HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-13-80 p,.}�li'�rnglat I Al� .1I14� 01 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263.2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-13-80 SUBJECT: Expansion of Business Improvement Area Bowmanville BACKGROUND: The attached letter of November 21, 1979 from Mr. J. H. Lander was considered by Council at the Meeting of December 3, 1979. The letter was referred to the Planning and Development Committee for con- sideration by Council Resolution #C-1593-79; That the foregoing letter be referred to the Planning and Development Committee for consideration and report back." Planning and Development Committee considered the letter at the January 7th Committee Meeting and tabled the item by resolution PD-3-80: M "That the matter be tabled subject to clarification of procedures required to implement this action." COMMENT: Further to Committee Resolution PD-3-80, please find attached a copy of Section 361 of The Municipal Act, which empowers municipalities to establish business improvement areas. t In order to expand the existing business improvement area, Council will be required to pass a by-law under Section 361(1) of The Act, designating the additional areas as an improvement area. Before such a by-law may be passed by Council, notice of the intention to pass such a by-law must be mailed to "every person occupying or using land for the purpose of or in connection with any business in the area." If a petition objecting to the passage of the by-law is received within 60 days of the notice and is signed by at least one-third of the persons given notice and if those persons represent at least one-third of the assessed value of the lands in the area then such a by-law may not be passed by Council. In order to further enhance the historic shopping area in Bow- manville and to reinforce that area as a focal point of economic, social and cultural activity, staff strongly recommend that Council initiate the requested designation. Staff note that the proposed expansion of the Business Improvement Area closely follow the recommendations made in the Bowmanville Main Street Study by G. Baird and as such can form part of an overall program of revitalizing the core of Bowmanville. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council that: 1. The Town Clerk be instructed to initiate procedures for ex- panding the Business Improvement Area in accordance with the 3 - request of the Board of Management of November 21, 1979. Respectfully submitted, DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. January 17, 1980 Director of Planning Encl. a 1 2( MUNWlPAL (6) The corporation is not liable for (1, 119es that nlay result from the construction, maintenance and use of " any such dock or slip. R.S.O. 1970, c. 284, s. 360. { '' In, nent 361. --(1) 'hhc council of a local municipality may pass ai a( • .,���1 ,a by-laws designating an area as an improvement area and may by by-law establish for any such area so designated a Board of Management to which may be entrusted, subject to such limitations as the by-law may provide, the improve- ment, beautification and maintenance of municipally owned lands, buildings and structures in the area, beyond such improvement, beautification and maintenance as is provided at the expense of the municipality at large, and the promotionq: , of the area as a business or shopping area. Notieoof i 2 Before passing a by-law designating an improvement intonton area, notice of the intention of the council to pass the by-law ��''� I shall be sent by prepaid mail to every person occupying or using land for the purpose of or in connection with any business in the area who is shown in the last revised assess- ment roll of the municipality as being assessed for business R.S.O.1970, assessment within the meaning of The Assessment Act. 1 Potition ` (3) "'mess a petition objecting to the passing of the by-law s objecting to by-law referred to in subsection 2, signed by at least one-third of the persons entitled to notice as set out in subsection 2, representing at least one-third of the assessed value of the t• lands in the area that is used is the basis for computing business assessnicnt, is received by the cleric within two months next following the latest day of the mailing of any ` such notices, the council may pass the by-law, but, if such a petition is received by the cleric within such time, the council shall not pass the by-law. Slif cieney (4) The sufficiency of the petition described in this section of petition ined by cleric be determined by the clerk and his determination shall by cloTlc be evidenced by his certificate and when so evidenced is final and conclusive. b rff Oct of 5 V'here the council has proceeded under this section and petition ( ) proceeded objeotinir hw, been prevented from passing the proposed by-law by to by-law reason of a petition objecting thereto having been presented under subsection 3, the council may again proceed under this ;! w section in respect of the area to be designated by any such by-law at any time after the expiry of the two years next following the presentation of the petition, R.S.O. 1970, c. 284, }' s. 361 (1-5). ) Boardof (6) A Board of Management established under subsection Management 1 is a body corporate and shall consist of such number of members appointed by council as the council considers t t''' - 203 MUNICIPAL t. , edvisabl, ,II Ica,t on, of ttlloln ~ball be sI nu ether of < the council and the tcluaining nu•nibcl� shall bc' qualified to be elected is numbers of the council assessed r for business asst,•ssment in respect of }and in the area or nominees of corporations so assessed, provided that such nominees are persons qualified to be elected as nleinbers n of the council. 1976, c. 69, Term of (7) Bach member sh1111 hold office from the time of ,,"cities appointment until the expiration of the terns of the council s',I that appointed him, provided he continues to be qualified, as provided in subsection 6, 1976, c. 69, s. 11 (2). 1 ; NOTE: For term of office of existing members of Board of Manage- ment. See 1976, C. 69, s. i 1 (3). (S) Where a vacancy occurs from any cause, the council Vacancy t t. shall appoint a person qualified as set out in subsection 6 to be a member, who shall hold office for the remainder of the I t r term for which his predecessor was appointed. ; (9) The incillhers shall hold office until their successors arelaem t s appointed and are eligible for reappointment on the expiration of their form of-office (10) A hoard of Management established under' subsec-Istimatee l`' tiou 1 shall submit to the council its estimates for the current year at the time arks in the form prescribed by council and t, ma} make requisitions upon the council for all sums of moneY required to carry out its po\%'c'rs and duties, but nothing herein divests the council of its authority with reference to rejecting t such estimates in Nti.hole or in part or providing the money tur the purposes of the 1�oard of Marlagenient and when ; E money is �o pr vide elil3oa e council Ill cmclltllt�>syllout upon the certificate money to the Board of 1lanagcnient. 't= (}}) "nc�Board of Uanagcilwr t shall not expend any moneys of Expenditure not inrhulcd in the estimates approved by the council of in a c reserve fund established under section 3()8. x Indebtedness (12) .� Board u( \Ianagelltelit established under subsection 1 notto extend i Shall not hictir any indebtedness extending beyond tIIC CUTICllt beyond current year year. (i•1) On or before the 1st day of \larch in each year, a�p rtt s Board of JlanagcIncrit shall submit its annual report for the c rf preceding year to council, including a coand plete audited an certified financial statement of its affairs, with balance sheet and revenue and expenditure statement. 4 s 1. i .wiw= .iim.:.=n,�+.,sa'.�,.:... .axs-Gx 204 MUNICIPAL Auditor (14) The municipal auditor shall be the auditor of each such hoard of Management and all books, documents, trans- actions, Minutes and accounts of.1 Board of Management shall,. at all times, be open to his inspection. Dissolution (15) Upon the repeal of a by-law establishing a Board of of Board Management, the Board ceases to exist and its undertaking, : assets and liabilities shall be assumed by the municipality,, I. . MeS eeial (16) The council-shall in each year levy a special char' 1 rge upon persons in the area assessed for business assessment suffi cient to provide a suns equal to the sum of money provided for the purposes of the Board of Management for that area, which shall be borne sold paid by such persons in the proportion ' that the assessed value of the real property that is used As the basis for computing the business assessment of each of l such persons bears to the assessed value of all the real property in the area used is the basis for computing business assessment. ' Manner or (17) Any charge imposed under subsection 16 may be collection collected in the same manner and with the same remedies as provided by this Act for the collection of taxes upon busims assessment. Approval of (18) No by-law designating an improvement area come4 O.M.B. into force without the approval of the Municipal Board and as a condition of giving its approval' the Municipal Boaul may by its order impose such restrictions, limitations and conditions with respect to such matter as may appear necessary r or expedient. Itopoal of (19) A by-law designating all 1111p10vCllleilt area may b" by-law repealed to tale effect upon the 31st day of December in the year in which it is passed, and subsections 2, 3 and 18 do not apply to a repealing by-law passed under this subsection. R.S.O. 1970, c. 284, s. 361 (8-19). , ��,, � Interpre- 3112.—(1) Ill this section, tation a (a) ''bcliclit" Ineans an immediate benefit or deferral benefit accruing to owners or occupants of land and derived or derivable from the construction of sewat;r a w o lts or water «'oi ks, and (i) "immediate benefit" means the benefit lthat accrues and is derived or derivable immediately upon completion of the works, and a. (ii) "deferred benefit" means the benefit that `^► accrues upon completion of the works hii, which is not derived or derivable therefrom until a sewer or water main upon which th+! �.,.�� TMr : . -..-._....:..,>F .,...,...,.._..r..-....�.. x�s�i :"?'n'*^°'R�'.'�S'F;"S'4Sq�""1 _.:•,.. i. :.7sG, ,v: ffr.w - e -f _ _ ai I'k)I-Ir.It III I('A I I(I I A 7/-I k (',01010PA410N OF *1111: TOWN OF NEWCASTI.F. FOR 011WGHWI OFFICE OF '11AU- TOWN UUE-RK •10 TEMPERANCE SIRE[T TELEPHONC�623-3379 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1.1 C 3A6 21. ].W9 Nov(mbut WLyo►- JjiCj-ULj'd %whol'.13 Of GAIRCil The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Tailperwice ftiwL Bownwiville, Ontario LIC 3AG Dear Sirs and Madww At a meeting of the Board of Management of the Bomanville Central Improvenent Area "held on Monday, November 1.2 1979, a motion was passed requesting puyiiii,,N—Lon of Council to expwid the, Central Business Improvement Area to include Division Street from Queen to Church, Taiperance Street from Queen to Church, Silver Street froii King to Church, Church SO'e(A. fr►xii Division to Scug'01". We would ask you to institute appropriate action to accomplish this, and to advise the L3,-),i-1•d of Ntuiagoiient of your action. Your,, vut,y U-uly, J. 11. Lxuidcr, 'Socrotary lk)ard of Managonent rD 1919 19 CASTLE