HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-1-81 T O W N O F N E W C A S T L E DEPARTMENT OF PLAtNf011NG AND OED I.-' OPMENT 1981 WORK PROGRAM REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - 2 - MEETING OF JANUARY 5 , 1981 . As it is currently presented, the Work Program assigns REPORT NO . : P- 1 -81 priorities to the outstanding items within the Planning and Build- ing Divisions. SUBJECT : DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Individual items or projects are assigned a priority by 1981 WORK PROGRAM their position in the work schedule chart and are listed as princi- pal activities or secondary activities by month to the end of the BACKGROM & COMMENT: year. Appendices A and B listing outstanding work, represent a vol- ne attached Work Program for the Planning and Development ume of activity appropriately associated with a Department of a Department has been prepared on the basis of a review of the oper- larger size. ations of the Department undertaken during December of 1980. The RECOMMENDATION: Work Program is similar in format to those programs adopted in 1979 That the Planning and Development Committee adopt the and 1980 and continues,' those matters not finally completed in 1980. attached Department of Planning and Development 1981 Work Program. ine "Work Program" is an attempt to rationalize the activities of the Department in order to streamline its efforts and concentrate Respectfully s!16bm1tttLP_d, its limited resources on areas of greatest importance to the Town. / It should be noted that the "Work Program" will be reviewed r DNS:lb D. N. SMITH., :M..C..'I..;P. December 2 1980 with the Committee on a quarterly basis be Director of .P.lannZng q y ginning in April. Reports to the Committee at that time and at subsequent intervals may recom- mend adjustments to the Work Program. E ` ` � ' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ' 1981 WORK PROGRAM I . PURPOSE OF THE WORK PROGRAM 2 . DESCRIPTION OF THE MAJOR ACTIVITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - 0 Current Operations 0 �ooA �e Planning Buil61o�� m AdminiszraLion , 3 . SUMMARY OF OUTSTANDING APPLICATIONS , 4 . WORK PRIORITIES AND SCHEDULING ` ' / ' / ` i� I PURPOSE OF THE WORK PROGRAM i It is the purpose of the Work Program to: 1. Identify the work objectives of the Planning and Development Department for 1981; 2. Organize the limited resources of the Department in order to meet its work objectives, while maintaining the highest possible standard of planning advice; 3. Provide guidance to members of Council, other Departments and the public as to the timing and sequencing of work, and 4. Provide a mechanism by which the performance of the Department may be measured and evaluated. t 3 I II DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR ACTIVITIES PLANNING e CURRENT OPERATIONS Activities in current operations as detailed in the "Town of Newcastle, Development Procedures ' Guide" (1979) and the "Department of Planning, Office Procedures" (1979) documents generally include: 1. The review and processing of plans of subdivision and the preparation of subdivision agreements. 2. Review of gravel pit and trailer camp applications . 3. The review of severance applications before the Durham Regional Land Division Committee, (including the clearance of conditions and the preparation of Development Agreements) . 4. The review of applications to amend the restricted area (zoning) by-laws of the Town of Newcastle, the pre- f paration of individual and comprehensive by-laws and the processing of same. The preparation of development agreements. The preparation and review of other by-laws, e.g, the Sign By-law. 5 . The review of applications before the Newcastle Committee of Adjustment. 6. The review of building permit applications (as requested) as to conformity with the applicable restiricctted area } (zoning) by-laws. 7. Issuance of letters of clearance under the restricted area (zoning) by-laws . r , 8. Preparation of reports to the Planning and Development Committee on above and other matters as assigned, attendance at and participation in Committee and Public Meetings as required. 9. Provision of information and technicial assistance to members of Council, staff (Town, Regional and Provincial) and the public. 10. Representation at the Municipal Board (as required) . 11. Participation in staff committees (inter-departmental and Regional) as required. 12. Supervision of Technical and Support Staff. PLANNING e LONG RANGE Activities in Long Range Planning, also detailed in the "Town of Newcastle Development Procedures Guide" (1979) and the "Department of Planning, Office Procedures" (1979) documents generally include: 1. The preparation and/or review of the "District" and "Urban Area" Plans for the Town of Newcastle,. 2. The preparation of Development Plans for Hamlets and Residential Neighbourhoods in Newcastle. 3. The review of amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan (and the applicable District Plans) . 4. The review and administration of consultant studies and plans . 5 . Preparation of reports to the Planning and Development Committee, attendance and participation :i;n (Gommittee and Public Meetings as required. r 6. Provision of information and technical assistance to members of Council, staff (Town, Regional and _Provincial) and the public. 7. Representation at the Municipal Board (as required) . - 2 - 8. Participation in staff committees (inter-departmental and Regional) as required. 9. Supervision of Technical and Support staff. PLANNING e BUILDINGS Activities in the Building Division generally include: 1. The acceptance and review of building nd plumbing g p g permits as provided for under the Ontario Building Code and Town By-laws . 2. The inspection of construction projects as required under (1) above. 3. The administration and enforcement of the items specified in (1) above, including the Town's Sign By-law, undertaken in conjunction with the By-law Enforcement Officer and the Town's legal staff. Includes testimony in Court. 4. The review of official .plan amendments, subdivision, rezoning and development agreement applications. 5. Provision of information and technical assistance to members of Council, staff and the public. 6. Participation in staff Committees as required. 7. Supervision of Technical and Support staff. r PLANNING e ADMINISTRATION Administration of the Planning and Development Department is an ongoing function of the Director of Planning and the Chief Building Official. As in the past, the Director is directly involved in the operations of the current and long f S 3 - term planning sections and in the operations of the Building' Division through the Chief Building Official. Quarterly reports in the Activities of the Department will be forwarded to Committee as previously mentioned. - 4 - i i III SUMMARY OF OUTSTANDING APPLICATIONS ® January 1 1981 Appendices A and B list those applications currently before the Planning and Development Department, Each application is briefly reviewed as to its status . Appendices A and B are updated quarterly as is the Development applications Index Map, i i 198. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM CURRENT OPERATIONS JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 5 19 2 16 2 16 13 27 I I 25 8 22 6 JULY 20 4 Au 17 14 SEPT 28 13 OCT Nov. DEC. MEETING 26 9 23 7 21 COURTICE SUBDIVISIONS NEIGHBOURHOODS 2 AND 3 egegrqme■@a raaaagaegea @aeaquerar aaearggaaa reerrreaggra neeeaemgar earageaaeea aegar @eee @@ seaegagaaaa@ SUBDIVISION PLANS - BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA NEWCASTLE VILLAGE q®aa@gea @ea eaetla@ @gaga eragegeqrae retlaeaage$a raraaegagea @a @agnn @$ a @q0e @gaaa@ 0gaetlnr @a0a a0mmaamaga90 I HAMLET SUBDIVISION COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW maaaaaaegra q @aagaragre eeeangreeq eoaegaaasar ■r @®raegeaq garrq @reegan SIGN BY-LAW ag00enaen00 ■r00 @mamamr rr0araggqnr @rgeaeerge0 rr00a0eg00ea mg0a0armgae gr0tlm0ma0e0 0aagaSnraOr 0606m6agmna emelammmnae eregareetlmB 8a8nagnarra ONGOING PRIORTI ES 1 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION INDUSTRIAL / COMMERCIAL j 4 .. .�. ,� » w 2 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION RESIDENTIAL ( by date of submission or as shown above) I i 3 COMMENTS TO LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE COMMENTS TO COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMEN 5REVIEW OF SUBMISSIONS/.COMMENTS i LEGEND Primary activity r t Secondary activity �mggaqeaeaeeaaeqe @geaeo @eg6aq @ee @ @ @egaai 1981 F LANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM LONG RANGE PLANNING JAN. FEB, MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 5 19 2 16 2 16 13 27 II 25 8 22 6 20 4AU17 14 E 28 130 26 9 NO2. DEC. MEETING 3 7 21 COURTICE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY " uQ/tatt/a/ 0000!8/Q/!!e //QQe/tree! t/tQttlueQ eta/art/ett /!/Qtlteete! teetetetltt eetettaeete leeteetettla COURTICE SPECIAL PURPOSE COMMERCIAL" /ttl n t/@/t/ /tt n t n ae/e !e/@t/eBa!/ /88008080/0 e0a/@/atet0 000e86/tOt00 8lttttpeQ @8 te!//0/ett! /u t/tl @tart COURTICE NEIGHBOURHOOD 3 DEVELOPMENT PLAN (In conjunction with Courtice storm water management study and growth analysis and BtB/8 @/@t0! 111066611910 /tt @0006!!0 ptltt80Q/Qe tl08tltl0ettt/ /0/0tl/t/tee/ etQ!/Bp/tt0 Bt00 @ @elteH QlQetltt6l04 development strategy) PART I DISTRICT FLAN /tl/1!u/!t1 Bu .a$9eQeaetQeQ OttdBQ8lett !011111111611 Ito,of!1/0110!10 t/ttlee0te@ tlt/8010l1ttB URBAN AREA PLANS - BOWMANVILLE AND NEWCASTLE VILLAGE tteleeteu/ ///u/ete// 1/eat/0!808 6Qp1tlQ/ea Qlalaletelte 110!81/8008 eea11lantll Qlleetelte/! taell61tl1et HAMLET PLANS - TYRONE HAMPTON ORONO AND MITCHELL'S CORNERS ' e/e1e!//e!t ee/1s/ea6ae/ e/ta11/1/1! B1/atlelelQ oleelettaet/ eee/1$ltste 1arelteteQ! 0080!660818! at/eeaa/a11 MAIN CENTRAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PLANS BOWMANVILLE a0809Ha6800p�9HH006HOa8a0 0aa$4I00t9afd 0a @0Ei @FlHO@H BHQB @aeaHHH 0H @480 @60H8 .. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE � ease @ala00e�@0060@ @Hasa@ a6a0086BBa /a @B88BBa0a Bl1Htle08800 ORONO 01a00806teB aaQ/tta/amt B1e0106a1la Oae/aaeteae Beeeaeop/6/@ 1118616aBa0 COMPREHENSIVE RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW aBai006/880 aaa9aaB080a /eaat160lB/ /a//l1t016/ 118181688 @! 1880880061 /e8l0ee1t10 @81Q168088t 8818teB18aH age 1112186111 OBwtlte @/B!! 1a6t0eB18/t HAMLET PLANS -KIRBY, ENFIELD, KENDAL AND LESKARD eaelaaleala aeal8a/arla asea11aB1ea 1lalaaaala/ /86010/6188 81811188®88 atl0!@Brest! 08®eQBal66a ®BB00�3aflHQ�' fifOLd @85HJlt3f 81®0/00608 10810180081 ONGOING OFFICIAL PLAN APPLICATION HOUSING POLICY STATEMENT nol DATA COLLECTION REVIEW OF PLANS /COMMENTS LEGEND Primary activity Secondary activity ®V BOB aaaaaaae/aeaa0®aal6aaa/a Bay Do ago B i 1981 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAM BDMINISTRATION JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. S P E T. OCT. NOV. DEC. ILDING 5 19 2 16 2 16 13 27 II 25 8 22 6 20 4 17 14 28 13 26 9 23 7 21 N BY-LAW ADVERTISING / ENFORCEMENT aaoaasaaaaa ®aaaaaaeaoe aaaaeasoaaa ®aaeaaaeoea MAY3181 ONGOING , 1 BUILDING B PLUMBING /PERMITS /INSPECTIO /PROCESSING I2 COMMENTS ON DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 3 PROVISION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION 1 REVIEW OF DEPARTMENTS ACTIVITIES REPORT REP0,4'T REPORT 2 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND GROWTH MANAGEMENT STUDY 3 VARIOUS ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS �I LEGEND j Primary activity Secondary activity Bellevue e®saaaa0aeamaaseaaaeo®aaaeaaaa SUMMARY OF OUTSTANDING APPLICATIONS APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM I SUBDIVISIONS FILE // APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED din.• of Town of 'IOUs• Newcastle 17T-19720 S-A-3-12-1 East Woodbridge Pt. L. 29, Con. 1, Newcastle Village 99 Subdivision Agreement - requested reduction in develop- ' Si ne d By-law g y- approved ment standards to be considered by O.M" B• in light of Growth Management Study - execute subdivision agreement - clear Minister's conditions 17T-24001 S-A-1-15-6 Oakland Develop- Pt. L. 18, Con. 7, 44 Draft approved by Min- - subdivision agreement with Town ments Ltd. Darlington inter of Housing and Re ion (Enniskillen) g - zoning By-law amendment - after subdivision a.gr.ep ,,ents signed i t 17T-24689 S-A-1-12-2 Waverly Heights Pt. L. 17, Con. 5, 44 Under Review - resolution of servicing scheme Darlington for Hampton - completion of Hamlet Plan - staff report ' -)T-24043 S-A-3-10-1 Veltri & Son. Ltd. Pt. L. 29, Con. 5, 5 Under Review - res©11,uUan ,off ;po�Len�al problems Clarke (Orono) with ser.vicing., access -- staff report i 18T-25149 S-A-3-1-3 Murray Payne Pt. L. 7&8, Con. 2, 68 Formal application - finalize 'NewtonVille Hamlet Plan Clarke (Newtonville) circulated - staff repot 18T-25449 S-A-1-7-2 j Gatehouse Holdings Pt. L. 35, Con. 2, 395 Preliminary application - submission of revised plans Darlington (Courtice,) referred to staff for - staff report preliminary report Page 2 APPENDIX WORK PRO RAM I SUBDIVISIONS FILE /I APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous . Newcastle 18T-74067 S-A-2-5-1 Cean Investments Pt. L. 12, Con. 2, 52 Draft Approved - submission by applicant of rezoning, - Darlington (Bow­manville) draft subdivision Agreement - negotiate subdivision agreement - staff report 18T-74080 S-A-1-15-3 1927 Investments Pt. L. 19, Con. 8, 140 Formal application - staff report Darlington (Enniskillen) circulated ' 18T--75 362 S-A-1-15-5 Burketon Hills Ltd. Pt. L. 18&19, Con. 10, 52 Draft approved by rain- - submission by applicant of appli- Darlington istry of Housing cation for rezoning, draft subdi- vision agreement t - negotiate :sdbdiivision agreement - staff. report 18T-75493 S-A-3-13-2 Narva, KSW, Pt. L. 29&30, Con. 2, 680 Erehwon Clarke Formal application (Newcastle V - completion of Newcastle Village Vg. ) circulated District Plan, also Development Plan for area r - resolution o:f --Iea .ccing problem - staff report 18T-75526 S-A-2-6-3 Schickedanz Pt. L. 8, Con. 1, R 236 Recommended for draft - draft approval b.y :Minister of � Darlington (Bowmanville) approval to Minister Housing of Housing, conditional - negotiate subdivislDa agreement on availability of ser- - rezoning vices APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page 3 I SUBDIVISIONS FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS Min. of Town a-E FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Hous. Newcas-tle 18T-76011 S-A-2-6-2 Penwest Developments Pt. L. 9, Con, 1, 307 Recommended for draft - draft approval by Minister of Darlington (Bowmanville) approval to Minister of Housing + Housing, conditional on - negotiate subdivision agreement availability of services - rezoning 18T-76020 S-A-3-13-6 S. Gujda Estate Pt , L. 29, Con. 2, 56 Formal application cir- - completion of Newcastle Village Clarke (Newcastle Vg. ) culated District Plan, Development Plan- staff report 18T-76021 S.A-3-12-2 S. Gujda Estate Pt. L. 28, Con. 1, 21 Draft approved pp - submission by applicant of appli- T. Huzar Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) cation for rezoning, draft subd4 F vision agreement - negotiate subdivision agreement - staff report 18T-76025 S-A-2-4-1 One-Fourth Pt. L. 14, Con. 1, 297 Staff Reports - Council decision on staff reports Investments Darlington (Bowmanville) P-165--80 and P-194-80 referred to new Council 18T-76027 S-A-1=6-2 Courtice Heights Pt. L, 31 02, Con. 2, 681 Draft approved b OMB pp y - OMB approval of revised subdivis- Darlington (Courtice) Amending By-law approved ion plan by OMB - clear Minister conditions Subdivision agreement - execute subdivision agreement signed r, 18T-76038 S-A-2-6-1 Schickedanz Dev. Pt. L. 10, Con. 1, 79 Under Review - staff report r Ltd. Bowmanville APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page--4 I SUBDIVISIONS FILE_ # APPLICANT LOCATION En. of Town of UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED lbu• Newcastle 18T-76048 S-A-1-10-1 Courtice Heights g Pt. L. 31, Con. 3, 292 Dev. Ltd. Darlington (Courtice) Draft approved by OMB, - clear Minister's conditions + amending By-law approved - execute subdivision agreement by OMB, subdivision agree- ment signed 18T-76063 S-A-1-15-4 R. & G. Sucee Pt. L. 20, Con. 10, 26 Draft approved b Ministry Darlington Y Y - clear Minister's conditions (Burlceton Station) of Housing Subdivision agreement signed Zoning By-law amendment under circulation 18T-76071 S-A-2-1-2 LDCM Investments Pt. L. 14, Con. 2, 14 t Darlington (Bowmanville) Draft approved - submission by applicant of draft subdivision agreement - negotiate subdivision agreement 18T-77001 S-A-1-10-4 Goldfan Holdings g Pt. L. 34, Con. 3, 730 Darlington (Courtice) Recommended for draft - draft a , plan approval approval by Minister of Housing - negotiate subdivision .agreement - rezoning 18T-77002 S-A-1-6-3 D. R. Agencies Pt. L. 33, Con. 2, Darlington (Courtice) ' 11 Plan draft approved - Council decision on Report By-law approved P-193-80 Staff report P-193-80 referred to incoming Council ;I . j i ( APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM P- a&e 5 i I SUBDIVISIONS FILE ff APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS fin. of Town of FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED lb us• Newcastle 18T-77028 S-A-1-9-1 Goldfan Holdings Pt. L. 29&30, Con. 3, 667 Preliminary application - Storm Water Management Study Darlington ( Courtice) referred to staff for - preparation of development plan preliminary report - preliminary report .dT-77037 S-A-1-5-1 , Yugo Construction Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, 4 Plan draft approved - submission by applicant of draft Darlington (Courtice) subdivision agreement - negotiate subdivision agreement - staff report 18T-77041 S-A-1-10-2 Telcla Perun Pt. L. 31, Con. 3, 121 Formal application cir- - Storm Water Management Study Darlington (Courtice) culated t -- preparation of development plan - staff report 18T-77047 S-A-1-10-3 Durcourt Develop- Pt, L. 32, Con. 3, ments Ltd. 493 Formal application cir-Darlington culated - Storm Water Management Study - preparation of Development Plan - staff report 18T-77066 S-A-1-13-4 Colin & Lack Pt. L. 30, Cqn. 4, Darlington (Mitchell's 7 Preliminary review of - preparation of Mitchell's Corners application indicated Corners) Hamlet Plan that application premature- formal report to .Committee pending Mitchell's Corners Hamlet Plan ,. 18T-77067 S-A-1-11-3 Ray Abbott Pt. L. 8, Con. 7, 8 Under Review - staff report Darlington (Tyrone) } I i r Page 6 APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM I SUBDIVISIONS FILE /{ APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED 2ii.n.. o f Town of Hous• Newcastle 18T-77095 S-A-2-12-1 Schwarz Brothers Pt. L. 12, Con. 1, Bowmanville 18 Draft approval recom- - submission of engineering study mended by Town, subject to CLOCA by applicant to CLOCA approval - staff report Site allocated sewage capacity by Council 18T-77123 S-A-1-8-2 East Woodbridge Pt. L. 11, Con. 3, c 46 Draft approved by Min- - submission by applicant of draft (Rills of Liberty Darlington ister of Housing g North) subdivision agreement - negotiate subdivision agreement 18T-77133 S-A-3-13-1 E. Vierhout & Bow- Pt. L. 27, Con. 2, t 41 Formal application cir- - completion of Newcastle Village manville Const. Newcastle Village culated District Plan, also Development Plan for area staff report 18T-78006 S-A-3-11-1 Newcastle Shoreline Pt. L. 25, B.F.C. z 7 Draft approval by Min- - submission by applicant of appli- Properties Ltd. Clarke istry of Housing cation for rezoning, subdi- (Jar_k Jacobsen Const.) g, vision agreement -- negotiate subdivision agreement - staff report 18T-78027 S-A-3-13-7 Wilswar Enterprises Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, 191 Formal application cir- - completion of Newcastle Village Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) culated District Plan, also Development Plan for area staff report Page 7 APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM I SUBDIVISIONS FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED - Min. of Town of Hous• Newcastle 18T-78107 S-A-1-13-5 h Ral Davis f Ralph Pt. L. 25&26, Con. 6, 8 Draft Approved - completion by applicant of Darlington (Solina) Zoning By-law amendment conditions of subdivision agree- approved by Town ment ' Subdivision agreement - issuance of clearance letter executed by Town, appli- cant S-A-2-6-4 D & M Develop- Pt. L. 9, Con. 2, 59 Preliminary application - completion of Bowmanville Urban ments Ltd. Bowmanville Area Plan - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Treatment Plan preliminary report S-A-2-4-2 Wilswar Enterprises Pt. L. 13, Con. 1, 108 Preliminary Application - completion of Bowmanville Urban Bowmanville Area Plan - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Treatment Plant - staff report S-A-1-12-1 Super Max Pt. L.17&18, Gaon. 5, 19 Revised application pp - resolution of servicing problem Darlington (Hampton) circulated - Hampton Development Plan - staff report i 18T-79038 S-A-1-6-5 Remlark Holdings Pt. L. 35, Con. 2, Darlington (Courtice) 94 Recommended for draft - draft approval by Minister of approval Housing - negotiate subdivision agreement - rezoning f Page 8 APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM I SUBDIVISIONS FUEL # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS n. of_ Town of FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED �. u• Newcastle 18T-79059 S-A-3-7-1 Waverly Heights Pt, L. 24, Con. 9, 26 Preliminary application - decision re; related Official • Clarke Plan amendment application - staff report __d-79067 S-A-2-5-2 Danad Properties Pt. L. 11&12, Con. 2, 935 Preliminary application - completion of Urban Area Plan Bowmanville and Development Plan - availability of services - staff report 18T-79071 S-A-1-1-3 Brooks, Lovell, Pt. L. 3&4, Con. 4, 15 Preliminary application - decision re; related Official McLellan Darlington Plan Amendment application r - staff report decision re; application for rezoning S-A-1-5-3 Gyan Jain a Pt . L. 30, Con. 1, 5 Preliminary application - staff report Darlington 18T-80062 S-A-1-2-2(b) East Woodbridge Pt. L. 16, B.F.C. d20 Preliminary application - staff report Darlington Inustrial circulated lots 18T-8007 S-A-1-6-6 Dr. King Pt. L. 33, Con. 2, 135 Preliminary application - preparation of Envrvnmental Impact Darlington Analysis ' - staff report i i II CURREI;T APPLICATIONS FOR REZOSING December 1 1980 FILE N0. APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Z-A-1-1-5 Brooks, Lovell, Pt. L. 3&4, Con. 4, Estate Residential - under review in con- McLellan (Aug. /79) Darlington - decision on subdivision and junction with application O.P.A. i for subdivision and O.P.A. - staff report Z-A-1-1-6 Higginson (Oct./80) Pt. L. 7 Con. 4, Road Redesignation - report completed Darlington - submission of report in 1981 Z-A-1-5-4 Richard Gay (May/78) Pt. L. 29 00, Con. 2, Commercial - under review Darlington - staff report ` Z-A-1-7-4 Ron Amyotte Pt. L. 31 02, B.F.C. Industrial - under review - staff report (Sept./79) Darlington Z-A-1-7-5(2) Ridge Pine Park (1980) Pt. L. 32, 33,34,35, Mobile Home Park - Preparation of By-law - negotiation of agreement Con. 1, Darlington Pt. L. 32&33, B.F.C. , - approval of By-law Clarke Z-A-1-9-1 Courtice Auto Wreckers Pt. L. 27, Con. 3, Industrial (Mar./80 Darlington - circulation completed - completion of Derelict Motor Vehicle By-law Z-A-1-10-1 Alliance Exurban ( Y/77) Pt. L. 34, Con. 3, Residential Ma - awaiting decision on Darlington 18T-77001 - none at this time Z-A-1-13-4 Laycoe (Sept./80) Pt. L. 30, Con. 4, Commercial report completed Darlington - submission of report in 1981 Z-A-1-15-4 Oakland Develop- Pt. L. 18, Con. 7, Residential ments (Randy Jeffrey) Darlington - report required - Council resolution regarding (Aug. /77) fire protection services r tI CURRF.*:T APPLICATIONS FOR REZONING (� Page 2 FILE N0. APPLICANT LOCATION • TYPE STATUS • FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Z-A-1-15-7 Wm, Henderson (Oct./78) Pt. L. 18, Con. 7, Commercial - revised By-law completed Darlington - report and By-law will be submitted in 1981 Z-A-1-15-8 Sucee(Feb,/80) Pt. L. 20, Con. 10, Estate Residential Darlington - By-law approved - none at this time 7-A-1-16-1 Balint (July/80) Pt, L. 31, Con. 5, Commercial Darlington - By-law approved in principle - awaiting notification from Durham Works regarding road widenings prior to approval of By-law. Z-A-2-4-5 J. Rice (Feb./77) Pt, L. 12, Con. 1, Residential - under review Bowmanville - resolution of servicing Pro- blem - staff repor;t Z-A-2-4-8 J. Chow (p:t./79) Pt. L. 13, Con. 1, Commercial - resolution of servicin g - resolution of servicing pro- Bowmanville problem blem and/or decision on O.P.A. - staff report Z-A-2-6-3 Brooking Transport Pt. L. 10, Con. 2,, Industrial - By-law 79-137 approved Bowmanville - s ubmisBlon lby i-a}p�l i can t by Council but not of circulated site plan agreement appli- cation. Z-A-2-8-1 E. Samuels King St. Residential Bowmanville - held open , applicant Ito 'aiibait new plans Z-A-2-12-5 Rejczak (Aug./80) Pt. L. 9, Con. 2, Residential - report and By-law sub- Bowmanville - awaiting the �'de.�cLcation of a ' mitred to Planning 10 foot road wi-'dmi,ng and Committee , $1500 lot development charge Z-A-2-13-1 Darlington Marina Pt, L. 10, B.F,C. , Marine Commercial (Aug./79) Bowmanville & Residential revised circulation - report required i II CURRENT APPLICATIONS FOR ( L0NING P- age 3 FILE NO. APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS • FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Z-A-2-13-2 Noseworthy (Jan./80) Pt. L. 9, B.F.C. , Residential - BY-law 80-126 received Bowmanville for information - negotiate an agreement guar- anteeing that the existing cottage will not be used for residential purposes - By-law will then be forwarded ' for approval 7-A-3-3-5 394256 Ontario Pt. L. 29, Con. 3, H Ltd. (Mar./80) Clarke �+'Y• Commercial - in circulation - preparation of amending By-law following receipt of revised plans Z-A-3-5-7 Irwin (Oct./80) Pt. L. 29, Con. 4, Hwy. Commercial - in circulation Clarke - staff report Z-A-3-6-2 Timoll (June/80) Pt. L. 33, Con. 10, Commercial y Clarke - rezoning approved in -principle ��° pp subm ssiam b a licant of application for site plan approval Z-A-3-11-6 Newcastle" Lumber Pt. L. 26, Con. 1, 111-2 Special Con- (Apr. /80) Clarke dition - under review - report required <• /--A-3-12-1 Narva Developments Pt. L. 30, Con. 1, Residential 19 75) Clarke - under review in con- - staff report :-following de- 1 junction with subdivision cision on subdivision application Z-A-3-12-5 Windsweep Farms Pt. L. 28, B.F.C. Residential/Commercial - approved in principle _ staff taff report on revised subject to site plan proposal agreement - development �agrkement Z-A-3-12-9 Bond Head Harbour Pt. L. 28,29 00, B.F.C. Residential & Com- Village Clarke mercial; - under review - development agreement - staff report i i - II C` ;;PE�;T APPLI�„TICMS FOR REZOtvING Page 4 FILE NO• APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED 1 Z-A-3-13-3 Huzar Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, Residential - awaiting decision on Clarke - none at this time subdivision Z-A-3-13-3 Erehwon Developments Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, ' (Oct./75) Residential - under review in con'un- Clarke � J - staff report following ction with subdivision decision on subdivision 7-A-3-13-4 KSW Developments Pt. L. 30, Con. 2, (Oct. 1975) Clarke Residential - under review in con un- - staff report following de- ction with subdivision cision on subdivision Z-A-3-13-5 Wilswar Enterprises Pt. L. 26, Con, 2, (June/77) Residential - under review in con 'un- Clarke J - staff report following ction with subdivision decision on subdivision Z-A-3-13-6 Ttychalchuk Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, (Apr./79) Mobile Home Park - objection on rezoning g - clarification from Ministry t application of Agriculture & Food staff report to follow Z-A-3-13-8 Syvan Developments/ Pt. L. 28, Con. 2, Commercial Lucbar Investments Clarke - to be considered with - none at this time Development Plan k i III DEVELOPME.,T AGREEMENTS AND 'SUBDIVISION AGREEMENTS Planning staff input is required to review and assist in the preparation of development agreements or subdivision agreements for all draft approved plans of subdivision, as well as certain industrial and commercial developments, as required by Council. The following is a list of proposals, which require staff input at this time: - Rills of Liberty North Bowmanville" - Windsweep Farms Newcastle Village - Ridge Pine Park Darlington/Clarke ° - Edmond Vanhaverbeke Bowmanville - Romney Mead Subdivision Newcastle Village t f . 1 1 APPENDIX B ® WORK PROGRAM December 1 , 1980 LONG RANGE PLANNING ® OUTSTANDING PROJECTS PROJECT STATUS Newcastle District Plan - draft Plan completed - presented to Council - Plan in circulation - Requires: public input review and revision Council approval Regional approval Ministerial approval Bowmanville Uryban Area Plan - draft Plan completed - presented to Council - circulated - Public Meetings held - Requires: review and revision Council approval Regional approval Ministerial approval i Newcastle Village Urban Area Plan - draft Plan completed presented to Council ' I Plan in circulation - Requires: Public input review and revision Council approval Regional approval i t PROJECT STATUS Courtice Environmental Analysis - Terms of reference Council approved - consultant selected and approved - study underway - Requires: draft document review and revision final document Council adoption Courtice North Neighbourhood Development Plan - Requires: completion of environmental analysis draft document circulation presentation to Council t , public input review and revision Council approval DEVELOPMENT PLANS e Tyrone - draft Plan completed - presented to Council - circulated Public Meetings held reviewed and revised - Regional Council comments received - recommended for Council approval - referred back to staff r 2 - t , PROJECT STATUS o Tyrone (con't) - Requires : further review and discussion with major property owners affected revisions as necessary Council approval o Newtonville - draft Plan completed - represented to Council - circulated - Public Meetings held - reviewed and revised - Regional Council comments received - recommended for Council approval i - referred back to staff - revised as,per Council's directions - Requires: results of Hamlet questionnaire Regional Council comments Council approval (may also require an Official Plan amendment) o Hampton - Hamlet questionnaire conducted - draft Plan completed - circulated aj - Public Meetings scheduled - Requires : review and revision V Regional Council comments Council approval 3 - i i PROJECT ( STATUS e Mitchell's Corners - Hamlet questionnaire conducted - draft Plan completed - Plan in circulation - Requires: presentation to Council public input review and revision Regional Council comments Council approval e Orono - Hamlet questionnaire conducted - draft Plan completed - Requires: circulation presentation to Council public input ti ,review and revision Regional Council comments " Council approval ALL OTHER HAMLETS e (Enfield, Leskard, Kirby, Kendal) - Requires : Hamlet questionnaire draft document s circulation presentation to Council public input review and revision Regional Council comments Council approval - 4 - PROJECT STATUS OTHER MATTERS o Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning L-law - Requires : preparation of draft by-law presentation to Council Council approval circulation to public o Housing Policy Statement - Requires: terms of reference application for funding consultant selection report preparation Council adoption OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS o 76-35/D - recommended by staff for denial (following applications) Waverly Heights (presently maintained) - tabled at applicant's request (as active files. ) - Requires : staff report Council consideration recommendation to Region 0 75-29/D - recommended by Town for approval D. McLellan - referred back to Town by Region - Reg uires: staff report Council consideration recommendation to Region e 80-11/D/NB - Requires: staff report : J. Chow Council consideration recommendation to Region 5 - PROJECT STATUS o 80-37/D — Requires: staff report City of Oshawa Council consideration recommendation to Region t ii 1 J� tkt I 's - 6 -