HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-52-80 Y`M'. OntfoCf r.i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1 J TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 17, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-52-80 SUBJECT: HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PL-A-N - NEWTONVILLE BACKGROUND: On January 14, 1980 Council adopted Committee resolution PD-567-79, as amended, which directed staff to forward the revised hamlet plan for Newtonville to Regional Council for comments, and to report back to the Committee at a duly advertised regular meeting. In accordance with that direction, on January 17, 1980, staff placed the revised hamlet plan on public display at the following locations: Town of Newcastle Planning Department, Hampton The Newcastle Village Public Library, and the Newtonville Post Office. At the same time, the plan was forwarded to the Region of Durham for comments in accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan. On March 7, 1980, the Town received the following comments from the Council of the Region of Durham: (a) That the Town of Newcastle be advised that Regional Council request the Town of Newcastle to consider the proposed modification contained in Appendix 1 attached to Commissioner's Report 80-48 during the finalization of the Newtonville Development Plan; I1 Ilo 2 - (b) That a copy of Commissioner's Report 80-48 and a copy of corresondence dated February 7, 1980 from Parkwood Realty Limited with respect of the Newton- ville Plan, be forwarded to the Council of the Town of Newcastle. Upon receipt of these comments, a notice of the public meeting was advertised in local newspapers inviting public partici- pation in this evening's meeting. Written notice was also given to interested persons who had requested such notice. COMMENTS: Staff have reviewed the comments provided by Durham Regional Council and are of the opinion that the requested modification is minor in nature and should be incorporated within the text of the plan as follows: i) Page 16, Section 4.3 Delete in its entirety and replace with the following Section: 4.3 In accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan, Regional Council in co- operation with the Council of the Town of Newcastle and the Ministry of the Environment shall regulate growth in the Hamlet of Newtonville in order to preclude groundwater or private waste disposal system problems which might arise as a consequence of development. The regulation of future growth shall be based on the results of a groundwater monitoring program to be undertaken jointly by the Town of Newcastle and the Ministry of the Environment which will include. i) An appraisal of the continuing availability of groundwater supplies to the existing residents as well as any depletion of the groundwater aquifer which may be caused by new development or otherwise; and ii) A sampling of the quality of the groundwater supply with respect to any contamination. 3 - We note that any additional revisions to this plan will require further comments from Durham Regional Council and, therefore, such changes should be treated as amendments and dealt with separately and subsequent to the adoption of the Hamlet Development Plan. The hamlet plan for Newtonville was initially commenced in 1978 and has been discussed at two previous public meetings, subjected to an extensive circulation and substantially revised to reflect the various concerns and issues raised. The only aspect of the plan which remains a matter of concern to some property owners, are the actual hamlet boundaries. Since the plan was last dealt with by Committee, a number of property owners have questioned their exclusion from the hamlet. Among these were the following: Mr. L. Payne, Part of Lot 7, Con. 1: The subject lands are situate on the extreme easterly limit of the hamlet and have been identified by the Underwood McLellan and Associates Study as unsuitable for development. Staff of the Region of Durham have previously requested exclusion of these lands due to site constraints and the designation of the hamlet as being limited to minor infilling and extensions to existing development. Mr. M. Veltri, Part of Lot 10, Con. l: The subject lands are situate east of Ovens Road and have also been identified as unsuitable for development by the U.M.A. Study. Similarly, the Region has requested the exclusion of these lands. Mr. T. Huzar, Part of Lot 10, Con. l: The subject lands front on Ovens Road and abut Mr. ri's lands. Mr. Huzar has suggested that the development of these lands would con- stitute infilling. Staff do not agree and for this reason, as well as, the identification of these lands as unsuitable for development, they have been excluded. Mr. H. B. Horstman, Part Lot 10, Con. 1: The subject lands are situate north of Mr. Huzar's lands and abut existing resi- dential development. Mr. Horstman has formally advised us of a desire to sever a lot from his property. Due to identified site conditions, the fact that this would encourage strip develop- ment and the fact that the lands were zoned for Agriculture by Clarke Township, after the creation of the present lot, we cannot support inclusion of these lands within the hamlet. i� - 4 - Staff note that the present boundaries are acceptable to Durham Region and conform to the Durham Regional Official Plan. Further expan- sion of the hamlet would require an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan to designate Newtonville as a hamlet for growth. CONCLUSION: Based upon the extensive review of the Hamlet Plan and the comments received from the Council of Durham Region, we are now in a position to recommend the plan for approval. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 1) That Report P-52-80 be received; and that 2) The Development Plan for the Hamlet of Newtonville be adopted, incorporating the requested modifications of the Council of the Region of Durham; and that 3) Planning staff prepare the necessary amendments to By-law 1653 in order to bring it into conformity with the approved Hamlet Development Plan for Newtonville; and that 4) Copies of the Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to the Region of Durham and Ministry of Housing for their information. Respectfully submitted, d/ 4. TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. March 13, 1980 Director of Planning