HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-3-80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL. (416)263.2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF January 7, 19$9. REPORT NO. : P-3-80 SUBJECT: Correspondence between Durham Region and the Ministry of Housing dated December 10, 1979, re: Modification Request No. 62 to the Durham Regional Official Plan Section 14.2.10 - File: 5.1 - Durham Regional Official Plan General BACKGROUND: The attached correspondence was received by staff on December 12, 1979. The subject of that correspondence is in respect of a proposed modification to the Durham Regional official Plan to revise Section 14.2.10 and to add new sections dealing with Waste Disposal sites. The Region has not requested our comments on this matter. COMMENTS: Staff have reviewed the proposed modification and note that it provides explicit policies in respect of the establishment and use of waste disposal sites. These policies provide greater clarity as to interim uses permitted on sites designated for waste disposal purposes, as well as, specifying permitted uses for developed sites which are no longer in use. The policies also provide for the entering into of agree- ments in respect of operations, between operators and the area municipality, with the exception that where the Region is the operator, there is no i 2 - obligation for the Region to enter into such an agreement. However, the Region is obligated to consult with an area municipality prior to the selection or development of waste disposal sites. The modified policies also require Official Plan amendments to permit the establish- ment of new sites, again, with the exception that sites owned and/or operated by the Region. CONCLUSION: The proposed modification to the Durham Regional Official Plan provides clarification and direction for the establishment of waste disposal sites. We note, however, that the policies exempt the Region from certain requirements which are otherwise applicable to pri- vate operators. We can only assume that this exemption is designed to facilitate and expedite their obligations to provide facilities for the purposes of dumping and disposing of waste, pursuant to Section 139(2) of the Act to Establish the Region of Durham. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning and Development Committee receive this report and attached correspondence for information. Respectfully submitted, ;`/U�yw✓ V' DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. December 14, 1979 Director of Planning � /-\ (r/ G `EU 1[ DUII} /AM � DEC 12 19T5 of Durham TGVN OF [V " ���--- / /�y; v/ x( Clerks Department December lO, 1979 y' PIP/` '~ / K ms omvannnwuFast rua.murx. Whitby,Ontario cmnaoo L Iwxxn (4m}i��7m w�r v � � oo�o"uomk MrS. D. 38Dto^ Director ' Official Plans Branch Ontario Ministry of Housing 50 Wellesley Street Nest . 8th Floor Toronto, Ontario M7A 2K4 R[: Modification Request # 62 t0 the Durham Regional Official Plan, Consolidation of All Pr8Yi0VS Modification Requests Regarding Section I4,2. 10 (Waste Disposal Site) Mrs. Santo` the Planning Committee of Regional Council considered the above matter and at o meeting held on November 28, 1979 Council adopted the following recommendation of the Committee: oa\ THAT the Minister Of Housing he requested: i \ t0 disregard Modification Requests #10 and #41 and instead CO modify the Durham Regional Official Plan in accordance with Appendix l attached t0 Commissioner' s Report #79-226 (Revision #2\ /Modification Request #62\ ii \ t0 approve that part of Map 83 of the Durham Regional 0ffi:»l Plan outlined and labelled D30 . as 'Major Open Space System - Oak Ridges Moraine' . DIC 12 197q Mrs. D. Santo, Director Page 2 December 10, 1979 b) THAT Commissioner' s Report #79-226 (Revision #2) be forwarded to the Councils of the Area Municipalities and Mr. Roger Beaman of Thomson, Rogers on behalf of T. Puckrin & Son Limited. " I am enclosing a copy of Commissioner' s Report #79-226 (Revision #2) as amended and adopted by Regional Council and respectfully request that you arrange for the Minister to modify the Region's Official Plan pursuant to the decision of Council . `ill C. W. Lundy, YA.M.C.T. Regional Clerk r Enclosure cc Mr. Roger Beaman of Thomson, Rogers Dr. Michael , Commissioner of Planning Mr. R. A. Henderson, Clerk, City of Oshawa Mr. A. T. Hodges, Clerk, Town of Ajax Mr. B. Taylor, Clerk, Town of Pickering Mr. J. M. McIlroy, Clerk, Town of Newcastle ✓ Mr. E. Cuddie, Clerk, Township of Scugog Mr. G. Graham, Administrator-Clerk, Township of Brock Mr. W. E. Taylor, Clerk, Township of Uxbridge Mr. 14. H. Wallace, Clerk-Administrator, Town of Whitby i A, Lc�:N Illy THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM PLANNING 105 CONSUMERS ORIVEIP.O.3OX 627-WHITBY,ONTARIO LIN 6Aa TEL„ (416)668.7771 COMMISSIONER' S REPORT NO . 79-226 (REVISION 42 ) TO: Chai=an and ,Members , DATE: November 20 , 1979 . Planning Committee . SUBJECT: MODIFICATION REQUEST N0. 62 TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN, CONSOLIDATION OF ALL PREVIOUS MODIFICATION REQUESTS REGARDING SECTION 14 . 2. 10 (WASTE DISPOSAL SITES) . RECOMMENDATIONS : 1) THAT the Minister of Housing be requested : a) to disregard Modification Requests Nos . 16 and 41 and instead to modify the Durham Regional Official Plan in accordance with Appendix I attached to Commissioner ' s Report No. 79-226 (Revision #2) (Modification Request f62) ; and ---_ove that part of t,'an A3 , f Official Plan outlined and labelled D36 as "Major Open Space System - Oak Ridges Moraine" . 2) THAT Commissioner' s Report No. 79-226 (Revision 42) be forwarded to the Councils of the Area Municipalities and Mr. Roger Beaman of Thomson , Rogers on behalf of T. Puckrin & Son Limited. Purpose : The purpose of this report is : 1. To amend Modification Request No. 16 as amended by Modification Request No. 41 with regard to Section 14 , 2 . 10 of the Durham Regional Official Plan; and 2 . To consolidate the modification related to Section 14 . 2 . 10 (waste disposal sites) . i�lE � GIc3N.�l �IIj1"IIC;PAl_1 7Y Jr7H, 9P n,1; l'foo r Jp _ Nrurc ✓ Commissicner's .�eaorc Flo. 79-226 (Rev. Ik2bnt'�. 2 _ Comments - 1. Section 14 . 2 . 10 of the Durham Regional Official Plan was referred to the Ontario Municipal Board at the request of Mr. Roger Beaman, solicitor acting on behalf of T. Puckrin and Son Limited. 2 . Subsequently, Mr. Beaman made several requests to the Ministry of Housing to have Section 14 . 2. 10 modified. 3. The Minister of Housing referred these requests to Regional Council. As a result, Modification Requests Nos . 16 and 41 were adopted by Regional Council. 4 . Subsequently, Mr. Beaman met with Regional staff and expressed his concern that the modifications are not .explicit enough to permit waste reclaiming and recycling plants within the definition of sanitary landfill site. As a result, the following modifications are suggested: a) Section 14 . 2 . 10 and 14. 2. 12 are modified by adding the words "Reclaiming and recycling" of waste as a permitted use within sanitary landfill sites . b) Section 14 . 2 . 12 is also further modified by adding the words "Environmental Assessment Act" after the wording of the "Environmental Protection Act" in order to clarify any legal interpretation. 5 . Our discussion with the staff of the Regional Works Department indicates that it would be advisable to clarify previous modifications to include Mr. Beaman ' s request. 6. By letter dated August 28 , 1979 , Mr. Beaman requested the tKli nister of Housing to resume consideration of Referral R8/20 from the Ontario Municipal Board (a copy of the letter is attached to this report) . 7. On October 16 , 1979 , the Minister of Housing deferred his consideration of Referral R8/20 , now labelled Deferral D36 . 8 . As a result of the several modification requests related to the issue of waste disposal , staff has consolidated these modifications in the form of Appendix I to this report. 9 . Regional Council considered Commissioner ' s Report 79-226 at its meeting of October 17, 1979 , and referred the report back to the Planning Committee for further clarification. Accordingly, Appendix I was reviewed and revised as follows : 2 j2PAAr',�RNr JP ,_,A tits inu 1 „ Ccmmissicner'r .;eaor, ma. 79-226 ( Rev. 2) ccnt / 3 - 1. revise Section 14 . 2 . 10 to allow, subject to an appropriate agreement and amendment to the zoning by-law, mineral aggregate resource extraction as an interim use.; and 2 . add a new Section 14 . 2 . 14 to allow the recycling of waste by the respective Council , to produce energy without amendment to this Plan. 10. Planning Committee considered Commissioner' s Report 79-226 (Revised) at its meeting of November 6 , 1979 and tabled the report pending the preparation of an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan to permit the reclaiming and recycling of materials in Industrial Areas. The proposed Amendment is the subject of Commissioner ' s Report No. 79-265 . It is recommended that the Minister_ of Housing be requested to modify the Durham Official Plan (Modification No. 62) at this time. Dr. M. Michael , M.C . I. P. Commissioner of Planning VC/Lx Attachments : Appendix I (Revised) Letter dated August 28 , 1979 from Mr. R. Beaman 3 nPPRNDTX 1: CONSOLIDA`T'ION OF REQUESTED MODIFICATIONS OF THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN 14 . 2 . 10 Waste disposal sites as designated on Map A may be used for the purpose of receiving, disposing, reclaiming and/or recycling of waste , and/or landfill and may include facilities , buildings , structures , machinery or equipment related to such use . Prior to the development of a waste disposal site to be used for sanitary landfill , farm-related uses in accordance with Section 1.1 . 2 . 3 , may be allowed as an interim use . In addition, mineral aggregate resource extraction may be allowed as an interim use subject to an appropriate agreement between the operator and the respective area municipal Council and appropriate provisions in the respective restricted area zoning by-law. Further , once a waste disposal site used for sanitary landfill has been completed , such a site shall only be used without amendment to this Plan , for those uses as permitted within the Permanent Agricultural Reserve Area , the General Agricultural Area or the Major Open Space System depending, as the case may be , on the immediate surrounding land use designation and the respective restricted area zoning by-law shall be appropriately amended . 14 . 2 . 11 The operation of a waste disposal site shall be in accordance with the provisions of an agreement to be entered into between the operator and the respective area municipal Council in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of the Environment as amended from time to time . 14 . 2 . 12 None of the provisions of this Plan shall apply so as to prevent the Regional Municipality of Durham from acquiring and using land and erecting , maintaining and operating all facilities including buildings , structures , machinery or equipment for the purpose of receiving, dumping , reclaiming and disposing of waste provided that all such facilities shall have been approved by the Ministry of the Environment in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act and The Environmental Assessment Act as amended from time to time. Notwithstanding Section 14 . 2 . 11 , the Regional Municipality of Durham is not required to enter into an agreement with the area municipality with respect to waste disposal sites owned and operated by the Regional Municipality. Regional Council shall not proceed with the selection or development of a waste disposal site without prior consultation with the affected area municipality . 4 14.2. 13 No new waste disposal sites shall he permitted unless by amendment to this Plan provided that no such amendment shall be required for such waste disposal sites owned and/or operated by the Regional Municipality of Durham. Each application for an amendment to the Official Plan shall be treated on its merits as to its compatibility with the surrounding land uses and its impacts on the environment. 14. 2. 14 None of the provisions of this Plan shall apply so as to prevent the respective area municipal or Regional Council having jurisdiction from recycling waste for the purpose of producing energy. 14. 2. 15 Renumbering of Section 14.2. 11. 14.2. 16 Renumbering of Section 14.2. 13. i I