HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-28-81 i i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMIITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON. ONTARIO LOB 1 JO ! TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 1981. REPORT NO.: P-28-81 SUBJECT: By-law 3-81 ---- Township of 8 cugog i BACKGROUND: By-law 3-81 of the Township of Scugog was forwarded to the Planning and Development Department January 13, 1981. The By-law rezones a parcel of land in the former Village of Port Perry to permit the creation of two residential lots.; COMMENT: The subject parcel is in Partlof Lot 17, Concession 6 of the Township of Scugog and does not affect thelinterests of the Town of I Newcastle. Accordingly, no action on the rezoning by-law is required. The date for filing objections is February 2, 11981. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council: i 1. That By-law 3-81 of the Township of Scugog be I received and filed. I Respectf omitted, EP:lb D. N. M.G.I.P. January 14, 1981 Director of Planning I i NOTICE OF APPLICATION to The Ontario lnicipal Board by The Corporation of the Township of Scugog for approval of a by-lax to regulate land 4se passed •��" ?�' 8'1 • r � -pursmnt to Section 35- of The Plaiming Act. ; P TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation Of the Township of Scugog -intends to apply to The Mario municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval ol By-Lax # 3-81 passed on the 5th day of January , 1981, A copy f the by-lam is furnished herewith and 4a mote giving an explanation of the purpose -and effect of ttie by-lax and st ting the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith.' ANY PERSON rMTJMSTED PLAY, within twenty-one (21) -days after the date of this notice, . sznd by registered mail or deliver o the clerk of the Town- ship of Scugog tice 'of objection to approval o the said by-law or peat thereof giving details of all or the portion of the by-law to which you object and detaAlod reasons therefor, and shall indicate that if a bear- irig is held the objector or an agent will atternd•at the hearing to support the: ob j ect.i . AAiY PEPS wishing to support the application for approval of- the by-lase ob .May*within twenty-one (21) days after the. date o this notice seind by reOstered. mall or deliver to the clerk -of the To, ship of scilgog notice of his support Of approval of the said by-law tog ther with a.�ecFuest for, notice of any. hearing that may be held giving also the-name and address to which such notice should be given. UP ONi'ARIO MMXCIPAL BOARD way approve of the said by-lava but before doing so it MMY appoint a time and place when any objection to the by- -law -will be emsidered. Notice of any hearing t t may be hold will be given only to porsons whO -have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to- the clerk undersigned, the address to which notice of heating is to be .sent and, similarly. to any person who has filed c Zequest fora chmge in the provisions of the .by-law. TEE LAST DATE M FILING OBJECTIONS will be February 2nd, 1981 DATED at the T=mzhip of Scugog this 9th day of January , .19 81 . (SIGNED) Doreen M. Van CMT Deyuty-Clerk, Township of , Box 209, 181 Perry Street, ------------------------------------------------------------ Ontario. EXPLANATORY NOTE Re: By-Law #3-81 The purpose and effect of By-Law #3-81 is to amend Restricted Area By-Law #29-74 to change the zoning of the subject lands from C5, Highway Commercial, to R2, Residential, to permit subdivision of the lands to create two lots for single family residential use. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG BY-LAW. NUMBER 3-81 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW NUMBER 29-74 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG. WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend Restricted Area By-Law #29-74 to re-zone the subject property to permit Residential and 'accessory uses ; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG Enacts As Follows : 1. That Schedule "A" to By-Law #29-74 of The Township of Scugog, as amended, be further amended as follows : (a) By changing from CS to R2 those lands shown delineated on Schedule "A" attached herett and forming part of this By-Law and being more particularly described as parts 1 , 2 and 6, Plan 40R-5698. 2 .' In all other respects By-Law ,Number 29-74 shall remain the same. . 3. This By-Law shall come into full force and effect on the date of passing subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board . Read a First, Second and Third time and passed this Sth day of January 19 81 . MAYOR r i CL INIS RATOR 9 ,.r PLAN AND r I ELD NOTES OF SURVEY OF �,rs\ BLOCK B , .PLAN M - 1150 AND PART OF LOT 174 CONCESSION G FORMERLY V11 _ LAGE OF PORT PERRY , COUNTY OF ONTARIO NOW IN THE ' TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG REGIONAL_ MUNI CI PAL._ ITY OF , DURHAM SCALE 1 : 4 0 0 THIS IS SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NUMBER 3- 5M 0 10 0M PASSED THIS STH DAY OF- JANUARY s 19 N. BABBS 0 1.. S 1980 J.Mayo Clerk i NOTES AND LEGEND SURVEYOR'S CE'RrIFICAT_E Bearings are astronomic and ore referred to o 1 CE'?TIFY THAT _ southwesterly limit of Walsh Drive, Pion M -1156 shown thereon as N 49° 15. 54• W ' This survey and plan are correct and in actor with the Surveys Act, The Registry Act and The 0-LL ­ denotes standard iron bar C' I••X48" Lond Tit/es Act and the regulations made 5 •• cut stone monument thereunder o `�-- •• iron bar 5/,•• A 5/8•• x 24•• o round 2 The survey was -completed on the 27th Fa •• found doy of. February , 1980. w:r witness PART 3 = 199 m2 ' _ PART 4 = 71 mz PART 5 = 1 1 mZ 7 February, 1980, N. Babbs Ontario Land Surveyoi 1 2478