HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-11-81 E34 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 1981. REPORT NO. : P-11-81 SUBJECT: Building and Plumbing Permit Requirements Darlington Generating Station BACKGROUND: Pursuant to the "Master Agreement" with Ontario Hydro in respect of the construction of the Darlington Generating Station, Ontario Hydro officials have provided Town staff with a schedule of required building and plumbing permits for various buildings on the generating station site. The schedule, copy attached, includes buildings to be constructed over the 1981 through 1984 period. Ontario Hydro officials have met with Town staff on three occasions to discuss the requirements for the issuance of these permits. Staff have also had a tour of the Pickering B Generating Station now under construction, which has proved most useful in evaluating Hydro's permit requirements. Because of the complexity of the construction process, Hydro cannot furnish the Town with all the detailed drawings required under the Town's current Building By-law. In order to proceed with the construction schedule, it will be necessary to make an amendment to the Building By-law in respect of Hydro's requirements for the Darlington Generating Station. Staff have attached a proposed amendment for Committee's consideration. Staff are confident that the material to be provided by Hydro for the issuance of the permits will be in keeping with the Town's requirements and note that under the Master Agreement with Hydro, the Town is bound to deal with these matters in as expeditious a manner as possibl.o . COMMENT: Staff note that the attached construction schedule involves a substantial amount of money in terms of permit application fees . Staff have had discussions with Hydro in respect of the value of these permits and the possibility of deferring the receipt of this money in order to obtain the benefit of escalated building values; i.e. escalated construction values may result in higher permit fees if at the time of actual con- struction the cost of building materials, labour, etc. has escalated at • higher rate than the overall inflation rate. Hydro has submitted an evaluation of this possibility and will have • representative at the Meeting to review their findings as may be re- l quired. RECOM14ENDAT I ON: It is respectfully recommended that: 1. This report be received; 2. That the attached amendment to By-law 76-24 be forwarded to Council for adoption at the meeting of January 12, 1981; 3. That the Town of Newcastle proceed with the issuance of Building and Plumbing permits for the Darlington Generating :station in accordance with , the above, and in accordance with i 3 t1w, "Master Agreement" with Ontario Hydro. Respectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. December 22, 1980 Director of Planning THE' CGRI'016MVI.OTT OIL' ` Jr,,' TOWN OF Yft,'c[CAST ItE Tay-law 31- A to amend Toim of Newcastle -fit-law 76-21,, ?,TO M- S it is downed desirable to Emiend Tay-law 76-2b, of the Toi�pn of Newcastle. NOW Tt t3t�'ORC the Council of the Cor9pora.tion of the Toia-I of ITewcastle M-TACTS as follows: Section 2 of Dy--law 76-24 of the Corporation of the To'em, of Newcastle in hereby amended by the addition thereto of the following, namely: 2.6 1=!,:-2101T Provisions of subsection 2.2.3 and sections 2.3 zaZd 2.5 shah. not o,1-ply to buildings constructed or erected by Ontosio ITydro for the purpose of a Buclear Generating Station or acceono)Tj uses l,ht:,rcto, located on lands comprising Lots 13 to 2!� inc'lVwive, Broken t{`.ront Concession, formerly Darljm(,ton TmmslLi;a. BY-IAA l� -AD a ,fi)_st time this day of , A.D. 1981 BY-I.AW T11;AD €c f.-moond time this day of , �.p T). 1931 DY-L,Id =0 a •s h_ird time and fimO.I.y pTn_g red this day of A.D. 1931 . G. B. Ric! oxd, Mayor (seal) J. II. IIcL.roy,p Clerk ` ( ` Nov,,- sr 19 , 1980 DKBI,ZNGT'`N G3 '/\ / C,\Y. PDMPB0VSES B0. l/ 2 , 3 6 4 Estimated Plumbing Permit Fees ITEM NUMBER FEE TOTAL ���uus� �um ho 41 �\� ___ Building Drains Bont -3 $3 , 00 ¢ 9 . 00 (Conventional) Floor -3 3 . 00 9 . 00 Utility-7 3 . 00 21. 00 Soil or Vent Not In Excess of -- Stacks Available I $ 2. 00 ` m Pumohuoe 42 ___________ Building Drains Roof -] $3 , 00 9 , 00 (Conventional) Floor -3 3 . 00 9 . 00 Utility-7 3 . 00 21 , 00 Soil or Vent Not In Excess of -- Stacks Available l $2 . 00 Pomphou��c 43 -_� - _--_ Building Drains Roof -3 $3 . 00 9 . 00 (Conventional) Floor -3 3 . 00 9 . 00 Utility-7 3 . 00 21 . 00 Soil or Vent Not In Excess of -- Stacks Available l $2 . 00 , Pump0000e #4 Building Drains Roof -3 $3 . 00 9 . 08 (Conventional) Floor -3 3 . 00 9 . 00 Utility-7 3 , 00 21 . 08 Soil or Vent Not In Excess of -- Stacks Available l $2 . 00 . TOTAL $156 . 00 � . November I9/ I980 DABIINGT( `| GS /X / POWERHOUSE, UNITS 1-4 & �'DNTRAL SERVICES /\DEJ\ Estimated Plumbing Permit Fees ITEM NUMBER FEE TOTAL Building Drains Roof -127 $3 . 00 $ 381. 00 (Conventional) Floor -757 3 . 00 2 , 271 , 00 Utility-83 3 , 00 249 . 00 Soil or Vent Not In Excess of ' -- Stacks Available l $2 . 00 Powerhouse ¢50 . 00 f $2 . 00 50 . 00 Plumbing Fixtures Per Fixture Water Closets 5�6 $3 . 00 112 . 00 Lav Daoioa 63 2 , 00 I26 . 00 Urinals 47 2 . 00 94 , 00 Service Sints 25 2 . 00 50 . 00 Rater Coolers , 27 2 . 00 54 , 00 Circular Wash 6 2 . 00 12 , 00 Fountains Kitchen Sink Z 2 . 00 4 . 00 Units OPOT8I^ $3 ' 483 . 00 November 19 , 1980 DARLI1,4GTON GS 'A ' MATER TREATMENT PLANT (& C. S.A. ACCESS TUNNEL) Estimated Plumbing Permit Fees ITEM NUMBER FEE TOTAL Building Drains Roof - 8 $3 . 00 $ 24 . 00 (Conventional) Floor -36 3 . 00 108 . 00 E1.ev. 93 . 000 and Utility-7 3 . 00 21. 00 100. 000 W.T. Plant $50. 00 + $2 . 00 50 . 00 Plumbing Fixtures Per Fixture 1 W.C. 1 $2. 00 2 . 00 1 Lav Basin 1 2 . 00 2 . 00 1 Service Sink 1 2 . 00 2 . 00 F,mergericy Shower 2 2 . 00 4 . 00 and Eyewash Soil. or Vent Not In Excess of -- Stacks Available 1 $2 . 00 TOTAL, $213 . 00 December 18, 1980 FILE ; NK38-20010 DARLINGTON GS A Schedule & Cost Summary of Building Permits To Be Obtained By Ontario Hydro (in 1980 $ ' s) Scheduled Building Building Building Size Start Cost Permit Cost Powerhouse 1, 871 , 027 m3 (01 May 81) $77 , 968, 000 $389, 840 Piling Ol Sep 81 Concrete Water Treatment 2 ,300 m2 01 Sep 81 876 , 000 4 ,380 Plant Concrete C.W. Pumphou�es 5, 200 m2 al Apr 83 1,982 , 000 91191 ' (4 x 1, 300 m ) Concrete D20 Management 4, 000 m2 01 Sep 84 1, 778, 000 b , 890 Building Concrete Emergency Water & 1,900 m2 01 Feb 83 724 , 000 3 , 620 Power Systems Bldg Concrete Fish Pumphouse 200 m2 01 Apr 84 76 , 000 380 Concrete Miscellaneous 2, 000 m2 ? 888 , 000 4 , 440 Buildings Guardhouse 30 m2 ? 27, 000 135 TOTAL Building Permit Costs $421, 595 Fees - $5 . 00 per $1,000. 00 'b December 18 , 1980 FILE: NK38-20010 DARLINGTON GS A Schedule and Cost Summary of Building Permits To Be Obtained By General Contractors (in 1980 $ ' s) Scheduled Building Building Building Size Start Cost Permit Cost Administration 4 ,000 m2 01 Feb 83 $3 ,304 , 000 $16, 520 Building & Bridge Concrete SF6 Switchgear 6 , 9`00 m2 01 Dec 81 3 , 066 , 000 15, 330 Building Concrete Standby Generator 1, 500 m` 01 Aug 84 570, 000 2 , 850 Buildings 2 Concrete (2 x 750 m ) TOTAL Building Permit: Costs $34 , 700 Fees - $5. 00 per $1, 000. 00 Ontario Hydro ,emorandum To MR. J.A. HALE Date 1980 12 01 Project Liaison Officer Darlington G.S. 'A' .ocation or Dept H17 A09 File NK38 08707 T3 Subject Economic Evaluation of Building Permits - Attached please find the economic evaluation of alternatives for purchasing Darlington related building permits. The present value of purchasing all permits on May 01, 1981 is $420,501. This compares to the present value of $419,580 resulting from the purchase of permits as they are required, per your schedule. All values are expressed in 1980$. The difference between the two alternatives is not large (0.2%) since 920 of the total permit cost is required very early in the schedule,. in May, 1981. If there are any questions, please call J.D. Beamer or myself. F� 1;. Hoekstra Pinanci.al Services Supervisor Darlington G.S. 'A' JDB:mt Attach. cc: J.D. Bourns 7114:5 rev. 79-01 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS - BUILDING PERMITS OBJECTIVE The timing of the purchase of Darlington building permits can occur under two different schedules. These are: 1) Purchase all permits on May 01, 1981. 2) Purchase permits as required over a' period of time from May, 1981 to April., 1985. The attached analysis evaluates which alternative is economically more attractive. ASSUMPTIONS 1) Building Cost Escalation - Values were escalated according to Nuclear Generation Project Construction index, per the 1980 10 Economic Forecast Series, 2) Cost of Funds - Values were discounted using a Mixed term, Canada & Foreign, cost of interest, per the 1980 10 Economic Forecast Series. ANALYSIS Present values of the two alternatives are not significantly different (Difference is equal. to 0.20) . From an economic viewpoint either alternative is equally acceptable. This small difference is caused by the fact that $398,841 (92% of the total building permit costs) occurs in May 01, .1.981 . Consequently, only 8% of the total, permit costs is differential between the two alternatives. This 8% experiences escalation and discounting at different rates causing the slight variation. DARLINGTON G.S. `A` ECONOMIC ANALYSIS - BUILDING PERMITS P.V. P.V. of Permit Bldg. Cost Compound 1980$ Esc. Bldg. Esc. Permit Cost of Discount P.V. of Costs Purchased Esc. Factor Factor Bldg. Cost Cost Cost Money/tear Factor Permit Costs May 01, 1981 Date o -- $K $K $ % -- Alt. 2 Alt. 1 Jan 1/80 0 100 -- -- -- -- -- -- Jan 1/81 8.8 108.8 -- -- -- 11.5 .897 -- May 1/81 -- 112.1 77,968 86,708 433,541 -- .897 388,886 Seot 1/81 -- 115.4 876 977 4,886 -- .897 4,383 _.. Jan 1182 9.1 � 118.7 � -- -- Jan 1/83 9.0 129.4 -- -- -- 11.0 -- -_ Feb 1/83 -- 130.5 724 945 4,726 -- .728 I 3,441 Apr 1/83 -- 133.7 1,982 2,650 13,251 -- .728 9,647 Jam: 7/84 10.0 142.3 1 -- -- -- 2.0 - - Apr 1/84 -- 146.1 76 111 556 -- 650 361 Apr 1/84 -- 146.1 27 39 196 -- .650 127 Sept 1/84 -- 149.9 1,778 2,665 13,326 -- .650 8,662 Jan 1/85 8.0 153.7 -- -- -- 11.5 -- -- 2 - DARLINGTON G.S. 'A' ECONOMIC ANALYSIS - BUILDING PERMITS 1 P.V. P.V. of Permit Bldg. Cost Compound 1980$ Esc. Bldg. Esc. Permit Cost of Discount P.V. of Costs Purchase Esc. Factor Factor Bldg. Cost Cost Cost Money/Year Factor Permit Costs May 01, 1981 ::ate % -- $K $K $ -- $ $ Alt. 2 Alt. 1 A:r 1/85 -- c 157.3 888 1,397 6,986 -- .583 4,073 Jan. 1/86 7.0 164.5 -- -- -- 11.0 -- -- ';'O'?'_T P.V. $419,580 $420,501* a $420,501 = $421,598 x (1 + .1121) p = $921 (1 + .115) = 0.2%