HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-140-80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263.2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15, 19 80. Copies of the subject plan have been pro- REPORT NO. : P-140-80 vided to Committee members, Department Heads and the press. Persons interested in 'burchasing" copies of this document should contact the Planrfng Dept. SUBJECT: Town of Newcastle District Plan - Part I File: 1.1 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Pursuant to the requirements of the Durham Regional Official Plan, staff have prepared a first draft of a proposed District Plan for the Town of Newcastle. The accompanying Table entitled "A District Plan for Newcastle" outlines the basis for the content of and the sequence of the District Plan preparation. This first draft of the District Plan has been prepared in conformity with the approved policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan. It will be observed through reading, that many of the policies of the District Plan repeat approved Regional policies while others ex- pand on those policies and still others are completely new and of particular relevance to the Town. Staff have placed this first draft in circulation in order to obtain comments from the various affected agencies and will be it 2 - reporting to Committee and Council at the conclusion of the circu- lation. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council that this report be received for information. Respectfully submitted, IV- TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. August 12, 1980 Director of Planning A DISTRICT PLAN FOR N E W C A S T L E OUTLINE OF CONTENT AND FORMAT FOR PRESENTATION TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE I Basis for District Plan Preparation II Content of the Newcastle District Comments/Excerpts from The Regional Plan Official Plan, and The Durham Act, Organizational and Procedural (Pages 1 & 2) Principles (Pages 3 & 4) III Sequence of Plan Preparation APPENDIX A: Ideas on Format of the Dis- Th.e District Plan / Plans for the trict Plan Part I, The Urban Part I Urban Areas of Area Plans Prepared Under Newcastle Part II, and the Development Prepared Under Plans Prepared Under Part III. Part II / Development Plans (Page 6) for the Hamlets of Newcastle Prepared Under Part III (Page 5) I THE BASIS FOR DISTRICT PLAN PREPARATION The Town of Newcastle as a designated District Regional Act Section 61 (1) (D) Planning Area under The Act to establish the "Every Council of an Area Municipality. . . Regional Municipality of Durham is charged shall investigate and survey the physical with the responsibility of preparing a social and economic conditions in relation "District Plan". to the development of the affected Area Municipality and—it shall, (D) Prepare a Plan for the District Planning Area and forward it to the Regional Council for approval." The Durham Regional Official Plan approved Durham Regional Official Plan Section 16.4.3 by the Minister of Housing on March 17, "District Plans are to be prepared in conform- 1978, describes the content of "District ity with the provisions of this Official Plan. Plans" and requires that they be prepared They shall be forwarded to the Regional Council as "Official Plans" in conformity with the for adoption and submitted to the Minister of Regional Plan. Housing for approval as Official Plans". . . Until a District Plan is prepared, the Durham Regional Official Plan Section 5.2.1 existing Darlington and Bowmanville . . ."In the event of a conflict between the Official Plans remain in force unless provisions of this Plan (The Regional Plan) contradicted by the Regional Plan. and the provisions of any existing Official The Regional Plan prevails in these Plan . . .the provisions of this Plan (The situations. Regional Plan) shall prevail. \J EXCERPTS FROM THE ACT TO ESTABLISH THE REGION MMENTS OF DURHAM AND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN Eventually the existing Official Plans in Durham Regional Official Plan, Sections 5.2.1 & 5.2.2 Newcastle are to be replaced by a District . . ."It is the intent of Regional Council to re- Plan, which as described in the Regional peal all or part of an existing Official Plan Official Plan, may be prepared for all of when such an existing Official Plan or part the Town. thereof is replaced by a District Plan—thus, it is anticipated that all existing Official Plans will ultimately be repealed and replaced." (5.2.1) It is intended that a District Plan be forwarded . . .for approval as an Official Plan for all or part of a District Planning Area. (5.2.2) 2 II CONTENT OF THE NEWCASTLE DISTRICT PLAN ORGANIZATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL PRINCIPLES The preparation of a District Plan for are now referred to as Neighbourhood Newcastle, in addition to being based on Plans or Development Concepts, would certain legal and quasi-legal requirements, thereby be processed as policy state- pages 1 and 2, may be prepared according ments prepared in conformity with the to what may be termed as "Organizational District Plan. and Procedural Principles". 4. In order to accommodate these aspects, a 1. In order to provide a workable and three-part format for the District Plan efficient planning system with a is proposed. minimum of disruption, The District Plan should be prepared to be as Part I of the District Plan will have the consistent with the existing plan- following characteristics: ning system as possible. (A) It will establish land use catagories 2. The District Plan, as an Official and corresponding policies for inclu- Plan, will be a relatively stable sion in Urban Area & Development Plans body of policy providing the public prepared under Parts II & III of the with the assurance that the Town District Plan. The policies and desig- will make development decisions in nations will closely follow the Durham a consistentfashion. The District Regional Official Plan, but will be Plan should therefore, guarantee distinguishable in that they will be the landowner rights of appeal in more detailed and/or specific. accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act, in basic planning (B) In some instances and areas of the Town, issues, including such things as the Part I of the District Plan will affirm future use of property, the density Regional Plan policy where the level of of use and the height of buildings detail is sufficient for local decision or structures. making purposes. e.g. The Agricultural areas of Newcastle. 3. On considering the preceeding two points, it would be appropriate to (C) It will replace the existing Darlington continue the secondary level of plan- and Bowmanville Official Plans which ning that the Town now pursues. What would be repealed with the concurrent adoption of the Part I Plan. The polic- ies of the existing Official Plans which have proven to be workable and appropriate may be reintroduced. The Planning system will therefore be streamlined. 3 (D) It will establish an overall frame- (D) The Part II planning areas may be work for Parts II and III Plans, used as a basis for developing poli- defining and delineating Urban Areas cies about the rate, timing and se- and Hamlets in conformity with the quence of development. provisions of the Regional Official Plan. The urbanizing portions of (E) Part II will allow for the development the Town will require Plans under of a sensitive and responsive planning Part II as prerequisites of develop- system over time. ment. Plans under Part II may be prepared to guide redevelopment in the existing developed areas of the 5. In order to make the transition from the Town and shall be prepared for existing Official Plan system in Newcastle Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle to the Regional - District Part I - Part II Village. - Part III system as smooth as possible Part I of the District Plan as described in 4 (C) will replace the existing Official Part II of the District Plan will have Plans in Newcastle and would appropriately the following characteristics: be presented with Plans under Part II of the District Plan. (A) As described, it will consist of a number of Urban Area Plans pre- pared for areas identified under Part I. Plans under Part II will contain policies particular to the area described, reflecting the different characteristics of dif- ferent portions of the Town. (B) Plans under Part II will be Official Plan Amendments and shall be re- quired in certain areas of the Town only. Time permitting, these Plans may be adopted concurrent to Part I. (C) Plans under Part II may define "Development Plan" areas where very detailed urban design standards may be judged appropriate or nec- essary. 4 III SEQUENCE OF PLAN PREPANATION THE DISTRICT PLAN PART I / PLANS FOR THE URBAN AREAS PREPARED UNDER PART II In order to accomplish in one step the transition from the existing Official Plan system in Newcastle to the Regional - District Part I, Part II, Part III system, thereby making the transition as smooth as possible, Part I of the District Plan and Plans under Part II, should be introduced together. The following sequence outlines an approach to how the preparation of the Plans can be done in para- llel fashion within the terms of the Department's Work Program. S E Q U E N C E DISTRICT PRESENTATION OF PLAN RESEARCH, %POLICY review *CIRCULATIOi'review,drafting oft DRAFT I PART I ORGANIZATION review & drafting OF DRAFT OF DRAFT revised Part II 'A' to 'B' to P&D staff Town Hall Departments PART II RESEARCH PRESENTATION OF URBAN AREA AND �tiPRESENTATION TO CIRCULATION review .Public Par- rev�i;ew, preparation DRAFT PLANS ANALYSIS P&D committee of DRAFT 'B.' to �ti.cipation of PART II Plans to P Dcommittee Town Hall departments Program on for circulation and development of "Goals & Objectives." "Goals & Objectives" public comment 5 v APPENDIX A IDEAS ON FORMAT AND LAYOUT OF THE DISTRICT PLAN PART I AND THE URBAN AREA PLANS FOR COURTICE, BOWMAN- VILLE AND NEWCASTLE VILLAGE UNDER PART II. 1. They layout of both documents should 2. Explanatory notes should be included facilitate their use and show their in all documents explaining the re- relationship to each other and to the lationship between policies where Regional Official Plan. necessary and referring to associated policies for easy reference. A. The Regional Official Plan fol- lows a goal, policies and imple- 3. All Plans should be prepared in a con- mentation structure under gen- sistent style, i.e. same type face and eral headings. generous spacing for easy reading and making notes. All figures will be in B. Part I of the District Plan metric. All mapping should be produced should follow the basic struct- at a suitable metric scale and might be ure of the Regional Plan and produced in colour with acetate overlays use the same headings and to graphically demonstrate particularly terminology where possible. complex land use policies/designations. C. The Urban Area Part II Plans 4. Town Hall copies should be produced in will be separate documents a format for continual updating and for but should also follow this ease of reference (e.g. Metric Ring basic format so that they can Binders.) be easily compared with Part I of the District Plan and the Regional Official Plan. NOTES: D. The Hamlet Development Plans, Part III will be separate documents, but should also follow this basic format so that they can be easily com- pared with Part I of the Dis- trict Plan and the Regional Official Plan. 6