HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-196-80 M, REPORT #16 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB UO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO COUNCIL DECEMBER 15, 1980 REPORT NO. : 16 P-196-80 SUBJECT: Proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 24 to the Region of Durham Official Plan East Woodbridge Developments Ltd. BACKGROUND: On December 10, 1980, Planning staff received the attached Notice of a Municipal Board hearing to be held in respect of Official Plan Amendment Number 24 to the Regional Official Plan involving the north-south arterial road at the east of Bowmanville. The Municipal Board will convene its hearing on January 2, 1981. COMMENT: As is customary in the Town of Newcastle, staff hereby seek authorization to attend the said Hearing along with the municipal sol- icitor as may be necessary. RECOMMENDATION: That staff be authorized to attend the above noted Municipal Board Hearing in respect of Official Plan Amendment Number 24. Staff to include the municipal solicitor as may be necessary. Respectfull,v submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. �o December 10, 1980 Director of Planning - ' ` } [/ / / "Tk—\kJ (~\[ Tl /� ��� NEWCASTLE _ � _ _- ' `' `. .`^. ` ~~. . . ^- /�-/vv| � \.�( PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D N� 3W|TH' .0.|.P` Director n/HAkPTON� 0MT�O|D LOB 1JO TEL N16D2G3'2231 uuruxz zu (1/UNClL MEEIINS OF N0VCM0EK ] 1980. ` RBy0DI N0. : y-191-80 � SUBJECT: Request: for Iovo Commanra on Correspondence received by dhc Ministry of mousing from E.8r` D A Goodman, in respect of Regional 0[[icioI PI A. »» mao' 0'C' � Plan mnan J mcnc 24 - BACKGROUND: On SopLem6ec 22 ` 1980` Town Council received the attached letter from Hr. C. M. Fxr,nv u` Mr. C. A. G"vJmao` dated August: 28, 1980, and u'| ,,rcJ it to dhc Director of Planning for x report Lo the Pl000lxC and |`,v.' |oym,ot Committee, as Per Council Resolution #C-80-1197: "That Uhc letter dated August 28, 1980 addressed �o Hr. � ` D C J V.C. by the Ministry of Housing be rc[ccrcJ m / hc Director of yluoolog for a report to the Planning and |k`veloyomnt Committee, '' Mr. Y'/nov'x lctcor of August 28` L980 refers to correspondence h,tv,nn U`, H{ xLxccy or Uo"x1/'C and Mr. C"u'|m,o, (acting on behalf of Coyt Nnvd6r1'|x, 0uvcloymcmo 7.td. ) ' in respect of proposed Regional offic- ial pluo AmcoJ,mnc 0o. 24 . As outlined in the correspondence between the Ministry and Hr. CvuJmon' copy attached, East Woodbridge Developments Ltd. have o61ucccJ LO the approval of Official Plan Amendment 24 . ^ - 2 - Kaf l: note that Amendment 24 to the Regional. Official. Plan approved by N910"a.l. Council. on March L9, 1980 embodies "alternative number 4," one of nine alternative road systems evaluated by the Region of Dur- ham through n study initiated in 1977 under Section 13. 2.6 of the Regional Plan. In November of 1977, Regional staff presented the conclusions of the study to "castle Council. Regional staff recommended that "alter- ` native 3" he adopted, Newcastle Council resolved to request the Region to select "alts :,native 4". Subsequent to the discussions of November 1977 and the endor- sation of road alternative number 4 (Council resolution C-77-1597) , Town Council received a report from the Director of Works , copy attached, which recommended ; hat Council 's previous action be upheld. 'Town Council endorsed the Director ` ., report and forwarded it to the Region (resolution C-78-126) . Subsequent t ., that action, Town Planning staff forwarded a report (copy attached) to En"neil February 27, 1978, recommending that alternative number 3 be ondorsed. Council received and filed the report from Planning staff. . On March 8, 1978 Regional Council considered the matter through a report from the Regional Planning and Development Committee , to the effect that dwspite Newcastle 's position, alternative number 3 was most appropriate . Despite the reconnnendation to adopt alternative number 3, Regional CounQ L selected alternative number 4 . Subsequent to that action, Newcastle r LAI requested the Region to defer adoption of the necessary official PKH iuw ndmunt pending Chu preparation of a portion of the 'Gown 's District PJ N" , ( For the Bowmanvi 1.Le Urban Area) . Regional Planning and 4 - S and Devoloppum COMM LLve considered the report in early 1979 and tabled the Official Plan Amendnwnt "pending receipt of a recommenda Lion from the Town of Newcastle". Ir, March of 1979, Newcastle Planning and Development Committee considered Staff Report P-47--79 which recommended "that the Region be requested Lo dufer a decision on the proposed amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan regarding the location of a future north-south arterial road in east Bowmanville pending the completion of the Bowmanville Urban Area Ilan", Staff Report P-47-79 was tabled by the Newcastle Plan- ning and Development committee until July 23, 1980 at which time a recommen- dation to consider the deferral recommendation was received and the fol- lowing resolution subsequently approved by Town Council.: "'I'WL Report P-126-79 relative to the North/South Arterial Road, Bowmanville, be received for information and Council rvNf. firms its position that the Training School Road be the North/South Arterial Road. " (July 30, 1979) i SubNequent to that resolution, Regional Council. on October 17, 1979 adopted the recommendation of the Regional Planning and Development Committee to rescind Council 's earlier resolution indicating that Trainin' ' School Road was to be the future North/South Arterial Road in East Bowman- ville, apparently to allow the Town to provide further comments over and above the resolution pressed by Newcastle CowMCil on July 30, 1979. On October 22, 1979, Newcastle Council adopted the following resolution (C-L439-79) : "BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Town of Newcastle respond to the Regional Municipality of Durham's request 10F t_he Town's direction regarding the location of eastern ;< tiC)llmanville interchange and that the Town of Newcastle royuests the Regional Municipality of Durham approve the Location of the future North/South arterial road and Highway No. 401 interchange be as shown on Alternative Nor. 4 (Training School Road or Lamb's Road) in the eastern part of Bowmanville and direct the Regional Planning and Development Department to brim; forward the suitable U.P.A. to We next Regional. Council meeting for their approval. " On November 5 , 1979, Newcastle Council adopted in reference to the road: "Be it resolved that the following letter be dispatched for tho next Region of Durham Meeting of October. 31, 1979 for Choir consideration. " (a copy of the letter is appended to this report) On Kbruary 12, 1930 , Regional Planning and Development Com- mittee consido red a recommendation to hold a public meeting on the pro- posed road, but directed staff" to bring forward the necessary official plan document , to amend the Regional Plan to incorporate "alternative 4" . The necessary documentation was brought before Regional Planning Committee on March 11 , 1980 and subsequently adopted by Regional Council on March 19, 1980 as O f' 1cial flan Amendment 24 . COMMENT: Stall understand that in addition to the objection filed by East Woodhrl dqo Developments Ltd. to the approval of Regional Official. Plan AmendmunL 24 that objections have also been raised to the draft plan approvnL of two subdivisions 18T-76011 (Penwest Developments Ltd. ) and 18T-755Y6 (Schickedanz Investments Ltd. ) . These subdivision plans i - J _ were rucomn",ndod Ior- drat t ptan approval by the Town in conjunction with the "S"por Creek Nulghbour•hood Plan", The "Soper Creek Neighbour- hood Plan", i neighbourhood secondary plan required under the existing Bowmanville t ful-al Plan was approved in principle by Town Council_ on March 26 , 1979, "subject to agreement in principle by the Central Fake Ontario Conservation Authority relative to flood lines and storm drainage" Ol; October 5, 1979, Newcastle Planning and DeVelopment Committee cungi.dered a revised version of the "Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan" addrerr;ing the flood and storm drainage concerns and also considered the above-nunCioned subdivision plans which fall within the Soper Creek Neighbourho"d Plan. The Committee recommended approval of all these matters . 'town Council, meeting; on October- 9 , 1979, passed the following resolution: "Thn! the Soper Creek Netghbourhood flan be adopted, as revised and forwarded to Durham Region, with all relevant: b;;. i:f;ruund material, for their approval; and ThaL the draft plans of subdivision located within the Soper Creek Neighbourhood, and dealt with under separate ropirts , be considered for Draft Plan approval conditional rll-n the provision of services and specifically sewage II Wall note brat the Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan was approved by Regional t;:..uncll on May 14 , 1988. lu View of the approval in principle of the "Soper Creek Neighbourhood Plan" by Council March of 1979 and in light of the July 30, 1979 resol.ur.ion in respect of the location of the North/South Arterial tom, f it 6 _ Road, Town staff brought forward the "Sober Creels Neighbourhood Plan" and the nbovo noted suhdLvLmLons in conformity with Council 's posILL"n. However, stmI If did note aL Ulu Uclobur commWee meeting LhnL We plan set the development pattern in this area of Bowmanville. it was noted at the July Committee meeting that current Town staff had not been re- quested to provide any comments on the location of the proposed arterial road. It is the opinion of staff as reflected in the staff report presented by Town P.lnnKng staff in February of 1978, that alternbtive 3 would be preferable to the alignment reflected in Official Plan Amendment 4 . Following from the objections to the subdivision plans mentioned above, stall have received the attached correspondence from C. Dowson on behalf of Petiwost Developments Ltd. It is the understanding of Town staff that the 1'oi;wyst Plan may be affected by the alignment of the North/South ArLeriaL Wad in tho S111 :itiou that aligrinuM :l were adopted rrithor Lhnn alignment 4 . Under Lhuse circ.nmstances , a small portion of the plan might be affect by ' he road. NuwcastLe staff feel that the Ministry of Housing could proccad with Lhe approval of the Penwest subdivision provLded that i a nodl fiCaL Inn Is made to the subdivision plan and reflected in the con- ditions of drA t plan approval. 10 VOWPcCt of the points raised in qtr. Goodman's letter, staff note the toliowing: (a) Official Plan Amendment application 75-32/ND for Part of Lot 7, Concession 1, former Township of Darl- ington has been considered by Newcastle Planning and DevoLopment Commir_tee via staff reports P-90-79 (copy attached) and P-210-79 (coley attached) . The matter remains tabled in accordnnce with resolution PD-54-79. - 7 - "That Report P-210-79 , relratiye to Proposed Official- Plan Amendment (Schickedanz, Part Lot 7, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington (Trudeau Property) be tabled. until land uses of Pine Ridge Property is de- termined" . At the time of writing this report, Town staff under- Stand that Regional Planning and Development Committee has considered application 75-32/ND in the absence of a Newcastle Council comment and has recommended to Regional Council that the application be denied. (b) The Town of Newcastle has made several representations LO the Provincial. Government in respect of the future use of the Pine Ridge Training School. Property . Most recently , Isis Worship Mayor G. Rickard wrote to the Premier- of Untario and the Minister of Government Services in res- PUet of the lands . (r,.opy attached) The Premier of Ontario hds responded (copy of Letter i attached) to the effect that the Ministry of Agriculture and Food may wish to use the property. Newcastle staff have reported to Council on this matter on several occasions, Staff have recommended that the site be used for agricultural uses . Staff in a report to Council December 10, 1979 made the following recommendation: "Based on our review of .information available land use Concept 3 (agricultural uses) is recommended at this time . The costs of rehabilitating selected buildings —would appear prohibitive as do the costs of maintaining and A operating the physical plant. To date, there has been no analysis of the efficiency of delivering services to the site , both municipal and social. In addition, the site is physically removed from the centre of present and future population concentrations; would detract from the effective revitalization of the Bowmanvil.le Main Central Area; and is contrary to provincially approved Planning policies contained in the Durham Regional official Plan. '' The Town of Newcastle has recently conducted a series of public meetings in respect of a draft plan for the Bowm,anviLLe Urban Area as required under the Durham Reg— Lonral. Official Plan. The draft document has been circulated to a nunabe r of local agenc Les and Provincial Mims t r Lars incLuding the Ministry of (lousing. The proposed Plan has been referred to staff for review on the basis of the continents rpceLved at the public meetings . A major concern expressed l has been the staging policies within the proposed plan. At this time , it is anticipated that the proposed plan will be presented to Newcastle Council in revised form in early I �)til . RBCU�t11ENUr1'1'loi�i; � It in respect fu.11.y recommended that l-. '1hIs report be received; and I i 2. That a copy of this report be forwarded by the Town Clerk to Mr. C. M, Darrow in response to his letter of August 28, 1980. [tespect(ull.y submitted, ~ DNS: ]_b D. N. Smith, M.C.I .P. October 28, 1980 Director of Planning I I i I i II