HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-24-80 i CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,TEL.I.P.,DIrecto1 HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1J0 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF February 18, 1980. REPORT NO.: P-24-80 SUBJECT: ,Application for Subdivision Number 18T-78006. Part cA`of Lot 25, Broken Front Concession, former Ti p") ' f,)L of Cl-arke. Newcastle Shoreline Properties Limited Our File: S-A-3-11-1 BACKGROUND: An application for plan of subdivision has been submitted requesting the development of a 16 acre parcel of land in part of Lot 25, Broken Front Concession, former Township of Clarke, for seven estate residential lots. Amendment No. 14 to the Region of Durham Official Plan, which was approved by the Minister of Housing on December 20, 1979, permits the development of the subject site for a maximum of seven estate resi- dential lots. The proposed subdivision would, therefore, comply with the Durham Official Plan. The site is presently zoned "Agriculture" in the Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law of the former Towns-hi-p-14 6larke. Single family residential uses are permitted by this zone designation, but the minimum lot area required by the By-law is 40 acres. If the subdivision were approved, an application for rezoning to an appropriate residential zone would be required. i I r-- 2 - The application was circulated to the following agencies for comments: Northumberland-Newcastle Board of Education Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland & Newcastle Board of Education Durham Planning Department Durham Health Unit Ministry of Natural Resources The Ganaraska Conservation Authority Newcastle Village Public Utilities Commission Newcastle Works Department Newcastle Fire Department Ministry of Agriculture and Food The Northumberland-Newcastle Board of Education, the Peterborough- Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Separate School Board, the Newcastle Fire Department, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food advised that they did not object to the proposed subdivision. The Durham Planning Department advised that the subject proposal conforms with the policies of the Durham official Plan. The Durham Health Unit_ recommended approval of the proposed sub- division, subject to the following conditions: "1) Drilled wells are to be provided and these must all be located in front yards. 2) Sewage systems must be located in rear yards, thus providing available land for future tile bed replacements. 3) Raised weeping beds are required and at least 3 feet of suitable fill material must be provided above existing grades. This material must be approved by our Public Health Inspector. i tV 3 - 4) Prior to issuance of any certificates of approval, a test hole must be provided on each lot on the site of the file beds to verify water table lev els. � 5) A four-bedroom home will require at least 500 lineal feet of weeping tile. 6) If desired, Class 6 aerobic sewage treatment systems could be utilized in place of conventional septic tank systems." The Ministr of Natural Resources submitted the following comments: "This section of the Lake Ontario shoreline is subject to a serious erosion hazard and according to the Canada-Ontario Shore Damage Survey, is receding at a rate of approximately .5 metres per year. The setback line shown on the plan appears to provide 100 years of protection to buildings erected on the inland side of this line. While the building setback should protect buildings during the time span provided by the setback it should be understood that shoreline erosion of the undeveloped portions of improper lots will continue, and could be greatly worsened by P ro P management of the properties by the landowners. There is a cost in property values as this occurs. In addition, the building of shoreline modifications such as groins, aimed at protecting and stabilizing the shore, can have adverse effects, both on adjacent properties and on the property it was supposed to protect. Such projects should only be under- taken after an appropriate engineering study. Any traffic or landscaping of the bluffs should also consider tderethew potential impacts of erosion. We would be prepared any engineering reports which may be submitted on this matter. The bed of Lake Ontario is Provincial Crown land shoreline structures such as groins, piers be approved by this Ministry and appropriate land tenure documents obtained prior tO construction. actual workltolbe addition to the normal approvals constructed. Finally we would note that various planning studies, and most recently the Region of Durham Official Plan have re- cognized the significance of the Lake Ontario shoreline as a recreation and open space corridor, a concept which could be especially useful in and near the urbanizing areas in Durham. In particular, the area below the bluffs is a of natural the ondtopyofethe limited bluffs. I) iv H - 4 - From a recreation standpoint, it would seem desirable to retain the shoreline in a single open space unit, preferably with public right of access protected. The province however does not have funds to consider the acquisition of shoreline in this area. Recommendations: Based on the above we would not object to this Plan. Approval should be subject to the following conditions: 1. That the municipality's RA Zoning By-law contain provisions which would have the effect of prohibiting all buildings and structures in the building setback area identified by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority except those necessary for erosion control. 2. That the owner agree in the Subdivider's agreement, in wording acceptable to this Ministry: (a) To neither place nor remove fill of any kind, whether originating on the site or elsewhere; nor alter any existing vegetation in the building setback area iden- tified by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority without written consent of the Authority. (b) Should the owners in the future wish to undertake any erosion control scheme on the shoreline of Lake Ontario; that prior to initiating any shoreline alterations or stabilization works of any kind, in the building setback area identified by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, to prepare a detailed engineering plan acceptable to our engineers which will show the extent of the erosion problem, the means proposed to control "it", and the pro- bable impacts on other riparian owners. (d) That prior to initiating any grading or construction on the site, to erect a snow fence, or other suitable barrier along the building setback line identified by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority to prevent the unauthorized dumping of fill or alteration of vegetation in the shoreline buffer area. This barrier shall remain in place until all grading, cons- truction, and re-sodding on the site is completed. In order to expedite clearance of these conditions a copy of the signed Subdivider's Agreement should be sent to the District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, 322 Kent Street, West, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4T7." The Ganaraska Conservation Authority indicated that they would be satisfied with a minimum setback line of 65 metres from the top of bank, - 5 - instead of the more onerous restriction shown on the draft plan. The Authority requires that no building, structure, nor septic system be installed within this minimum setback line. The Newcastle Public Utilities Commission indicated that they did not object to the proposed subdivision, but that the Commission would have to enter into a joint use agreement with Ontario Hydro and replace 25 poles to give clearance to construct a 4160 volt line to the site. The developer would be required to pay the cost of this work. The Newcastle Works Department requested the following conditions of approval: "(a) that the Subdivider enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town of Newcastle and the Public Works Depart- ment be kept aware of the status thereof at all times. (b) that the Developer meets all financial and other require- ments of the Public Works Department. (c) that any easements which may be .required by the Town be granted free and clear of any encumbrances. (d) that the road widenings, as proposed, be granted to the Town free and clear of any encumbrances." COMMENTS: Since the site is designated for Estate Residential purposes in the Region of Durham Official Plan, we have no objection to the approval of this Plan of Subdivision, provided that the following con- cerns can be resolved: 1. Lakeshore Road The portion of Lakeshore Road which abuts the subject lands is a forced road with a width of only 13 metres (43 feet) . Suffic- ient land would have to be dedicated to the Town to increase this road allowance width to 20 metres (66 feet) . 1 I I ®(9) - 6 - 2. Erosion Control We have been advised by the Ministry of Natural Resources that the subject section of Lake Ontario shoreline has been eroding at a rate of .5 metres per year and is subject to a "serious erosion hazard". It was recommended that the sub- division agreement and Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law amend- ment relating to the proposed development should contain pro- visions which would regulate the placement of fill, erosion control works and buildings. Staff has no objection to the inclusion of the requested conditions. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that Application for Subdivision Number 18T-78006 be recommended to the Minister of Housing for approval, subject to the following revisions and conditions: Revisions: 1. That the "Building Setback from Top of Bank As Established by Ganaraska and Region Conservation Authority", be relocated to reflect the change requested by the said Conservation Auth- ority in a letter to J. G. Malcolm, dated June 5, 1979. Conditions: 1. That this approval applies to the draft plan dated January 23, 1979, by Donevan and Fleischmann, showing a total of 7 single family lots, to be revised according to the recom- mendations of Report P-24-80 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. 7 - 2. That the Owner shall deed to the Town of Newcastle, free and clear of all encumbrances, sufficient lands to increase the road allowance width of Lakeshore Boulevard abutting the subject lands to 20 metres. 3. That the Owner shall convey up to 5% of the land included in the Plan to the Town of Newcastle for park purposes under section 33(5) of the Planning Act, and that the Town will accept cash-in-lieu of this parkland dedication, under the provisions of section 33(8) of the Planning Act. 4. (a) That the necessary amendment to the Clarke Restricted Area By-law shall be approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, or approved according to the provisions of Section 35(25) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970. (b) That the lands south of the modified "Building Setback Line" shall be placed under an appropriate zoning category which would have the effect of prohibiting the location of any septic tank, building or structure thereon, without the written permission of the Ganaraska Conservation Authority. 5. That the Owner shall agree in writing to satisfy all the re- quirements, financial and otherwise, of the Town of Newcastle concerning the provision of roads, installation of services, and drainage. 6. That the Owner shall enter into a subdivision agreement with the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to include, in addition to the usual requirements, the following provisions: - 8 - 1. That the Owner agrees: (a) to neither place nor remove fill of any kind, whether originating on the site or elsewhere, nor alter any existing vegetation south of the modified Building Setback Line, as shown on the draft plan, without the written consent of the Ganaraska Con- servation Authority. (b) that prior to initiating any shoreline alterations or stabilization works of any kind, south of the modified Building Setback Line, as shown on the draft plan, the owner shall prepare a detailed en- gineering plan, acceptable to the Ministry of Natural Resources, to show the extent of the erosion problem, the means proposed to control erosion, and the pro- bable impacts on other riparian owners. (c) that prior to initiating any grading or construction on the site, the owners will erect a snow fence or other suitable barrier along the Building Setback Line to prevent the unauthorized dumping of fill or alter- ation of vegetation in the shoreline buffer area. (d) that the lots will be made suitable for septic tank systems to the satisfaction of the Durham Regional Health Unit, and that the lots will be serviced by in- dividual drilled wells, to the satisfaction of the Durham Regional Health Unit. 9 - 7. That the Owner shall enter into an agreement with the appropriate authorities regarding the provision of hydro- electric power facilities to the site. Respectfully submitted, AA�le - NJF:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. February 6, 1980 Director of Planning I i I i i OFFICIAL FLAN AMENDMENT X160 At 11 r j ••••gam y oa r • Y 0-403 110 - 153 020- 027 R F. 0- Ite to to I ��ti��\i''�,i4 t�l':l`:••:t5�t�l i't'"•:;�{,'•;i5;,;. i� ""' ,(•5.! ii�`,t,1'l'�i 51.t�.�l,t'LE•i'i 14„1115�.n1;i;��;:i.tt5: y, §�'� '`•';tli„51 4s 1��tlt'``i;,t,�i�\,1.;`;�\i:"l is�,i�ti��iti`�1s:4. �.8 �A'15?�it`1 v4�'\sr�L'•;�'••s•,.s.,:.;i.;.;,5i�;'?:.•5:.:.\;t,1,14;':•;yii.i.;;,. '5,C,`'µ ` 5i t,,ti•. ,'.t.`iL} ..<.:••,•:,.:.:i;.,.,� 5t., 's:,•. + .,•�:��'`L,t.,1,t.t��;:t\t1,��”\•:,:1;.,1,5•'41 t`"i,t''.\'\411 t"1\,t; \L 414'•; 4 t•\e\s'`rti�'`�':;`�'`•:�.:i'i�i.54::}k,;41':••'�ii 4s+'��•, :4 4;• •t„''1`;;:''��;"y." 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