HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-23-80 rGi�,(rllltltl ' CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO L06 1.10 TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF February 18, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-23-80 SUBJECT: By-law 6-80 - Township of Scugog BACKGROUND: By-law 6-80 of the Township of Scugog was forwarded to the Planning and Development Department February 4, 1980. The By-law rezones a parcel of land in the Township of Scugog to permit the de- velopment of 300 camp sites in conjunction with a resort commercial establishment. COMMENT: The subject parcel is in Part of Lots 2 and 3, Concession 10, Ward 3 of the Township of Scugog and does not affect the interests of the Town of Newcastle. Accordingly, no action on the rezoning by-law is required by the Town of Newcastle. The last date for filing objections is February 22, 1980. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council: 1. That By-law 6-80 of the Township of Scugog be received and filed. Respectfully submitted, EP:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. February 6, 1980 Director of Planning mo,r,icr OF APPLICATTON 7-0 THE oNTAR70 J�IUNYCIPAL BOARO BY THE CORPORATION Of '111L I'0101shli, 01- SUIGOO IN AITROVAL OF A 8Y-JAW TO' PYGULAFE LAND (ISE PAS-131D 111IRSUANI- TO SECTION 35 OF '1111:. PLANNING ACT. TAKE NOTICE that t he Cou ric i I of the Co rpo ra t i a n of the Towns h i p of Sc ugo 9 intends to apply to The Ontario. Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The ;'lanning Act for, &pp,'Y'01;31 Of No. Passed on the day of . . . . . . . 1.980. A copy of the By-law is furnished herewith and a note giVir-19 an explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-lari and stating 'the lands affec- ted thereby is also furnished herewith. 2',".',' PERSON INTERES'TED 14AY, within twenty-one (21 ) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Township of Scugog not-ice of oiJection to approval of the said By-law or part thereof, giving details of 01 or ie portion of the By-law to which you object and d etai 1 ed-r-e"-on s—the r efiar,,_,a nd all indicate. fliat if a hc,,11,ing -is held the objector or an agent will attend at the ring to support the ob.,ect-ion, jkol/ PERSON wish-in(j to supporL the application for approval Of th(2 By-law may within twenty-one (11 ) days after this date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the To�,ms.hilp of Scugog notice Of his support or approval of the said !3y- law together wH-h a for- notice of any hearing tht.-It may be held, giving .1 so the narm, and address: lUo which such notice should be given, -,rl(E ONTAR,10 ffltay approve of the said Bly-la.V1 I)Ljt before doing so it m.-:y appoint a tim(? and place ohen any objection to tho By-law will be considered. I" ; vice of any hearing that may be held viill be given only -to persons who have filed il-, Objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk . j.-Jersigned, the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent and, similarly, to any person who has filed a reqjuesL for a change in the. provisions of the By-law. it-;,F LAST DtVf FOR FILING OUEMONS will be . . . . . . . 1980 I S t AT THE T011,1 .S1-1.11P (�I_ _("CM,306 ovis . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 1980 -day of . . . . Township of SCUg,,Ug; P-0. Box 209 Pori: Ferry, Ontario LOB trlt) EXPLANATORY NOTE Purpose Of The Attached By-law: The purpose of the attached By-law is to regulate the use of land; the character, location and use of buildings and structures; and, to prohibit certain uses of land, the erection and use of certain build- ings and structures in accordance with the powers conferred upon the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog under Section 35 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. , 1970, c. 349, as amended. The location of the lands affected and the effect of the By-law are outlined in the following paragraphs. Location Of Lands Affected: The lands affected by this By-law are located in part of o s 2 and 3, Concession 10, ward of e orpo- ration of the Township of Scugog. . For the purposes of reference only the general vicinity of the lands under consideration is outlined on an appendix at- tached to this Explanatory (dote. The exact bound- aries of the lands affected are delineated in grea- ter detail on Schedule "A", the Zone flap attached to and forming part of this By-law. Schedule "A" was prepared from a legal survey of the property in question as compiled by Donnevan and Flieschmann Company Limited, dated January 5, 1977. Effect Of The By-law: The effect of the attached By-law is to zone the subject lands within three specific zone classifica- tions, namely, the Private Open Space (OS-P) Zone; the Environmental Protection (EP) Zone; and the Re- sort Commercial (RC) Zone. The By-law further ser- ves to specify the uses permitted in each zone and the provisions which serve to regulate the develop- ment and use of such lands for the permitted uses. 2 - The regulatory provisions address such matters as side yards, setbacks, lot coverage, landscaped open space, height of buildings. Such regulatory provi- sions are supplemented by numerous general provi sions which set standards related to such matters as accessory structures; existing structures; ex- ternal design; height exceptions; illumination, parking area requirements; planting strips; public uses; sight triangles; etc. At such time as the attached By-law is approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, the .primary effect will be to permit the development of a maximum of 300 camp sites, together with such other uses and activities specified thereunder, in conjunction with the rec, nmmPrcial ettahlishment located in part of Lots 2 and 3, Concession 10, Ward 3 of the - Township of Scugog. As previously noted this Res- tricted Area By-law will serve to regulate the development and use of buildings and structures located on the property under consideration. Should you consider it necessary to file an objec- tion in relation to this document please observe the instructions as set forth under the Notice of Application preceeding this Explanatory Note. It is respectfully requested that prior to filing such an objection that the reader carefully review the contents of the attached Restricted Area By-law. Please do not hesitate to contact the Municipal Offices should you have any questions in regards to this matter. I xnI 5eJ�0� P Lo-71 MAN- P r — XI Loke — GENERAL LOCATION OF LANDS ALFECTEO a — ,e Scugag BY TN/S RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW n z I SCUG06 �. •P/ollent !.AMES/BE x. - ' BLACN� r Rx nv°xb I . nv CENTRE a I r i Ix x VIII(R) r•., R Lol I _ I 1 I f�VIII II a e =.1�—. -- —f I, r I POET V11 W BEACH .:l r.i T VII i I 1 I VIfR)-1_— A T ev l P°0 Prase Pohl •r �y_ y s� 1 ln. A119 I /r,P a VI I(r t vlR) u ;w. �T l I APPENDIX TO °X TO WINSNIPrsOf sCUOos" EXPLANATORY NOTE f uu � I THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG SCUGOG ISLAND : WARD 3 .AF< IN EP ' � c =- I EP =,os �, - q: ` } RC c� EP ZONE LEGEND r AAFA 9 aL r ~ "..f / PA[MOSEG EXP Sp.N ./ ®ENV,RONMFNTAL PRCTEC!, aNF RC PRIVATE OPEN SPADE ZONE ®RESORT COMMERCIa'.ZONE NOTE I_SOU NOARY OF LANDS AFFECTED •dV Opp BY THIS BY LAW !' Z LANDS NOT AFFECTE. RYTHIS BY-LA ARE,,HE SUP EC•OF BY L.AW N O. E J - / RC R C CO RPORAT CN OF F TOWNSHIP \ I, OF 5CuGOG p \,\ M1•y tt�_�_J J ZONE MAP COMP,I ED FROM PLAN 8 s, wr DE SCA-PT,ON PREPARED BY 'd OONE"N 5 F,Fr—MANN CO LTD. -.—_ DATED.:ANJARY,*77,ONTARIO LAND 5'JRVLYORS LAi A a� PA e SCHEDULE °' r ZONE MAP PART OF LOTS 2 AND 3 d:ALt.ME-,td CONCESSION 10, WARD 3 THIS IS SCHEDULE'A•TO BY LAW ND_— CORPORATION�+ O//F�� //THE �'N PASSED THIS—DAYOF__..___IS0O TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOV ! MAYOR --._ im ar.w.aae..MSrM. CLERK _ I¢vu�t ocroatn n