HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-190-80 'I/lItt:"n 4 1 : �,:�. ♦�' oil CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL, (416)263-2231 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING Or NOVEMBER 3, 1980. RL:PORT N0.(f '-190-80 SUBJECT: Application for Rezoning No. Z-A-1-15-8 and Proposed Plan of Subdivision No. 18T-76063 - R. & G. Sucee, Part Lot 20, Concession 10, former Township of Darlington S-D-1-15-2 BACKGROUND: At the Planning and Development Committee Meeting of October 27, 1980, Committee considered the above noted rezoning application and proposed subdivision agreement. The following resolution was adopted by the Comm i.t lee : "1. lbaL this report be recc[ vud for 1nformaLion; I 2. That the Planning; and Development Committee recommend that the attached subdivision agreement for the Sucee subdivision be executed by Council; 3. . 'That the Town Clerk be requested Lo prepare a By-law for the purposes of authorizing the execution of the agreement, to be presented to the November 3, 1980 meeting of Council; 4. That application for rezoning Number Z-A-1-15-8 be approved; _ l - 2 _ 5. That the attached By-law Number 80- be forwarded to Council for approval; and 6. That the Region of Durham be advised of Council's action In respect of application for rezoning number Z-A-1-15-8." COMMENTS: It was noted by staff at the Planning and Development Committee meeting of October 27, 1980 that the proponent had some outstanding con- cerns in respect of the proposed subdivision agreement and wished to discuss these matters with Town staff in the hope of agreeing on various changes to the Agreement prior to the Council meeting of November 3, 1980. Due to conflicting schedules, it was not possible for both the Directors of Planning and Works to meet with the proponent. The Director of Planning discussed some possible changes to the Agreement with the proponent and prepared the attached sheet entitled "Changes to Succe Subdivision Agreement". Those proposed changes were forwarded to the Works Department for review and the attached Memorandum received. It would appear that there are three outstanding items that are not mutually agreeable to all parties concerned. As there is not sufficient opportunity to negotiate further on this matter prior to the Council Meeting of November 3, 1980, staff respectfully sub- mit the information relevant to this discussion and suggest that Town Council hear the proponent's views on this matter. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that: 1. this report be received; and - 3 - 2. the Subdivision Agreement with R. Sucee be executed by the Town, provided that Council is satisfied with the proposed Agreement. Respectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. October 29, 1980 Director of Planning. i CFIANGES TO SUCH SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 1. Page 7, Section 26, Change "54, sub (2)" Sub-paragraph 19 to 1155" 2. Page 12, Section 42, Change to read, "the owners Sub-paragraph 5 have constructed a reservoir for fire fighting purposes in a location and in a form accept- able to the Director of Public Works and the Tire Chief. " 3. Page 12, Section 43, Change to read "all of the roads Sub-paragraph 1 which are required to be constructed under this Agreement, which will provide access to such building, have had the application of the base course of asphalt or other surface treatment to the written approval of the Director: and" 4. Page 14, Section 48, Change "15%" to 1110%" 5. Schedule D Reword to read, "SIX THOUSAND, ($6,000.00) DOLLARS at the time of execution of this Agreement, and TEN THOUSAND ($10,500.00) FIVE HUNPT'ED DOLLARS prior to the issuance of any Author- ization to Commence Works for the second stage." 6. Schedule G, page 2, Change to read, "Darlington Street Section 5, sub-paragraph (from the North Limit of the Plan to B Pine Street) (i) All grading to the satisfaction of the Director of Works. (ti) Supply and placement of crushed stone to the :satisfaction of the Director of Works. (iii) Any storm drainage works required. All costs to be borne by the Owners and all works to be completed in accordance with the approved Engineering Drawings as applicable." 7. Schedule J Reduction of total Cost Estimate by $6,000 to reflect change in require- ments on Darlington Street as per Schedule G revised. Further reduction in Cost Estimate under Schedule J in the amount of $5500.00 to reflect one- third of lot development charge attrib- utable to offset capital works for road purposes. r1 c M c> R ,i N D 11 N 2U: D.N. :;mi th, D.i rc ,tor of P.lanniny. FROM: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. SUBJECT: SUCEE SUBDIVISION ACREIih1ENT. DATE: October 29, 1980. Further to your rnenx0ra lid um of tOd y's (late, I have reviewed the subject A(lwomont, and the proposed chan(les thereto, and would comment as follows: Items 1 - 4 Agreed. Item 5. Schedule 'D' (a) - If it is decided to reduce the Development Charges by $5,500. 00 then I have concerns with the reduction of the (pi-esenL) $7,500. 00 amount to $6,000. 00 at the time of execution of the Agreement. However, this is a decision for Council . Thin, would be detot,miiwd by tho ultimate dec:i:;iorr made in ro.,q wct of (a) above. ltom 6. Schedule Darlington Street, as previously negotiated, is to be constructed from the north limits of the flan to the intersection with Pine Strec t. This is to l,rovido a sec:ondary access to thc2 Development ,110 to ensure that future improvements to the street are not a financial burdento Plunicipal tax1viyers. It is felt that Dai'l.inyton Street must be constructed as a condition ol' the Agreement and in accordance with prior comments Should consideration be (liven to the chanyes proposed (i .e. yra(Iinq, supply and placement Of crushed sL-orte only) a considerable finan- cial impact to the Town, relative to mainten- ance, would be generated, J � continued, , 1 t(2111 b. Schedule 'G' In view of the foregoing it is not recomm- ended that there be any reduction in the total Cost Estimate in respect of Darlington Street. Item 7. Schedule 'J' It has not been Policy in the past to reduce Lot Development Charges for Capital Works outside the Development; however, consider- ation could be yivcn to the proposed one- third reduction in Lot Levies, should Council deem such action to be advisable, i I trust the foregoing will be of interest to you. i Dunham. " h' JD:vh