HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-128-80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.i.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 21, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-128-80 SUBJECT: Staging Policies - Courtice Urban Area BACKGROUND: On May 12, 1980 staff forwarded Report P-89-80 to the Planning and Development Committee requesting "authorization to convene a meeting with major property owners from the Courtice Urban Area, in order to dis- cuss the proposed staging policies as contained in attachment 2 to staff report P-89-80". Planning and Development Committee and Council concurred with the recommendation within staff report P-89-80 (June 5, 1980) . Staff convened a meeting on July 14, 1980 having invited repres- entatives from those development interests with active subdivision pro- posals in Courtice Neighbourhoods la, lb, 2b, and 3a. Representatives of Goldfan Holdings Ltd. , Remlark Holdings Ltd. and Durcourt Investments Ltd. attended the meeting. Representatives from Courtice Heights Ltd. did not attend. COMMENT: Staff presented a further draft of the "staging policies" to those attending the above mentioned meeting. It was indicated that the revised draft policies presented at the meeting provided for an "annual limit" on the °IJ Y, 6/ Yo 2 - number of lots, i.e. ; units that could be registered in Courtice, while providing for the development of the Courtice Community Central Area. Staff note the policies attached, will form a further amendment to the Darlington Official Plan in accordance with Section 6.8.2 (iii) of that document. The policies will require Council to annually review the municipality's commitments in the Courtice Urban Area and to review the rate of residential and non-residential development. Council would then set an "annual limit" to the amount of development that could be "finally approved" within that particular calendar year. Staff envisage a system whereby staff would recommend an "annual limit" in Courtice during the annual budget preparations. The "annual limit" would then be allocated over neighbourhoods la, lb, 2a, 2b, and 3a in Courtice as a first priority. Development in the remaining neighbourhoods would be considered a second priority except in situations where development would fur.ther the development of the Community Central Area. Staff believe that the revised policies are reasonable in that they provide the Town with the flexibility to review development proposals in Courtice with regard to the Town's financial capability to accommodate further growth. The policies also provide the Town with the ability to limit development in areas of Courtice that may not be of prime significance to the development of the Courtice Community Central Area. Staff feel, therefore, that the attached policies should be adopted by the Town and forwarded to the Region of Durham for incorporation into the Darlington Township Official Plan as an Official Plan Amendment. Staff note that copies of the attached policies have been circulated to those landowners mentioned above for their information and comment. Staff expect written comments from those mentioned will be available at the Plan- ning and Development Committee Meeting. f 3 - RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council that: 1. The attached staging policies for development in Courtice subject of this report (P-128-80) be adopted as Town Policy and that the Clerk prepare the necessary by-law for that purpose, and 2. That the attached staging policies for development in Courtice subject of this report P-128-80 be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham, and 3. That the Regional Municipality of Durham be requested to amend the Official Plan for the former Township of Darlington to in- corporate the said policies in accordance with Section 6.8.2 (iii) of the Darlington Township Official Plan as amended. Respectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. July 15, 1980 Director of Planning