HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-124-02 ,. C!iJ!ilJgron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Monday, December 2, 2002 7:Ot tJP 002-001 (;PfJ - i 7')--0:2- By-law #: Report #: PSD-124-02 File#: Subject: APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY OF PORT HOPE APPLICANT - TUCKER CREEK LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-124-02 be received; 2. THAT Report PSD-124-02 be adopted as the Municipality of Clarington's initial comments with respect to the proposed official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment applications within the Municipality of Port Hope referred to as Tucker Creek (Port Hope File # 2.G.16); 3. THAT the Municipality of Port Hope be required continue to keep the Municipality of Clarington appraised with respect to this application and that all Council decisions with respect to this development be forwarded to the Municipality of Clarington; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Q~~ eJ4 Submitted by: D vid ,Creme, M.C.I.P., R.P.P, Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer HB*DJC*sh November 27,2002 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-0830 615 REPORT NO.: PSD-124-02 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On July 22, 2002, the Municipality of Clarington received correspondence from the Municipality of Port Hope detailing a proposed development of a new adult lifestyle community. This development proposes 1569 residential units, 110 long term care/assisted living units, an 18 hole golf course and 1,500 - 3,700 sq. metres of retail to be located on 270 ha of land on Port Hope's border with Clarington (Attachment 1). 1.2 Although not all details of development were formalized such as servicing options and land tenure, the Municipality of Port Hope agreed to circulate this application to receive initial agency comments. A public meeting in accordance with the Planning Act has been scheduled for Thursday December 1ih, 2002. Some landowners within Clarington will receive notice of the public meeting as their properties lie within 120 metres of the subject lands. 2.0 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 2.1 The subject lands are predominantly agricultural with some areas being forested. A portion of the lands have approval for 250 residential units. By way of comparison the proposed population is approximately three times the size of Orono and twice the size of Wilmot Creek lifestyle community at build-out. The predominant use of lands Within Clarington that abut this proposal are agricultural. They are designated "Prime Agricultural Area" and "Environmental Protection" within the Clarington Official Plan and are zoned "Agriculture Exception (A-1)". In Clarington these designations do not support the proposed development. The southern portion of the subject lands is located approximately 1.5 km to the northeast of the existing Port Granby Low Level Radioactive Waste Management Facility. 3.0 DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS 3,1 This application has been reviewed to determine if approval of this application would have any implications on the Municipality of Clarington. A copy of the development application and supporting studies was forwarded to Emergency Services and Engineering Services for comment. Clarington Operations also received a copy of the application for information purposes. . 616 REPORT NO.: PSD-124-02 PAGE 3 3.2 It was identified by Emergency Services that the Municipality of Port Hope is serviced by a volunteer fire fighting unit and it was noted that in a major fire situation, they may call on the Municipality of Clarington for support. If the Tucker Creek proposal is to utilize private water for fire fighting purposes, then the Municipality of Clarington may be called upon to provide tanker services. This may require entering into a mutual aid agreement with the Municipality of Port Hope. 3.3 Engineering Services notes that the Transportation Assessment provided by the applicant does not assess impact on Clarington roads and that further evaluation of access along Newtonville Road, Concession Road 1 and East Townline Road is required. Having reviewed the terms of reference for a traffic impact study prepared by the Ministry of Transportation, Staff anticipate that the Municipality's concerns will be addressed in this study. 4.0 STAFF COMMENTS 4.1 This development application for amendment to the Municipality of Port Hope Official Plan and the zoning by-law proposes the creation of 1679 residential units on 270 ha of land. The size and extent of this proposal far exceeds the typical "golf course/lifestyle community" development. It is, in essence a new urban area of Tucker Creek. 4.2 The creation of a new urban area shall be substantiated by detailed examination and justification for need, population growth, desirable density, parameters for servicing and infrastructure development, transportation network, community facilities, retail and employment opportunities, adjacent land uses, and a vision. This new urban area, is comprised of predominantly residential land uses. There are no employment areas planned, no facilities such as libraries, schools, places of worship provided. 4.3 The limits of any new urban area should be defined by natural land boundaries and features as these provide excellent delineation between land uses. The limits of this new urban area are based solely on property ownership and not on natural land boundaries and features. No study of how this development will impact the adjacent lands has 617 . , REPORT NO.: PSD-124-02 PAGE 4 been prepared including identifying potential development pressures that may be experienced, compatibility with existing or future land uses, or potential transportation connections. The eastern boundary of Clarington is rural and is planned to remain rural. Growth pressures resulting from approval of this development have not been planned for, nor has the applicant satisfactorily addressed this matter. Also, a new development of this size will have a detrimental effect on Clarington's planned residential growth, resulting in the need for Clarington's growth forecasts to be readjusted, ultimately having a financial impact on the Municipality of Clarington. More consideration of impact on adjacent land uses and basic planning rationale is required. 4.4 Principles of planned growth are well documented and are practiced throughout Canada. In Ontario these principles are supported by the Provincial Policy Statement and the Smart Growth Initiative. The purpose of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) is to manage change and promote efficient, cost-effective development and land use patterns that stimulate economic growth, yet protect the environment and public health while ensuring the province's resources are available for future generations. Urban areas and rural settlement areas shall be the focus of growth in Ontario, and rural areas will generally remain rural. Expansion of urban areas and rural settlement areas shall only occur when there is no longer enough land to accommodate projected growth. A growth study was prepared for the Municipality of Port Hope (June 2002) that recommended all future growth occur adjacent to the current urban area of Port Hope. This growth study did not consider the development of a new urban area on the Municipality's western border. It is staffs view that this development is not in conformity with the Provincial Policy Statement. 4.5 As noted earlier, the proposed development lies in proximity to the existing Port Granby Waste Management Facility. The Municipality of Clarington has entered into an agreement with the Government of Canada for the long term safe management of the low level radioactive wastes and contaminated soils currently stored at this site, and the environmental assessment for the project is currently underway. The Municipality is concerned that the introduction of several thousand new resid~nts into this area could 618 REPORT NO.: PSD.124-D2 PAGE 5 complicate the study process and create unnecessary obstacles to the implementation of a long term solution for the Port Granby wastes. 4.6 The purpose of the Smart Growth Initiative is to create strong, safe, vibrant and livable communities. This shall be achieved through the implementation of principles such as managing growth in a fiscally responsible fashion including ensuring growth utilizes existing infrastructure and other resources wisely, preventing undue pressure on the environment, and steering growth pressure away from significant agricultural lands and natural areas. This development proposal, if approved, will result in the creation of a new urban area removing agricultural land from productivity and reqUiring new servicing and new infrastructure. 4.7 As an adjacent Municipality, we review the Town of Port Hope Official Plan when a comprehensive review is undertaken. During review of such document, implications and impacts on Clarington are assessed and preparation can begin for dealing with any growth or variances in land uses. The last review of the Township of Hope Official Plan was completed in 2000 and the Plan did not anticipate urban development of these lands. Very recently, the Municipality of Clarington has been advised that the Municipality of Port Hope is initiating review of their Official Plan. 5.0 CONCLUSION 5.1 Municipal staff reviewed the general principle of the development proposed by this application The details of the application or the background studies have not been analyzed. In our view this development is not desirable and it does not meet the intent of the PPS or Smart Growth Initiative. The development of this new urban area will potentially draw away from planned growth within established urban areas and rural settlements in both Clarington and Port Hope. It will create the need for a new servicing infrastructure. It will place undesired growth pressures on agricultural lands along the east boundary of Clarington. Further assessment is required as to potential implications of additional traffic volumes on Clarington's roads and a mutual aid agreement for provision of emergency services may be required. 619 " REPORT NO.: PSD.124.02 PAGE 6 5.2 It is requested that the Municipality of Port Hope continue to keep the Municipality of Clarington informed with respect to this application and that any decisions made by the Municipality of Port Hope Council on this application be forwarded to the Municipality of Clarington. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Site Map Attachment 2 - Master Plan Concept Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Clerk, Municipality of Port Hope 56 Queen Street P.O. Box 117 Port Hope, On L 1 A 3V9 Warren Sorensen Sorensen Gravely Lowes 511 Davenport Road Toronto M4V 1 B8 Scott Burns The Planning Partnership 1255 Bay Street Suite 201 Toronto M5R 2A9 Joanne Wells-Oates Tucker Creek Limited 156 King Street Port Hope L 1A 2R5 620 u;<; -.. " N >- . . ~ \2 :z: I ATTACHMENT 1 .-- .- ,'1,0 , , - l.. c:: ~e = O-~ J-,;. 0 <<\1- ~Q),.c:: CI,):::l.Q Cl)CI,)t-.. OQ~ O-~ e CI,) p a.. e .: (,) I , , , .~dOH .:10 dlHSNMOl ---- NOlONIl:lYlO .:10 A.LI1VdIOINnW ~ ~ij >- ~ ~ . . . . , '" . "', 'W . >- ' :z: . . i ,::J . :z:~ ,0 ~ ~ · ill Cl ~ .", "l ,- ~ ,iI! "~ , :z: . I ~. Q . . i r--CI) II . . 0 '" u.,a: ~ '~ ~ , . . . .' '.' ,.. . .... 621 . . . ATTACHMENT 2 -....-. -'--'- .-- _. --- H,"_. _. ..___ _ Tucker Creek ~ o eo IlID 100 .., , - Municipality of Port Hope MASTER PLAN CONCEPT flJ 8ClIIe1:2e(lO The Plannlng Par1nerlhJl' Coebum PaIterIonM8ther. LGL Umlted. PouIOll. Chung' D.R. PouItcn &Auocllllel' SyIveetor & Brown . ThOllll1 McBroomAsaoalltel Ud' HuntOeelgnAaloclateslnc Valooultlcl c.nlldl Ltd .011... HoIlcln & Hll'COurt. Clllyton RelIeerch . C18rk eonlUItlng Servloee' Aqullfor Beech . HilI & Knowlton' AMEC Earttlend Envtronmentlllltd. 622