floodpZain mapping. LAKe 0 -41 F1XC1jmb CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE 623-3379 40 TEMF ERANC E STRE =-T sM BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 Fboruary 26 1981 Mr. W. M. Campbell General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer "Al Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autho ity 1650 Dundas Street East Whitby, Ontario UN 2K8 Dear Nt-. Campbell: Re: Flood Plain Mapping. Thank you for your letter dated FebruarV 19 1981 regarding Flood Plain Mapping. i have referred your letter to W. D. N, Smith, the Director of Planning, who will report to the Planning and Development Committee with view to making a recommeendati:)n to Cc)uncjl. We shall advise You of Council's a--tion in du course. Yours very truly, JMM:nof Jo P M. McIlr A.M.C.T. OT;;n Clerk cc: Mr. D. N.* Smith, Director of Planning y LAKE Q 1 v I o V 0 <ro�, ti lT Q,0N Pv CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 1650 DuNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY,ONTA 10_ UN 2K8 (416)579-0411 REF Bit?. February 9, 1981 . 1)F k�LEA CACTI Mr. J. M. Mcllroy, DEPARTMENT Clerk, sa Corp. of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 3A6 Dear Sir: At its regular meeting on February l th, 1981 the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority passed a Resolution to have all flood- plain mapping within its watershed DESIGNATE[ by the Inter-governmental Steering Committee, as set out in the terms of the attached agreement. One of the prerequisites for the Steering Committee' s consider- ation of the Authority' s petition for ESIGN TION is Council ' s endorsement of the Authority' s action in this matt r. Accordingly, we respectfully r quest Council ' s favourable consid- eratibn of this matter. Yo rs truly, .0 encl . W. M. Campbell , WMC/jmb Ge eral Manager/Secretary-Treasurer. AN ACREEMEY ,ES?EC I' - FLOOD RISC; t„PPIr;G At:O C THrP FLOOD K=E Ri>ZTl0N u, IN THE PRO INCE OF OWTARIO ' 1 - THIS AGREEMENT made this 31st day of (larch, 1973 t BETWEEN: � HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN I 1 RIGH1 OF CAN)DA as herein by the Minister Df the Environment, hereinafterd referred to as "Canada" tht party of the First Part AND HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN I ; RIGHT OF ONTARIO as represented herein by the Minister f Natural Res urces hereinafter referred to as "Ontario' the party of the Second Part I WHEREAS flood plains are part of a lake or river bed and certain •n,,,, uses have been and are being made of such plains by man, in Competition with the lake or river, that invite risk Q life and inevitable damage to pro ert thereby increasing the potgnti 1 for amages in the event of a flood; p y, _ AND WHEREAS the increas in potential and actual flood da-.a . the. reason stated has resulted in d ge for provide or assist in the contt uctpion of protectivenworks�a and C� ario to AND WHEREAS these works which include dams, diversions—dykes and _- modifications to channels, are costly to construct, operate and maintain; AND WHEREAS Canada and Mario, through their disaster assistance programmes, and the public at large, :hrough ontributions, have been called to assist in fighting flood emc rgenciis and Q extend disaster relief to , those affected by the floods; AND WHEREAS the measureE described abere represent an income transfer from the public at large to th se recfiving the benefit of such measures; AND WHEREAS the potential for Mood da age and the costs to Canada, Ontario and the public for such damag can be reduced by o.f the made of areas prone to floodin y uses AND WHEREAS wide public iwaren ss of tie risks add costs involved ; in occupying areas prone to flooding is lil:el to result in support control of the uses made of such area for the AND WHEREEEAS comprehensive rivet basin Tanning and management programmes, where such are in cffect, also pr vide a suitable a reducing potential flood damage; pproach to AND WHEREAS the maintenance of adequaty flood plains in a natural state has major social benefits through signi icant environme p~ of valley lands; ntal enhancement AND WHEREAS by Order in Counci No. 19'8-3/427 made the 16th day of February, 1978 the Governor in Cou cil has authorized the Minister of the Environment to enter into t1is Ag eament on behalf of Canada; AND WHEREAS by Order it Heil No. 903/78 nude the 30th day � of March, 1978 the Lieutenant rnorf in Cou Cil has authorized the Minister ft�`tYlr�h �eso�'r�s to erg. -_ :his A-- ent on behalf of Ontario: IT IS THEREFORE AGREED BET:;E Et: THE FAf TIES HE ,ETG NS iGL.G::C; Definitions 1• In this Agreemient, (a) "Ministers" means the Min ster of the Environment for Canada and the Minister of Natural R�sources for Ontario; (b) "project" means ( t� (i) the Construction, erection, extension or alteration of any building or structure 0-her than: i A) a buildi g or structure for agricultural use or B) an open air building or structure for recreational use; and (ii) the use of land whether sur ace or subterranean use for any purpose other tIan agri ulture or recreation; (c) zoning authority" rearts any gove-r..r.=_nt or department or agency of government, whether federal , provincial or municipal , or any body or person empowered by lavi to imp se land use restrictions; (d) "designation" means the joint det urination by the Ministers for the purposes of this greemen of the geographical extent of the flood risk areas sown on he map referred to in Clause 7(b). e) Conservation Authority" Jeans an authority estes1i;0d under the Conservation Authorities Act (Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, Chapter 73). BASIC APPROACH F R REQ IaG P0; Q AL FL03D DwvSE 2(1) The best results in reducing 9 Pitential flood damage in Ontario will be . achieved if, (a) consideration is given, i each c se where fled damage reduction measures are propo ed, tol al1 Pre ticable stru,tural and non- structural alterna ives, ncludin the alternative of allowing sore flooding Lo o Cur, s It t e best choice on the basis of effectiveness, cost , resultant be efits and environmental impact is made; and (b) preference is giver , subj ct to p ragraph (a), in areas deternined to be flood risk areas, t measur s that prevent all undertakings vulnerable to flooc damag . (2) The principle stated in sub-clause (1) shall be give; effect by means of the policies and mea ures h reinaft r described. _ POLICIES RESPECTII!' GO'c ERNMEUT PR _CTS ASO PR3S;An:;ZS 3(1) Upon the designation of a floodd risk area pursuant to clause 13 (a) each Party shall e sure that 0) its departmor is and agencies do not in a designated a red, engage in an• furth�r projects that arc vulnerable to flood damage and NO its Progra,mos of hoinciD esstst!nco to third parties are 4dminist red so! that nc assist!n:e is -given to an further projicts in a designate, are y a that are vulnerable A flood' damage and, Without limiting the generality oi the foregoinS, (A) The Dap artment, of Regional Economic Expansion will no i grant; a develop7ent incentive or a loan guarantee, under the —PROOnzi-Clejel n7ent Incenti •es Act with respect to a facility that Ts Or T to be located in a designated area and that is vulnerable to flood damage, and (B) The Cen ral Mortgage and Housing Corporation will not ext nd financial assistance, Whether by loan, contribution, guarantee, insurance or otherwise, under the National Ho• sina Act with respect to any further projects in a designated area that are vulnerable to flood damage; and (b) each Party shall, Object to sub-clause (2), with respect to any part of the area where the zoning authority is neither federal nor provincial encourage the zoning atthority to impse land use restrictions that will pr hibit all further projects in a designated a ea that are vulnerable to flood damage, and (c) where it has been Kown that no other reasonable locations exist other than ir the designated flood risk areas, and that adequate prov- sions for flood proofing have been made, water works and set age works as defined in the Ontario Va ter Resources Ac exempt from the pr ' R.S.O. 1970 (as ameniti) shall be visions Of Section 3(1)(a) and continue to be eligible for the same financial assistance programs as before the sign ng of this A;reene2t. (2). Sub-clause (1)(b) is di cretionary where the designation is an interim is designation as provided in clause 13(2). (3) Where the Ministers fai to make a designation within six months after receiving a map with a lecommendaticn that the flood risk areas shown therein be designated, ( ither Party ray jr;levert the Policies described in su5-clause (1) in thi flood risk areas as shown on such map, not , withstanding that the 0 her Party may no: Pave undertaken or undertake such implementation. 4(l) Subject to sub-clauses 2) and (3), assistance under ed extend to costs and losses incurred, as a Asult of a flood, with respect to provincial disaster ass stance progra=n shall not any feral or (a) - any project conraenced; or (b) any moveable property Placed within an area after it designation or interim designation as a flood risk area. (2) Sub-clause (1) does not affect the 00icability of any federal or Provincial assistance P -ogramme, in t• se circumstances there the prerequisites for assis ante are met, to costs and losses incurred (a) with respect to a �1 roject commenced Or moveable property Placed within an a Ca Prior to its designation as a fl;od risk area; ILI (b) with respect to a roject Or =E able Prcwty located outside the design tad flood ris? area; Cr (c) as a result* of a disaster other than a flood; (d) to water works and Sewage works as defined in A Ontario Later Resources AQ, R.S.O. 1970 (as amended), subject to the provisions f Section 3(1)(c). (3) there the Governor in Council decides that extraordinary circumstances in a Particular case wai rent it, Canada may provide assistance, according to the terms of its Disi Ster Assistance Programme, or losses described in !ub-clause with respect to costs (4). Where Ontario decides that extraordinary circumstances in a particular case warrant it, Ontari ) may Provide assistance, according to the terms Of a disaster assistance program, with respect to costs or losses des- cribed in sub-clause STEERING COXMITTEE A Steering Committee shz 11 be established, consisting of two members appointed by the MinistE r Of the Environment for Canada and two members appointed by the Minister of Natural Resources for Ontario. (2) The Ministers shall chowe an Ontario member to be chairman of the Committee. (3) The Steering Committee shall (a) be responsible for the general adninistration of this Agreement; (b) maintain co-ordinvion between tha Parties in the implementation of this Agreement and any agreement entered into pursuant to clause 6(2); (c) perform such funct ons and duties as are assigned to it in this Agreement or any a reement that is entered into pursuant to Claus_ 6(2); (d) there the Parties have agreed or lgrec to a CWPrehensive river . basin Planning and management programme under "hich reasures to reduce potential flood damage are or are to be carried out, maintain such co-ordination with the committee or board responsible fcr the implementation of the prcgrar7e as is necessary to ensure adequate exchange of informnion and to avoid diplicaticz under this Agreement or any agreement entered into Pursuant to clause 6(2); (e) propose that such agreements be entered into or Projects be under- taken and develop such programmes as, in its opinion, are needed for the effective implementation Df this Agreement; (f) establish approprive financial procedures with respect to sharing the costs of carrying out this Agreement; f i to the Parties appropriate means or undertaking them; (9) design the studies referred to in clause 6(1 )(b) and reco'ns end (h) review, and ii satisfactory, appr ve any prop:sal that a contract be entered into by either Party o a Conservation Authority to carry out any of the work referreJ to in clauses 6(1)(b) to (e) inclusive; (i) where a contract is to be entered into pursuant to clause review the contract proposals received and, if satisfactory, recoacend approval ; report annually to the Ministers 3n the Drogrp&s in irplementing this Agreement and any agreement ;ntered into PUrSu6nL to clause 6(2) establish a Technical Sub-Committee ccmpos;d of an equal number • of members for eat t Party and assign to the Technical Sub-Committee any of its' duties under this lgreIMEK as mutually agreed to by the members; keep minutes of all its meetings; and (m) carry out such reh ted duties as the Ministers may request'. MEASURES The Parties shall , in cc -operation with each other, undertake measures to reduce potential flocd damage in Ontario including: W B flood risk maPpirg programme as described in clauses 7 to 13 inclusive; (b) a programme Of Stu( ies to review loud control reassres and identify economic and environmentally fEasible,alternatives "k� for reducing flood damages in areas of significant national interest such as mvior tributaries to the Great Lakes; (C) acquisition of* pro perty or easements by the Parties to reduce flood damage potential in the regions identified in (b) provided the studies described in (b) have been completed and have indicated the desirability of such acquisition in comparison with other alternatives and provided flood risk areas have been designated; (d) subject to Sub-clayses 13) and (4), works to control levels or flows of water where these are in the national interest and provided the studies described in (b) have been completed and have indicated the desirability of the said works in comparison ' with other alternatives and provided flood risk areas have been designated; and W other measures sue l as flood forkastimg and flood warning systems, flood proofing and watershed planning. (2) The Parties may from tine to time entEr into Other agree7ents on a cost-sharing basis to uidertake measures, includir; agreements respecting research or Yurveys, that Pay be necessary to give effect to the principle stated in clause Z(I]. (3) NO WOrks to control floes or levels o! water shall be undertaken pursuant to this Agreement unless (a) the studies carrieJ out pursuant to clause 6(1)(1) show that the benefits derived from the pr c tenion afforded by such Works exceed the Usts thereof; (b) an adequate enviroiwental assess r 2rt, completed in advance of any Such works, sh)ws that they 2re unlikely to have a significant adverse effect on he environment; and (c) Ontario obtains a Mmitment on he part of the Unscrvation Authority or municipality witbin whose jurisdiction such works are located 0) to Obt" 11 rights-onwa3 required for such works, and J 2 MY= 10� of the CCS:S Cf any 0ork! providing it I'Th flop c protection, Any works to control fl as or levels 0 . wa Payment of an ter for which the grant or y Public n "ons of Canada are authorized or made by way Of contribution, sutsid; , loan, advaric or guarantee shall be s to the terms, conditions and WNW ns as ubject hereto and effect shall be given to th Sam Set forth in Schedule D works. e in the execution of such F 000 RISK MAP M3 io 7- The Parties shall , in co operation with each other and as hereinafter Provided, (a) determine, at each lace listed ir Schedule A, to flooding by and t extent of the areas that are prom E the location of water named in tie Said Schedule with respect t he body(ies) 0 such place; . (b) designate flood rise areas and delineate them on maps; (c) make information about the designated flood risk areas available to zoning authorities and to persons, including gove an agencies thereof, who may be considering at any time rnments a project,d at or near a Place named in Schedule A; and (d) carry out a Public information prcgrar7e to inform the public about the Purpose ol the flood risk mapping to be undertaken, the progress therew and the infornation obtained. The hydrologic and hydrailic specifications Set out and the surveying and m in Schedule B a1ping specifications set out in Schedule C shall be complied with it (a) carrying out all StLdiWS and survey s necessary to determine the location and extent of the are�s referred 7(a) , and to in clause • (b) preparing and printing the maps referred to in clause 7 the information referred to in 7(c). (b) and (2) A Party or a Conservatior Authority may, with the approval of the Steering Committee, enter into a contran to have any work referred to in sub-clause (1) don c by a third Pany. 9. Any report or other form of information made available as rejuired in clause NO , and any rap prepared as provided for in clause 7(b) or republished a s p rovided for in lause 10, shall bear identification as a joint Publicaticri of the Parties. 10. Any map that has already been published by either Party and that Shows, in accordDnce with the specificaLicns set out in Schedules and C, an area referred to in clause may be republished pursuant to this Agreement. es A, B, C. or D may be revised t an tire life of this Agreement as mutually agreed t 0 y by the d uring the 11. Schedul a represented by their respective menber5 on Parties as the Steering Committee. RESPOUSIBILITILS OF THE STEERING COTYITTEE U11H 12(1) The Steering COanittee established pursuant to clause 5 shall determine the sequence in uhich the a -cas I i St Shall be mapped; Ij in Schedule j. (b) revicu and if SWsf actory. approve any pro poral that contract be entered J, into pursuant to clause 8(2); (C) where a contract is to be entered int pursuant to varagr2ph (b) review the contract proposals receiv, and i recommend approval ; . i.f sat satisfactory, (d) ensure that the specifi:ations set oul CCMplied with in ea in Schedules B and C are Ch Study Or survey undertaken and each ma prepared pursuant to clause 8; p I. I (e) review maps already Published by either Party showing location he on and extent of ny area or areas within the province that are Prone-to flooding; (f) determine that a nap reviewed Pursuant to paraCraph te) or Prepared Pursuant to Clause 7(b) for publication the specifications set out in Schedules B and C; complies with (9) review the map, referre< to in Paragraph (f), and material relevant thereto and, V Satisfied with the adsquacY of such map for the purposes of this Agree Tent, recommend 1c the Ministers that the flooc risk areas Shown on the nap be designated; (h) Upon determining that a map referred to in Parqraph .W not comply with the specifications set Out in Schedules 6 does and C, recommend to the Kinisters whether an interim designation, purswant to clause 13(2) the flood risk m areas shown therein should be ' of and aje. remapping of the areas prone to flooding at the place or Places shown in the map shoulJ be carried cut; upon the designation Pursuant to claust 13 by the 15nisters Of flood risk areas sho"n in a map, pu0sh or cause to be Published such map; be responsible for OF design and i a material in which information is to be made ava i table pLrsusn t to clause 7(c); be responsible for designing and carry ng out the information programme referred to in c ause 7(d) ; pub,j c prepare for the approval of the Partie! , an annual programme Of work and an annual budget; (m) establish the financial )rocedures referred to in clause 150)(b); and (n) carry out such other related duties as the Ministers may request. DESIGNAT10:1 13(1) the Ministers shall, upon receipt of a -determine referred to in clause 120)(91, Map with a reco-rendation as whether Su:h rccOmmendation should be accepted, and upon acceptance, designate areas shown on the map. thO flood risk T •, Ministers shall , upon roceipt of referred to in 02 ricaZmenQtion as use 02; consider LN map adequate for the purpDj, ,k, an risk areas shown therein and Such intirim fes'OnatiOn Of the flood des ignatlon shall have effect Until replaced by a designation purss oz to sub-clause (1). FINANCES 14(1) Subject to clause 18 an 6(3)(C) the CSIS Of Carrying out clause 6 excluding clause 6(1)(a), shall be shires equally by the Parties but the total Sum Payable by each Far il for such costs shall not exceed 5600,000. (2) Subject to clause 18, tie cost of Car yin; out (a) the costs Of Carrying out clause ill)(a) equally by the Parties but the tctal S shall be shared Party for such cos S shall not excee um Payable by each t 54,000,0&0, and (b) Sub-clause (a) sha 1 aPPlY 10 Costs incurred by Ontario for flood risk maKing subsequent cc parch 31 , 1977, Provided these expenditures relate Oirectly to measures Stipulated in this Agreement and that a:prcval for Payment as shared ( osts has been green by the Steering committee. (3) I.'hen financial contribu- icns are made by Conservaticn Authorities or municipal governmenn Such contributions shat to the cast Of carrying cut clause 60 )(a) be considers.; to be incurred by Ontario. Ontario shall , subject 1 necessary funds with re,0 Vislative 1pprc:;Kajicn of the the Parties pect to the costs that are to be shared by pursuant to clause 14 Pay such costs as they Come due; onc (b) where the cost is incurred by Carlda, reimburse Canada up on Submission of the claim in accor' oce With Procedures to be established by the Steering Committee for such purpose. (2) Canada shall, upon receipt of Claims f-on Ontario, pay upon a quarterly basis, its share of the cost; paid by Ontario pursuant to sub-clause (1). 16. Each Party Shall ensure that each exPelditure that it submits to the other Party as a Cost to be shared pursuant to this Agreement Was Properly made and is adequately_do:u7s ntel. 17(1) Each Party shall retain adequate docum;712;ion and recoris of the • Costs incurred by it arc submitted by it 1i the other Party as costs to be Shared pursuant tc this A3reemeo " upon request, shall . Make available such documentation and ecords for examination by auditors of the other Party. (2) Any discrepancy disclosed by audit telween to Ontario he amulet paid by Canada aria pursuant to Sub-clause 1021 and the amount Payable by it shall be promptly adjusted between the parties. Each ;*arty shall bear the entire cost Of the Salary and travelling and related expenses of (a) each Of its rembers of the Steer; and and Technical Sub-Committees; (b) any Other enpicyee t, 0, 1 though crgl;ed in an acti,it, he, under has not been S'ecificallY aslignid to OC eng-j'ed on I full-time basis for arrying Out this Agreement and suzh costs shall not be i cluded in the limit Stipulated in clause 14. 19. Where a Party supplies, Qr the purpose of carrying out this Agreement, (a) material, equipment )r other property; (b) the use Of Office sp ce or of any facilities; or (c) services, other than the services referred to in clajse 18, the same shall be su plied at the cost to the party supplying the property, facili ies or serviccs. GENERAL 20(1) Unless Otherwise agreed t by the Parties, this Agreement,-shall terminate on the 31st day of March, 198i, subject to the following; (a) the flood risk mappilg programme described in clauses 7 and 13 both inclusive, shall be ccmpleted by the 31st day of March, 1 ;'83; and (b) the Provisions of this Agreement respecting the payment of the costs of the flo)d risk mapping programTe shall remain in effect for six mOlths beyond the termination date referred to in (a). (2) Upon written request of either Party an with the apprc:sl of the Governor in Council ,this greement may be revised or amendet. 21. NO member of the Parliament of Canada or of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario shall hold, Way, or be admitted to any share, part or benefit from this Agreement or any agreyent, cc5tract or benefit arising therefrom. U11NESS WREN the IcnourzYc Ro-so 1:11anc rj Fisheries and the Environment 'or Canada, ant ZI: hDrCM14 LEI Varchans. Minister of State (Env&Onment) fcr Canada, have heramc Set tLeir Qrfs on behalf of Canada and the hOnOw •AWIC Frank S. Miller, Minister Of Laturel Resources, has set his hand on behalf of Ontario. Signed on behalf of Canada by the Honourable Ror---zO LeBlan:, in the presence of .Signed on behalf of Canada by the Honourable Len Marchand in the presence of Signed on behalf of Ontario by the Honourable Frank S. Miller in the presence of Signed by the Honourable Marcel Lessard, Kinister of Regional Economic Expansion for Canada in the presence Df Signed by the Honourable Andr; Wallet, Minister of State for Urban Affairs of Canada in the presence of tc SCHEDULE "A' All flood vulnerable sections Of the streams and rivers under the jurisdiction of the follo�� nc . � Conservation Authorities: . a: Ausable Bayfield Mississippi Valley Cataraqui Region Moira River Catfish Creet; �� tlapanee Region Central Lake Ontario Niagara Peninsula Credit Valley Nickel District Crowe Valley North ay - t•iattaaa Essex Region North rey Region Ganaraska Region Nottawasaga valley Grand River Halton Region Otonabee Region + Prince Edward Region, Hamilton Region Raisin Region Kettle Creek Rideau Valley Lakehead Region Sauble Valley Long Point Region Saugeei Valley " Lower Thames Valley Sault te. Marie a,� Lower Trent Region Region ' g South ake Simcae . Maitland Valley South -- Mattagami Re icn ration River 9 St. Cl;ir Region. Metropolitan Toronto Upper Thames River and Region as well as the flood vulnerablc sections oft e follcwin; rivers: Ottawa Muskrat Black (Washago) Spanis , Goulais UabiSo on Missin ibi Wanapitei Montreal Winisk and shoreline areas of lakes: Ontario . Erie St. Clair Huron and Georgian Bay zap rw i i i ( Sf.HECULE "0' I.AG_ E_PATES 1 (a) Ontario shall determine the clz s or classes of 40r kmen required for the execution of t •e r:oria this Agreement a d with respect to t;hich c the ente pr-. 1oavisteJ ioby ns herein are applicable and shall establish a schedule of wage rates appropriate for each such clan wage rates actually bzse on the workmen in the area in Which e or similar classes of a ge match ea h eon:: is to be carried out or such other i�rzge rates as may be established by the legislation of Ontario. (b) Should Ontario soldesire will, request, DA partment upon provQvinle Of Labour ' y of gage rates appropriate for t e area in carried out. whi h each work is to be (c) In no case shall any wage rate be less than h� of the minimum ho rly rate of z t - ecuivalen. 't to the Canada Labour (Standards) Coca. gybed by or pursuant CURTME 2. Overtime shall be paid for all hours wor14 in excess e` p ' and 40 in a week except for hours ti;or :-d on road bui;JOf and heavy 9y.�_ :naday construction for which rertime shall be paid for a?1 excess of 10 in a day a id 50 in a Free' , and the rate aho,rs worked in shall be at least equal ll overtine determined �o one and or, ergo times the tira^e pursuant to �aragraph 1(a� hereof_ y- rates as •_ HOURS OF t;0R; 3. The daily or weekly ou or ar. - y hou s of work of persons employed to de the whole s } part of each ;;or contemplated t_ this Agree7e to chic the provisions herein a e - h in do road building onstructio o ork than PersDns e0loyed to g or hea y construction ; day and 45 in a 1•;e work shall r,o: exceeJ E in a ek, a d the weekly hours of Qcrk c` employed to do the l:ho] or an censors construction work, if a l contemplate of the road bu idir, or heavy exceed 60 hours in a week excceptrpher� by this Agrse-en shall not because of special or e, ergentpsitheri longer provided authorized and 5 hereof- C P in sections 4 I 4_ Should Ontario be satisfied that s eci would justify exceeding D 1Y circumstanCes exist which hereof, it may a g the hours of wv t described ir, section 3 uthorize longer hours, ' authorization and therefor shall be the�fullrresponsibility Of the said Province. re S• It shall be the respor.si i 1 i ty of Ontario Q3 nta io Q. to be followed and to ad inister the s _ to deter,miTe the in the Procedure work described in sectio 3 hereof are exc the event the hours of emergency e_.,_., b•. • situations as ollo�ls; � reason of (a) an accident involviil9 injury to a ,orkman- , (b) a breakdown of or d Me to cachinery or equipment, or i _ - G 7y. (C) Other unforeseen, u preventable or erergent SitpaLions. 6. For the purposes of th'SI'Agreemcnt road building and navy construction work shall include the fflowing categories as weII 21 Such other categories as nay be agreed upon by the Parties herein: (a) road building and h avy engincerirg projects requiring the use 0 heavy expensive equipment; (b) road and bridge conitruction; (C) installation, diver ion or relocation of services, including, but not limited to; sEwers, watermains and electrical duct (d) construction of cau eways, canals drains, and dykes; (e) Construction of pip lines; M marine projects, in luding but no limited to the construction of wha fs, breakwateis; and (9) marine dredging protects. SO KS AND RECORD 7. Ontario shall ensure thal all contractors engage! in etch work conter,-plated by this Agreement to which the provisions herein are applicable keep prcp r books and records showing the names, addresses and classifica lions of employment and work of all workmen employed in such work and the rate of waSes. the ya3es paid and the daily hours1worked by such workmen. S. Ontario shall include the provisions J sezticns 1(al, 2, 3, and the requirements of sc:Qion 6 hereof in every tender'callej and the same shall be Included in each and evQry contract a%varded for the execution of each work contemp ate& by this A;reement to which the provisions herein are applicable. 9. Enforcement to secure c 7DIiance with he provisions as set cut above shall be the res risibility of Mario throigh its designated department or agency. 10. Should complaints of all I eged violations hereof be soVitteo to the Canada Department of Labour or any other federal leparzncnt or agency, they will be to the appropriate provincial authority, which shall esolve the same in whatever manner it may deem proper. I AT I-'C CC,; UIL I AT I V[ SER1.110ES 11. Ontario may see% the aaa+dFice and assistance of the Lai:wr Standards Branch of the Canada Wartment. of Latour, which way act in a consulting capacity for the purposes of this Agreement.