HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-70-80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 14, 1980 REPORT NO.: P-70-80 a SUBJECT: Consent Application LD 91/80 BACKGROUND: On February 25, 1980, the Town received a request from the Durham Land Division Committee for comments in respect of the above noted severance application. The subject lands are located within the proposed limits of the hamlet of Tyrone and are presently zoned "R3" and "Cl" by the Darlington zoning by—law. We note that the portion of the site zoned "Cl" contains an old school house which has been converted to apartments. A portion of the building is apparently being used as a business premises, which is necessary in order to establish residential dwellings in a "Cl" zone. Under the "R3" zone provisions for the balance of the site, new lots must have a minimum lot area of 16,000 square feet with a minimum frontage of 80 feet. The proposed severance would create a lot having an area of 16,005 square feet and a frontage of 97 feet. The retained portion would have an area of 27,555 square feet and a frontage of 167 feet. In that regard, both the proposed and retained - 2 - lots would appear to comply with the provisions of the Darlington by-law. We note, however, that there are no minimum lot area require- ments for residential uses within a "Cl" zone nor are there any mini- mum lot area requirements for commercial uses within a "Cl" zone. Staff note that on January 7, 1980, the Planning Committee considered and adopted staff report P-5-80 which dealt with the revised hamlet development plan for Tyrone. The plan stipulates a minimum lot size of 1.25 acres (54,450 square feet) and if revised as proposed by staff report P-54-80, this minimum could be reduced to 0.75 acres, (32,670 square feet) based upon detailed on-site investigation. The subject site presently has an area of 1.0 acres which is acceptable for existing residential use. On January 14, 1980, Council referred the hamlet plan back to the Planning Committee for further discussion. At the Committee meeting of February 4, 1980, the staff report was again considered and endorsed by resolution. This decision was ratified by Council on February 11, 1980. On March 3, 1980 a public meeting was held to discuss the revised hamlet plan. On March 6, 1980, staff forwarded comments in respect of the proposed severance to the Durham Land Division Committee, requesting that the application be tabled pending Council's final approval of the hamlet plan. On March 17, 1980 the land division committee considered and approved the applications. Staff note that in a similar situation in Haydon, the applications were tabled as requested by the Town and does not appear to be consistent with the decision made in this instance. Formal notice of the approval was received on March 28, 1980 and we note that the last date of appeal is April 17, 1980. 3 - On March 31, 1980 staff report P-54-80 was considered by the Planning Committee and endorsed. Said report recommended that the hamlet plan be forwarded to Regional Council, in accordance with Section of the Durham Official Plan, prior to local Council adoption. This action was ratified by Council at its meeting of April 8, 1980. COMMENTS: m Staff are somewhat concerned with the approval of the subject severance since it does not conform to the hamlet development plan as it relates to lot size. Upon approval, the development plan will form the basis for amendments to the Town's restricted area by-law in order to provide a consistent set of policies and standards for the development of this settlement area. In that regard, the issue of minimum lot size has not yet been finalized. We note, however, that the proposed minimum is intended to reduce potential problems related to the operation of in- dividual wells and septic tanks and at the same time minimize impacts to existing residences. In accordance with direction provided by Council in respect of two other decisions of the Land Division Committee, in Tyrone, staff have forwarded an appeal of this decision to the Secretary of the Land Division Committee. This was necessary in order to meet the deadline for appeals and, if Council so chooses, after considering this report, the appeal could be withdrawn. We are, therefore, seeking Council endorse- ment of the staff action, or conversely, further direction in respect of this matter. - 4 - RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That staff report P-70-80 be received; and that 2. The actions of staff in appealing the decision of the Land Division Committee in respect of application LD 91/80 be endorsed; and that d 3. The Town solicitor and planning staff be authorized to attend the hearing in respect of this matter and make representation on behalf of the Town. Respectfully submitted, TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. April 9, 1980 Director of Planning REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE DECISION As per the provisions of Sections 29 & 42 of The Planning Act as amended; Section 61 (10) of The Regional Municipality of Durham Act as amended; and Ontario Regulation 732/78 as amended File LD 91/80 Submission B90/80 March 17th, 1980 Carol Byam & ,Doreen Park Part Lot 9, Concession 6 Town of Newcastle Mr. G. Byam accompanied by his brother-in-law Mr. Park was present on behalf of this application. No further representation was present in favour of or opposed to the application . This application involves the severance of a 1487 m2 lot for house. residential use from a 4047 m2 lot containing an old school Mr. Byam advised the Committee that he had attended the Public Hearings on the Hamlet Development Plan for Tyrone and was concerned that the lot sizes appear to change at each hearing and do not conform to the present By-law requirements . Members of the Committee, expressed the opinion that in the case of the proposal it would constitute infilling within the existing hamlet and would appear to be compatible with lots in the immediate vicinity. To enlarge the subject land to accommodate a proposal by the Town of Newcastle of one and a quarter acres could possibly encroach on land presently used for agricultural purposes to the rear. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an opinion was expressed that as the plan appeared to be progressing that a tabling motion would be appropriate. The Committee had for their information reports received from the Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Planning & Development Department, the Regional Works Department, the Regional Planning Department, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Durham Regional Health Unit. DECISION OF THE COMMITTEE MOVED: W. Allin SECONDED: R. Bryson THAT Application LD 91/80 be approved as applied for, as such is an infilling situation within the limits of the Hamlet of Tyrone, and in the opinion of the Committee is a unique situation in that the only available land to be acquired to make the proposal fit the proposed 1 and a quarter acre size contained in the Hamlet Development Plan for Tyrone would remove land from agriculture , the proposal also conforms to the present by-law requirements , subject to: 1 . That the applicant satisfy the Town of Newcastle, financial and otherwise. Continued. . . . . 4/ REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE DECISION (Continued) File LD 91/80 (Continued) March 17th, 1980 Carol Byam & Doreen Park Town of Newcastle DECISION (Continued) 2. That the applicant satisfy all the requirements of the Regional Municipality of Durham concerning the provision of Regional services, financial and otherwise. a 3 . That the applicant submit two copies of a registered reference plan for the clearance of documents. 4. That this approval shall lapse at the expiration of two years from the date the decision is final and binding unless all the conditions are fulfilled and the formal consent has been released. 5 . That prior to the signing of the certificate given by the Secretary/Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary/Treasurer is to be advised in writing by the Town of Newcastle that Condition #1 has been carried out to their satisfaction. 6 . That prior to the signing of the certificate given by the Secretary/Treasurer that the consent has been given, the Secretary/Treasurer is to be advised in writing by the Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department that Condition 42 has been carried out to their satisfaction. CARRIED March 17th, 1980 Wandless -----------------L. Smith Chairman Vice-Chairman --R. MorrisonL"'`�" -R. Rahmer D. Jackson - -----R. Bryson --- -----_------W. Allin ------------- - ---------=- -8obinson S. Parker Secretary/Treasurer April 17th, 1980Last Date of Appeal April 17th, 1982Expiry Date 5 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 COMMENTS TO LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE ON CONSENT APPLICATIONS FOR THE MEETING OF MARCH 17, 1980. Application No. : LD 91/80 Applicant: C. Byam and D. Park Location: Part Lot 9, Concession 6, former Township of Darlington Proposed Use: Residential CONFORMITY WITH OFFICIAL PLAN: t The site is designated "Hamlet" in the Region of Durham Official Plan. Section of the Plan would permit residential develop- ment within Hamlets in the form of infilling to existing development. The site is designated "Residential" in the Darlington Official Plan. Section 3(7A) (g) of the Plan encourages non-agricultural development to locate as infilling in, or adjacent to, existing Hamlets. CONFORMITY WITH ZONING BY-LAWS: Yes. Both the "subject" and "retained" land comply with the applicable provisions of the 'R3' Residential zone in the Darlington Zoning By-law. OTHER COMMENTS: The Town of Newcastle Planning staff have prepared a Hamlet Development Plan for Tyrone in accordance with the provisions of the Durham Regional Official Plan. This Development Plan, which has been forwarded to the Town's Planning Committee for approval, in accordance with Section of the Durham Plan, would permit the severance of one lot, having a min- imum area of 0.5 ha (1.25 acres) in this location. Inasmuch as the pro- posal would effectively sever a lot with an area of approximately 0.1 ha (. 36 acres) , it is our opinion that approval of this proposal would under- mine the intent of the Hamlet Development Plan, which has been subjected to extensive review and public discussion through the planning process. , m 2 - RECOIZ ENDATIONS: We recommend that the subject application be tabled, pending the approval of the Hamlet Plan by Council. However, if the Land Div- ision Committee sees fit to approve the subject application then a lot development charge of $1500 shall apply. EP:lb Norma J. Forrest March 6, 1980 Current Operations Planner F NOTICE OF HEARING TL AND REQUEST FOR COMMENTS DURHAM February 20, 1980 The Regional Municipality of Durham Planning DsperUnent Box 6z 106 Consumers Dr. Whitby, Ontario Canada,LIN 6A3 14161 668-7731 Re: LD 91/80 Dame C. Byam & D. Park DR. M. R. MICHAEL, M.C.I.P, Location Part Lot 91 Conc. 6 Comrnisasotusr of Planning Town of Newcastle The application for consent is scheduled for hearing by the Durham Land Division Committee in the Council Chambers, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. March 17, 1980 at 1: 00 P.M. Representation may be made at the hearing, if so desired either in person or by writing. Attached please find application form and sketch to this application. Comments are respectfullv requested for the Committee ' s consideration. In order to facilitate processing of the application, comments should be returned by March 10 , 1980 Please note that this application has been ci ulated for comments to the agencies marked ( on page 2 . Yours truly, S . Parker (Mrs. ) Secretary/Treasurer CIRCULATION LIST Regional Municipality of Durham _✓Regional Clerk ddepartment of Planning epartment of Works _Department of Development Town of Newcastle _✓Clerk _✓Planner 1,16hairman, Planning Advisory Committee Other Agencies Ventral Lake Ontario Conservation Authority G�naraska Conservation Authority ]; iniD ham Regional Health Unit M of Natural Resources - Lindsay strY Durham Board of Education —Durham Separate School Board ,/Northumberland Board of Education ,,-Northumberland Separate School Board Ministry of Housing Ministry of Agriculture & Food M*nistry of Transportation & Communications ✓File Attachment: Application Form & Sketch L 7-�i REGIONAL ; G✓ , �, r •� O"ICE OF THE tiIUNICIPALITY /( IAhO o,�,nohCO�bnrEe �'� 7 ,ry COhzVa.Eai pa rvE -"I TOY• Ohdw 6,0, Uh �wJ OF ��,_ c� rHOrvE ,•.sataoo•ni� DURNAPvl APPLICATION FOR CONSENT DURHAM as per The Planning Act Sections 29 &42 R S C' 1970 Bill 162 Section 51(10) and In :ctardancr with the Provincial Rules of Procedu•e FCC ,.. PL.=ASE TYPE OR USE BLACK INK FOR REPRODUCTION PURPOSES, IN METRIC. AND ALL 11EASUREME2STS MUST BE GIVEN The Secretary-Treasurer will not accept the application until all e required information has been provided. the NOT_°. 11: This application, together with all supporting documents, must be filed in duplicate unless otherwise npted, with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Durham Land Division Committee, and must be accompanied by a fee of $50.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to the Treasurer of the Regional Municipality of Durham. It is policy of the Durham Land Division Committee that each additional lot to be separated by an applicant is to be considered as a separate application and subject to an additional 550.00 application fee. NOTE #2: This application is not considered complete until all requirements have been met in full. 1 i #3: Unless otherwise requested, all communications will be sent to the agent, if any. The undersigned hereby applies to the Durham Land Division Committee under Sections 29 and 30 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 349, as amended, for consent to the transaction as described, and to the extent set forth in this application.. •1. Name of Applicant ,C:31':;� „�o I3Vm -Uc�ree P r?t < Address .... i O..t�..°. C.7.�..EO.d13AG�i�@�..�? p Tel. No. 2. Name of Owner (if other than applicant) ....?a?le....R................ ........ e... ... Address ............. 3- Name of Agent (if any) Gren'liil e--5y ....... ................ .... ............. . . .. ......... ..... Tel. No. ..z53-2b50 Address -- - 4. Nam® of person (s) (purchaser, lessee, mortgagee, etc.) to Y#c= land or interest in land is intended to be conveyed, leased or mortgaged: .,, ,,4�r' X11 Address ...... ..... ......... .......... ... .. ...... ... .. . .. Relationship to Owner (if any) ... ...... ......... ... . .... ....... .. .... ......... ..... . S. Please specify to whom all communications should be sent:•.. •. --•.••. .- •-. - . - Owner ( ) ( �� ) Agent Solicitor ( ) 6. Tope of transaction for which application for consent is being sade_appropriate space or spaces) : (Insert "Y=S" in (a) Conveyance ,'e S (i) creation of new lot . .........Y v......... ..... .. . . .... ... .... . ... .... .. . . . .... .... . ..... . .. .. ... . . . (ii) technical severance (i.e., the land being severed and the land being retained were formerly separate holdings but have since become consolidated) ., , ,-,,,•••••_ -- (iii)addition to a lot ......... ......... ...... . .. ... .......... ... .. . .. . . .. .. . . . (iv) creation of lot(s) for se_.ai-detached or row-housing-... ,,,,,_„. . ... ... . ... .. (b)Mortgage or Charge ........ . .. .>.. .. . ....... . .. .. . . . . ... (c)Partial Discharge of Mortgage .•.••......• .• . .• . . ... .. .. .... (i) easement/right of way . . ... .. .. .. ............ ... .. .... .... ... .. .. .. .... . . . agreement of sale and purchase _ • -• (iii)correction of title .... .. . . .. . .. . .. . ... .. .. . . (iv) other (specify) ....... . . . ...... . .. . .. ... ... . . .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . Description of land for which application for consent.is being (hereinafter referred to as 'Subject Land') : _ - (m) Yeaal Description iMcY.icipality, former nun4cipality, of k on (( , Concession, or Plan) : .e.. C...C.°. .t.y..`..r-. .. . ".. Y1 .... . _ (b) Municipal Address (Street and `tuab a . e=, _ any) Tyronea OnLari,. °- Total .n::ner o_° lots . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . ... . .. .. (i,cludinq retained lots) ••Lich are the subject of =iis applica-_�.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .^.. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �SFp;'1iy.1 2 9. Dimension of Land: Subject Land (a) Frontage: Retained Land (b) Average Width: . . —5. (c) Average Depth: .... . . (d) . . ..5.Q 2.,II.. (e) Existing Structures. ..... .Z56 .... 10. (I) Use of ----.Y !q tr..... - '� `'Am..�.. . land to be severed: ��A .... . hOLI Exist�� t Urban Residential PrO- D-seed Farm Related Rural Residential -Farm Related Vacant . . ..... ..... .. Rural Residential side—yards to ; 13 _use Seasonal Residential .... . ..Yom.. ..... . .. Mobile Home Park ...... .. .. ............ Commercial Tourist Recreational .•.. ..•... .. . ... .. �1 Agricultural .. .. ......... .... .. ..... Institutional ................... . ...... .. . Industrial ....... .......... ..... Parkland ....-•... ... .. .... ... . Bushland ...... ............ .... Utility ... ... .. Other (specify) ... ................. (2) - Elaborate with particulars of any item....... - ... .. ......... ... .. . ... ..... •• .............................. (s) designated above: - • (3) Number and type of•built.................. .........•... . .. .. .. .. ... ... to be severed. dings and structures (both existin a •• • . Vacant g and proposed) •on I1. the land (1) Use of land to be retained; Ex1 s ti_Q Urban Residential Pr see Farm Related Rural .. ..... .. Residential " Non-Farm Related _ Rural Residential Seasonal Residential .... ....... ... ... .. .. . Mobile Home Park .............. ..... ... Commercial -.....Yes..... ........ .. .. .. ... ...... ....................... . ' Tourist Recreational ......... . e-S .. ... ... . .. .. Agricultural .. ......... ...... ...... . ....•...... ... .. . .... . Institutional ... .. ......... .. . .. . .. Industrial -• . .. .... ... . .. Parkland Bushland Other (specify) . .. ... . .... .. .. . . . . .. (2) Elaborate with particulars of -an .. .. . es . gnat ... bove .. .. .... .. ..... . .. .. .. .. y item(s) des�g ate ha bee n above. 4v. . .. . .. . . ?.�'; =f�I'tedtu 4 apaxx-ax ments jitt: in the base.nent (3) Number and type of existin . . . . . ... . .. . .. . ... .. .... .. .. .... 0. .. .. . • • • •• -�. .b ri ��C:;:.Q� b� lcincs and structures on t e land to be retained. ck. 4�.u, . . .. . .. .. . . ..... . . . . . .. .. . ... . . . . . . ... 3 12. Is the severed lot to be conveyed to a family member? Yes ..... No ...4. If yes, relationship ... .. ......... ... ... ...... . 13. Is the retained lot to be used for retirement purposes? Yes ..... No ..�.. 14. Is the purpose of the severance to dispose of a surplus duelling? Yes ..... No ....i, 15. Has the grantor previously conveyed any land from his holdings? Yes ... .. No (If yes, please indicate on the required sketch.) How many separate parcels have been created? ( ) For what use? .......... ........... Has the parcel to be severed ever been or is it part of an application for a plan of subdivision under the terms of Section 33 of The Planning Act? .JO ..................... . ............. ........•............ .. . Has the grantor applied for a variance or zoning amendment ap lication in connection with this application? Please give date: ............ . .....1NA.......... ... .......... .. . . 16.-.Zoning Regulations: Subject Land Retained Land (a) By-law Number: (b) Zoning Category: ... ..... ....2J,a1. ras..Ar*iended (c) Minimum Frontage: ... in ....21, 3i.4.t4 (d) Minimum Area ID ...6,:J'_E?. aq..;n Please contact your local Municipality for information on Question 16.. 17, Water Supply: (a) Is a municipally owned and operated piped water supply available to: (1) Subject Land? Yes ( ) No ( X ) (ii)Land to be retained? Yes ( ) No ( :C ) (b) If "NO", what other water supply is proposed? Drilled well IS. -Sewage Disposal: (a) Are municipally owned and operated sanitary sewers available to: (i) Subject Land? Yes ( ) No ` :{ (ii)Land to be retained? Yes ( ) No K (b) If "NO", what other system of disposal of sanitary sewage is proposed? Individual 19. Access: Septic tank _ (a) The subject land is accessible by: Name of road or street ...........�U�'.p17:1.ZA8�.1�jUbAt'i6�.��............ Is it a public travelled road or street? .... ..YP_3..................... .. (Municipal, Regional, Highway or County Road) Is it an unopened road allowance? ........ 74O ......... ....... .. ........ Is it a private road or street? ..................... t'JO_.. . . ,. .w.... . (b) If there is not access by road or street, what means of access is proposed? ��/ (c) If access is by water, what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? N/A 20. Characteristics of the subject land: (Indicate "Yes" or "No" in each space and add explanatory comment where appropriate) . (a) Is the land subject to flooding from a river, lake or other watercourse or body of water? Yes ( ) No Explanatory comment if any: ... ...... .... .. .......... . . .. .... .. .. . (b) Is the land subject to seasonal wetness? Yes ( ) No Explanatory comment, if anv: . ........ .. ... ....... ... .. . ....... . . ... ...... ... ... .. . . . (c) Is the ground water level less than 1.3 meters from the surface of any part of the land -at any time of the year? Yes ( ) No ( .. ) If "Yes", give details: ...... .. ... ... .... .. ... .... ... .. ......... ... .... .. ... ... . . . . u � 4 - (d) Is any part of the land swampy? Yes ( ) No ( ) (R If "Yes", give details: .... ....... .... ...... .... .. .......... .. ... ..... ... ....... .... ... (e) Is there visual evidence of erosion from water or wind action on any part of the land? Yes ( } No ( ;C ) If "Yes", give details: .... ............. .... ... .............. .. ................... ... 21. Where municipally owned and operated sanitary sewerage is not available, give the nature and Dorositv of the soil: (Indicate the type of soil: clay, gravel, sand, rock, etc. , and porosity and drainage characteristics of the soil) . Bond Head Loam — Blood draina-e and porosity� W Where municipally owned piped water supp�y and sanitary sewerage is not available, give the depth of the soil. Unknown (ii) Does bedrock come within 3.05 meters of the surface of any part of the land? Yes ( ) No ( X ) If "Yes", give details: ...... .................................................•--•- .. .. 22. IMPORTANT - - - PLAN REQUIRED The applicant shall submit with this application three (2) copies of a plan. If the sketch required to be submitted with the applicatior. is larger than 21.5 cm x 35.5 cm (W x 14") a total of twenty-five (25) copies are to be submitted with the application. The required plan must show the following information: (a) The boundaries, with all dimensions and the area of the owner's land or land in which the owner has an interest abutting the land that is intended to be severed; the distance from these boundaries to the Township lot lines and the distance from these boundaries to the nearest road junctions (bridges, railway crossings or other land marks) . (b) The boundaries, with all dimensions and the area of the land that is intended to be severed, showing its exact location and the distance from these boundaries to the boundaries of the owner's land or land in which the owner has an interest. (c) The boundaries of all lands previously conveyed by the owner from his original holdings. (d) The location of all natural and artificial features including buildings, railways, pipelines, highways, watercourses, drainage ditches, banks, slopes of land, swamps , wooded areas, wells and septic tile fields on both the lands intended to be.severed and the lands intended to be retained and any similar features on adjacent lands. (e) The nature of the existing uses of adjacent lands, e.g. farm residence, non-farm residence, agriculture, summer cottage, service station, store, factory, etc. (f) The location, widths, and names of all streets, roads or highways within or adjacent to the lands intended to be severed and the lands intended to be retained indicating whether they are public travelled roads, private roads or right-of-ways. (g) The location and nature of any restrictive covenant or easement affecting the lands intended to be severed or the lands intended to be retained. When required by the Committee, the plan mentioned in Subsection 1 shall be signed by an Ontario Land Surveyor, but otherwise a hand-drawn sketch to scale will be acceptable. I .......Qmlyi .l ' .5ya,71 ...... of . °.ZQ�d:1. tLe....... of the Region of solemnly declare that: all above statements and the statements contained in all of the exhibits transmitted herewith are true, and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if ,7 made under oath. �L DECLARED befo e�m�e at the .... .. ..... .......... .. .... ...) of .. ..:Y.:! �.................. in the Region of) .::::... ._:."....:. .... .... . • f Signature of Owner, Applicant or .. .... .. ....` :.... this ...........................) Authorized Agent day of ........ abruaz-,r ....... ..... 19 ....It .........A.D.) � ... ... f� •A•Commissioner, Etc. -� - - -, NOTE: IF THIS APPLICATION IS SIGNED BY AN APPLICANT OTHER THAN THE OWNER, OR BY AN AGENT, WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE OWNER MUST ACCOMPANY THE APPLICATION. IF THE APPLICANT IS A CORPORATION, THE APPLICATION SHALL BE SIGNED BY AN OFFICER OF TF.E .CORPORATION AND THE CORPORATION'S SEAL SHALL BE AFFIXED. cr6_��G1-t��N iC TpWNSN IP O� pAQL/nf�'t-o rte/ -TOWN OF NF-WCAsTL_E 1 I k' U c= En C Oti C' 6-- 5 i L, 1�j ANO i I I I i OT 9 i Sil_JC A-c c:-A 4__ / -5 LE i sUB�EcT � -- - _ I j l'F -7 1. 1 /�j � O ; - - - D cal E LL i ✓G S L A/�/O S D W c L L/�..J C S r. Z_ C7 S . 1 N � Novo f Q` ilf 4 � c0,-n nrv, 2c��L_ �ERRILL D.BROWN LIMITED a NO SURVEYING a ENGINEERING CO M C E SS I ON 121 QUEEN STREET ( u BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO. Revls�ons �8o i --- 7 i✓�7 �� Acl d.'m�ns�ci. ) %n S- 1 . jni45