HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-155-79 (T -FHE T(DWN OF NEWCA.,,-;TLE F11-PiNN I NO AN D DEVE LOPMENT DEPARTMENT D. N. Smith , A&CJP, DWecWr HAMPTOMONTAR10 LAS U0 'TEL. (416) 263-2Z'11 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF August 23, 1979. REPORT NO. : P-155-29 SUBJECT: Amendmint No. 20 to the Durham Regional Of ficial Plan Windsweep Farms - Waterfront Plan BACKGROUND: in September 1976, Council passed resolution CU-473-76 which recommended that the area, bounded by Wilmot 's Creek, Lake OnwrLo, GrahamJs Creek and Highway 401 be designated as a special study area to enable further studies pertaining to land use. The Durham Regional Official Plan currently designates this area as Major Open Space subject to the provisions of Section 12. 3. 3 which specifies; that this aren shall be the subject of a waterfront plan including approp-- riaLp developrent policies and land use designations to be adopted by =WdMUM to 1AIC' DUrl.-U-Ini Regional Official Plan. In early 1978, Regional. stall commenced the waterfront plan for this area, In consultntion with. 'Tun" staff and Local property OWT11217S,, In September, 1.978 �In infc)rmal weetl-Hg was hold with Ibmi Council, at which time alternatllve land use concepLs were discussed (alternatives attached) ,, On April 30, 1979 a presentation was made, on behalf of Windsweep Faz:m,; J-d-, wkich outlined a proposal for the development & a large por Lion of the subject area. The Windsweep Farms proposal is consistent with 2 the WunL of We proposed amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan. Staff have reviewed the proposed amendment (Regional report: mached) and are in agreement with die form and purpose of same. Howavor, the background information accompanying the amendment indicates that certain improvements to the existing C.N.R.grade separation at 11111 Street and the Toronto Street level crossing would be necessitated by major development within this area. In that regard, staff have circulated the proposal to the Canadian National Railway for their comments. At the time of writing, we had not yet received their written comments; however, we have a verbal imply which will be confirmed in writing. Canadian National Railways have no objection to thQ reconstruction of the Mill Street subway or improvements to the Toronto Street level crossing. Based on their past experiences and knowledge of this type of reconstruction, they were able to provide us with the following rough estimates of costs involved. These costs are based on similar reconstructions of a mainline service and could vary according to eventual apportionment of costs by the Canadian Trans- port Commission. 1) Ydl.l St. grade separation reconstruction Estimated Total Cost $ 1,500,00() C.N.R. share 62,500 U.T.A.P, Provincial Fund up to 50%, 750,000 Town or Developer 700,000 .3 2) Toronto Street Level Grossing Improvements (signals only) Estimated Total Cost $ 100,000 C.N.R. share 7.5% 1,Soo U.T.A.P. Prcvincial Fund up to 80% 80,000 Town or Developer 12,500 Based on previous Council positions and the above cost estimatos, we Feel that the amendment should clearly specify that prior to major now development taking *place the subject underpass and level crossing must be improved, at no cost to the Region or. the Area Munich- pality; in accordance with Council Resolution C-76-699 passed on June 21, 1976 (copy nttached) . This proviso could be added under Section B, Subsection (i) of the proposed amendment end implemented through development agreements prepared in conjunction with approvals for plans of subdivision and re: oaings will in the subject area. If this is not done, it is possible that the municipality would have to be involved in the financing of the reconstruction of the underpass, however, all costs could be defrayed by apportioning costs for inclusion in development: levies. Rega:a1l,.ss, of which approach the Town wishes to pursue, additional information relative to actual costs, as well as the extent of expected involvenont by Canadian Nal--AL.oa.0.. Railway and those Provincial agencies having jurisdiction, is CS: uWial to the implementation of the proposaY Ono othar point of concern relative cc vehicular access is the possibilicy of undertaking a re--alignment of Mill Street south of the QN.R. In that respect, a re-alignment would improve the traffic carrying ability of Mill Street, as well as, improving access to the waterfront, while at: the same Lime minimizing chn amount of traffic using local residential. 4 ._ streets. This matter could also be addressed during implementation of development proposaLs through appropriate levies or within develop- ment agreements. Staff note that the proposed amendment: will extend the limits of the Village of Newcastle Urban Area. We also note that the proposed amendment specifi_ces that prior to the implementation of development in these .:areas, the respective area municipal Council shall adopt a development: plan for the area under consideration. In that re spect, such a development plan should ,reinforce the objective of improving access to this area at a minimal_ cost to the Town. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the fo Ll_owi.ng: 1. The Region of Durham be advised that the Town of Newcastle has no objection to proposed Amendment 20 to the Durham Regional. Official Plan affecting lots 23, 29, 30 and 31 of Con- cession I and the Broken. Front Concession within the former Village of Newcastle and that Section B of said amendment be revised by the addition of the following clauses: "( f) access to and from the subject: lands including any necessary works related to the reconstruction of the Kill Street grade separation, Toronto Street level crossing and improvements to Local roads.'' "Section B (ii) Prior to major new development taking place within the area subject of this amendment:, the existing Canadian National Railway grade separation at Mall Street shall be reconstructed at no cost to the Region of Durham or the Town of Newcastle; or alternatively an a.gree_ment entered into between the area municipality and the landowner as specified in Section B (i.) above, which satisfies the Town's financial con- corns relative to this reconstruction..'' Respectfully submitted, TTE 117 D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. August 21, 1979 Director of Planning Encl. i