HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-192-80 fY3 � CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DX SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 3, 1980. REPORT NO. : 15 P-192-80 SUBJECT: Request for referral to the Ontario Municipal Board of proposed plans of subdivision 18T-79038 and 18T-77001, Town of Newcastle, owned by Remlark Hold- ings,_4,nd__GoJd n_„H 1 d __r spectively, oft't`eYTa1 f Durcourt Developments Ltd. , pursuant to Section 44 of the Planning Act. Request for Municipal comments on the subject referral request BACKGROUND: On October 3, 1980, the Newcastle Planning Department received a copy of the attached correspondence from Mr. P. G. Rimmington of the Ministry of Housing to Mr. P. R. Walker (on behalf of Durcourt Develop- ments Ltd.) concerning the above noted matter. By copy of that letter, dated October 1, 1980, Mr. Rimmington requested the Town of Newcastle to "respond to your (Mr. Walker's) client's objections regarding the conformity issue.” Mr. Rimmington is making reference to Mr. Walker's letter of August 28, 1980 to the Honourable C. F. Bennett, Minister of Housing regarding the conformity of the above mentioned subdivision plans to the Official Plan of the Township of Darlington as amended by Official Plan Amendment No. 12. A copy of Mr. Walker's letter to the Minister of Housing is also attached. � i - 2 - COMMENT: Amendment Number 12 to the Darlington Official Plan was approved by the Minister of Housing on June 6, 1980. Amendment 12 defines land uses and policies related to future development within and in the vicinity of the Courtice Major Urban Area. The Amendment provides a guide for Council in governing land use and the construction of public works. Under Section 6.8 of the Amendment policies are set out in respect of "servicing and staging". It is suggested in Mr. Walker's letter to the Minister of Housing that the two subdivision plans do not conform to subsection 6.8.2(iii) reproduced herein in its entirety: "6.8.2 iii) Policies in respect of the staging of develop- ment in the Courtice Major Urban Area shall be incorporated into this Plan by amendment. In considering such policies the Town of Newcastle shall have regard for the potential financial implications of development as may be determined by a "Financial Impact Analysis" to be undertaken by the Town. In considering staging policies, the Town shall consider development of the Courtice Community Central Area as described in Section 6.5.2 as a first priority in the development of the Courtice Major Urban Area." Staff have reviewed the objection filed on behalf of Durcourt Investments Ltd. and feel that Town Council should in the strongest terms possible, urge the Minister of Housing to: - 3 - 1) consider the requested referral as for the "purposes of delay" and 2) proceed to grant approval of proposed draft plans of subdivision 18T-77001 and 18T-79038. Staff offer the following comments in support of the above: 1. Policies in respect of staging are not a prerequisite of the draft plan approval or registration of any sub- division plan in the Courtice Urban Area. Subsection 6.8.2 (iii) indicates that policies in res- pect of the staging of development in Courtice shall be incorporated by Official Plan Amendment. The preparation and/or the adoption of staging policies is not a precondition of subdivision approval. It is noted that in other sections of Amendment 12 qualifications are explicitly made as to the timing of the approval of plans of subdivision, sub- section 6.1.2 iii) b) for example. 2. Policies in respect of staging (copy attached) have been adopted by Town Council and forwarded to the Region of Durham for inclusion in Amendment 12 by a further Official Plan Amendment. Those policies themselves do not prohibit Council from recommending draft plan approval of any sub- division plan in the Courtice Urban Area. The proposed staging policies in keeping with Council's intent, speak to the final approval of subdivision plans and introduce a flexible mechanism by which the municipality may further reinforce the development of the Community Central Area if and when such further reinforcement is considered necessary. - 4 - 3. Given that the Municipality is not bound to adopt policies in respect of staging prior to the approval of subdivision plans nor prohibited from approving subdivision plans within any portion of the Courtice Urban Area and given that the Town has and continues to endeavour to promote the development of the Courtice Community Central Area and the development of the Courtice Urban Area generally; staff feel that the subject referral request can only serve to delay the development of Courtice and to impede the Municipality in the fulfillment of its obligations in the Courtice Area. As noted in the following lengthy proposed Council resol- ution, the Town has undertaken to ensure that the develop- ment of Courtice takes place in an orderly and reasonable fashion. The approval of subdivision plans 18T-79038 and 18T-77001 are in keeping with Council's actions in Courtice. The approval of these plans has been viewed as complementary to the development of the Courtice Central Area and does not, in the opinion of staff, in any way represent a departure from the provisions of Amendment No. 12 to the Darlington Official Plan. The detailed resolution enumerates those actions of Council in respect of the Courtice Area and it is felt that any delay in the approval of the subdivision plans might actually jeopardize the development of Courtice because of the inability of the proponents of the subdivis- ions to enter a highly competitive residential housing market. i i - 5 - RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that: 1. this Report be received; 2. the following resolution be adopted by Town Council and forwarded to the Minister of Housing by the Town Clerk, with a copy of this Report: "WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has carefully considered the objection to the approval of subdivisions 18T-79038 and 18T-77001 filed with the Minister of Housing on behalf of Durcourt Investments Limited; AND WHEREAS the Town has endeavoured to promote the development of the Courtice Urban Area; AND WHEREAS the Minister of Housing has approved the Durham Regional Official Plan as it applies to the Courtice Area; AND WHEREAS the Minister of Housing has approved Amend- ment No. 12 to the Official Plan of the former Township of Darlington; AND WHEREAS Amendment No. 12 brings the Darlington Official Plan into conformity with the Regional Official Plan as it applies to the Courtice Area; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has undertaken a Storm Water Management Study for the Courtice Area in accordance with the provisions of Amendment No. 12; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has undertaken a study of the Storm Water Management facilities required for the approval of subdivision plans 18T-76027 and 18T-76048 in accordance with its obligations under the Ontario Housing Action Program agreements applicable to the said plans; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has expropriated certain lands to allow for the development of subdivision 18T-76027 and 18T-76048 and is proceeding with the design and con- struction of the said engineering works; AND WHEREAS with the ,completion of these works, the said subdivision plans 18T-76048 and 18T-76027 may be registered and will form a residential basis for the development of the Courtice Community Central Area; - 6 - AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle has further supported the development of the Community Central Area through the provisions of recreational facilities and through its actions at the Ontario Municipal Board in support of the commercial component of the Courtice Community Central Area; AND WHEREAS the designation of a Community Central Area in Courtice has been supported by the Municipal Board and upheld by the Lieutenant Governor in Council; AND WHEREAS the Town has adopted a policy in respect of the staging of the development in Courtice; AND WHEREAS such policy does not prohibit the approval of draft plans of subdivision in any area of the Courtice Urban Area; AND WHEREAS the Minister of Housing has approved subdiv- ision plan 18T-77002 without the requirement of a staging policy for the development of Courtice; AND WHEREAS the Town has recommended approval of subdivis- ion plans 18T-79038 and 18T-77001 on the basis that they meet all the requirements of Amendment No. 12 to the Darlington Official Plan and meet the requirements of the neighbourhood development plans approved by Town Council pursuant to Amend- ment No. 12; AND WHEREAS the approval of subdivision plans 18T-79038 and 18T-77001 will further support the development of the Community Central Area and are in keeping with the previous actions of the Town of Newcastle; AND WHEREAS Section 6.8.2, subsection (iii) does not apply to the approval of subdivisions 18T-79028 and 18T-77001. BE IT NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town of Newcastle hereby petitions the Minister of Housing to exercise his discretion and not refer the subdivision plans to the Ontario Municipal Board on the basis that such a referral would cause a further delay in the development of the Courtice Area and would thereby be contrary to Municipal, Regional and Provincial interests; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town requests the Minister to grant approval of proposed plans of subdivision 18T-77001 and 18T-79038 forthwith. Respectfully submitted, 46/1411_� DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. October 29, 1980 Director of Planning 1NTtrn5(1 y rTIATIS 11 16/Mr)J64 18 56 Wellesley sweet 'West Of Ad' 80) Floor ✓...D Housing DivMoll Toronto, Ontario M7A 2K4 Ontario October 1 , 1980 Mr . Peter R. Walker , MCIP Associate & Partner Macpherson , Walker , Wright I IWO Associates Limited Suite 303 1670 Bayview Avenue Toronto , Ontario. M4G 3C2 Subject: Request fpr referral to the Ontario Municipal Board of proposed plans of subdivision 18T-79038 and 18T-77001 , Town of Newcastle , owned by Remlark Holdings and Goldfan Holdings res- pectively, on behalf of Durcourt Developments Limited , pursuant to section, 44' *Of' The' Planning' Act Dear Mr . Walker : The Minister of Housing , the Honourable Claude F. Bennett , has asked me to acknowledge receipt of your request for referral to the Ontario Municipal Board , on behalf of Durcourt Developments Limited , of the above-referenced plans of subdivision in the Town of Newcastle . By copy of this letter , I am requesting that the Council of the Town of Newcastle respond to your client ' s objections regarding the conformity issue . Upon receipt of the town ' s response , we will be in a better position to make our final recommendation to the minister regarding your request. It would also be helpful to our review of your request if you could indicate to us if your objection rests solely on I-lie issue of what you see as non-conformity, or if there are other matters of substance which you are also objecting to. Should you have any questions or comments , please contact Mr . David Lindsay, Area Planner , at 965-6418 . Yours t P . G . Rintim-ing n Director Community Planning Review Branch Central and Southwest C •C . Mr . J . M. McIlroy Mr . D . Smith Town of Newcastle Town of Newcastle C . W. Lund\.,, Dr . M. Michael of Durham R 0-ri i nn of ni i r�,� ,, I Macpherson, Walker, Wright Associates Limited/Planning Consultants tan Mac Dherson 1433 19-A Pete,R Waltiar o c I James Wright e.^' N I 28 August, 1980 '_ ' The Honourable Claude F. Bennett n C i n"'• --_. .. 4 Minister of Housing 4-th floor ` t Hearst Block Queen' s Park Toronto, Ontario „�� 1 F, M7A 2K5 1�;2 A II Dear Mr. Bennett : Re : Request for Referral to the �1 Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to Section 44 of the Planning Act in the matter ' 'y ' �,$ of Applications for Plan of Subdivision 18T-79038 and 18T-77001 approved by the Council of the Town of Newcastle on 23 Ju.1y, 1980 — Our client' s own lands in Concession 3 , Part of Lots 32 and 33 in the Town of Newcastle formerly the Township of Darlington , Region of Durham. On instructions from our client, Durcourt Developments Limited we are hereby requesting that the matter of the favourable recommendation for draft approval of plans of subdivision 18T-79038 and 18T--77001 by the Town of Newcastle on 28 July, 1980 be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board in a hearing pursuant to Section 44 of the Planning Act of Ontario , R, S ,O. 1970 , Chapter 349 . The reason for this request is that the action by the Town of Newcastle is not, in our opinion, in conformity with the Official Plan of the Township of Darlington as amended by Official Plan Amendment No. 12 approved by the Minister on 6 June , 1980 . . . . . Continued 2 oWtb ,103/t 670 f-�,nvview Avenue Toronto/Ontario M4G 3C2/Phone 487-442.1” The Honourable --2_ 28 August , 1980 Claude F. Bennett Section 6 . 5 , 2 of Official Plan Amendment No . 12 establishes the Courtice Community Central Area as the main focal point of activities for the Courtice Urban Area . Section 6 , 8 . 2 (iii) of Amendment No . 12 states : "In considering stagi.ng policies, the Town shaZZ consider deveZopment of the Courtice Community Central Area as described in Section 6 . 5 . 2 as a first priority in the development of the Courtice Major Urban Area ". Plans of subdivision 18T79038 and 18T77001 approved by the Town of Newcastle 28 July, 1980 are located in what is known as the Courtice West Neighbourhood , more than 1 . 5 kilometres to the west of the Courtice Community Central Area . In our opinion the development of those plans of subdivision and other lands in the Courtice West Neighbourhood would not be supportive of the development_ of the Community Central Area . There is much land suitable for development in close proximity to the Community Central Area which should be allowed to develop prior to land in the Courtice West Neighbourhood , if indeed the future development of the Community Central Area is to receive first priority as suggested in Section 6 , 8 . 2 (iii) . It has always been our contention that the development of the Courtice West Neighbourhood should not receive development priority. Submissions have been made to the Town of Newcastle in support of this position and discussions have been held with Staff and Council in an attempt to resolve our differences . No solution could be found and the Town has proceeded to recommend draft approval of the two subdivisions in the Courtice West Neighbourhood which are the subject of this request. A formal lettex of objection to the Town ' s 'favourable recommendation of these subdivisions was submitted to Council in a letter dated 21 July, 1980 . The letter was received by Council and the subdivisions were approved 28 July, 1980 . We. are .continuing to pursue a negotiated settlement, however , it appears that such is unlikely to be achieved and for this reason we feel the matter would be best resolved at a hearing before the Ontario Municipal Board . . . . . Continued 3 fqr The Honourable 28 August, 1980 Claude F. Bennett We trust that the above highlights the substance of our request. Further information in support of this request will be provided as required . Thank you for your consideration of this matter . Yours very truly, �i Peter R. Walker, M.C . I .P . Associate & Partner PRW: lh cc : D. Smith H . Wertheim i I REMLARK HOLDINGS LIMITED 319 COLLEGE AVE. P.O. BOX I I OSHAWA, ONT. Telephone 416-723-1194 !& lrny - Own Clark ) Corporation of the Poon or joninnia, 40 Temperanco 3trapt, Inimanville , sntnrlo. LIC 3A6. Attention : Kir ;ornhip, Anyor Uarnot Ackardl and 11 lerfiber,,.-, of Tot,Jjj Council Re : Planning Department Report No. P-192-80) Subject : Request for referral to the Ontario Municipal Board of proposed plans of subdiviaions 18T-79038 and 18TQ7001 , Town of Nnocavtje, onned by lemlark Holdings Limited and Gaol dfern HoldinqK Limited respectively, on behalf of Durcourt Davelopmont,,; Limi ted Afortunately, it . only thik Yridny yn"t , October 51 t, IQ60 when we received thy' above mentionnd planning report, and only earlier in the same W00 �hyn To oere mndo nwarn of the referral rQquect. e vrr t Ln hl y, 1 L in not Imp" i hi - rn r u to ;j L WPI UHF ,i P1 oly, L 1 on portion or thy' Qncn Ljc Council loptinK or dov,mb,, §,q 10" uue� to rreviouply crranqed commitment- , 0though '�:e any be in ottapdaneci when the Flanninp Sommittue YrortK arm being Wrcu5nud , n0j hoTCVPr1 thNt in our ah­nce) tali IpUnr be Pen ! rL tho woetJ_n,,_,,, M nur thought on thn matter way br nnonn . Beinn vpry ; Uccinct, an indepth onalynin and personK comment from our firm on W content:' of 11anning oport 1"192-60 uhauld not be necessary, It is quite clear that not only the Wanning itaff, but also the Planning Committee and the Town Council , have carefully Considered the events leadinC up to the referral request by Durcourt Drvalopmenta Limitoo and thear are well documented in the report. .'o t.,iir end , in morn need be coid , ne vould reupectfully request that gin- r CoAncil confirm i& PoNition by urging tbn winirtnr of Ko"1 irr, fir Qly, to vxcerci' - hiq diacrntion and not row th(.i 7ubdivi4on nlvn: to the Ontnpio Municipal Board on the ba"iK that the reFerral would �Prve only an a Oelay mechaniHm and to the Optrimprt of thq Q,veloment of the Courticp Area; and , recondly, th0t the lli"Utrr b- request-A to Zrnnt approva r l o the propo5& Jq ann oF uhdivi � nn i 1ST-?7nnl and 18T-79038 fortholth. Or yn"r con ilopnLiou in thl , matter r"" F, Y" thank you. V oura -151-Y trul i 0 NOV 3 let ark lolli limited I.C)Wj"j tffINCASTLE REMLARK HOLDINGS LIMITED 319 COLLEGE AVE. P.O. BOX 11 OSHAWA, ONT. Telephone 416-723-1194 Cor­t)oration of t",o of 40 T.1 of I.V:�I-1 Comic-il Planning Department 1;eport No. P-192--80, Subject : request for referral. to Llic, Ontario 1,iuniclpal Board. of propofecl plan,,; of ,3ubdivit-:ion,_" 18T-79038 ,-)n(-',. 18T 77001 , Town of `1(­:.,ca-t1e, ovmed by C' e Limited and GoTd L fan iloldini,,t: i1-.1 it r I rel�',Ilectivel­ oil behalf or Durcmirt .!)(�vel o t ed n m c n f_,; imi only Lhl;: )a;;t octoh"'r ' 1 ; t) receive(. th', „bovn mentiorind pJannin,r- report, al�,,J only earlier ill thr C�r o o I I tllrl� .0, pj,flttably) 1. 11 if not po, :Iblo rot, 11- to a Uend tlw' 1 r;1. L i -I c i -iw. of, lovcl,�lb(,r r6 111)(�)0 MP-', 1)ortion of th" :(­,.ca.�U( Cmil A I d" I, to rrrvi011::TY ("01111[li tlw.nt',f ,:] t-hollch %,:n rrioy 1w _1 i i ,-_i[I i i(,'a n c w tl .I �:I, mlmmi t tu o :, Dort , ;it, h(.i r) d J ; c 11,;:;("d ..ottld jklll"lt, in mll, ] (`Ulor be r(�n,! ;:,L :-o Our tholll��•11!1 : oll t1le ,lmttor !ncy br, Bpi.n.Fl: w ry !.Uwcillct , an inCel�)th mealy ;il-,; and perl'_;onal coi-,ir.Fiei-it from our fir-jii on lIhL contents of 11.aominp.,� _,tiPj:)ort P-192-60 -�hould not be necessary. It if3 quite clear that not only the 11,-.mning JtLiff, but also the Planninr Committee and the Town Council, have carefully con,c,J.t­1Pre6 tlie events leadinf,; up to the referral request by Durcourt an(] tlwt�r are :!(,11 r3ocumented in the report. .-o -n �,lnr(, need he re.­nectlful.ly reque,­;t thc-t L'o-r '1:0"mcil colll,il-T it,:' no.,.-ition by Of 1'o11r,i r ,-,) Cij- �t*l to o-corci' ', Mr; ("i;-:�crr)tiotl nil not r 1;`-1! vi`:l an t0 t',I e C"I tcl I,J o u r i c j n,� Boa 0,1 t that the refrrral :.,oml . ­v(, on] y a ('(,1,­iy mechmlj_.,;t-n �ln,,- to t, r _ C p 111, c on I Y, 1:11"J, i : tr,r to opprow"I n " U• r r)r �)- c",I n f, tll)di V i , ! 1l, ot, co­i, i 1-1,;,1, 01-1 t n V (j, Y01. " V( r I'll] , e­. arl-, 10 1 11 j,![-'vVCAS'rLE REMLARK HOLDINGS LIMITED 319 COLLEGE AVE. P.O. BOX 11 OSIiAWA, ONT. 1'elephone 416-723-1194 ovnmbor (?,)() :1r. J. 1"C11 ,co"I - 'ilo"".11 I Corporation of the :Pm"ll of m lr-mperanc:,., iAtention llif- .tor,-;hip, i•,1,qyo.c Garnet an(l 1lembers of 'Pown Council_ Re : Planning Department Report No. P-192-80, Subject : Request for referral to the Ontario I'lunicipal. Board of propo,,�ed plan,) of subdivir-ions 18T-79038 ni-i(I. 18T-77001 , 'I'min of 1e, car tle, m,,nod by �,Iefnjark Limited, and (,oldf,-m ifol(linf Lil-.1ited re—nectively, on behalf of Jurcourt Dovelopi-lient-, Limi Led T 'J'I fortm-in tol y, i 1, only till : t ) ()ctol)-r -)I : t ) ;!)i(m orl.1- .1 J-(�r mcnti.()nf! j 11.)1 P,1111111 r,(,., ))o r t) y oLti: the Safne :.-ern 'm,,: :.,;arc' or t h -:t. c -('tt,-ibly) it, i.!� not for w t�) r) [It- 0 t1w I t-i on r,T ('I () I' ;Jov(� I)OPtiml of, t.11'' All, Cmim to rreN7iol1:-1y Co11,1ll)jAm,-1It Lllol)ill V,0 tfl(,:tll 1)(, in a L L, (,an c e t1l- ()1nmittuw ", ror":: "11— 1)(Jm" (ilf c I I d 01.11 d o'.", ; -1w(! till ; ;-o our tlloil,-11 , on tine; matt-'el, '11,��.y 1)(., Bohw� Nl('ry ucc im" t) all Dil(l cmiii'le'llt from our firm on 'Ghc, contents of 1,1,-nninp: )e3,,)ort P-192-60 should not be necessary. It i,,3 quite clear that not only the H-anning but a1-,:.,,o the Pl,-)nnJnt-, Cotni,,iittce nncl the Town Council , have carefully coll:,-;idprrn the events lea(linC; up to the referral roquest by Durcourt Dnvelopment,-� Limite( and -the,-,(- rare Documented in the report. Lo )lo imrf, need be :"aid , ':olj1.(a rcl--; nectfully reque;-;t -Po">J,tioir) by ur thc, i'li-nirter of to hit-, 6i;--Icretion and not refnj.- the to the 0nt,,xio i'1unjcl Boar(, on tlri( bay i,,-; that the referral ..:�,rve, only a (le-1 - m e c ha n J,:;m an;!. to t'- c t,jjr, 1,-,Vojo,--nr-qt of tll(-, ("'ollpt-i.cr, �-oco Y) to pr"JI)t nplwov<.1 t) ` tl)t ; ro 1)') 77"l!)l and I ot or ` 0'11' ('0'.1' 1,; L-1 wi 1-11 L" 71 0111" 'V('r'Y L1.11 I NOV 1 o 01 K ny [-�X CASTLE - REMLARK HOLDINGS LIMITED 319 COLLEGE AVE. P.O. BOX 11 OSHAWA, ONT. Telephone 416-723-1194 ,x. J. " "IcUroy - coin clwr� ) Corporation of the Poon of &=KtIn, 40 Xmperancs Kra t, 0wmanvil1 e , QLAKO. LIC 3AQ Attention : Air Wnhip, Kayor Uarneb Wickard and iiember-, of To\-,,n Council Re : Planning Department Report No. P-192-80, Subject : Request for referral to the Ontario Hunicipal Board of proposed plans of wubdiv0ionn 18T-79038 and. 18T!77001 , Town of Anocantle) onn& by Aemlark Holdings Limited and Koldrnn Holdinn5 UmUnd respectively, on behnif or Durcourt Onvolopmank,,; !Ami teal Unfortunately, it v" only thQ DyIdNy , t ) Uctoh-r §kt) QkO Hen ne reenivPd th- nUovn mentionn! 10anninc rnlart, nno only purilar in th . nev p ,:urn m&n r• wrQ nr the vnf• rrai rQqnort. ywrPtLably, U in not xP001 - For U: to nUrqVI LK ;q1 r(g.t ! "r1 !wpLyon or th- �-nck , Llr ; "Pun - or inv-ubow ok , 1JO) to rrPvion. Ty vrr�n yd colt WitA,nt : 9 nl thou Q Lo ony 5" in atLnAoanc(_,: WhPn the 1'TvM& qn Ommittue .-portn wry K-inv WicuKnnK , -0 ould Unt in nur nh ,-ncq , tali • ! -Wr Lp rnw ! kL tile; wWin,,•, : o onr tholl,11k on UP mytkr T&Y & P = U . V(�i'y , accioctj an Wepth Dnalyhim and perNonal comment from our firm on W contents of Planning . 1port P-192-60 should not be Qc0swarY. It Q quite clear that not only the Wouning itaff, but also the 11anning Committee and the `.Gown Council, have carefully considerK the events leading up to the referral request by Durcourt Drvplopments Limited and th •nr nre well documented in the report. 70 thi - PnJJ "n mnrn need be Faid , An would respectfully request thnt ToTn Council confirm UP pWtion by urging thn Kinirtar of 0upirn firRtly, to excercUp Lis dincration and not row the -UbAlvi� ion nlqn:� to the On Lap io Municipal Ward on the bo"ik that the referral would . orvo only an a delay mechaniam and to the 0-trimpnt of thQ Q-vQlorment of the Courtien Arne; and , necon6ly, thst tKr 1101 'tor b- re Curet; to Vrnnt approval n " UP prononed Pan- or 'uhdjvi , inn 181-77101 and 1 =70A rortKiLh. Or Volit, ('01 i "-Pnti on in U thank you. Ell 1, NOY 3 iSuO ."V ark 01 51 � Qltn" TOM U; REMLARK HOLDINGS LIMITED 319 COLLEGE AVE. P.O. BOX 11 OSHAWA, ONT. Telephone 416-723-1194 01•P01•;Alo11 of, t1w 1,wvil oI, 40 1 J litto-ntion an(l 1'ember­. of Tov�n (�ouy)cil, Re : Planning Department Report No. 11-192-80, Subject : }bequest for referral to the Ontario Nunicipal Board of propo,­3ed plan,,.; of subdivii-_ion,; 18T-79038 and 18T-77001 , `Town of ovne(l by _1emlar1, Holding,-, Limited and Gold fan Holdinr Lil-:sited respectively, on behalf of Durcourt ])evelopment,­, T,iRl ted Jnfortiwately, i I ()6 0 v-,h E.,n A only tlji �� yri(j��y .),;;t ,,e received t' above menti.( d 1A an n j.�i r, re port, and OrTY earlier in thr at:`arr� r) ' r tl-w 'O' C:1,Pttably) it 1 :, not f o it 1.1 to -)Uc)-Id th(! Y)Ortion of' t ti I of lovel-II)PT, MY to tllo�lr 11 v:n may ho in aLt,,.](Janco th,:, "'OVIlittUe in ()Ur bn 1.(n'! th(" :-0 our )n the Mattel, 'nay bc Vt­("; "Iccl 11ct) all inclel-)tll nt-ld perl-Oi'lcd. c ol-'Iri'le,rIt froi'n Our f-ir-M on tJI,, content;- Of 11 L-111Y)il'P,' ,_:hould not be neces;3,-Ary. It :U quite clear that not Mily the il_an-niw� Aaffl , but the Plannin- Committee nno-1 the 1'vov.in Council,I-) have careful.]_y C.o I I:,;i J(-,r e 6 the (,)ventr! lea(iinr, lip to the .referral r(,que,-,,t by Durcourt I)rvolop,llent i Limited and the,3r are viell (locumented in the re-port. o t"li", (-n,! , no niorr� need be aid, �ie -,.,ould rospectful -ly request ('011 f1rrP. it::' -nO,­.J_t1.o-n by ur D th<' i,'Ii.ni-ter of to --cretion and not rofni, ")I I T1 c, d e, I v i I 011 to the On Lai-10 Board. on th that the refnrra,l Only a (lelay mechani.,;rn an,,! to ti-1c; Or th,� �r,w'lO.T,vn(­rIt of the, Courticn Jlro�:,; an(] , ;:("(,Orl(�Ty,l requnr:t­d to grant approval o " th(- o I-)o of I I hd i v i, i n,I 1 7 r,_"Y)1 a n(1 18'C-7 03 6 forth"'.1 LI-1. )7 -n,,, you. I v C)I I r, oil 1-11 Lll-i . nia t t C,r 0111"' -V('I-'Y LI'U7 NOV 3 '01 �'•![-NVCASTLE REMLARK HOLDINGS LIMITED 319 COLLEGE AVE. P.O. BOX 11 OSHAWA, ONT. Telephone 416-723-1194 PoveTbrr 19Y :'x. J. :,. ,1c J I roy - Town Cl ork Corporation of the Poon or Jvzcnstle) 40 Temperancn KrP0, Lnwmanvillc , Gntnrlo. LIC 30. Attention W ornhip, Kayor Cornet 4!ckp, and Ambers of Town Council Re : Planning Department Report No. P-192-80, Subject : Request for referral to the Ontario Municipal Board of proposed plane of subdivirions 18T-79038 nnQ 18T-77001 , Town of Anocavtle, owned by Acolark Holdings Limited and uoidfan Holdinqa Limited respectively, on behalf of Durcourt Development,,; Limi ted Unfortunately, it Tan only thin giddy pa�t; October j1 1pt) 1960 when ne received thy' nbovn mentionnd planninr roport, nnd only earlinr in thn WTO week Nh"n turn wn ;n Nnarn or thn PQrkrrNi rQqncpt . YUKtablY) it in not ponni-Oln for up to Wend the dalegation portion of thn Anzcn3tIc Council Motinq of Jovembur j& , 1960 due to previous ly vrranqod commitmentn , n1thounh to may be in attendance when the Flanninp Kommittue YportK arm being dircunKed , an nould n"�) hoTevnrl thnt in our abnonce, this latter Le rend at the meeting : o our thought : on the matter may bc knoon. v7mry uccinck an indepth DnalyHiH and per, onnl commout from our firm on thu contents of 0anning Aport, P-192-60 should not be necessary. It is quite clear that not only the Wanning Staff, but also the Planning Committee and the Town Council, have carefully considered the events leading up to the referral request by Durcourt Developments Limited and there are well 6ocumenteO in the report. "'o thi!, nn,� �o mnro "Iced be cnio , Ke V006 reKnectfully request tbnt Tn7v Council confirm itn porition by urging thn Kinirter of' Aurirri firQly, to oycerui! o his dincretion and not raw the 7ubdivinion nlqn to the Ontario nunicipal Board on the ba..ik that the referral :o"Y . - rve only an a Oplay mechani= ana to t&� "-trim-nt of Q- a-v-lo-mrnt of the Courtien Area; and , rocondly, that t Kiii �tnr b- requprt-d to qrnnt approval o7 the prornn & -Inn- of ;uhdjviNno IST-770ni and 18T-79033 for th0th. Mr Ynir con-ii-pation in Mi " watter) 7- thank you. law , i 1 i qitc'd AA K0 cy I()W 1J, OF wfVVCASTLE REMLARK HOLDINGS LIMITED 319 COLLEGE AVE. P.O. BOX 11 OSHAMOo ONT. Telephone 416-723-1194 ,x. 101roy - Town Clork , Corporation of the Town or Jewcnstle, hQ Tymperancs 3trent , how manville , Ontario. LlC 3AQ Attention : KY >Pnhip, nayor Garnet Qickar(t and Ambers of Tonn Council Re : Planning Department Report No. P-192-80, Subject : Request for referral to the Ontario Municipal Board of proposed plane, of subdivipionn 18T-79038 cant'. 18T-77001 , Town of Newcantle, owned by demlark, 101dings Limited and Gold fan Holdings Limited respectively, on behalf of Durcourt %velopmant,-, UK ted Infortunatnly, it ran only thin &Wy >n, tl octnh-r _ 1 : t) 1A0 ,.hen ne received th- nbovn mentioned planniill' re]vrt, and only eLrUnr in thp qnmp ,:rr4 �nen vp ,;ere Wn awarr or tho rafarpol raquert. r -ro t tabl y , i L h no L 1=n i 11 - for u- to a L trip I L K- 41p1 ,t! or] wthnn nc th- „- ' cn ' tin wumi naw or dnvPwhPr �vq IJ5" to previouzly NrrLnqQ6 cowaitNentz , Wthnuah n any he in attanGance, w1un th- Planninc Qmmittwe Ypo.rtK nra being dircuqKed , an on] (, M: J Wvv-n that in our Wonce, thK latter be rand at thn mootinv, ; o our thouyht - on the mnttor way be Knonn . Beinq very : uccinct, an KdOpth analynin and pe=nal commout from our firm an the contents of Hanning Aport P-192-80 should not be necessary. It in quite clear that not only the Manning itaff, but also the Planning Committee and the Town Council , have carefully cony idereA the events lea6inC up to the referral request by Durcourt Drvolopmenta kimit& and these rare well documented in the report. > thi- end , no mnrn need be caid , Ke =ld respectfully request that TnTr Council confirm its position by urging the KinirWr of 0upinn) firPtlY, to excerui! o his Kincrotion and not rerrm th(-.� -Wiviuion nlqn" to the Ontnpio Nunicipal Board on the Wik that the reForrY would . Prve only as a delay mecbanimm and to tb(�. K-trimpnt of th- davylorment of the Courtien Area; and , nocon0y, that the KiWtpr b- requrnt,d to Zrnnt approval ov W proporyd r) nn- or W&I 'inn W-W01 and ISM= rorthw ! th. &P voqr voi-i '-ration in U 4 , ynttor thaQ you. on NO\] il,,160 ol J 1, 1111W, 1()W lffWCASTLE REMLARK HOLDINGS LIMITED 319 COLLEGE AVE. P.O. BOX 11 OSHAWA, ONT. Telephone 416-723-1194 ovemboi, To"'in Clorl-, ) Corporation of t1w To-cvn of' 40 Temperanca ,treat Bo,,1-manville , Ontario. Ll � 3; o. Attention llif, Jof'r;hipj I'layor (jarneL Rickard and ilembers of Town Council Re : Planning Department Report No. P-192-80, Subject : Request for referral to the Ontario 1,'Iunicipal Board of propof3ed plan,,.; of subdiviv�ions 18T-79038 ,-)n(-1 18T-77001 , TOVIn of -Nov.,ca�tle, o!,,,ne(l by A,(rilark, 'Ioldine,­, Limited and Holdinp;r; Limited respectively, on behalf or Durcourt Dcvelopmont,-, TAffli Led Jnforturlately, it Only Friday p a; t octobeI• A .,t 1 0 4!h e n ,.�!e received thr above menti.onn,J I)Janninf- report, arid only earlier in the F�ariie t'nek �.:',Ien v ,,ere (;lade' ai�!arc, of tho, referral request. jj j.-, not for. 1,1:, to -Itten(I the tj a o n portion o the Council 1 ono tli.w; of jr,( 0 I'l e to previously 1-.,rran„e(i commititient,.-, al tholli-ji V;e rriny be in a t Lendance when the Flannin,., Committee (U.., civ;,-ed . ould ho;":ever, t1l"It in our Qh� :(,Iice t1lil; 1)c ro,,id at th(., incetino, .,O our tholirlil-1 ; oil the matter m"-y be Being very c,uccinct, an in6eptli and personal cot�,ime'nt from our firm on lbhc; content,­, of .' 'Tanning '(�port P-l ")"-60 ,.3hoiild not be need -Gary, It i. quite clear.- that not only t1je ,,'taff) buL also the Planning Committee and the Town Council, have carefully considered the events leading; up to the referral request by Durcourt Developments, Limited. and these are v,!ell documented in the report. To this end , no -morn need be ';'ie :,.,ould respectfully request that To'.�.,ri Council confirm it,,--, position by the of ' 'n r 'D - --(I --;cretion and not refoi- U .oiirJ firf:�tly, to eXcercil, I i i s d i the �7-ti b(I i v i ,ion l sn to the Ontario Miunicip,-il Board on the ba,:,­tt; that the referral woiO-d :;erve only a r a delay meclinni�-,,m ano.!. to the (39trimPIlt Of the levelo )MCnt of the Courticn 11rea; and, -econ(ily,07t tho bo r00uef)t('­1 to grant approval ot' tho ))- )1,)() "I ,- (:),p . -11. of �Ilhdivi..Jc)',l le 1 () _?go " 10" your on in t111 - matter, a t l, you. NOV 3 Yourf -v ,ry U-0 nrl; C)I-1 it -it (I 0 W CASTLE