HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-7-81 f ' � r CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON. ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 1981. _ REPORT NO. : P-7-81 SUBJECT: Community Services Contribution Program Neighbourhood Improvement Component - 1981 Allocations BACKGROUND: The attached correspondence was forwarded to the Plan- ning Department on November 6, 1980 for a report to Council. Mr. Bennett's letter seeks municipal support for the Province 's request Lo Lhe Federal Government for the continuation of the Community Services Contribution Program. Recently the Federal Government has indicat�.d that they are contemplating a change in their financing Lhrough this program including the possible withdrawal of funds . The Community Services Contribution Program was intro- duced by the Federal Government in the spring of 1979 through the Ministry of Urban Affairs. The program replaced existing programs then in operation through C.M.H.C. , including the N.I.P. program. The C.S .C.P . program is, in 'essence, a block funding system whereby money is transferred from the Federal Government to the Provinces for 2 - Community Services. The allocation of the money and the criteria for receiving such fluids has become the responsibility of Provincial administration rather than Federal. COMMENT: T As Committee may_be aware, the Town of Newcastle has not been involved in a neighbourhood improvement program and, therefore, is not in need of funds through the neighbourhood improvement compon- ent of C.S .C.P. However, this municipality has in the past expected to receive some $50,000 of Federal money as part of the Storm Water Control System in Courtice specified in the 1977 Ontario Housing Act Program Agreements. It would, therefore, be appropriate for this munici- pality to advise the Ontario Ministry of Housing that we are still in need of those funds and, wish the Province to make a suitable allocation to the Town`in accordance with the O.H.A.P. Agreements. It is suggested, therefore, that Town Council adopt the following resolution. RECOMi,tENDATION: It is recommended that the following resolution be fore- warded to Town Council for adoption: "WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has entered into an Agreement with the Ministry of Housing through the Ontario Housing Action Program for the provision of funds for the construction of a Storm Water Control System; AND WHEREAS the O.H.A.P. Agreements include an allo- cation of $50,000 from C.M.H.C. ; AND WHEREAS the $50,000 would now be allocated to the Town of Newcastle through the Community Services Con- ''ution Program. 3 BE rr NOW THEREFOU RLSOLVED that the Town of Newcastle hAreby requests the Minister of Housing to allocate suitable funds through the C.S.C.P. program for the construction of Storm Water Control facilities in Courtice in accordance with existing Ontario Housing Action Program Agreements . '' Respectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. December 4, 1980 Director of Planning