HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-4-80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263.2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF January 7, 19$0. REPORT NO. : P-4-80 SUBJECT: Hamlet Development Plan - Haydon File: 3.5 BACKGROUND: As part of the Department's ongoing work program, and as required by the Durham Regional Official Plan, staff have been pre- paring development plans for the various hamlets within the Town. The hamlet plan for Haydon was presented to the public on May 10, 1979. That meeting provided considerable public input which was given due con- sideration during our review of the plan. In addition to seeking public input, staff also circulated the plan to various agencies for comments, which are summarized below: Newcastle Public Works - 3.2.2(v) I would request clarification as to whom the responsibility will lie for the promotion of a tree- planting program, and who shall administer and enforce same. (Staff note that this section does not refer to a tree planting program but rather to preservation of existing vegetation. New trees will only be involved where included as a condition of development approvals. ) 3.2. 3(ii) - With minor infilling that is proposed, I feel that j a levy should be placed on any new development for a share of the costs involved in providing a fire protection reservoir. Any such money could be collected at the time of development, and held in trust for future construction. (Staff note that this is the intent of the subject section.) 2 - 3.2.4 Commercial - This section would permit convenience com- mercial to locate anywhere within the existing built-up area. In my opinion this is not good policy and a special area should be designated for future commercial development. (Staff note that this is a planning matter and do not see any relevance to public works. The intent here is to provide locational options for convenience commercial, subject, of course, to suitable zoning and site plan control.) 3.2.6(i) Roads - It should be noted that the majority of roads within the relevant area are only 49.5 ft. in width; with the exception of Nelson Street and, therefore, there could not be any infilling within the hamlet itself other than on existing lots. In this regard, it would appear that there are very few available lots other than along Concession 8 and I have reser- vations in accepting this as the proper area for infilling be- cause of the steep grade of Concession 8 from Church Street to the Community Centre. (Staff note that the required 66 ft. road allowance width, as a prerequisite for new development, has been eliminated in this instance, due to the difficulty which would be experienced in upgrading existing rights of way. The determining factor, therefore, shall be year round maintenance by the Public Works Dept. With respect to the steep grades along Concession 8, staff are willing to modify the plan to eliminate this concern.) ". . .no new road shall intersect any existing road which is less than 66 ft in width". This requires further clari- fication and should incorporate the proviso that: "said road re- ceives year round maintenance by the Town of Newcastle." (Staff note that this has been incorporated.) 4.3 Implementation - "An annual monitoring program administered by the Town of Newcastle and the Medical Officer of Health." This is a vital requirement and I would request specific informa- tion as to with whom the responsibility will rest to administer such monitoring on behalf of the Town? (Staff note that this section has been revised in accordance with section of the Durham Regional Official Plan. The Town's participation in such a program should be the responsibility of a qualified pro- fessional engineer.) Newcastle Fire Department - Consideration should be given to installing adequate storage reservoir for fire fighting purposes. (Staff note that this requirement is included within the text of the Plan. Newcastle Community Services - No objection. Regional Planning and Works - (1) The hamlet presently consists of 36 dwellings and is designated as a hamlet for infillipg and minor extensions by the Durham Regional Official Plan. The plan indica- tes that development will be limited to minor infilling. The number of units should be specified in the Development Plan. (Staff note that this request has been incorporated.) 3 - (2) The branches of the Bowmanville Creek are indicated as Environmentally Sensitive. It is suggested that the plan be forwarded to Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. (Staff note that this was done.) Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - The "Development Restrict- ions" portion of the plan indirectly eliminates many natural features defined as Environmentally Sensitive. It is suggested that this section be revised by the addition of sections dealing with environmentally sensitive areas and setbacks from hazard lands or sensitive areas. (Staff note that the requested revis- ions have been incorporated within section 3.7.) Public School Board - No objection. Separate School Board - No. objection. Durham Health Unit - Section 4.3 refers to a monitoring program to be carried out by the Health Unit, which should more appropriately be a function of the Ministry of the Environment. (Staff note this section has been revised to reflect this point.) With respect to the controversy regarding a proposed subdivision in Haydon, the following is a brief summary of the Health Unit's involvement. - Sept. 1975, recommended denial due to heavy soils, high ground water and poor drainage characteristics. Proposal was for 12 lots varying from 15000 sq. ft. to 47000 sq. ft. - Nov. 1975, again recommended denial. - July 1976, a special soils report submitted and again the health unit recommended against approval. - Oct. 1976, following consultation with developer a new pro- posal for 10 lots was approved by the Health Unit. This approval was subject to various conditions, which together with large lot sizes, should ensure properly functioning sewage disposal systems. One provision was that drilled wells be provided on each lot. I am unable to say with certainty, whether or not this will have any effect on existing wells. - Jan. 1977, Health Unit approval confirmed to Town's Planning Department. Ministry of Natural Resources - No objections, however, the Ministry did suggest approaches for reducing impacts upon the headwaters of cold water trout streams. (These suggestions are more approp- riately dealt with as conditions of approval for subdivisions or consents.) Ministry of Agriculture and Food - No objections. - 4 - Ministry of the Environment - Groundwater conditions are similar to those in Enniskillen (at least two deeper, more extensive aquifers; present below the extensively used shallow aquifer) . However, no confirming data exists for the deepest aquifer. Aquifer elevations, confirmed by drilling, are 186 and 198 meters above mean sea level. No information on water quality exists. As indicated by the hamlet plan, further investigation of groundwater conditions is required. (Staff note these com- ments have been incorporated within the text and reflected by policy statements.) COMMENTS: As a result of our circulation and public input received, it would appear that the greatest concerns expressed are relative to the potential impacts of new development upon the existing residences within the Hamlet. In fact, staff received a petition containing 56 signatures, objecting to additional development within Haydon for the following reasons: (1) Preservation of the rural privacy and small population. (2) Drainage. This is a major concern, development would necessitate the addition of fill to the subject area resulting in creased problems of poor drainage, and in increased spring run-off on to our land. Development would involve more septic tanks, to contribute to existing septic tank odours and possible health hazards. (3) Water. Our water is supplied by wells. During the summer months, we do not have enough to supply our needs. Addit- ional wells will possibly result in a lowering of existing water levels. (4) The road allowance known as Moore St. is 49.50 ft. in width. We feel this is insufficient. The homeowners either side of this road allowance strongly object. We are also con- cerned with the possible added traffic travelling King St. , a gravel road. With no existing sidewalks, increased tra- ffic will, in fact, be increased danger to our children. (5) Rather than allow development, an offer to purchase the land in question has been discussed. In respect to these concerns, staff have the following comments: (1) The amount of development being proposed is minimal and will not alter the character of the hamlet. - 5 - (2) All new development will be subject to the provision of drainage which is satisfactory to the Town's Public Works Dept. and the Durham Health Unit. (Section 3.8 of Hamlet Plan) (3) Many of the existing water problems are due to shallow wells. All new development would be required to have drilled wells drawing from a deeper aquifer. This would not correct existing problems which are the responsibility of the individual property owners. (Section 3.2.1 (iii)) (4) The Moore St. road allowance is presently unopened. If opened, the developer would be responsible for upgrading to Town standards. In this instgnce, it may not be pos- sible to achieve a 66 ft. road allowance, but the number of potential houses to be served may not necessitate an in- creased road allowance. In any event this would be subject to Council approval at such time as a development appli- cation is processed formally. The minimal amount of de- velopment being proposed for Haydon would not, in our opinion, substanially increase traffic. (5) If the property owners agree to purchase the lands in question, this would be an acceptable solution to the question of de- velopment. CONCLUSION: The lack of detailed soils investigations for Haydon and the present problems being experienced by the residents of the hamlet, lead us to conclude that Haydon is not capable of supporting substantial additional development. In fact, the draft hamlet plan has been revised to further reduce the amount of development to be permitted, especially within known problem areas. It is felt that this solution would permit minimal new development, on large lots fronting on existing roads. We do not feel that there is any merit in permitting Moore Street to be opened just to serve a maximum of two or three additional lots, especially when the effects of those lots upon adjacent residences cannot be guaranteed or foreseen with any great certainty. - 6 - We note that one public meeting has been held and suggest that a further meeting be held prior to Committee approval of the hamlet plan. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee recommend to Council the following: . 1. That this report be received; and that 2. Staff be authorized to arrange a public meeting to present the revised hamlet plan for Haydon to the public. Respectfully submitted, l TTE:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. December 18, 1979 Director of Planning. REVISIONS NO E- ER 9, 1979 D E V E L O P M E N T P L A N for the H A M L E T O F H A Y D 0 N in the District Planning Area of the T 0 W N O F N E W C A S T L E f HAYDON HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN Date Resolution Comments TOWN APPROVAL: AMENDMENTS: TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Basis 1 2. PLANNING CONTEXT 2 2.1 Existing Community 2.1.1 History 2 2.1.2 Community Facilities, Services and Organizations 3 2.2 Development Considerations 2.2.1 Surficial Geology, Drainage and Topography 3 2.2.2 Water Supply 3 2.2.3 Sewage Disposal 4 2.2.4 Service Limitations 4 2.2.5 Agriculture 4 2.3 Official Plans 5 2.4 Zoning 6 3. DEVELOPMENT POLICIES 3.1 Development Plan Limits 7 3.2 Residential 7 3.2.1 Policies g 3.3 Community Facilities 9 3.3.1 Policies 9 SECTION PAGE 3.4 Commercial 10 3.4.1 Policies 10 3.5 Industrial 10 3.5.1 Policies 10 3.6 Roads 10 3.7 Development Restrictions 11 3.7.1 Policies 11 3.8 Servicing 12 4. IMPLEMENTATION 13 INTERPRETATION 15 SCHEDULE '1' — Land Use Plan APPENDICES A. Existing Land Use B. Building Conditions C. Development Considerations D. Darlington Zoning E. Darlington Official Plan 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this plan is to define and determine the scale and scope of development within the limits of the Hamlet of Haydon. The plan describes the Town policies for the future land uses in the area, various aspects of the community development and the development controls to be used in implementing these policies. 1.2 BASIS This plan has been prepared in compliance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan which requires that. "the delineation of the limits and the detailing of land uses in Hamlets shall be undertaken in a development plan adopted by the Council of the respective area munici- pality prior to major new development taking place". The following text and Schedule "1" constitute the Development Plan for the Hamlet of Haydon and shall be used in conjunction with the Durham Regional Official Plan, until such time as a District Plan has been prepared for the Town of Newcastle. At such time, Council may consider incorporating this Hamlet Development Plan as a component of the District Plan. I 2. PLANNING CONTEXT 2.1 EXISTING COMMUNITY 2.1 .1 History The Hamlet of Haydon was originally registered as the Village of Charlesville in 1355. The reason for the name change and the significance of either name is unknown. The early history of Haydon began with a crown grant of 200 acres to Joseph Winters in 1802 (Lot 14, Concession 8) and continued with slow growth until the latter half of the century. A tributary of the Bowmanville Creek greatly influenced the Hamlet's growth and supported numerous mills, the first of which was the "Haydon Mill " built by Lieutenant Charles Bates of the 3th Company, Darlington Regiment in 1847. It would seem that this Mill later lent its name to the Hamlet. By 1900 flax, grist, flour and lumber mills were working the stream. Growth of the Hamlet was also supported by lumbering of virgin pine forests in the area with the lumberjacks supporting local commerce such as Haydon's hotel and tavern. The natural prosperity of the Hamlet weakened with the receding forests, a lack of proximity to major travelled routes and the decline of the stream based industries. A partial listing of trades and services located within the Hamlet around 1900, indicates the relative prosperity enjoyed by the residents at that time: - Flour Mills - Hotel - Sawmill - Tavern - Flax Mills - Carriage Shop 2 - Weaver - General Store - Cooper - School House - Cobbler - Methodist Church - Tobacconist - Baptist Church - Blacksmith - Farmers and Labourers 2.1.2 Community Facilities, Services and Organizations The present Hamlet of Haydon has very little in the way of community facilities. However, the old School House, S.S. #21, which is owned by the Town and leased to the Haydon Hall Board, is presently used as a community meeting place for receptions or parties and as the home of what is known locally as Club 21 which is the social organization of Haydon's residents. 2.2 DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS 2.2.1 Surficial Geology, Drainage and Topography Haydon is located on a flat to gently rolling plain of silty clay till. The area is drained by two south flowing drainages to the east and west of the community both of which are tributaries of the Bowmanville Creek. The bank slopes on both creeks range from 10% to 20% and portions of the valley bottoms are subject to a seasonally high water table. 2.2.2 Water Supply The community is supplied by individual private wells. There is little available data re- garding the depth and type of aquifers or for the potential yields from them. Further investigation of the situation should be undertaken prior to permitting new development. Ministry of the Environment data indicates the presence of deeper aquifers, probably located at depths of about 45 to 60 M. Generally, such deep aquifers are more reliable both in terms of quality and quantity. 3 2.2.3 Sewage Disposal Haydon is served by private septic tank and tile field systems. Clay till soils have poor to fair permeability and percolative capacity and, when considering tile field construction in this type of soil , the minimum depth to the water table should be 3.6 m (12 ft. ). There is little available data regarding the present efficiency of existing tile beds or problems related to them. Further investigation of soil suitability should be undertaken prior to permitting new development. 2.2.4 Service Limitations In general , the Hamlet is bordered on the east and the west by areas unsuitable for develop- ment. Development is best suited to the lands north and south of Haydon and minimum lot sizes of 0. 5 ha (1. 25 ac. ) are suggested. The surficial drainage features appear to be of the effluent type and the field construction should not be permitted within 15.25 m (50 ft. ) of the edge of the feature. The extent of the groundwater supply is a significant factor in determining the extent of future growth and further testing should be carried out to accurately determine the limitations of and constraints posed by the groundwater supply. Inasmuch as there is limited data on both soil conditions and water supply, it is suggested that development in Haydon be limited to only minor infilling. 2.2.5 Agriculture The Canada Land Inventory indicates that the land on which the Hamlet is located has a classification of "2F". Class "2" soils have moderate limitations that restrict the range of crops 4 3 or require moderate conservation practices. The soils are deep and 'hold moisture well . Under good management they are moderately high to high in productivity for a fairly wide range of crops. The subclass designation of "F" indicates that the soils have a low natural fertility due to a lack of natural nutrients, high acidity or alkalinity, low exchange capacity, high levels of calcium carbonate or the presence of toxic compounds. The lands immediately south of the Hamlet are classified as "1 " by the Canada Land Inventory. Soils so designated have no significant limitations to use for crops. The soils are deep, well to imperfectly drained, hold moisture well , and in the virgin state were well supplied with plant nutrients. They can be managed and cropped without difficulty and under good management are moderately high to high in productivity for a wide range of crops. Bearing in mind the need to preserve high quality farm land as a resource necessary to food production, and the area's designation as Permanent Agricultural Reserve in the Durham Regional Official Plan, it is further suggested that Haydon be limited to minor infilling in order to minimize adverse affects upon adjacent farm operations. 2.3 OFFICIAL PLANS Prior to approval of the Durham Regional Official Plan the- Hamlet of Haydon was subject to the provisions of the Official Plan for the former Darlington Township. Upon adoption of this Hamlet Development Plan by the Council of the Town of Newcastle, the relevant portion of the existing approved Official Plan shall be forthwith repealed by by-law, in accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan. 5 This Hamlet Development Plan may eventually form a part of the District Plan for the District Planning area of the Town of Newcastle, which in turn shall be secondary to the Durham Regional Official Plan. 2.4 ZONING This Hamlet Development Plan shall be used as the basis for preparing the restricted area (zoning) by-laws for the area under consideration. 6 3. DEVELOPMENT POLICIES 3.1 DEVELOPMENT PLAN LIMITS In accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan, the area in lots 12, 13, 14 and 15, Concession VII and VIII, in the former Township of Darlington, as shown in Schedule delineate the extent of the Hamlet Development Plan Area and the uses permitted therein. Any adjustment to the Hamlet Development Plan Area boundaries, as delineated on Schedule shall require an amendment to this plan and may also require an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan or the Town's District Plan when in place. 3.2 RESIDENTIAL There are 36 existing dwelling units located in Haydon at the present time. The Development Plan should provide for residential growth within designated areas and subject to specific conditions. New development should be integrated into the existing Hamlet in a manner that will minimize adverse impact upon the existing residential areas and social fabric of the community. The new residential lots should be rectangular and at least 0.5 ha (1.25 ac.) in size unless otherwise specified within this plan. The minimum lot size has the effect of reducing the possibility of health problems occurring due to problems with septic tank systems as well as reducing the draw down effects concentrated deve- lopment has on the groundwater supplies. 7 Care should also be taken to ensure that the architectural character of the Hamlet is complimented and enhanced where infilling or new development occurs. It is recommended that the Town of Newcastle pursue a policy of encouraging and/or requiring tree planting and preservation so that all areas of the Hamlet retain and provide a high standard of visual amenity. 3.2.1 Policies (i) In accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan, the pre- dominant land use permitted within the Hamlet Development Plan Area shall be single family residential. Home occupations which do not create a nuisance through noise, smell, unsightly storage or traffic may also be permitted. (ii) The staging of new residential .lots to be developed within the area proposed for infilling, as designated on Schedule 'T', may be determined by the Council of the Town of Newcastle and added to this plan by amendment. Schedule "1" indicates the maximum number of residential lots allowed within the designated areas. (iii) In accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan, all new residential development within the Hamlet Development Plan Area shall be serviced by a private drilled well drawing from deeper aquifers than existing wells, and a private waste disposal system which complies with the standards of the Ministry of the Environment as amended from time to time and as administered by the Medical Officer of Health or otherwise. (iv) The architectural character of the Hamlet shall be complemented and enhanced where infilling or new development occurs whithin the Hamlet Development Plan Area. (v) The Town of Newcastle shall encourage and require tree planting and preservation, through the terms of subdivision agreements and development. approvals, so that all areas are provided with sufficient vegetation to maintain a high standard of amenity and appearance. (vi) In accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan, all develop- ment within the Hamlet Development Plan Area shall comply with the Agricultural Code of Practice as amended from time to time. 8 (vii) The minimum lot size for new residential lots shall be approximately -0.5 ha (1.25 ac.) and shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) meet the requirements of the Durham Health Unit as amended from time to time; and (b) ensure that a reserve area is retained for the reconstruction of the tile field; and (c) shall not adversely affect adjacent wells and septic tanks; and (d) ensure that no permanent structure, buildings, septic tanks or tile beds are located within the area subject to development restrictions as designated on Schedule 111" of this Plan. (viii) No new development shall be permitted within those areas subject to development restric- tions as delineated on Schedule "1" of this Plan. 3.3 COMMUNITY FACILITIES The existing community facilities and those of neighbouring Hamlets are sufficient to meet the presently identified needs of the community. Further expansion of community facilities is not justified in light of the limited development which shall be permitted within the Hamlet. 3.3.1 Policies (i) Community uses such as minor community centres, places of worship, fraternal organiz- ations, schools, post offices, and parks may be permitted within those areas designated for infilling on Schedule "1" to this plan. (ii) Prerequisite to further development occurring within the limits of the Hamlet Development Plan Area, an adequate water storage for fire fighting purposes, shall be provided. This shall be accomplished by the provision of reservoirs or cash contributions under the terms of subdivision agreements or through cash contributions in the case of consents. These reservoirs shall be provided on the basis of one for every seventy—five dwelling units or less, and shall have a minimum capacity of 100,000 litres in accordance with the Municipality's specifications. 9 3.4 COMMERCIAL At present the only commercial uses within Haydon are an automobile service station and an auction barn. New development is unlikely to require any additional commercial outlets due to the proximity of the commercial uses located within the Hamlet of Enniskillen and proposals for additional commercial development shall be considered on their own merits, if and when such proposals are received. 3.4.1 Policies (i) In accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan, areas desig- nated on Schedule "1" as Commercial may also be developed for convenience commercial uses which complement the character of the Hamlet. Convenience commercial uses may also be permitted to locate anywhere within the existing built-up area or the area proposed for infilling, subject to suitable zoning and site plan controls and without amendment to this plan. 3.5 INDUSTRIAL There are no existing industrial uses within the Hamlet and industrial development should not be encouraged. 3.5.1 Policies (i) Notwithstanding Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan, Industrial development shall not be permitted within the Hamlet Development Plan Area. 3.6 ROADS (i) No new lots shall be created except on roads which have been accepted for year-round maintenance by the Town of Newcastle Works Department, and no new road shall intersect any existing road which does not receive year-round maintenance by the Town of Newcastle. 10 (ii) In accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan, the Hamlet shall develop in depth rather than strips. To facilitate possible future in-depth development, rights-of-way should be obtained at appropriate intervals to provide eventual access to lots behind existing development. Wherever possible these rights- of-way shall be obtained in the course of approving plans of subdivision and consents for land severances. 3.7 DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS It is recommended that watercourses, their related flood plains, hazard lands or environ- mentally sensitive areas be retained in their natural state in order to provide both visual and physical open spaces, and to preserve and protect them as sensitive to development. The Town of Newcastle shall also endeavour to preserve and protect environmentally sensitive areas which may be situated outside of the limits of designated Regional storm flood plains or hazard lands. 3. 7.1 Policies (i) Those areas which are subject to Development Restrictions, as designated on Schedule '1' shall be used for agriculture and farm-related uses, conservation, reforestation, public or private open space and recreational uses, if compatible with their surroun- dings and the particular site restrictions. (ii) The areal extent of hazard lands and environmentally sensitive areas shall be accurately defined in subsequent zoning by-laws in consultation with the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority. (iii) Building and/or Lot Line setbacks, which may vary with on-site physical conditions, may be required from the limits of Hazard lands and/or environmentally sensitive areas. Setback requirements shall be determined by the Town and Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority. In situations involving watercourses which will not be floodline mapped by a public or private agency, the Town shall, in future zoning by-laws and in consulta- tion with Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, impose minimum building setbacks from the centre line of said watercourse. This shall ensure a reasonable degree of flood protection and provide for the potential of a continuous open space network. Where new developmei is proposed on a site, part of which has been identified as hazard lands or environ- mentally sensitive, the Town may or may not accept such lands as park dedication, in accordance with adopted policy. 11 (iv) No permanent structures of buildings, septic tanks or tile beds shall be permitted within areas subject to Development Restrictions, as delineated on Schedule '1' . 3.8 SERVICING Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, prior to development occurring, either by subdivision or consent, the applicant(s) will be responsible for demonstrating, to the satisfaction of the Town and the Durham Health Unit, the methods whereby sanitary sewage and storm run—off will be dealt with in order to improve existing drainage, if necessary; and prevent possible contamination of wells. 12 4. IMPLEMENTATION 4.1 In accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan, residential development within the Hamlet Development Plan Area shall proceed by registered plan of subdivision if the dedication of new roads is required. Where no new roads are involved, land division may occur by consent to a maximum of three lots. 4.2 In accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan, an application for development by registered plan of subdivision shall be accompanied by a detailed engineering re- port based on test drilling which confirms: (i) An adequate supply of potable water and soil conditions satisfactory for the effective operation of a private waste disposal system; and (ii) An adequate separation between water table and septic tile fields. 4.3 In accordance with Section of the Durham Regional Official Plan, a monitoring program shall be carried out by the Region of Durham in consultation with the Town of Newcastle and the Ministry of the Environment and shall include: (i) An appraisal of the continuing availability of ground water supplies to the existing residents as well as any depletion of the ground water aquifer which may be caused by new development or otherwise; and 13 (ii) A sampling of the quality of the ground water supply with respect to any contam- ination. 4.4 The precise limits of the land use areas shall be delineated by the Restricted Area Zoning By-law. 4.5 The Council of the Town of Newcastle may upon the advice of its Local Architectural Con- servation Advisory Committee define by By-law an area or areas within the Hamlet for study leading to future designations as Heritage Conservation Districts. 14 INTERPRETATION The boundaries between land uses as designated on Schedule '1' are approximate only and are not intended as exact limits except where they coincide with major roads, railways, water courses or other clearly recognizable physical features. Therefore, amendment to this plan will not be required in order to' make minor adjustments to land use boundaries, provided the general intent of the Plan is preserved. 15 r�ii- (V C� J � 11.itq p�YV�®�• IL 41 pit 1101 oil ll�M'M011Y CYO. m 1- O d I M1��aOia it 21.Y1 $mn x" XR moliv NPY 01•;,X101 41�3;WMl1N 010Y GTM7�OIY� !0 i 1 eAtl� I v) L F' O ) (�1 r 0 -a � � � � � � e � io M14* too 11 siol oil "NVWIIY Moo O At Im II Q 41 a 0, #101 .14 Um"I"Wool so i-7 • > Kl rilp m "Kc 3T G) ROAD ALLQ"NCK STW LO'l Q 6 13 60 11 S-\.", ni LJV 0 0 l7s , w