HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-142-80 Ga CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTE14BER 15, 1980. REPORT NO.: P-142-80 SUBJECT: Activities of the Planning Department March through July, 1980 (inclusive) BACKGROUND: On January 7, 1980 the Planning and Development Committee adopted the 1980 Work Program for the Planning and Development Depart- ment: PD-5-80 "That the recommendation in Report P-1-80 be endorsed and the Planning and Development Committee adopt the Work Program for 1980 for the Planning Department as presented." The 1980 Work Program calls for three status reports on the activities of the Department including a review of the "Work Schedule", "Department Budget", Staff Time and Performance and Outstanding Items. COMMENTS: "WORK SCHEDULE" LONG TERM PLANNING Priority One s as of July, staff had completed neighbour- hood development plans for the Courtice West Area and Courtice South Area. � V ��� - 2 ® the neighbourhood plans were approved by Council on July 28, 1980. ® this aspect of the work program is com- plete. Priority Two ® as of July, 1980, staff have completed the revised hamlet plans for Haydon, Tyrone, Enniskillen and Newtonville. ® all plans have been presented to the Planning Committee in accordance.with the Work Program. ® further reports in ,respect of Tyrone and Newtonville are required. Priority Three a as of July, 1980, staff completed a revised staging policy for development in Courtice. a the staging policies were adopted by Council on July 28, 1980. ® this aspect of the work program is complete. Priority Four m as of July 28, 1980, the "Terms of Reference for the Courtice Environmental Study" were adopted by Council. ® proposals have now been invited. ® this aspect of the Work Program is on schedule. Work is to continue as per the Work Program as a secondary activity. Priority Five w as of July 1, 1980, staff have presented- the proposed Bowmanville Urban Area Plan to Plan- ning Committee and have received authorization to hold public meetings. ® as of September 15, 1980, staff will have pre- sented a draft of the Newcastle Village Urban Area Plan. s work on these two sections of Part II of the District Plan is on schedule (see priorities six, seven and eight) . Priorities Six, ® as of September 15, 1980, staff will have pre- Seven & Eight sented a draft of Part I of the Newcastle District Plan. Work on Part I has proceeded in parallel with the Part II Plans. ® work on the Courtice Special Purpose Commercial rezoning and further Hamlet Plans are scheduled for October through December. CURRENT OPERATIONS Priority One 0 as of March 31, 1980 all objections to By-laws 79-44 and 80-4 had been withdrawn. both by-laws were approved by the Municipal Board in June without objection. Priorities Two • at the present time, there are some 46 active and Three rezoning applications before the Department consisting of individual by-law amendment re- quests and applications filed in conjunction with proposed subdivisions. Staff are contin- . uing to process commercial and industrial pro- posals as a first priority. Staff note that there remairs outstanding residential proposals with Council approvals predating January 1, 1980. Priorities Four, ® as of July, 1980, Council had recommended Five, Six & Seven draft plan approval of two major plans in the Courtice Urban Area. ® there are several subdivision plans in The Newcastle Village Urban Area that remain outstanding; pending completion of the New- castle Village Urban Area Plan. ® as of May, 1980 staff had reported on those subdivision_ proposals in Bowmanville with out- standing Council approvals. ® there are several subdivision plans in the Hamlet Areas that remain outstanding, pending adoption of the outstanding Hamlet Development Plans. Priority Eight and ® all other development proposals, severance Ongoing Matters applications, Committee of Adjustment appli- cations and other by-laws including site plan agreements continue as secondary activities. - 4 - PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1980 BUDGET EXPENDITURES For the information of the Committee, staff have reviewed the "Statement of Accounts" for the Planning Department for the period ending July, 1980. Total expenditures and commitments to that date represent 53% of the approved 1980 Budget of $242.250. The following sheets summarize the Planning Department's accounts. Staff have questioned expenditures deducted from two accounts and have requested information from Treasury. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUDGET as of July 31, 1980 ACCOUNT 198 BUDGET ACTUALS COMMITMENTS BALANCE Salaries $ 127,800.00 $ 69,571.58 $$ 58,228.42 0 H I P 3,000.00 1,060.00 -- 1,940.00 7702-010 -000 O M E R S 8,600.00 4,031.25 -- 4,568. 75 7702-011 - 000 C P P 1, 700.00 1,166.60 -- 533.40 7702-012-000 U I C 2,100.00 1,104.66 -- 995.34 7702-013-000 Drug pl®n 3,300.00 1,541.49 -- 1, 758.51 7702-015 -°000 Workmens compensation 1,800.00 1,331.49 -- 468.51 7702-017-000 Office supplies 6,000.00 1,016.84 $ 162.91 4,820.25 7702-101-000 Publications and 500.00 755.95 -- -255.95 subscription (overexpenditure) 7702-102-000 ACCOUNT 1980 BUDGET ACTUALS COMMITMENTS BALANCE i Postage $ 600.00 $ 497.12 $ 10.00 $ 92.88 7702- 103-000 Printing and reproduction 6,000.00 829.18 400.57 4, 770.25 7702-104-000 Membership- and 400.00 None . None 400.00 association dues 7702-201-000 Convention and 500.00 175.00 None 325.00 conference expenses 7702-202-000 Car allowance 4,000.00 1,369.50 Monthly Charges 2,630.50 7702-203-000 Telephone 1,500.00 -- None 1,500.00 7702-205.000 Advertising 3,500.00 2,239. 78 37.80 1,222.42 7702-206-000 Newcastle Report Professional fees 71,000.00 516.62 MNR MAP - 155 Cour- 44,576. 38 7702-207-000 tice Environmental study $25,000 & Sim Morton billing $752 Equipment maintenance 7702-209- 000 750.00 102.00 None 648.00 ACCOUNT 19 _aa_ BUDGET ACTUALS COMMITMENTS BALANCE Miscellaneous $ 200.00 $ 40.20 None $ 15 9. 80 7702-290-000 Office equipment 2,000.00 411.95 $ 246.47 1,341.58 7702-401 -000 Revenue -3,000.00 -945.17 -- -2,054.83 7702-801-000 BALANCE PLANNING $ 242,250.00 $ 86,816.04 $ 26,764.75 $ 128,669.21 iM�CC�) - 5 - STAFF TIME AND PERFORMANCE The following table summarizes staff time .sheets for the April 7, 1980 to July 31, 1980 period for the five full time union staff in the Planning Department. Please note that a full 26% of total staff time is spent on Official Plan Matters and 17.9% of total staff time is spent on matters related to zoning. Inquiries take up 12% of staff time not including the Director's time in this regard. ACTIVITY TOTAL PERCENT Official Plan Matters 654.5 26.0 Subdivision Matters 175.25 7.0 Severance Matters 86.5 3.4 Zoning Matters 449.0 17.9 Committee of Adjustment Matters 25.5 1.0 Ontario Municipal Board 49.0 1.9 Site Inspections 12.5 .5 Office Organization 349.5 13.9 Meetings 62.0 2.5 Outside Requests 24.0 1.0 Inquiries 301.25 12.0 Typing 323.5 12.9 2512.5 . 100.0 Sick Hours 83.5 Holidays 136.5 Vacations 156.0 Other 36.5 2925.0 - 6 - TOTAL FOR 5 EMPLOYEES Total Man Days 450 Total Man Hours . 2925 Total Sick Days 13 Total Sick Hours 83.5 Total Holiday, Vacations and Other Days 51 Hours 329 RECOMMENDATION• . That Report P-142-80, prepared in accordance with the 1980 Work Program for the Planning Department be received for information. Respectfully submitted, 4 - F DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. August 21, 1980 Director of Planning I v C6� SUMMARY OF OUTSTANDING ITEMS The attached sheets list current subdivision and rezoning applications before the Department. A summary of actions required in the Long Term Planning Section is also attached for reference. II CURRENT APPLICATIONS FO! REZONING FILE NO. APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE 1 STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Z-A-1-1-2 Baypro Industrials Pt. L. 7, Con. 1, Industrial Under Review ew - availability of services Lot 7, B.F.C, Darl. - staff report - development agreement Z-A-1-1-5 Brooks, Lovell, Pt. L. 3 & 4, Con. 4, Estate Residential Under review in con- - decision on O.P.A. and McLellan Darlington junction with applications subdivision for subdivision & O.P.A. - staff report Z-A-1-2-1 Bowbrook Investments Pt. L. 14, B.F.C. , Commercial Awaiting submission of - none at this time Darlington revised plans from appli- cant. Z-A-1-2-4 Harry Locke Pt. L. 15, Con. 1, Commercial Official Plan Amendment - submission by applicant of Darlington required revised site plan & Official Plan Amendment Application Z-A-1-4-4 Preston, S. Pt. L. 21, Con. 2, Commercial Staff report referred - submission by applicant of Darlington back to staff for negoti- revised site plan ation with applicant - staff report Z-A-1-4-5 Clarke, T. & B. Pt. L. 21, Con. 2, Commercial Under Review - staff report Darlington Z-A-1-5-4 Richard Gay Pt. L. 29 & 30, Commercial Under Review - staff report Con. 2, Darl. Z-A-1-6-4 D. R. Agencies Pt. L. 32 & 33, Commercial & Under Review - staff report Con. 2, Darl. Residential Z-A-1-6-6 D. Croth Pt. L. 31, Con. 2, Residential In Circulation - staff report Darlington Z-A-1-7-4 Ron Amyotte Pt. L. 31 & 32, BFC, Industrial Under Review - submission of engineering Darlington report by applicant Z-A-1-9-1 Courtice Auto Wreckers Pt. L. 27, C. 3, Darl. Commercial Under Review - staff report Z-A-1-10-1 Alliance Exurban Pt. L. 34, Con. 3, Residential. Awaiting raft - staff report --- g approval - none at this time (Goldfan) Darlington (Courtice) of 18T-77001 Page 2 II CURRENT APPLICATIONS FOR REZONING �i FILE NO. APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Z-A-1-15-4 Oakland Developments Pt. L. 18, Con. 7, Residential Application approved - applicant to negotiate (Randy Jeffrey) Darlington (Enniskillen) conditionally by Council a subdivision agreement with Town & Region ' Z-A-1-15-7 W. Henderson Pt. L. 18, Con. 7, Commercial Application approved - designation of site for Commer- Darlington by Council cial purposes in Enniskillen Dev. Plan preparation of subsequent amending by-law Z-A-1-15-8 R. Sucee Pt. L. 20, Con. 10, Estate Residential Under Review - staff report Darlington Z-A-1-16-2 G. Balint Pt. L. 31, Con. 5, Commercial In Circulation - staff report Darlington Z-A-2-4-1 Pythagorus Group Pt. L. 12 & 13, BFC, Commercial Awaiting submission of - None at this time Darlington revised plans from Applicant Z-A-2-4-5 J. Rice Pt. L. 12, Con. 1, Residential Under Review - resolution of servicing problem Bowmanville - staff report Z-A-2-4-8 J. Chow Pt. L. 13, Con. 1, Commercial Staff report referred - resolution of servicing problem Bowmanville back to staff - decision on O.P.A. Z-A-2-6-3 Brooking Transport Pt. L. 10, Con. 2, Industrial By-law approved by - site plan agreement Darlington (Bowmanville) Council - circulation of amending By-law Z-A-2-6-4 Bowmanville Zoo Pt. L. 8, Con. 1, Mobile Home Staff is negotiating - staff report Bowmanville Park & Zoo Development Agreement Z-A-2-8-1 E. Samuel King St. E. Residential Under Review - submission by applicant of re- Bowmanville vised plans - Bowmanville Central Area Plan - staff report Z-A-2-12-5 Rejezak, Robyn Lot 2, Pt. 6, Hanning's Residential In Circulation - staff report Plan, Bowmanville I Z-A-2-13-1 Darlington Marina Pt. L. 10, B.F.C. , Bow. Marine Commercial Under Review - staff report Z-A-2-13-2 Noseworthy Pt. L. 9, BFC, Bowmanville Residential Under Review - staff report ._✓ i 9 Page II CURRENT APPLICATIONS FOR REZONING s APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Ridge Pine Park Pt. L. 33, 34 & 35, Mobile Home Park Under Review - negotiation of development C. L, Clarke, & Pt. L. agreement 1, 2 & 3, BFC, Darl. - staff report 394256 Ontario Ltd. Pt. L. 29, Con. 3, Commercial Under Review - staff report Clarke i Timoll Pt. L. 33, Con. 10, Commercial In Circulation - staff report Darlington )-2 Dora May McLaren Pt. L. 2$, Con. 5, Residential Deferred pending closure - none at this time Clarke of road allowances 10-5 Hamre Pt. L. 28, Con. 5, Commercial Under Review - staff report ' Clarke a 11-4 Newcastle Lodge Pt. L. 27, Con-. 1, Residential By-law approved by - negotiate site plan agreement for Senior Citizens Clarke Council., submitted (Newcastle Village) to OMB for approval 0 11-6 Newcastle Lumber Pt. L. 26, Con. 1, Commercial Under Review - staff report Newcastle Village 12-1 Narva Developments Pt. L. 30, Con. 1, Residential Under Review in con - staff report after decision on Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) junction with subdivision subdivision application 12-5 Windsweep Farms Pt. L. 28, BFC, Clarke Seasonal Approved on condition that (Newcastle Village) Residential site plan agreement be ne- - staff report on revised pro- gotiated posal Plan later revised by appli-- negotiate site plan agreement cant 12-6 Granville Chambers Pt. L. 30, Con, 1, Industrial Under Review - staff report Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) 12-9 Bond Head Harbour Pt. L. 28, 29 & 30, Seasonal Residential Under Review Village BFC, Newcastle Vg. & Senior Citizens - staff report �J Page 4 II CURRENT APPLICATIONS FOR REZONING FILE NO. APPLICANT LOCATION TYPE STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUI-ED Z-A-3-13-1 S. Gujda Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, Residential Under Review in con- - staff report after decision on Newcastle Village junction with subdivis- subdivision ion Z-A-3-13-3 Erehwon Developments Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, Residential Under Review in conjun- - staff report after decision on Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) ction with subdivision subdivision Z-A-3-13-4 KSW Developments Pt. L. 30, Con. 2, Residential. Under Review in conjun- - staff report after decision on Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) ction with subdivision subdivision A-3-13-5 Wilswar Enterprises Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, Residential Under Review in conjun- - staff report after decision on Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) ction with subdivision subdivision Z-A-3--13-6 Mychalchuk Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, Mobile Home Park Under Review - staff report Clarke Z-A-3-13-7 Howard Quinney Pt. L. 28, Con. 2, Residential Approved in principal - payment of lot levies Newcastle Village Z-A-3-13-8 Syvan Investments/ Pt. L. 28, Con. 2, Commercial Deferred to be considered none at this time Lucbar Investments Newcastle Village in conjunction with Newcastle Village Urban Area Plan APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM_ i. I SUBDIVISIONS sj FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Mn. of: down of 4 H�-us. Newcastle ( 17T-19720 S-A-3-12-1 East Woodbridge Pt. L. 29, Con. 1, 100 Subdivision Agreement Newcastle Village Signed by-law approved division sionplanssubmit revised sub- Newcastle by O.M.B. - requested reduction in develop- ment standards to be considered in light of Growth Management Study 17T-24001 S-A-1-15-6 Oakland Develop- Pt. L. 18, Con. 7, 44 Draft approved by Min- - submission of revised plan to ments Ltd. Darlington ister of Housing account for private wells. (Enniskillen) - subdivision agreement with Town - zoning By-law amendment - after subdivision agreements signed 17T-24689 S-A-1--12-2 Waverly Heights Pt. L. 17, Con. 5, 44 Under Review - resolution of servicing scheme Darlington for Hampton - completion of Hamlet Plan - staff report 18T-24043 S-A-3-10-1 Veltri & Son Ltd. Pt. L. 29, Con. 5, 5 Under Review - resolution of potential problems Clarke (Orono) with servicing, access - staff report 18T-25149 S-A-3-1-3 Murray Payne Pt. L. 7 & 8, Con. 2, 68 Formal application - finalize Newtonville Hamlet Plan Clarke (Newtonville) circulated - staff report 18T-25449 S-A-1-7-2 Gatehouse Holdings Pt. L. 35, Con. 2, 395 Preliminary application - submission of revised plans Darlington referred to staff for - staff report (Courtice) preliminary report 18T-74067 S-A-2-5-1 Cean Investments Pt. L. 12, Con. 2, 52 Draft Approved - negotiate subdivision agreement Darlington - rezoning (Bowmanville) 18T-74080 S-A-1-15-3 1927 Investments Pt. L. 19, Con. 8, , 140 Formal application - finalize Enniskillen Hamlet Plan Darlington ' circulated - decision from Region re servicing (Enniskillen) - staff report ; Page 2 APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM I SUBDIVISIONS FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Pain., of Town of Ibu Newcastle 18T-75362 S-A-1-15-5 Burketon Hills Ltd. Pt. L. 18 & 19, 52 Draft approved by Min- - negotiate subdivision agreement Con. 10, istry of Housing - rezoning Darlington 18T-75493 S-A-3-13-2 Narva, KSW, Pt. 'L. 29 & 30, Con. 2 680 Formal application - completion of Newcastle Village Erehwon Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) circulated District Plan, also Development Plan for area - resolution of servicing problem - staff report _8T-75526 S-A-2-6-3 Schickedanz Pt. L. 8, Con. 1, 236 Recommended for draft - draft approval by Minister of Darlington approval to Minister Housing (Bowmanville) of Housing, conditional - negotiate subdivision agreement on availability of Services- rezoning 18T-76011 S-A-2-6-2 Penwest Developments Pt. L. 9, Con. 1, 307 Recommended for draft - draft approval by Minister of Darlington approval to Minister of Housing (Bowmanville) Housing, conditional on - negotiate subdivision agreement availability of services - rezoning 18T-76020 S-A-3-13-6 S. Gujda Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) 56 Formal application cir- - completion of Newcastle Village culated District Plan, Development Plan - staff report 18T-76021 S-A-3-12-2 S. Gujda, T. Huzar Pt. L. 28, Con. 1, Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) 21 Draft Approved - negotiate subdivision agreement - rezoning 18T-76025 S-A-2-4-1 4 Investments Pt. L. 14, Con. 1, 297 Staff Report P-81-80 - further staff report Darlington returned to staff for (Bowmanville) further discussion with applicant c Page 3 APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM f I SUBDIVISIONS FIL&*# APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED .n. of Town of us. Newcastle 18T-76027 S-A-1-6-2 Courtice Heights Pt. L. 31 & 32, Con. 2, 681 Draft approved by OMB - clear Minister conditions Darlington (Courtice) Amending By-law approved - execute subdivision agreement by OMB Subdivision agreement signed dT-76038 S-A-2-6-1 Schickedanz Dev- Pt. L. 10, Con. 1, elopments Ltd. Bowmanville 79 Under Review - staff report - 18T-76048 S-A-1-10-1 Courtice Heights Pt. L. 31, Con. 3, 292 Draft approved by OMB, - clear Minister's conditions Developments Ltd. Darlington (Courtice) amending By-law approved - execute subdivision agreement by OMB, subdivision agree- ment signed 18T-76063 S-A-1-15-4 R. & G. Sucee Pt. L. 20, Con. 10, 26 Draft Approved by Ministry - negotiate subdivision agreement Darlington of Housing - rezoning (Burketon Station) 18T-76071 S-A-2-1-2 LDCM Investments Pt. L. 14, Con. 2, 14 Draft Approved - negotiate subdivision agreement Darlington (Bowmanville) 18T-77001 S-A-1-10-4 Goldfan Pt. L. 34, Con. 3, 730 Recommended for draft - draft approval by Minister of Darlington plan approval Housing (Courtice) - negotiate subdivision agreement - rezoning 18T-77002 S-A-1-6-3 D. R. Agencies Pt. L. 33, Con. 2, 11 Draft Approved - complete Storm Water Management Darlington Stud (Courtice) - y negotiate subdivision agreement - process application for rezoning i Page 4 i' APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM I SUBDIVISIONS FILE, # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED n. of Town of • Newcastle 18T-77028 S-A-1-9-1 . Goldfan Pt. L. 29 & 30, 667 Preliminary application - Storm Water Management Study Con. 3, Darlington referred to staff for - preparation of development plan (Courtice) preliminary p p ry re ort - preliminary report 18T-77037 S-A-1-5-1 Yugo Construction Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, Darlington (Courtice) 4 Draft Approval - draft approval by Ministry of Recommended by Town of Housing Newcastle Council - negotiate subdivision agreement 18T-77041 S-A-1-10-2 Tekla Perun Pt. L. 31, Con. 3, Darlington (Courtice) 121 Formal application cir- - Storm Water Management Study culated - submission of revised plans - staff report 18T-77047 S-A-1-10-3 Durcourt Develop- Pt. L. 32, Con. 3, 493 Formal -application cir- - Storm Water Management Study ments Ltd. Darlington culated - preparation of Development Plan - staff report 18T-77066 S-A-1-13-4 Colin & Lack Pt. L. 30, Con. 4, 7 Preliminary review of - preparation of Mitchell's Corners Darlington (Mitchell's application indicated Hamlet Plan Corners) that application premature - formal report to Committee pending Mitchell's Corners Hamlet Plan 18T-77067 S-A-1-11-3 Ray Abbott Pt. L. 8, Con. 7, 8 Under Review - completion of Tyrone Plan Darlington (Tyrone) - staff report 18T-77095 S-A-2-12-1 Schwarz Brothers Pt. L. 12, Con. 1, 18 Draft approval recom- - submission of engineering study Bowmanville mended by Town, subject to CLOCA by applicant to CLOCA approval - staff report Site allocated sewage capacity by Council I Page 5 APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM I SUBDIVISIONS FILE.: # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED In- of Town of 1bus. Newcastle 18T-77123 S-A-1-8-2 East Woodbridge Pt. L. 11, Con. 3, 46 Draft approved by Min- - negotiate subdivision agreement (Rills of Liberty Darlington ister of Housing North) 18T-77133 S-A-3-13-1 E. Vierhout & Bow- Pt. L. 27, Con. 2, 41 Formal application cir- - completion of Newcastle Village manville Const. Newcastle Village culated District Plan, also Development Plan for area - staff report •78006 S-A-3-11-1 Newcastle Shoreline Pt. Lot 25, Broken 7 Draft approval by Min- - negotiate subdivision agreement Properties Ltd. Front Concession, istry of Housing - decision on application for re- (Jack Jacobsen Const.) Clarke zoning 18T-78027 S-A-3-13-7 Wilswar Enterprises Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, 191 Formal application cir- - completion of Newcastle Village Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) culated District Plan, also Development Plan for area - staff report 18T-78082 S-A-1-2-2 East Woodbridge Pt. L. 16, Broken 20 Preliminary application - submission & circulation of for- Front Concession, Industrial lots mal application Darlington - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Treatment Plant - finalization of Bowmanville Dis- trict Plan 18T-78107 S-A-1-13-5 Ralph Davis Pt. L. 25 & 26, Con. 6, 8 Draft Approved - finalize subdivision agreement Darlington (Soling) Zoning By-law amendment approved by Town S-A-2-6-4 D & M Develop- Pt. L. 9, Con. 2, 59 Preliminary application - completion of Bowmanville Urban ments Ltd. Bowmanville Area Plan - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Treatment Plant - preliminary report Page 6 APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM i I SUBDIVISIONS FILE,- # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED thin.. of` Town of '$0 us: Newcastle I S-A-2-4-2 Wilswar Enterprises Pt. L. 13, Con. 1, 108 Preliminary Application - completion of Bowmanville Urban Bowmanville Area Plan - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Treatment Plant - staff report S-A-1-12-1 Super Max Pt. L. 17 & 18, Con. 5, 19 Revised application - resolution of servicing problem Darlington (Hampton) circulated - Hampton Development Plan - staff report 18T-79038 S-A-1-6-5 Remlark Holdings Pt. L. 35, Con. 2, 94 Recommended for draft - draft approval by Minister of Darlington (Courtice) approval Housing - negotiate subdivision agreement - rezoning 18T-79059 S-A-3-7-1 Waverly Heights Pt. L. 24, Con. 9, 26 Preliminary application - decision re; related Official Clarke Plan Amendment application - staff report 18T-79067 S-A-2-5-2 Danad Properties Pt. L. 11 & 12, Con. 2, 935 Preliminary application - completion of Urban Area Plan Bowmanville and Development Plan - availability of services - staff report . 8T-79071 S-A-1-1-3 Brooks, Lovell, Pt. L. 3 & 4, Con. 4, 41 Preliminary application - decision re; related Official McLellan Darlington Plan Amendment application - staff report - decision re; application for rezoning S-A-1-5-3 Gyan Jain Pt. L. 30, Con. 1, 5 Preliminary application - staff report Darlington i �J W 0 R K P R O G R A M July, 1980 Long Range Planning - Outstanding Projects PROJECT STATUS Courtice Staging Policies Requires: - Regional Approval - Ministerial Approval Courtice Neighbourhood Requires: - environmental impact analysis Plan - Nhbd. 3 - draft document - circulation - review of comments - report - public input - review and revision - report - Council approval Courtice Environmental Requires: - receipt of proposals Impact Analysis - selection of consultants - study - report - Council approval Bowmanville Urban Area Requires: - public input Plan - review and revision - report - Council approval - Regional approval - Ministerial approval Newcastle Village Urban Requires: - circulation (underway) Area Plan - review and revision - report - public input - review and revision - report - Council approval - Regional approval - Ministerial approval Newcastle District Plan Requires: - circulation (underway) - review and revision - report - public input - review and revision report Council approval Regional approval Ministerial approval 2 - PROJECT STATUS DEVELOPMENT PLANS Tyrone Requires: - Council approval Enniskillen Requires: - Regional Official Plan Amendment - Ministerial approval of Amendment - Council Approval of Hamlet Pian Newtonville Requires: - revisions as per latest circulation - report - Regional Council comments - Regional Official Plan Amendment - Ministerial approval of Amendment - Council approval of Hamlet Plan Hampton Requires: - report - public input - review and revision - report - Regional Council comments - Council approval Orono & Mitchell's Corners Requires: - circulation - review and revision - report - public input - review and revision - report - Regional Council comments - Council approval All Other Hamlets Requires: - draft documents - circulation - review and revision - report - Regional Council comments - Council approval OTHER MATTERS Newcastle Comprehensive Requires: - review and revision of draft document Zoning By-law - circulation - review and revision - presentation to Council - public input - review and revision - Council approval - O.M.B. approval w6b ) 3 - PROJECT RE UIRES OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS Following applications are presently being processed as active files and requiring further Town action. 75-32/D - Schickedanz - tabled by Council pending resolution of Pine Ridge School issue - Requires: - Council comments - Regional approval - Ministerial approval 76-35/D - Waverly Heights - Requires: - Council comments - Regional approval - Ministerial approval 80-1/D - Region - - tabled by Council for further information Group Homes - Requires: - Council comments - Regional approval - Ministerial approval