HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-48-81 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1981. REPORT NO. : P-48-81 SUBJECT: Energy Conservation BACKGROUND: The following was passed at the Special Finance Committee Meeting held on February 23, 1981: "That each Department Head prepare a report on the following for the Budget Meeting of March 9, 1981: 1. What steps have been taken towards energy con- servation. 2. Is there further action that may be taken. 3. What effect has such action had in the operation of each department." COMMENT: A specific set of measures for the conservation of energy in the operations of the Planning and Development Department have not been introduced. Staff do, however, concientiously attempt to conserve energy by: 1. Keeping paper use to a minimum. Id td Q 2 - 2. Keeping the building heating system turned-down in off-hours. 3. Turning off the building lighting system on off- hours. 4. Keeping travel expenses to a minimum. Further action definitely could be undertaken, possibly to include: 1. Designation of an employee in each Department to oversee energy conservation practices. 2. A detailed energy conservation program could be established for all departments. The measures noted above as currently undertaken by staff at the current time are in keeping with the general operations of the Department and are in accordance with the management practices of the Department. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that: 1. This report be received for information. Respectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. February 25, 1981 Director of Planning r � R E P O R T TO: Councillor E. Woodyard, Chairman Finance F Administration Committee FROM: Thomas A. Fanning, R. D. M. R. Director, Department of Community Services DATE: February 26, 1981 SUBJECT: Energy Conservation Special Budget Meeting March 9th, 1981 With reference to the above-mentioned subject. 1. Energy Conservation in Arenas (Darlington Sports Centre F Bowmanville Memorial Arena) r (a) We removed the second hand bleacher heaters in the Bowmanville Memorial Arena for the simple reason they were costly and not effective. (b) In both arenas we lowered the wattage in both arenas where ever possible. (c) In the Darlington Sports Centre we removed the covers from a number of light fixtures, so that a lower wattage level would give us the same amount of light as the larger bulb. (d) Over a period of three(3) years we have cut back heating through turning down thermostats and light switches when not required. 2. Energy Conservation in Parks Cemeteries_-_ _ This is an area that I find frustration, because in trying to conserve energy here, it would effect services in Parks and Cemeteries. We do try to conserve gas and oil use without waist. 3. Hall Buildings (Town Hall - Bell Building - Fire/Police Building) With reference to the three (3) hall buildings, we have made countless efforts to reduce use of heat and lights where possible. However, I find that staff members are switching thermostats up and down, which is a problem and has to be rectified. 4. FOR YOLRINFORMATION Due to other job priorities, a further report on energy conservation will be presented in due course. -fit' M E M O R A N D U M TO: Chairman and Members of Finance & Administration Committee FROM: J. Hayman, Fire Chief DATE: March 3, 1981 SUBJECT: Resolution No. F-68-81 - Energy Conservation In regards to energy conservation fire department operations, the following steps have been taken. i Station #11 Bowmanville 1) Ceiling air circulating fans (2) have been installed in the appa_aiu ay area. The operating time of the large heater circulator has been reduced by 50%. 2) Discontinued use of the east row of fluorescent lamps, apparatus bay area. 3) Wall thermostats are set at 68 degrees F. 4) Apparatus engines are kept tuned and adjusted for peak performance and economy. Engines are also governed for approximately 55 M.P.H. Station #2, Village of Newcastle 1) Interior and exterior night lights have been reduced-and-wised into a --- -- -----photo- -11-for aromatic darkness control. 2) Exterior wall north and east side of building has been insulated and covered with aluminum siding. 3) Apartment roof has been insulated and replaced. 4) Hot water heating system has been zoned (5 areas) , with adjustable controls for each area. 5) Apparatus bay ceiling has been insulated and covered with 3/8" dry wall. 6) Air for combustion duct inlet has been installed in basement for oil burner efficiency. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Finance & Administration Committee (Budget) Meeting of March 9, 1981. ITEM: WD-36-81. DATE: February 25, 1981. SUBJECT: Energy Conservation. At the cial Finance & Administration Committee Meeting of February 23, 1981, Resolution # F-68-81 was passed as follows: "THAT each Department (lead ptLepcute a tcepoitt on the �ottowing, Kok the Budget Meeting o4 March 9, 1981 : 1. What ztep6 have been taken towand6 energy cowsenvati.on? 2. Ins there �uAthen action that may be taken? What e44ect has such action had in the vpetcu ion a4 each department? REPORT: In relation to the items above, the following comments apply to the Public Works Department: 1(a) Since 1976, in respect of Equipment Replacement, where possible we have acquired machines which are diesel- powered, thus realising a 50% (fifty per cent) fuel-saving. (b) The lighting in the Works buildings was changed to a lower wattage in order to effect savings in electrical power usage. WD-36-81 (2) REPORT: continued. . . l(c) In all Works buildings, where either possible or necessary, weather-stripping has been installed. (d) Thermostats are monitored closely at all times. 2. Any future action will be determined by either feasibility or necessity. 3. The effects of actions described in Item 1 (a-d) above are unknown except to Gay that there has been no detriment to operations, and, logically, a certain amount of energy conservation must have been achieved. Respectfully submitted, 1 /J. Dunham. REPORT TO: Councillor E. R. Woodyard, Chairman Finance and Administration Comnittee. FROM: J. M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T. , Town Clerk DATE: March 6, 1981 SUBJECT: ENERGY CONSERVATION With regard to Resolution #F-68-81 the following is the situation with regard to the Clerk's Department: The hall buildings occupied by the Clerk's Department will be reported on in the report of the Director of Comnunity Services as enance of ese come under his jurisdiction. Similar regulations will be in force in the Dog Pound. We will endeavour to schedule vehicle trips in the By-law Enforcement Department and Animal Control Department to conserve gasoline. With regard to paper and duplicating conservation, we are trying to effect economies in this connection but it is difficult to supply as much information as possible and economise at the same time. Respectfully submitted J. M. McIlroy, Town Clerk