HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-46-80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 17, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-46-80 SUBJECT: Application for Rezoning Number Z-A-2-1-6 Part Lot 13, Concession 2, former Town of Bowmanville (Pete's Esso Service) BACKGROUND: An application has been submitted requesting an amendment to the Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law of the former Town of Bowmanville in respect of two existing lots, fronting on Scugog Street, totalling 15,634 square feet in area. The application requests the rezoning of this site: 1. to recognize the existing legally non-conforming service station (Pete's Esso) and to permit an expansion of this use to include the display and sale of up to three cars; and 2. to permit the display and sale of up to five cars in the front yard of the single family dwelling to the north of Pete's Esso. The site is designated "Residential Areas" in the Durham Official Plan. Neither a service station nor a new and used car lot is a per- mitted use on lands with this designation. However, Section 16.6.5 of the Durham Official Plan permits the Council of an area municipality to zone c� to permit the continuation, expansion or enlargement of existing uses, ' ro- vided that such existing uses have no adverse effect on the present uses of the surrounding lands. . . .". It is noted that the subject site is sit- uated in an established residential area. The site is zoned "General Residential" in the Bowmanville Zoning By-law, and commercial uses are not permitted by this zone designation. The service station on the lot was established before the By-law was passed in 1959, and is, therefore, legally non-conforming. However, the sale of new and used cars does not enjoy the status of a legal non-conforming use and, in fact, the owner has been charged with a contravention of the By-law in this regard. The Court Hearing of this charge is schedule for March 28, 19 80. If Council chooses to approve the subject application for rezoning, a Special Condition to the By-law, which would limit the commercial uses permitted on the lot to a service station and car lot, would be appropriate. The application was circulated to the following agencies for com- ments: Durham Planning and Works Departments Newcastle Works Department Newcastle Fire Department. All of these agencies replied. The Newcastle Works and Planning Departments advised that the site is designated "Residential" in the Durham Official Plan, and that the use of land for an automobile garage and sales outlet is not permitted by this designation. They pointed out, however, that Section 16.6.5 per- mits local Council, at its discretion, to zone to permit the continuation 3 - or expansion of existing uses, provided such existing uses have no adverse effect on the present uses of the surrounding lands. It is the Region's interpretation that the term "existing" refers to both legal and illegal non-conforming uses. The Newcastle Fire Department indicated that access to two sides of a building is required for fire fighting purposes, and that the optimal width for an access route is 20 feet to allow for proper manoeuvering of fire equipment. The Department expressed concern that, because of the size of the lot, parking of cars in the front yard of the Service Station would block the required access to the building. The Newcastle Works Department advised that they had no objection to the approval of the application, but requested an eight foot road wid- ening along Sturrock Street as a condition of rezoning. COMMENTS: The Durham Official Plan would permit Council to approve the sub- ject application for rezoning if, in the opinion of Council, the use of this land as a service station and new and used car lot "would not have any adverse effect on the present uses of the surrounding lands". It is the opinion of staff that the establishment of a car sales outlet and the entrenchment of the existing service station in this location would nega- tively impact the surrounding land uses, for the following reasons: 1. The subject site is located at the south-west corner of Sturrock Street and Scugog Street, in a well-established stable residential neighbourhood, and is bounded by resi- dential uses to the north, south and east. There is an existing industrial area to the west of the subject land, comprising Sturrock Heating Supplies, the Bowmanville Foundry — 4 — and the R.M. Hollingshed Corporation plant; however, those uses front on Sturrock Street and do not intrude into the residential area fronting on Scugog Street. The approval of this application for rezoning would intensify and perpetuate the commercial use of the service station lot, and could by allowing the expansion of this commercial use to an abutting residential lot, create a precedent for similar conversion of the residential properties south of the subject lands for Commercial uses. It is noted that the service station on the lot has the status of a legal non-conforming use; and Council's refusal of this application for rezoning would not change the status of the service station, but rather would protect the surrounding residential uses from further dis- ruption. 2. An inspection of the attached site plan will reveal the limited amount of space available for the proposed uses. The front lot line of the service station lot lies one foot south of the ex- isting gas pumps, and cars obtaining gas from the east side of these pumps must encroach on the Scugog Street road allowance. The applicant proposes to display three cars for sale between the gasoline pumps and the garage, as well as to continue to sell gasoline from the pumps. In addition, although the appli- cant proposes the provision of a customer parking area to the rear of the garage, the poor access between this parking area and the car display area will likely result in the use of the front yard, and/or the road allowance, for customer parking, producing further congestion in the front yard and possible traffic safety problems on Scugog Street. The total area of the front yard of the gas station is 1700 square feet. The proposed display of five cars in the front yard of the residential lot to the north of the service station would create similar problems. 3. These congested conditions will not only create a negative visual impact in the area, but could also create a fire hazard, since it is highly unlikely that a 20 foot wide access route will be available to provide sufficient access for fire fight- ing equipment to two sides of the buildings. 4. On the date the site inspection was made, some 10 to 20 vehicles, in various states of repair, were stored to the rear of the buildings on the subject lands, even though the application requests permission to store only eight vehicles for sale. Staff is concerned that it would be exceedingly difficult to restrict the scale of a car sales operation on the lot to even the eight cars proposed. Because the approval of this application would strongly recommend that this application to rezone the subject lands to permit a gasoline station and a new and used car lot be refused. RECOMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received for information; 2. That application for rezoning Number Z-A-1-2-6 be refused; and 3. That the Town of Newcastle By-law Enforcement Officer, the applicant and the Region of Durham be advised of the Town's action in this regard. Respectfully submitted, NJF:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. March 11, 1950 Director of Planning RAN SHOWING Right - of - Way Inst. N® 8919) PART OF L 0 TS 2 AND 5,ALL OFLO T53 AND 4 STURROCK ROAD ACCORDING TO REGISTERED PLAN Ne 82 — "I ro, F AND PART OF TOWNSHIP L 0 T/,3,CONC ESSION 2 -�15 0 5 0 T-1 135 - 0 o 20 ALL W1 THIN THE L/M/TS OF THE ID TOWN OF 80 WIVA N VIL L E COUNTY OF DURHAM C I b � Q, INST. a NQ 2 54 13 SCALE* inch = 30 feel z� �?Lj l L---—i -- Q: lcl _0"— e , 20� /V 74 0 00 7z—x- PL 222 — 7 -3068 • ocrc,e Pela""q wol/ 00 South 20 Cincrele Block r 4 0 -.J C� 11 sorv/ce carage 1< cl Ld 0) 20' N74009E n I Lor Ll&,, /50- 0'':o /0 I C0 1t N 74 0 00'� INST. 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