HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-103-80 .00°'vwrrrcr CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO L08 1J0 TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 9, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-103-80 SUBJECT: Hamlet Development Plans, "Resident Survey" Summer, 1980 BACKGROUND and COMMENT: In January of 1980, Town Council adopted the Work Program for the Planning Department which calls for the preparation of new "Hamlet Development Plans" during the last quarter of this year. Prior to pre- paring plans for Hampton, Orono, Mitchells Corners or any of the other outstanding Hamlet Areas, staff feel that it would be appropriate for the Town to undertake a survey of existing residents in order to provide technical information in respect of each area and a measure of each community's aspirations in respect of new facilities and future develop- ment. A draft survey questionnaire has since been prepared dealing with a range of subjects including water supply, sanitary waste disposal, storm run-off and drainage, community and recreational facilities, and attitudes toward growth. The survey results will remain strictly confidential and individual anonymity will be assured. The questionnaire is to be completed by the "head of the household" and only one questionnaire per household should be completed. A copy of the proposed questionnaire is attached with a draft covering letter of explanation. t�'�v - 2 - It has been decided, after consultation with the Post Office, that the questionnaire should be delivered and returned through the mail service. Since the Department wishes to use the survey results this summer, staff will request that residents respond by July 18, 1980 in order to permit an early analysis of the returns. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Planning and Development Committee consider the attached questionnaire and authorize staff to proceed with its circulation. Respectfully submitted, C/ RH:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. May 26, 1980 Director of Planning D R Htyv IM1iAmr _ 1/ At r CORPORA:I]ON OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1J0 TEL. (416)263.2231 Dear Resident: In January of this year, the Newcastle Planning and Development Committee adopted the 1980 Work Program for the Planning and Development Department, which includes the prepar- ation of "Development Plans" for a number of Hamlets within the Town. "Development Plans" are plans adopted by Newcastle Council which set out the Town's policies in respect of future development in each hamlet. Typically, the Development Plans consist of maps and text which describe the areas for new development, the amount and type of development and the rate of growth. To date, Development Plans have been prepared for Burketon Station, Soll.na, Newtonville, Haydon, Tyrone and Enniskillen. Plans for Orono, Hampton and Mitchell's Corners are to be completed by the end of this year. In order to provide Planning Staff with additional information in respect of your community and in order to give your elected represen- tatives additional information on which to consider the development of your hamlet, i.t would be greatly appreciated if you would fill out the attached questionnaire and return it to the Department of Planning and Development at the Municipal. Building in Hampton, as soon as possible. Your reply to the questionnaire will be confidential. All households in each of the three Hamlets will receive a questionnaire addressed to Cho "Resident" thereby ensuring your privacy. On behalf of the members of the Planning and Development Committee and staff, please accept my sincere thanks for your co—operation. Mrs. A. Cowman, Chairman Newcastle Planning & Development Committee � u R AF Y r() 1 1 11ARLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN l2UKSTIONNALRE o Juno, 198 This t)uestionnaire is to be completed by the "head of the household", Uii1 one ( uestionnai.re should be comp let.ed per household. A17. replies will remain CONFIDENTIAL. The information provided from this survey will be used in preparing a "hamlet development plan" for your commutes. Please check the appropriate q beside your answer or fill in the blank. I ILET: ORONO CI HAMPTON (� MITCHELL'S CORNERS �I 1. Do you live in: a single family residence E1 a semi-detached (duplex) L an apartment Cl 2. How old is your dwelling? years. 3. What is the size of your lot? ft. x ft. 4. How many persons live in your residence? 5. How many school aged children live in your household? (Note : a school aged child is considered as being between the ages of 5 and 18) 6. If you household has a private well: a) what is its approximate depth? t.ntdur 25 ft. 25 - 50 ft. I� 51 - 75 Et. L� over 75 Ft. _ 2 _ b) We yo" ever experLenced: (i) a contaminated well? yes FJ no If yes, please specify the nature of contamination. (iL) an inadequate supply of water? yes Cl no 7. Have you ever had difficulties with the operation of your sanitary sewage system? yes El— no I� If so, please specify 8. Has your property ever been affected by storm runoff/drainage problems? yes no 9. Do you believe that your hamlet possesses adequate recreational, commercial and community facilities? yes no no E If not:, please specify the types of facilities that you would lice to see provided: 10. In your opinion is additional growth within your particular hamlet desirable or undesirable? desirable EJ undesirable [E]At present your hamlet has [1] dwelling units. - — 2 — ll. If you believe additional growth is desirable: u) Uov 111uc11 development would you llkc Lo aec per year? less than l0% | | lO — 2�% | | �--' 26 — 50% �_—| | over 50% | | | 0IBED C0MO0IS (use back if necessary) ` ` Ibuuk you for your Llom auJ poccicipaLinu in this aucvuy,