HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-26-80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C,I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1.10 TEL, (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-26-80 SUBJECT: Correspondence received from R. Reed on behalf of the Orono and Area Chamber of Commerce BACKGROUND: The attached correspondence was forwarded to the Planning and Development Department for a report to the Planning Committee in respect of those matters relevant to Planning and Development. COMMENT: Staff have reviewed the attached correspondence and feel that items (5) and (6) are of direct concern to Planning and Development. In respect of item (5) Town Council has adopted the Work Program for the Planning Department for 1980. Time has been allocated within the Work Program for the preparation of Hamlet Plans in the last quarter of the year (October through December) . Under the Work Program, staff antici- pate preparing a Hamlet Plan for Orono during that time. In respect of item (6) , staff understand that the Chamber of Commerce is interested in a "beautification scheme" for main street. Staff suggest that it would be appropriate for the Chamber of Commerce to investigate the feasibility of initiating a "business improvement area Upon the establishment of a business improvement area and the necessary Board of Management, the Board would then be in a position to hire what- ever consulting services they feel appropriate in order to aid them in the preparation and implementation of a beautification scheme. Planning staff participation in the preparation of a beautification scheme for Main Street, Orono is not included within the Departments 1980 Work Program. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee forward this report to Council for consideration in conjunction with the other Committee re- ports pertaining to this matter. Respectfully submitted, 1 / DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. February 8, 1980 Director of Planning Colt POUAI ION 01 1111. 1 OWN 01 141 WCA!, 11-1 40 TI MPI PAN(! SIPI I 1 IIOWMANVILI_I_, ONIARIO 5k:q �;1,(•�:a LIC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 Fc l)1 uar•y 4 1980 i � t h I Mr. Ron Reed Orono and Area Climber of Camierc.e Orono, Ontario L013 -LINO Dear Mr. Reed: Than-k you for your letter dated J.unrary .17 14),)'O regarding various matters in Orono. Your letter has been reterrcd to Stan' .Lor a mdjxwt an(i recorrmenda Lion to the various camittees involved. We shall advise you of .fiction taken in due course. Yours very truly, A/ JMM:11of oseph M. Mellroy, A,M.C.T. Tmq i Clerk cc: Director of Public Works Director of Planning -° Director o1' Carmunit.y Services Treasurer 'Tbmn Manager Fire Chief By-Law En Corc(men t O C t'i_cer rI 10rono big czllrecl er, C51 wommerce, Orono,Ontario, LOB Wo RECEIVED JunuLtry 17, 1J80 Town of Newcastle Countil 1979 Bowmanville, Ontario Attention: Ur. G . B. Rickard, Mayor Door W. Rickard: Re: Joint meetU6 of Ne„castle Council and Orono area Chamber of Cokmarce At this meeting it was su6gested that the fullowin6, concerns discussed at the meetin6, be stated in writing for Council 's consideration and action: (1 ) Re-instatement of Meter buid service to control Main Street parking. (2 ) Creation of off-street parking lot . (3) Non-use of Armouries btdldii ,-, as, a fire, 11e11, nA the possibin use of the site as a par c lot . (4 ) Request to ConEcil to al lot certain funis in hudr et to upCrade curbs and side Llks ib business secKun, (5) Request Council prepare VillaPe Plan - as soon as possible. (6) that Council have s0ao:w upPointoG to draw -p proposal for Main Street.- Miss Forrest hkin contacted us Os 0 ru"It Of "is but as of this date we have bee.-: unuble to set a date to nLet with her. Yours res )cctfu.ly OR01;0 ami OF CW,,1,U(CE per: