HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-72-80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 28, 1980. REPORT NO.: P-72-80 SUBJECT: Newtonville Hamlet Development Plan File: 3.10 (PLEASE BRING COPIES OF NEWTONVILLE PLAN TO MEETING) BACKGROUND: On March 31, 1980 the Planning and Development Committee con- sidered staff report P-52-80 which recommended approval of a proposed hamlet development plan for Newtonville. Said plan had been prepared by staff, in conformity with the policies of the Durham Regional Official Plan and had been subject of a number of public meetings. As a result of the Committee's consideration, report P-52-80 was referred back to staff with instructions to "deepen the plan and incorporate an east-west road south of Highway 2". Although not included within the Committee's specific direction; references were made to adopt- ing an earlier version of the plan which proposed a larger development area and which had been reconsidered by staff as a result of circulation. Staff have taken this discussion into consideration in preparing the 1 following comments and revisions to the plan. 11 e f ` AV ti� w y�it it - 2 - COMMENTS: Staff attach as Appendices A and B, revisions to the proposed hamlet development plan for Newtonville in accordance with the Committee's direction, as ratified by Council on April 8, 1980. The revisions ex- pand the hamlet limits providing sufficient area for approximately X47 new single detached dwelling units. This represents a growth of about 172)% and would give the hamlet a development potential of 41 years, assuming a rate of growth of five units per annum. As pointed out in previous staff reports, this amount of growth will require an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan. This amount of growth. has other implications, which have been addressed on previous occasions, and which have resulted in the "slow growth" approach adopted by staff. Among these are; (i) the concerns of local residents in respect of large scale development and the impact upon the hamlet's physical and social characteristics; (ii) the concerns of staff about the lack of information respecting the areal extent and quality of local aquifers necessary for the provision of domestic water supply; and (iii) the need for a comprehensive study of storm water drain- age, especially within the area south of Highway 2. We note that on previous occasions it has been recommended that large scale development within Newtonville only be permitted if a communal water system is provided. For various reasons, this was rejected, however, Council should again give this matter its utmost consideration. On other occasions, staff have stressed the need for additional detailed soils and drainage investigations in order to ensure that existing problems are not compounded, or new problems created. The hamlet plan presently requires - 3 - individual applicants to satisfy the Town and Health Unit in respect of these matters, however, this approach is piece-meal in nature and designed to deal with only a limited amount of development, and should realistically be revised to address a larger area now that the hamlet boundaries have been extensively expanded. Ideally, the Town should undertake a comprehensive soils and drainage investigation prior to approving major new development. We note that since an amendment is required to the Durham Regional Official Plan, Council must have due regard for the following: (i) The viability of the existing social and economic structure of the community; (ii) The demands upon the social and cultural services provided by the Region and the Town; (iii) The resource capabilities of adjacent lands; (iv) The proximity to Major Urban Areas and their growth potentials; (v) The physical constraints of the environment for building and servicing; and (vi) Such other conditions as Council deems necessary. Staff are not satisfied that these aspects have been given adequate consideration, and suggest that their implications be care- fully reviewed prior to adoption of the plan in its revised form. The staff's proposed revisions to the plan are in accordance with Council direction, and we respectfully submit that we are unable to support the plan in its present form. We would, therefore, appreci- ate it if the Committee and Council would review the revisions to the text and land use schedule, and provide further direction, if necessary, in respect of the boundaries which have been delineated, the suggested - 4 - road patterns and the growth rate for the hamlet. If the Committee and Council feel that the revisions accurately reflect their intent, then it would be appropriate for the Council to direct staff to re- circulate a revised plan and/ to forward the revised plan to Regional Council for comment, accompanied by a request to initiate_-the--r-egu_ixed amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council that report P-72-80 be received and that appropriate direction be given to staff in respect of further processing of this plan. Respectfully submitted, D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning TTE:lb T. T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. April 11, 1980 Long Range Planner I'd APPENDIX A TO STAFF REPORT P-72-80 3.2 Residential Delete the words "It is recommended that" and add the word "shall" before the word "pursue" in the second sentence of the third paragraph. 3.2.1 Policies Delete subsection (ii) in its entirety and replace with the following: (ii) The staging of new residential lots permitted within the areas designated for expansion is detailed within Section 3.9 of this hamlet de- velopment plan. Schedule "1" indicates the maximum number of residential lots permitted within the designated areas. Delete subsection (iv) (c) in its entirety and replace with the following: (iv) (c) the minimum lot size for new residential lots shall be 0.5 hectares, however, this may be re- duced in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.2 of this Plan and shall ensure that a reserve area is retained for duplicate the field construction. Delete the first sentence of subsection (v) in its en- tirety and replace with the following: (v) The minimum lot size for new residential lots in the area proposed for "Residential Expansion" shall be 0.5 hectares, however, this may be reduced in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.2 of this Plan. Delete subsection (v) (b) in its entirety and replace with the following: (v) (b) ensure that a reserve area is retained for dupli- cate tile field construction; and 3.3 Community Facilities Delete the second sentence of subsection (i) in its entirety and replace with the following: "In addition, in order to provide for future community uses, a park site and additional land for school uses have been designated adjacent to the existing school site." - 2 - 3.4 Commercial Delete Sections 3.4 and 3.4.1 in their entirety and replace with the following: 3.4 Commercial At present, there are a limited number of commercial uses within Newtonville. It is not anticipated that proposed residential expansion will generate a great deal of demand for additional commercial facilities. For this reason, no additional commercial sites have been designated other than those presently in use within the hamlet plan area. However, notwithstanding this fact, additional commercial development may be considered in accordance with the following policies. 3.4.1 Policies (i) Commercial development to be permitted within the hamlet shall be limited to a size and use which is considered complementary to the character of the hamlet and which is intended to meet the needs of either the residents of the hamlet or the surrounding rural areas, or the seasonal tourist trade. These uses shall be similar in kind but not limited to the following: - general stores - bakeries - hardware stores - personal services - antique stores - souvenir shops - butcher shops - farm implement dealerships - automobile service stations - farm related service businesses Provisions respecting maximum leaseable area and definition of use shall be included within the imple- menting restricted area (zoning) by-law. (ii) Notwithstanding any provision of this plan to the contrary, commercial development may be permitted to locate anywhere within the areas designated as existing residential or infilling on Schedule 1 to this plan, and without amendment to this plan; provided the proposed use will have no adverse affects upon the use of surrounding lands or the implementation of this plan. 3 - (iii) Proposals for commercial development within the hamlet shall be assessed on their own merit, bearing in mind the character of the hamlet, the existing commercial uses and the necessity of such a use. (iv) The development or redevelopment of areas for commercial uses within the hamlet shall be subject to suitable zoning and site plan controls. 3.9 Staging Addition of a new section "3.9 Staging" as follows: 3.9 Staging New development within the areas designated for expan- sion, shall be staged in order to control the hamlet's rate of growth. This is intended to minimize development impacts upon existing residences and to facilitate annual monitoring of groundwater supplies and the operation of septic tanks and tile beds. 3.9.1 Policies (i) New development within the areas designated for ex- pansion shall be limited to 5 lots per annum for the first two years; after which this figure shall be further reviewed. Determination of this limit was based upon an evaluation of existing development, proposed development, historic growth rates, ser- vicing limitations and other development restrictions within the hamlet. (ii) Schedule 1 identifies alphabetically the areas desig- nated for expansion and this shall represent the se- quence for staging development. (iii) The Council of the Town of Newcastle may recommend draft approval.of one or more plans of subdivision within a designated area, as identified in (ii) above. However, any lots approved in excess of the annual limit shall be given a deferred designation in the implementing restricted area by-law. Development of a designated area for expansion shall be substantially completed prior to the Town considering further draft approvals within subsequent areas. (iv) The annual limit of lots to be permitted within the hamlet, shall be allocated to subdividers within a designated area for expansion, in proportion to the number of approved lots within their subdivision(s) . - 4 - (v) The Town of Newcastle shall undertake an annual monitoring of building activity; in conjunction with monitoring of groundwater supplies and quality within the hamlet, and may adjust staging accordingly. If building permits have not been applied for and/or granted for appropriately zoned lots, then the number of lots potentially released in successive years shall equal the annual limit less any residual from the pre- vious year. In those instances where the annual limit has been divided among a number of subdividers, failure to make use of an allocation by a subdivider shall not limit the allocations of other subdividers in subse- quent years and shall only affect subsequent allocations to the subdivider which has a residual. (vi) The policies of this Section shall not be interpreted as being applicable to areas designated for infilling. 4.2 Deleting Section 4.2 in its entirety and replacing it with the following: 4.2 Notwithstanding any provision of this plan to the contrary, applications for development within the hamlet shall be accompanied by a detailed engineering report based on test drilling which confirms: (i) An adequate supply of potable water and soil con- ditions satisfactory for the effective operation of a private waste disposal system; and (ii) An adequate separation between water table and septic the fields. If, after conducting the above investigation, evidence satisfactory to the Town of Newcastle and the Durham Health Unit, has been produced which indicates that a reduction in the minimum lot area requirement is warranted, Council may approve such a reduction only so far as the minimum lot size is not reduced to below 0.3 hectares (0.75 ac.) and the average lot size for a given proposal is not reduced to below 0.4 hectares (1.0 ac.). Upon receiving such approval, the applicant may submit a proposal based upon this reduction, to the maximum number of lots which would be permitted by such a reduction but not to exceed the number of lots permitted within a designated area. An amendment to the Hamlet Plan shall be required in order to adjust the maximum number of lots permitted. - 5 - 3.8 Servicing Delete Section 3.8 in its entirety and replace with the following: 3.8 Servicing In order to minimize potential impacts of new develop- ment upon existing residences, prior to development occurring within areas designated for expansion, the Town shall conduct a storm-water management study for the Hamlet of Newtonville. Furthermore, the proponents of development will be responsible for demonstrating, to the satisfaction of the Town and the Durham Health Unit, the methods whereby sanitary sewage and storm water run-off will be dealt with in order to comply with the recommendations of the storm water management study and to prevent possible contamination of the water table. NEVVTONVILLE APPENDIX P T® Staff Report I { P-72-8® LEGEND . I a EXISTING RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL INFILLING i RESIDENTIAL EXPANSION h EXISTING ZONED COMMERCIAL SEE SECTION 3.4 �- COMMUNITY FACILITY rj _1 Illl�ll�l NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK { :•: •: ELEMENTARY a SCHOOL L i <• c AREA SUBJECT TO _I>.f:•..::::::::: DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS 1 ::>::>:: :: :� � : :::::�;;::: UTILITY ....... . =. 2 WAY " YI'G I :;:;1_:; >: LIMIT OF HAMLET :_!;: ::__:: DEVELOPMENT P •:�::�:.;:;:. _--; LAN ::•:::.:Z POSSIBLE ROAD ALIGNMENTS WALKWAY } a Ia r PAYNES CRES. 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