HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-8-80 xsoW W'xlfOCt s V r-.1 ll / Gz CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 21, 1980. REPORT NO.: P-8-80 SUBJECT: Hamlet Development Plan - Enniskillen File: 3.3 BACKGROUND: As part of the Department's ongoing work program, and as required by the Durham Regional Official Plan, staff have been preparing development plans for the various hamlets within the Town. The Hamlet plan for Enniskillen was presented to the public on July 27, 1978. That meeting provided considerable public input which was the basis for a number of revisions to the first draft of the plan. In addition to seeking public input, staff also circulated the plan to various agencies for comments, which are summarized below: Newcastle Public Works - Item 2.2.6(ii) Substandard Roads.' requires improvements to two existing substandard roads prior to additional development occurring on abutting lots. Both these substandard roads would be difficult, if not impossible, to widen and improve to Town standards. (Staff notes that the wording of this section has been revised to clarify the intent of this section which is to restrict development along substandard roads.) . - Item 3.2.6(i) (now Section 3.6(i)) states that no new lots shall be created except on roads which have a minimum road allowance width of 20 m (66 ft.) and have been accepted for year round maintenance by the Town and no new road shall inter- sect any existing road which is less than 20 m (66 ft.) in width. It should be noted portions of Scugog Road within Enniskillen are only 50 ft. in width. It is suggested that this section be reworded to provide for this exception and the future acquisition of road widenings where new development is involved. (Staff note that this revision has been made) 2 - Newcastle Community Services - no objection. Regional Planning and Works - the amount of growth proposed would require an official plan amendment to recognize Enniskillen as a hamlet for growth to be serviced with a municipal water system. - The Hamlet Servicing Study indicates that very minor addit- ions to the community might be acceptable, however, annual monitoring of deep well aquifers is suggested to ensure an adequate supply to residents. (Staff assume that the pro- vision of a municipal water system will resolve this concern.) - The area west of Old Scugog Road is identified as having moderate environmental sensitivity. The hamlet is also adjacent to lands proposed for acquisition by Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority and it is suggested the plan be forwarded to Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for comment. (This was done.) - Regional Works department have suggested rewording of Section 2.2.4(ii), in order to avoid future misunderstandings with regard to the capabilities of the proposed municipal water system. (These revisions have been made.) Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - The "Development Restrictions" portion of the plan indirectly eliminates many natural features defined as Environmentally sensitive. It is suggested that this section of the plan be revised by the addition of sections dealing with environmentally sensitive areas and setbacks from hazard lands or sensitive areas. (Staff note that the requested revisions have been incorporated within Section 3. 7) Public School Board - no objection. Separate School Board - no objection. Durham Health Unit - no objections, however, Section 4.3 refers to a mon- itoring program carried out by the Health Unit, which should more appropriately be a function of the Ministry of the Environment. (Staff note this section has been revised to reflect this point.) Minister of Natural Resources - no objections, however, the ministry did suggest approaches for reducing impacts upon the headwaters of cold water trout streams. (These suggestions are more appropriately dealt with as conditions of draft approval for subdivisions and consents.) 3 - Ministry of Agriculture and Food - There is one barn within the estate residential area which appears to house a few horses. North of the hamlet limits are barns on the east and west sides of the road. Any further expansion should be restricted from the north. Ministry of the Environment - There are at least two deeper, and more extensive aquiferic zones, present below the extensively used shallow aquifer. These aquifers are present at elevations between 187-194 and 162-168 metres above mean sea level. Yields from the deeper aquifers were tested to yield over 45.5 litres per minute and up to 455 litres per minute. The communal well developed in the area is rated at 682 litres per minute. COMMENTS: As a result of our circulation and comments and input re- ceived from the public, the greatest concerns expressed appear to be with respect to the actual rate of growth and improvement of certain sub- standard laneways. We note that the matter of staging has been addressed within the text of the plan. In the case of the substandard laneways, draft approval of the adjacent plan of a subdivision did not address or provide for their improvement. In that respect, the Director of Public Works has indicated that he forsees great difficulty in attempting to improve these lanes due to the need for land acquisition to widen them. Such acquisition could have a detrimental effect on existing dwellings and structures adjacent to the lanes and would serve to benefit only a few individuals. However, these concerns have also been addressed within the text of the plan. The most significant change to the Hamlet plan for Enniskillen is reflected in an adjustment to the hamlet boundary to include an area within the south-west quadrant for large lot "estate" type residential de- velopment. This change came about as a result of an Official Plan amendment - 4 - application which was closed by the Region in favour of the Town addressing the proposal within the context of the hamlet plan. Staff have reviewed the subject proposal and are of the opinion that it would be complementary to the hamlet, provides a variety of housing types avail- able within the hamlet and forms part of a logical continuum from urban to rural uses. Inclusion of this proposal, therefore, would not, in our opinion, seriously alter the intent of the hamlet plan. We note that none of the agencies circulated raised any objection to the inclusion of this proposal. As you are aware, it is intended that Enniskillen be served by a municipal piped water system, thereby increasing the development po- tential within the Hamlet. In that regard, the revised hamlet plan recog- nizes this potential and requires that all new development, with the exception of the "estate" type lots, be connected to the system. As a result of negotiations with the Region relative to the municipal water system and the increased growth potential, it has been agreed that an Official Plan amendment will be required in order to designate Enniskillen as a hamlet for growth. This should be requested at such time as the hamlet plan is sub- mitted to Regional Council for their comment prior to Town Council's approval. Staff also note that the Durham Regional Official Plan permits only limited convenience commercial development within hamlets. In that regard, we are proposing that more than just convenience commercial be per- mitted within Enniskillen and suggest that at such time as the Regional Official Plan is amended to designate this as a growth hamlet, that Section be amended by deleting the word convenience. Such an amendment would likely have been necessary, in any event, in the case of Orono where Council has endorsed what amounts to a local central area. V <<� S - CONCLUSION: Based on the foregoing, the hamlet plan for Enniskillen has been revised and is now recommended for Committee approval. We note that this plan has been presented to the public on one previous occasion and that the necessary Regional Official Plan amendment will provide a further public forum. Therefore, we do not see a need for a further public meet- ing at this time. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That this report be received; and that 2. Staff forward the revised Hamlet Development Plan for Enniskillen to the Region of Durham, in accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Plan, and that 3. The Region of Durham be requested to initiate an Official Plan amendment to redesignate Enniskillen as a Hamlet for growth and to delete the word convenience from Section in order to permit limited commercial development within hamlets; and that 4. Staff report back to the Planning Committee at its next appropriate regular evening meeting, which shall be duly advertised in a local paper inviting public participation from residents of Enniskillen, and that the proposed develop- ment plan be put on public display with Town Planning staff to forward the plan to Regional Council for comments prior to the public meeting, as per recommendation #2. Respectfully submitted, TTE:lb D. N.' Smith, M.C.I.P. January 4, 1980 Director of Planning