HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-77-80 ply! CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C,I.P., Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB IJO T L. (416)263.2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMIT"TEE MEETING OF APRIL 28, 1980, REPORT NO, : P-77-80 SUBJECT: Application for Rezoning No. Z-A-2-4-7 Queen Street, Bowmanville Veltri and Son. Ltd. BACKGROUND: On March 3, 1980 Planning and Development Committee considered staff report P-38-80, copy attached, and moved the following resolution (PD-78-80) : "1) The report be received for information; 2) As sewage capacity Is not available to this site at this time, the application be deemed premature; 3) That application for rezoning number Z-A-2-4-7 be denied; and 4) The Regional Municipality of Durham be advised of the actions of the Town of Newcastle in this regard. " On March 10, 1980, Town Council considered resolution PD-78-80 and referred the matter back to Planning staff for additional information i in respect of "pipe and sewer capacity and possible reallocation priorities". In accordance with Council 's request, staff forwarded the attached letter (March 14, 1980) to Mr. W. Evans , Manager, of the Regional Works Design Division. Mr. Evans ' reply is attached. I r- _ 2 COMM]3N T: Staff note as previously reported, that a section of the existing Queen Street sewer is currently overloaded, i .e. operates under a surcharge during high flow periods . Staff further note that the Rehder Avenue diversion sewer, when completed to the end of the Phase III construction schedule (1984) , would permit the development of the subject property to proceed. It is further noted that "if the owners of the subject prop- erty intend to develop the site prior to Phase III of the diversion sewer being constructed, then adequate sanitary sewer capacity could be provided by twinning approximately 1300 feet of sanitary sewer on Queen Street". As previously discussed, staff feel that the subject application is premature and should be denied, and the file closed. RECOMMENDATION: That Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council that the following resolution be adopted: 1. Zoning Application Z-A-2-4-7 is hereby denied as it is premature; and 2. Staff are hereby instructed to close file Z-A-2-4-7; and 3. Staff are hereby instructed to notify the Regional Munici- pality of Durham of this action. Respectfully submitted, ll � DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. April 17, 1980 Director of Planning