HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-152-80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH, M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB UO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-152-80 SUBJECT: Hamlet Survey - Hampton, Mitchell's Corners, Orono Files: 3.4, 3.9, 3.11 BACKGROUND: On June 23rd of this year, Council authorized staff to proceed with the circulation of a questionnaire to residents of the hamlets of Hampton, Mitchell's Corners and Orono. On June 24th, the questionnaires were mailed to residents of the specified hamlets. During late July and early August, the survey results were tabulated and a general summary prepared for each hamlet. These summaries are included as attachments to this report. COMMENTS: The general summaries are self-explanatory, however, there are certain aspects of each which are of note. For instance, of the three hamlets, only Hampton had a majority of the respondents opposed to additional growth. Both Orono and Mitchell's Corners had a majority of respondents in favour of additional growth, and, of these, a majority '1V - 2 - favoured an annual growth of less than 10%. In each of the three hamlets, families with no school aged children were prevalent. All of the hamlets contain a significant number of households which have experienced problems in respect of storm water drainage and both Hampton and Mitchell's Corners contain a signi- ficant number of households which have experienced problems with their water supply. In all hamlets, respondents indicated they were generally satisfied with existing commercial and community facilities. Notably, only Mitchell's Corners had a majority of respon- dents who offered additional general comments in respect of their hamlet. However, in most cases comments that were offered were usually in respect of matters under the jurisdiction of the Public Works Department. CONCLUSION: The extremely high response rate for this survey has provided the Department with a great deal of useful and significant data relative to present and future hamlet development. Staff will be incorporating the result of these surveys within the development plans for the subject hamlets which will be prepared and circulated during the month of October. In that regard, we anticipate being able to bring the plans forward for further public input, and Committee and Council consideration in late November. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council that this report be received for information. Respectfully submitted, 44 46--- TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. September 10, 1980 Director of Planning Attachment to Report P-152-80,'' HAMLET SURVEY - SUMMER 1980 ORONO GENERAL SUMMARY August 27, 1980 - The majority of respondents reside in single family dwellings (94. 7%) . Respondents from apartments represented 4.5%. - Almost 40% of the respondents stated that their dwelling unit was over 30 years in age. 19.4% reported dwellings 6-10 years in age. - Just over 44% of the ,respondents reside on lots of less than % acre, 30% reside on lots ranging in size from 2 acre. - Most respondents stated there were two persons in their dwelling (31.3%) followed by four persons per dwelling (25.2%) . - 58% of those who responded did not have any school aged children. Respondents with one and two children were each at 18.3%. - Information regarding well depth, contamination and supply problems may not be significant due to the municipal water supply. Many people ignored the question, others gave the information but stated they were now on a local system and others wrote comments on the question stating they were confused. - 7% of the respondents reported having past difficulties with their sani- tary waste disposal systems. - 26% of those who answered have had difficulties with storm runoff/drainage on their property. - Almost 72% of the respondents believe that Orono is adequately served by existing community, commercial and recreational facilities. - Concerning future growth: 59.2% are in favour of expansion 40.8% do not favour expansion - Of those who favour increased growth, 48.3% would prefer growth of less than 10% while 39.1% prefer growth of 10-25%. - 38.6% of the respondents provided helpful suggestions. Most Popular Suggestions Most Popular Comments - more shopping/commercial - better parking facilities - downtown parking - taxes too high for present services - recreational fac. - limited growth - indoor children activities - commercial/more shopping - better park fac. - downtown before new mall - industrial growth is necessary TOTAL SENT: 560 TOTAL RECEIVED: 132 RESPONSE RATE: 23.6% R.J.H. Attachment to Report P-152-80 HAMLET SURVEY - SUMMER 1980 HAMPTON GENERAL SUMMARY August 27, 1980 Almost 98% of the respondents reside in single family dwellings. - Over 28% of the respondents had dwellings over 30 years in age, with 26.6% of the dwellings between 6-10 years. There were only 5.3% who reported new or recent dwellings (1-5 years) . - The majority of respondents live on lots %-2 acre in size (47.3%) Over 20% reported lot sizes of z 71 acre. Respondents reported that 31.6% have two persons living in their resi- dence and 31.6% have four persons. Over 48% of the respondents have no school aged children. 21.1% reported having two children, with 18.9% having one school aged child. - According to the respondents, the majority of wells are under 50 feet with 48.9% having wells under 25 feet and 35.1% having wells 25-50 feet. - 15.8% of the respondents have had a contaminated well - 24.2% of the respondents reported a history of supply problems - Almost 95% of the respondents have never experienced difficulties with their sanitary waste disposal systems. - Concerning storm runoff/drainage problems, 40% of the respondents reported they have had past difficulties. - Over 75% of the respondents believe they have sufficient recreational, commercial and community facilities. - Concerning future growth in the hamlet: 40.2% feel it is desirable 59.8% feel it is undesirable - Of those who favour growth, 55.6% want less than 10% growth, while just over 36% believe growth of 10-25% is needed. - 45.3% of the respondents offered helpful comments. Most Popular Suggestions Most Popular Comments - community hall improvements - C.L.O.C.A, has destroyed Mill Pond - public pool terrible disgrace - pond area - alternate E-W route - hairdresser - Hampton is unspoiled, leave it alone - park facilities-equipment/ controlled growth, existing lots fields TOTAL SENT: 250 TOTAL RECEIVED: 95 RESPONSE RATE: 38% R.J.H. Attachment to Report P-152-80 �� .. i, HAMLET SURVEY - SUMMER 1980 MITCHELLS CORNERS GENERAL SUMMARY August 27, 1980 - All of the respondents reside in single family dwellings. - Over 57% of the dwellings are in the 21-30 year old category and almost 35% of the respondents reported dwellings in the 11-20 year old category. - 42% of the respondents reside on lots %-2 acre in size with 24% residing on lots greater than 2 acres. No one reported lots less than % acre. - 30% of the respondents stated two persons live in their dwelling while 24% reported four persons. No one reported living alone. - Almost 45% of the respondents have no school aged children. Over 24% reported two school aged children. - 59.2% of the respondents reported that their well depth was under 25 feet. - well contamination had affected only 13.7% of respondents - supply problems had affected 22% of those who responded - 15.7% of the respondents have experienced difficulties with their sanitary waste disposal systems. - Quite a large percentage (44%) reported storm runoff/drainage problems. - Over 64% of the respondents feel that M.C. is in possession of adequate community, recreational and commercial facilities. - Even though the respondents seem to believe the community has adequate facilities, 54% favour future growth. - Of these respondents who favour growth, 51.9% feel it should be less than 10% while 37% believe growth of 10-25% is best. - 51% of the respondents took the time to offer helpful comments: Most Popular Suggestions Most Popular Comments - streetlights - taxes high but services deteriorate - grocery store - garbage pick-up - store TOTAL SENT: 150 TOTAL RECEIVED: 51 RESPONSE RATE: 34% i R.J.H.