HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-20-80 � �,.MW'w�;r•viHry•h-i•+iV•.•.•i�IC"�fa-"/V�/a,. . .`� .� 1'{.1'.,^„ ,vin'1 i r i 1`I N1'1 i i.i' •' r ' ' ', ., r r 1 !'1•!'il!"r'1,� i Iv ,,..rvyp�^rWrr°p•r,r"v°r'r'9 .,(. +, ••�e.t,lly CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.LP.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL, (416)263.2231 lt1:1I01tT TO '1'111: PLANNING AND DEI VI:L0PhIliN1' Ct)MMI'1"I'I'.i: 111,"EI'I.NG OP February 18, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-20-80 SUBJECT: Policy in respect of Development charger and the provision of PrlvaLe Nun--Profit Senior Citizen 1(0using BACKGROUND: 11te ,ihovk- montiottud mat ter w'u; tli:;c'o:;:; 'd by the Finance and Administration (011111ALLee at the n1001.1n); 01 J,111r1rtry 'l.l., 1980- TI►u Cununittee adopted the following rOsoluLlun: "That staff be directed Lo draft a policy whereby Council .an consider giving a gr;ult oil Lo the amomit- of the local nuulicipal lot levies for Senior CiLi%till•'; liour;in},. " (1'.-29-80) Cl)`mIENT: In ,I, cord,mk-c wit-11 tit,' W:;it 1 ttt i„11 it tit(- I'1 11;1nce mid Admi ni:;- tration G01Iu11itLL'0, pl;nu1i111; str111 11AW dr;I[Le l a policy in re:;pecL of levies for ;1.'tlior Citizen Ilou in1; propO, 'd undt'r tit(, PrivaLe Non-Profit Ilotisittt, I'ro ;ram. St al l have' :;iihmlI tcd 111 ' dra11 ImI Icy to thr. Plnnn1111; and Deve lopm ont G,tnlunl t tee I M COW; i (11, 1 it i„it r; t hi:; ucry of fect ;tit tlutr,Landinl, Site 1)1a11 ;11;r.'0m(,nt applirat ion 1-1 ()W tho Ih'i-1-1 11will W..N 0 F A F,. W. C. A. S. T. .1,. Y: Policy in respect of 1)evclopijucj�t Charge!i and the provision of Private Non-llroflL Setilor CILIzen Housing 1. The To%,qi of Newcastle Will cildo,'kVollr to ;IV­SiSt its senior citizens in securing ade(Itiatc, atid affordable accommodation suited to their budgeting and physical need.,i.� 2. Upon request, the Town of Newcastle will consider the provision of a grant equal to, or for the portion of, the development charges received by the Town for each below market and rent- Seared-to-income senior citizen unit produced by a Private by Canada Mortgage- OnA_11o4SinB____ Corporation and/or Lhe Province of Ontario. 3. Tice 'Town of Newcastle shall have regard for the following in CAIII.Sidcrhig a re(jUV.;t 101' 3 do.scribcd lit (2) above: (.I) the availability of existing municipal services; (b) the location of the projecL lit relaLlon to Commercial, rLIC1,0,►tional , aild InstAttlLjolial s(!rVj(•(!:; ; (c) the location of Lhc project in relaLiot) Lo public trans- portation; (tj)i Lhe need foi' Lho project, as roflucLed through the demand study produced by the non-profit group to warrant financing by C.�1.11.C. or O.H.C. for the project; (0.) a guarantee from the non-profit 1,roup that the project will I be accoti-aiiodating pcojAL! from Newcastle; ;j gtiaranLvo from the nun-prof it 1,,rotip chat all eligible rest- doilLs in Newcastle will be given equal acce,,is to the unit. r vrrrrY"'V6"4*4 , o f t I rv"W*T r'VBi.1"(iY4h9"►'.'/ti'f'f l:t'.i,»IRAYrnr{vrrYrr,r. Il �. On the basis of a discussion with the 'Town's solicitor, staff feel that a policy whereby the impact of a proposal would be examined by the Town and a grant provided to the applicant in the amount of the levy or some portion thereof, to be most appropriate. Under the proposed policy, the Town would examine a request for relief from the levy charge on the basis of several Criteria listed in the poll y and then according to the demand for capital expenditure could provide a grant to the applicant. Planning staff feel that in view of the current demand for senior citizens accommodation in the 'Town an reflected by t:he Minstry of Housing Surveys, that the proposed policy could be a constructive approach for the Town to adopt in meeting this type of housing; demand. Staff feel that the proposed policy If adopted by Council should be reviewed at such time as the Provincial Government enact, legislation in respect municipal impost charges and at such time as the Town I adopts it Mti!f cipal ilous.ing Statement anti/or adnptn the findings of the proposed Financial Analysis ;in(] Grow th PlnnuemenL Study. RBCOMMENI)AT I ON: i That the Planning and Development Committee consider the attached policy in respect of levies on Private Nun--Profit Senior Citzen !lousing and if considered appropriate that the policy be forwarded to Council for adoption by By- M. Respectfully :submitted, DNS:lb 1). N. Smith, M.C. I , P. February 4 , 1980 I)irec•tor of Plrn nln};