HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-27-81 (4) CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH, M.C.i.P., Director HAMPTON. ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 2, 1981. REPORT NO. : P-27-81 SUBJECT: Proposed Official Plan Amendment Durham Regional Official Plan - Sceptre Management Services Ltd. File: 80-56/D BACKGROUND: On December 29, 1980, staff received the attached request for comments in respect of a proposed amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan which would permit Community Facilities, as an exception in Rural Areas. Our review of the subject application and discussions with Regional Planning staff indicate that the basis for this amend- ment is a proposal to develop a day-care facility in conjunction with an existing Nursing Home located in Uxbridge Township. It is the opinion of Regional staff that under the circumstances a general amendment to the Regional Plan may be warranted, as opposed to a site specific amend- ment to permit this proposal. COMMENTS: In view of the fact that the proposed amendment would permit greater flexibility in locating such community facilities as nursing homes, homes for the aged and day-care centres and would be an rt' incentive to the development of such facilities, staff have no major_- - 2 - objections to it. However, we would note that it appears to be the intent of the Regional Plan to encourage tha location of such facilities in proximity to population concentrations, retail and personal service uses, other community faciliti s and public transit; and as such, the indiscriminate development of such facilities within rural areas should not be encouraged. In that regard, it may be appr priate to consider an amendment which would permit such community facilities within any land use designation subject to; compatibility with its surroundings; compatibility with the predominant permitted us (s) of the land use designation; and a demonstrated need for the fa ility. Such an amend- ment could, conceivably, be accommodated with S ction 6.2.6 of the Durham Regional Official Plan which presently p rmits local municipalities to zone to permit such uses as; police stations; fire stations; public parks; and certain cultural facilities, within any land use designation provided Council is satisfied that the proposed use is compatible with its surroundings. CONCLUSION: Based upon the foregoing, stafE have no objection to the proposed amendment to permit community faci ities within rural areas provided that such facilities are being providel in response to a demon- strated need and are compatible with their Burr undings. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 3 - 1) That Report P-27-81 be rec ived; and that 2) The Region of Durham be forwarded a copy of staff report P-27-81; and that 3) The Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to pro- posed Official Plan Amendm nt 80-56/D. Respectfully sub "tted, A- TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. January 14, 1981 Director of Planning 6 7 File: 80-56/D December 22, 1980 DURHAM I The Regional Mr. J.M. McIlroy f' Municipality Clerk of Durham Town of 4eywcastle y� Planning 40 Tem -fance Street Department BO vi l le, Ontario Box 623 L 3A6 105 Consumers Dr. Whitby, Ontario Canada,LlN6A3 Dear Mr. McIlroy: (416)668-7731 Re: Application submitted by Sceptre Management DR. M. R. MICHAEL. M.C.I.P. Services Limited to amend the Durham Regional' Commissioner of Planning Official Plan, File 80-56/D Enclosed please find one copy of an Official Plan Amendment application and background material , whicf was recently received by this Department. Following a review of the above-noted pro oral , it may be advisable that the Durham Regional Official Plan be amended to permit community facilities as an exce tion in Rural Areas. In this regard, would you please review tie proposed amendment and provide us with any comment you may have within 30 days of this request. If you are unable to respond within this time limit please advise, in writing, as to the reason for the delay. If we do not receive a response within 30 days we will assume you have no comments to make. If you require any further information or have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesi ate to contact Mrs. Valerie Cranmer of this Department. Yours very truly, V. Cranmer, Sr. Planner for L. Kotseff, M.C.I.P. Manager Strategic Planning Branch :LF , Enclosures cc: U® Smith, Planning Director / REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY O U HAS r PLANNING DEPARTMENT ca r . FFICIA P A E AMENDMENT ATIOU RM FILE NWBER DISTR=."-PLANNING- AR t)x31?-vv:44 ' FORMER PLANNING AREA- S co-r-f.. �------ '^�`y I•. NAME OF APPLICANT MRS. M. BROCrN ADDRESS BOX 99 , UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO LOC 1 O TELEPHONE 852-3267 2_ APPLICANT'S INTEREST IN LAND Director, owner corporation 3•NAME OF REGISTERED OWNER Sce tre Mana ement Services Limited 4• NAME OF AGENT (IF ANY) Gardiner, Roberts Attn: A. McDonald) ADDRESS 120 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario H T TELEPHONE 4167 367-0620 5.MATTERS RELATED TO THE APPLICATION SHOULD BE AO RESSED TO : NAME Gardiner Roberts Attn: A McDonald ADDRESS 120 Adelaide Street .lest Toronto Ontario -M- 5H 1T5 TELEPHONE 416-367-0620 G.LOCATION OF SUBJECT" PROPERTY: _ AREA MUNICIPALITY Township of U ridge FORMER LOCAL MUNICIPAUTY Township of Scott DESCRIPTION (LOT,CONCESSION) Pt. Lots 6 & 7 concession vii 7. DIMENSIONS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY FRONTAGE 626 . 32 ft. AVERAGE WIDTH 700- ft. + AVERAGE DEPTH 803. 53 ft. ACREAGE 13.324 S.EXISTING LAND USE DESIGNATION (FILL IN APPROPRIATE. SECTIONS) DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN Major o e - space D I STR I CT PLAN EXISTING LOCAL OFFICIAL. PLAN Environmental Protection and Rurai. 9.PROPOSED LAND USE DESIGNATION (FILL IN APPROPRIATE SECT)ONS) DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN Institutional DISTRICT PLAN same EXISTING LOCAL-OFFICIAL PLAN same ' IO.PRESENT USE Nursina Home I I .PROPOSED USE Same uses with some flexibility I2PURPOSE OF AMENDMENT (see letter attached) to' enable a Bylaw of - the Township of Uxbridge to be given third readincr and ed as a bylaws which conforms to the official an "Given Junes 19 8 0) Rmri n.Ps-= -i 13.PROPOSED METHOD OF SERVICING : TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL septic tank (existing) TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY well 14.IS THE APPLICANT WILLING TO ENTER INTO A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT 17 YES E]NO no' new buildings or uses intended at this time 15.1F RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS PROPOSED,SPECIFY: NUMBER OF SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS NUMBER OF SEMIDETACHED UNITS NUMBER OF MULTIPLE FAMILY UNITS OVERALL GROSS DENSITY OPEN SPACE (ACRES) OTHER USES Tursin home existin no immediate plans for expansion or alteration -- 16.1F COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IS PROPOSED,SPECIFY: 0 'GROSS RETAIL AND PERSONAL SERVICE FLOOR SPACE (SQUARE FEET) 17.IF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IS PROPOSED,SPECIFY: USABLE FLOOR SPACE (SPACE FEET) POTENTIAL EMPLOYMENT CREATED 18.IF SUBDIVISION OR REZONING APPLICATION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED, SPECIFY DETAILS AND FILE NUMBER(S): (see attached lett r) ' rezoning application 9 submitted to Township of Uxbridge August, 1978 - !l Totten Sims File PN: 2363-94 - 19.OTHER INFORMATION APPLICABLE TO PROPOSAL: (see attached letter) I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true statement and I also hereby agree to reimburse the Regional Municipality of Durham for any costs which may be incurred before the Ontario Municipal Board ising as a result of approval of this application. SIGNED UNDER PROTEST AS TO THE REIMBURSEMENT PROVISIONS. E GARDINER, ROBERTS FOR- SCEPTRE . MANAG NT SE VICES IMITED SIGNATURE Per: , ., D TE 80 . December 10 INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE -- ------- - -- ---------------- -- -------- - ----------- - - - COMPLETE THE APPLICATION FORM IN FULL AND SUBMIT T ET.T-F_p WIT THE FOLLGAITNG: a) 25 copies of a survey of the property prepared by a registered Ontario Land Surveyor indicating topographical contours and other natural and artificial. features such as buildings, railways, highways, pipel'nes, watercourses, drainage, ditches, swamps and wooded areas within or adjacent to the subject lands, applicant/owner's total holdings. § b) 25 copies of any documentation°that may be required as part of the amendment ( application in accordance with the provisions of the Durham Regional Official Plan. - C) A non-refundable application fee of $500.00 (in cheque or money order) made payable to the Corporation of the Regional -Municipality of Durham. TO: Commissioner of Planning Regional Municipality of Durham, 105 Consumers Drive, _ Whitby, Ontario. ; LL'Q 1C4 - . The applicant may be required upon request-at a later date, to submit additional f: iftformation wit&- regard:to' the. application_ -_ _