HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-88-80 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1.10 TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 12, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-88-80 SUBJECT: Neighbourhood Development Plan Courtice South BACKGROUND: In December of 1979, staff began work on a draft neighbourhood development plan for neighbourhoods 2a, 2b and 2c of the Courtice Urban Area. The draft development plan was prepared in accordance with Section 6.1.2 (iii) of the proposed Amendment 12 to the Darlington Official Plan and was circulated to a number of affected agencies for comments. The comments received are summarized below: Newcastle Public Works The Development Policies and Plans have been reviewed and there appears to be very few problems with the proposal. One concern is in regard to Section 2.6.2 (iii) . It is stated: "reverse frontages will not be required for residential uses abutting collector roads". It is felt that reverse frontages are required for major collector and arterial roads." (Staff note that this matter has been discussed with Works Dept. staff and resolved. Given the extremely low densities expected in Courtice and the resultant lower volumes, it does not appear that reverse frontages are warranted.) There are some minor problems with the road alignments, but these can be corrected at a later date. (Staff have met with the Works Dept. staff and have resolved the minor problems.) Of significant concern is the major collector roadway into the King property and the inferior intersection with Prestonvale Road. This will have to be amended to create an improved flow of traffic through this area. (Staff note that this concern has been resolved by identification of the intersection as being need of improvement.) �' 2 - Town of Newcastle Community Services I strongly agree with the development plan of South Courtice which involves parks, play areas, walkways and bicycle paths. We finally have a plan that fits parks, play areas and schools in their proper place in the Community. The walkways and bicycle paths are excellent and interwind towards the various outdoor and indoor facilities. Another strong point of this plan is the open space, along the Black and Farewell Creeks. For years, bicycle paths and walkways have been lacking through- out the Town of Newcastle. I highway recommend this plan. Town of Newcastle Fire Department i) As with Courtice West, fire emergency service will be out of Station A. ii) Again this area is within acceptable travel distance of the fire station for emergency fire service. iii) As development will require upgrading of fire department. Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board i) It is possibly beyond the mandate of this Board but the planners could be complimented in respect to the Pedestrian/ Bicycle Pathway and especially those paths of considerable length. In this day of participation, the paths may be used extensively. ii) It was tentatively concluded in an earlier assessment of the total Courtice Urban Area, that the most suitable location for a separate school would be north of Highway 2 in the neighbourhood for which draft development plans have not been completed. iii) The proposed staging policies to be recommended by the Plan- ning Dept. will have an important effect upon the Board's consideration of school sites. Newcastle-Northumberland Public School Board At the time of writing comments had not yet been received. However, verbal discussions with representatives of the Board have indicated a definite concern about the need for and location of the high school identified within neighbourhood 2a. We note that this concern is of critical importance since a change will require a modification to the Courtice Urban Area Plan. Staff have verbally advised Ministry staff of this possi- bility, and will await written confirmation of the School Board's desired changes before taking further action. - 3 - Durham Regional Planning and Works Dept. (1) General (a) The Durham Regional Works Dept. has indicated that it does not completely agree with the 2.9 p.p.u. loading factor used to determine the maximum number of permitted units. However, due to the additional capacity in the sanitary sewer system for the Courtice Urban Area, the Works Dept. is not objecting at this time. As discussed in our meeting, this situation should be closely monitored over time in order to determine the appropriateness of these considerably lower loading factors. (Staff note that a monitoring clause has been added to the text of the plan.) (b) With respect to the open space designation identified in the development plans, consideration should be given to a review of the open space designations and policies. A system could then be developed which would differentiate between the major open space system in accordance with the Durham Regional Official Plan and the open space system as defined by the Town of Newcastle. (Staff note that the policies and designations relating to open space have been reviewed and revised in a manner which we feel will alleviate the Region's concerns.) (c) Section 2.6.4 (i) of both development plans should be ex- panded to include "access to potential transit stops" as one of the intended functions of the pedestrian and bicycle pathways. (Staff note that this addition has been made.) (2) Courtice South (a) The alignment of Bloor St. is not in conformity with the Durham Regional Official Plan as approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, or the Courtice Urban Area Plan, as adopted by Regional Council and now before the Ministry of Housing for approval. We would suggest that the alignment presently approved by the O.M.B. be shown in your plans until such time as any subsequent amendment to realign Bloor St. is approved. (Staff note that the plan has been revised to reflect the O.M.B. approved designation, however, the route of the pos- sible re-alignment has also been shown to indicate the Town's intent.) (b) The 0.5 ha convenience commercial designation on the south east corner of Hwy. 2 and Prestonvale Rd. would not appear to conform to the Special Purpose Commercial Node in the Courtice Urban Area Plan. (Staff note that this designation has been deleted.) - 4 - (c) The short local road between Prestonvale Road and the Minor collector to the east is shown as a collector in the Courtice Urban Area Plan. A short portion of Prestonvale Rd. south of Hwy. 2 is shown as a local road in the Courtice Urban Area Plan and as a major col- lector in the development plan. (Staff note that in the case of the former, the correction has been made, in the case of the latter, Regional staff inadvertently changed the designation during their review and revision. This error was brought to their attention accompanied by a request to initiate a modification to correct the error. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority General Several of the comments and recommendationsmade by the Authority regarding the Courtice West Neighbourhood Plan apply to this circulation. 1) That the boundaries of the proposed land uses shown on Schedule 1 are schematic only, and subject to further refine- ment. (Staff note that this concern has been addressed through inclusion of an interpretation clause.) 2) Section 2.3, Parkland and Open Space, and Section 2.4. Environ- ment, should be rewritten to define the differences between Hazard Lands, Open Space and Environmentally sensitive areas, and permitted uses in each type of area. More than one of the above may, of course, apply to a particular parcel of land and this should also be noted. Schedule 1 should be revised accord- ingly. (Staff note that these comments reflect similar staff concerns and have been considered as a result of our own review.) 3) In Section 2.6.4 (i) and on Schedule 1, future pedestrian and bicycle pathways are indicated. Since these facilities may affect environmentally sensitive areas, a statement should be added which indicates that such routings shall be approved by the municipality and the Authority, and may require site specific landscaping plans. (Staff note that Section 2.6.4 (iii) provides for review of routes by C.L.O.C.A.) 4) In Section 2.7 (i) a statement should be added which indicates that development shall be permitted in accordance with the storm water management study, recommendations as approved by the Town and the Authority. (Staff note that since the recommendations of the storm water management study will be incorporated within the development plan and development proposals must conform to the plan, this addition is unnecessary.) - 5 - Specific Comments 1) The Robinson Creek is currently being floodline mapped and the Town may wish to note in the Plan that such infor- mation, when available, may alter the extent of hazard lands and therefore areas deisgnated for development. (Staff note that the delineation of hazard lands is general and shall be further refined through subdivision approvals and zoning by-laws. We presume that possible revisions would only affect the extent of Tesently designated hazard lands. Naadesignations would require an Official Plan amendment and should be dealt with at such time as the new mapping is avail- able.) 2) Section 2.4.2 should be expanded two-fold" a) It should include the wooded area within plan of sub- division 18T-76027 as possessing environmentally sensi- tive characteristics and subject, therefore, to special considerations aimed at preserving natural features; (Staff note that the noted plan is draft approved; and that the environmental sensitivity of the site is not recognized by the Regional Official Plan or the Courtice Urban Area Plan.) b) It should incorporate the statement, "Any development in proximity to this sensitive area shall be subject to an assessment of environmental implications to be expected both on and off the site, which shall propose solutions to offset any anticipated adverse effects." after the words "upon this area". (Staff note that the lands subject of this request, possess a medium level of sensitivity. Only the top two levels of sensitivity require environmental impact analysis pursuant to proposed Amendment 19 to the Durham Regional Official Plan. An appropriate revision has been made.) 3) The provision, "and may include such things as the preservation of as many of the existing trees as possible." should be delted. (Staff note that revisions made in respect of 2(b) above address this comment.) 4) The headwater area of the Robinson Creek has not, in our opinion, been given adequate consideration on Schedule 1. On the attached copy, we have indicated in green, the area we feel should be designated as Open Space and preserved from development, pending the approval of an environmental assessment. (Staff note that such a request requires an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan which designates the area as residential, as well as, the Courtice Urban Area Plan. We note that the development plan incorporates a considerable amount of the subject area within parkland and open space i C a) - 6 - areas and that revised policies in respect of this area would permit C.L.O.C.A. to attach conditions to draft plan approval in order to further control development of this area.) 5) The headwater area of the Tooley Creek, comprising stands of black ash, solft maple and a pond has been designated for residential use on Schedule 1. It is recommended that the area be included in the Open Space Classification, as indicated in green on the attached copy. (Staff note that the area in question is designated as resi- dential in both the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Courtice Urban Area Plan, nor is it recognized by Amendment 19 to the Durham Regional Official Plan. We note that revisions to Section 2.4 would permit C.L.O.C.A. to attach conditions to draft plan approval in order to further control development of this area.) 6) As a final note, it should be indicated that certain areas east of Courtice Rd. which are designated for development are actually prone to flooding under regional storm conditions. The area north of the red line on the attached copy should be shown as Hazard Lands rather than Residenti.a:l. (Staff note that the area in question contains existing resi- dential development, however, the plan has been revised to iden- tify the hazard conditions.) COMhIENTS: Based upon the review of comments received through circulation, staff have revised the Courtice South Neighbourhood Development Plan. The attached plan is provided for the Committee's review and we would suggest that a public meeting be held at the earliest possible opportun- ity. We note that the development plan only requires local Council adoption and upon such approval, we would be in a position to recommend draft plan approval of subdivision. RE COMHENDATI ON: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 7 - 1. That report P-88-80 be received; and that 2. The draft neighbourhood development plan for Courtice South be endorsed in principle and that it be presented to the public at the next possible regular evening meeting of the Planning Committee, which shall be duly advertised as a public meeting inviting public participation. Respectfully submitted, TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. May 5, 1980 Director of Planning. ROAD c,�+ t,,t�. b •� �� P { ry ♦ 4, Y p O 1. `I. L s I •i. �r .L ♦ w — •f °°I° �®'--:'�.-.-- —_- �- '�' � ,`�`� r SFr ��'�. •...:; � ;'. r. I° 1I �a °O. II •♦ X.X (:C ♦•�QO O P O O 0 a 0 a ,l •. f e W COURTICE ROAD J 6,C .....•., °I ... I, i ,14" ♦$it