HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-38-80 COR X)RA HON OF TI .IF -IOI/\/N OF NI-WCASTI_r PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N. SMITH,M.C.I,P., Director HAMPTON.ONTAR10l.Ot3 IJ0 TEL. (4)6)263.22)1 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 1•ililiTUM OF MJUYH 3, 19II0. R1:PORT NO. : P-36-80 SUBJECT: Application for Rezoning Number Z-A-2-4-7 Queen Street , Uowmnnvi. 11e - Veltri 6 Son Limited BACKGROUND: The subject application requests an amendment to the Restricted Arcs ('Zoning) By-law of the former 'Town of L'owmanville to permit the development of a 51 unit senior citizens apartment complex on a 24 , 500 square Not parcel of land situated can thu north side of Queen Street west of Temperance. Strout . The proposal was circulated to various agencies for comments , in accordance with adopted procedures , and the majority of the agencies consulted did not object to the proposed rezoning. However, comments received from the Region of Durham Planning and Works Departments indicated that : With respect to Regional scrviccs , adequate municipal water supply is available from the existing mains on Queen Street. The existing sanitary sewer on Queen Street, however, is operating; under a surcharge situation and does not have capacity Lo accommodate additional flow at this time , The problem will he resolved upon construction of the Rehder Avenue diversion sewer. The section from King Street southerly to Spry Avenue , which will alleviate the the problems with the Queen Street ;ewer, is scheduled for construction in 1982 . It appears , therefore , that actual development of the property in premacure until adequate sewage capacity is provided. '' scarf note Chat , bucaune or ih1N murvicing problem, Chc lice has not been allocated Yusidual sewage plant capacity by the Town, and chat sewage capacity for the proposed development will not be available until the new sewage treatment plant has been completed, In addition, Cho Durham Works Department has recently indicated that the diversion sewer will not be completed until 1984. CO�911:N'r: llccause the subject site cannot be serviced for at least four years, and because changing market conditions within the next four years could necessitate major changes to the proposed develIopment , staff agrees with the staff of the Regional. Municipality of Durham that the approval of the subject application would be premature at this time . It it, Suggested that the application be dunLud at this time , and that the applicant he encouraged to resubmit an application if and when the servicing problem has been resolved. RGCOKMLNDA'i'LON: It is respectfully reconunundud: 1. That this report be received for information; 2. That Application for Rezoning Number Z-A-2-4-7 be denied; and 3. That Cho Regional Municipality of Durham be advised of the actions of the 'Town of NewcaMLle in this regard. Rcs;pcctful ly submitted, NJF:lb D. N. Smith 1. C, I .P, February 22 , 19II0 Director of Planning; `'ll �-t,.irt f AVI I t r -._.._._.�- t ♦ 4 o U ` nrpn,tr'At7-. nAl. IJ �'i f. Jt, •I O . u v„c1fC AVI I �_ .._ ._ _. J►� _ Coll(rclrl,l. 1� fltt ' LA i � r ice✓ � � r' 1t r f .�.^k err / .Jf 10 ���_ ✓ f l J YO�t�I,� \ /��t \I'ti r��` I. �1�1.%.1UY 1 J 7o " I Iy \ y SUBJECT \ r- SITE A71 1 UL y. I � I II KEY MAP o 500 1000 I-OWN Off' BOWMANVII_LE — n�-- --- _ 500 _ { April 16, 1980 DURHAM The Regional Municipality of Durham Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Workcoepartmont Planning and Development Department Hampton, Ontario Box 623 LOB 1J0 105 Consun,ora Dr. Whitby, Ontario — -- Ci'nodo,L1N6A3 Attention: Mr. D.N. Smith , M.C. I .P. (416) 668.7721 Dear Sir: W A.TWELVETRE ES,P.Enp, ConvwssionwofWorks Re: Proposed 51 Unit Apartment Complex, Vel tri & Son Plunsoqunreour Application for Rezoning Z-A-�2-4-7 rol: Queen Street, Town of Newcastle (Bowmanville) SAN-N-12-1 As requested in your letter of March 14 , 1980, the following provides details on sanitary sewer servicing related to the above noted Rezoning Application. As outlined in the Region' s comments on the proposed Rezoning Application dated July 19 , 1979, sections of the existing sanitary sewers on Queen Street do not have adequate capacity to accommodate additional flow. Attachment No. 1 shows the location of the subject property and identifies the sections of the existing sanitary sewer which operate under a surcharge during high flow periods. Attachment No. 1 also shows the alignment of the Rehder Avenue Diversion Sewer which when constructed will divert the majority of the flow now tributary to the sanitary sewer on Queen Street to the existing trunk sanitary sewer on Spry Avenue. Phase I of the project on Scugog Street was constructed in conjunction with the reconstruction of King Street in 1978. The construction of the sewer was financed from the 1978 Current Budget for Sewerage. .Phase 1I of the project will be constructed by the Region in conjunction with the reconstruction of Scugog Street by the Town of Newcastle: . . 2 • c i).N. Smith ,bi,c . 1 .P. _z_ April 16, 19II0 Phase III of the project includes the construction of the sanitary sewers on Scugog Street and on easement from King Street to Spry Avenue. Provision has been made in the Forecast of the Region ' s 1980 Capital Budget for construction of Phase III in 19)84 (Project No. 84-S47 ) at an estimated cost of $364,000.00. Phase IV, the final stage of the project includes the construction of the sanitary sewer from the C.P.R. tracks to the Rehder Avenue Sanitary Sewage Pumping Station. Construction of Phase IV will eliminate the existing sanitary sewage pumping station and will provide sanitary sewer capacity for future development north of the C.P.R. tracks . The construction of Phase III of the Rehder Avenue Diversion Sewer will alleviate the capacity problems with the Queen Street sanitary sewer, which would permit the development of the subject property to proceed. If the owners of the subject property intend to develop the site prior to Phase III of the Diversion Sewer being constructed, then adequate sanitary sewer capacity could be provided by twinning approximately 1300 feet of sanitary sewer on Queen Street. (Estimated cost $117,000.00) The owners of the subject property would be responsible fog, the full cost of twinning the existing sanitary sewer. Please advise if any additional information is required. Yours truly, KWT/ps W.A. Evans , P.Eng. Attach. Design Manager c.c. G.A. Crawford C.S. Lee, P.Eng. Al I ACl IMCN l NO. ,�y1 �REHDCR AVC. PUMPING STATION REHD_ER-j,, 71 1 PHASE N (FUTURE CONSTRUCTION) �� PHASE 11 Jj ��— WAY No. 2 /`'7 fr Y- , HIGH ' \ ' Xr SUBJECT PR Ui'EF1TY PHASE I � ,IIL. •.' > 7,•', .>/i.. .,: (EXISTING) t :'•,) F �� '_ OVERT-OADCD SECTION OF .i EXISTING SEWER SYST9,1 PHASE I11 cr 1900 CAPITA N BUDGET (PROJECT 84-S37) ..I �1'Ic r (I '��<•; SECTION OF EXISTING j It \' JJ SANITARY SEWER REOUIRING II 1`\_ \.1 .� .. �/ TWINNING OR REPLACEMENT ,...�.'I v _ t_._11 I� ♦ •�� �' `' � -� 11:1 1 ' �' (' �0s, SPRY J' Ij'AVE COAFT)RAIRK OF 41-IF N OF NFWC-AS-1 LE PLANNING ANO 0( VE LOPMENT DE PAU 1 MLIJ I 1).14. HAMPTOR ONTARMI-013 U0 &i,C I-P , Wr(jr1or TEL (CU4 3,,1 March 14 , 19g0 Mr. Wa.11-ei: Hv:jns , ttnnnget Design Division Re'91011111 WOrkl 105 Consunwrs Drive WHITBY, DnLaUlo Dear Sir: Re : Application fur Rezoning Z-A-2-4-7 Quo" Street , AwmInville - Veltri So'11 --- (queen Street Sone-_ On M-11-ch 10, 1980, lqew castle (N"mril cony; ideied stuff report- in Wspect of t the accachud he above ment- Loned rezoning This matter wos referred back to Planning Kaff for additional Information In respect or "pipe and sower capacity and possible reallocnCion priorities of Idp, Furchtv to Council 's request , w"uld You be so kind as to provide us with any Information in ruNpecL of the Pipe capacity in the Queen Strout sower In BowmrinvilIr. "vel-OPMUM Of Lhe proposed 51 , L, Lhat might allow for the apart men t would also appreciate any Indication of changes to the construction schedule for the deveLopmonc - Thank you very much FOE Your attention to chi:; diversion s0war, of the Rehder Avenue matter. Yuurs vary truly , DNS: lb N. Encl. Councillor Holliday COuncillor llart- J . Dunham of Public W"rks Town of N.......