HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-154-80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON. ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT CWMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-154-80 SUBJECT: Proposed Development Agreement - Newcastle Lodge for Senior Citizens - Our File: S-P-3-3 BACKGROUND: As you are aware, By-law 79-82 was approved by Council on August 27, 1979. This By--law amended Restricted Area By-law Number 79-44 of the former Village of Newcastle to permit the use of a 2.8 acre parcel of :Land, fronting on King Street in the Village, for a senior cit- izens apartment building. Since that time the ro ect has received P J approval and fund- ing from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, and detailed drawings have been prepared for approval by the Town. The attached site plan agree- ment, which is required by the provisions of By-law 79-151, has been pre- pared by staff and reviewed with representatives of the Newcastle Senior Citizens Lodge through the Site Plan Commi t te(�. COMMENT: The proposed building, as shown on Schedule "C" to the attached draft agreement, is two storeys in height and contains 43 units. Provision 2 - has been made in the agreement for Improvements to tlae sidewalk on King Street ::abutting the site, for lot grading and drainage to mitigate against any potential drainage problems on the site, and to screen the building from abutting land uses. Staff note that the Town owns a .3 metre reserve across the frontage of the subject site. This strip of land was conveyed to the Town as a condition of the Land Division Committee consents which created the subject lot. Section 9 and Schedule "F" of the proposed agreement provide that this 0. 3 metre reserve will be deeded to the Newcastle Lodge once Lot Development charges totalling $92,440 have been paid to the Region of Durham and the Town. The removal of this 0. 3 metre reserve is a precondition of the issuance of a building permit [or the proposed building. You will note that Schedule "B" has not yet been included in the agreement, and the agreement has not yet been signed. The applicant's solicitor has submitted the attached undertaking that the required Schedule will be submitted to the Town once the property transaction from the Jose Estate to the Newcastle Lodge has been completed. RECOMMENDATI0N: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received for information; 2. That the attached agreement be forwarded to Council. for approval once Schedule "B" has been included and the agreement has been signed by the proponent; and 3. That the Town Clerk be requested to prepare a by-law for the purposes of executing the attached agreement, - - 2 - to be considered by Council at its Meeting of September 22, 1980 provided that the above untaJ matters are re- solved. Respectfully submitted, IAIKI�//�-- 0JF:l6 D. N. Smith, M,C.I .P. September Il. .1.980 Director of Ylouuiu& ' ' ' . ' - , n ' TELEPHONE(AM)"T4"S COMMERCIAL BUILDING CHARLES C. EWERT, B.A., LL.B. M KING STREET YVITST BOX 9,NEWCASTLE,ONTARIO I DAVID Mm"IEWT B.A., LB, LOA IHO File No. 7842 September 10, 1980 Miss Norma Forrest Planning Department Town of Newcastle Hampton , Ontario Dear Norma : Re : Newcastle Lodge for Senior and Family Dwellings —__Application for Site Plan Agreement Being forwarded herewith are the executed copies of the Site Plan Agreement and schedules therefor . Please note that the agreements are undated and should be dated at the point of approval by the town . Second , please note as well that Schedule "B" , being the Solicitor ' s Certificate , is omitted . I have now been advised that C .M . H .C . has given final approval for the loan guarantee and that fund, for the acquisition of the land from the Jose Estate should be available shortly . Please allow Ws to constitute my undertaking to you that upon completion of the land purchase I will complete and forward to you the necessary copies of the Solicitor ' s Certificate of Ownership . I trust this is in order. Yours truly , Charles "C . Ewert CCE:mm