HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-1-80 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB UO TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF January 7, 1980. REPORT NO. : P-1-80 SUBJECT: Department of Planning And Development Work Program 1980 BACKGROUND: The attached work program for the Planning Department has been prepared on the basis of a review of the operations of the Depart- ment undertaken during December of 1979. COMMENT: The proposed work program for 1980 consists of four sections: .1. The purpose of the Work Program, 2. A description of the major activities of the Department, 3. A summary of outstanding work as of January 1980, 4. Work Priorities and Scheduling. The work program is an attempt to rationalize the activities of the Department in order to streamline its efforts and concentrate its limited resources on areas of greatest importance to the Town. It should be noted that the Work Program will be reviewed with the Committee at three month intervals beginning in April. Reports to the Committee at that time 2 - and at subsequent intervals may recommend adjustments to the Work Program. As it is currently presented, the Work Program assigns priorities to the outstanding items witliin the Current Operations and Long Range Planning categories. Individual items are assigned a priority by number and in- dicated as principal activities or secondary activities by month to the end of the year. Appendices A and B listing outstanding work represents a volume of activity appropriately associated with Planning Departments of a larger size. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Planning and Development Committee adopt the attached Work Program for 1980 for the Planning Department. Respectfully submitted, e_ 111-- DNS:lb �o� D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. December 17, 1979 / Director of Planning T O W N O F N E W C A S T L E DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1980 W 0 R K P R O G R A M C O N T E N T S 1. Purpose of the Work Program 2. Description of the major activities of the Department of Planning and Development 3. Outstanding Work as of January, 1980 4. Work Priorities and Scheduling I I. PURPOSE OF WORK PROGRAM It is the purpose of the Work Program to: 1. Identify the work objectives of the Planning and Development Department for 1980, 2. Organize the limited resources of the Department in order to meet its work objectives, while main- taining the highest possible standard of planning advice, 3. Provide guidance to members of Council, other Departments and the public as to the timing and sequencing of work, and 4. Provide a mechanism by which the performance of the Department may be measured and evaluated. I 1 . llliSClt l l'T I ON OF THE DEPARTMENT OIL 1'IANN I NG AND W,VELOPMENT As it is presently constituted, the Department of Planning and Development operates in two areas of planning work: 1. Current Operations, and 2. Long Range Planning. Current Operations: Activities in current operations as detailed in the "Town of Newcastle, Development Procedures' Guide" (1979) and the "Department of Planning, Office Procedures" (1979) documents generally include: 1. The review and processing of plans of subdivision, and the preparation of subdivision agreements. 2. Review of gravel pit and trailer camp applications. 3. The review of severance applications before the Durham Regional Land Division Committee, (including the clearance of conditions and the preparation of Development Agreements) . 4. The review of applications to amend the restricted area (zoning) by-laws of the Town of Newcastle, the preparation of individual and comprehensive by-laws and the processing of same. The preparation of development agreements. The preparation and review of other by-laws, e.g. the Sign By-law. 5. The review of applications before the Newcastle Committee of Adjustment. 6. The review of building permit applications (as requested) as to conformity with the applicable restricted area (zoning) by-laws. 2 - 7. Issuance of letters of clearance under the restricted area (zoning) by-laws. 8. Preparation of reports to the Planning and Develop- ment Committee on above and other matters as assigned, attendance at and participation in Committee and Public Meetings as required. 9. Provision of information and technicial assistance to members of Council, staff (Town, Regional and Provincial) and the public. 10. Representation at the Municipal Board (as required) . 11. Participation in staff committees (inter-departmental and Regional) as required. 12. Supervision of Technical. and Support Staff. LONG RANGE PLANNING Activities in Long Range Planning, also detailed in the "Town of Newcastle, Development Procedures Guide" (1979) and the "Department of Planning, Office Procedures" (1979) documents gener- ally include: 1. The preparation and/or review of the "District" and "Urban Area" Plans for the Town of Newcastle. 2. The preparation of Development Plans for Hamlets and Residential Neighbourhoods in Newcastle. 3. The review of amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan (and the applicable District Plans) . 4. The review and administration of consultant studies and plans. 5. Preparation of reports to the Planning and Development Committee, attendance and participation in Committee and Public Meetings as required. 6. Provision of information and technicial assistance to members of Council, staff (Town, Regional and Provincial) and the public. 7. Representation at the Municipal Board (as required) . 8. Participation in staff committees (inter-departmental and Regional) as required. 9. Supervision of Technical and Support staff. ADMINISTRATION In addition to the Current Operations and Long Range activities of the Department, there are a number of administrative items that require attention. Currently the Department remains hampered by an incomplete filing system and a lack of detailed mapping for the Town. The Work Program includes these items as on- going projects and indicates a series of status reports to the Com- mittee on the activities of the Department. The status reports are also described within "Office Procedures", (1979) and are to include a review of the Department's Budget, staff time sheets and staff performance. III. OUTSTANDING WORK AS OF JANUARY, 1980 Appendices A and B list outstanding work as of January, 1980. Work is listed by subject heading as per Section 2. Each item is briefly reviewed as to its status. 1980 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRA�A Administration JAN, FEB. MARCH APRIL I MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT I OCT. NOV. D&Z. PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS(Z)14@ 28 4)l I @25 0®24 1 14 21 ® 5@19 262( 161 7 4 D 28 411 ®25 18@22 22 2 613 2oe 3 @R @18152.2 29 PRIORITIES PRIORITY ONE WORK PROGRAM as per Current Operations and Long Term Planning PRIORITY TWO aoe000aoa Baoaoeoaa aaaoeooaa A4 aooe oBaaooaaB 9naa9aBBa9 J� BaaO 0a9aaaaB6a naaaaaaa9 6. noon 8006:1 162 611611 call STATUS REPORTS TO COMMITTEE PRIORITY THREE 35911dallo aaaoaoaao aaaanaaBa a0aa06Igo 88686866 686886860 olvagoolgi BaBa90aaaB Iflooloo vaB in-coot aaaa cool III Ia I BBaa3Itaaa STAFF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PRIORITY FOUR 6aaa6aaaa 600a6aoaa aaoaeaeoa aae6aaa66 00868806 688686868 866866866 6BOOBOaa6a 6aae666a6 Bsa6aeaa6 aeoeaa66a a6666taaa OFFICE ORGANIZATION Long Term 1980 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRAyA i Planning JAN. FEB. I MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DE—�. PLANNING a DEVELOPMENT MEETING la 21 28 4 I I @25 0&417@21 9 5@19 26*6@ 7 a 028 a 11 @25 18@2229D13 20 2 3@17 815 2�2 29 PRIORITIES PLANNER (P) (S) PRIORITY ONE 116®®®6® 1610®®68® 1e0e0eaaa NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLANS-COURTICE PLANNER S� (S) PRIORITY TWO 80818819 p 8Q0eee ®@1686®8 Oa06000p 1061x1118 po1000ae OUTSTANDING HAMLET DEV. PLA14S PLANNER (S) (S) :�IORITY THREE 0001x0®0 ®1x010080 0®®0x018 99®09900 1000@001@ 001800@@ PREPARATION OF STAGING POLICIES -COURTICE PLANNER (S) (S) PRIORITY FOUR 108081100 one 001010 tons 6vales eaee6opee 0®88080@0 p00pea0ea COURTICE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY PLANNER (S) (P) (S) (S) PRIORITY FIVE Do a nouggi gollosoll 1e6a6a01 6eaep90s8 000810®66 00800000 910@0106 e6ee66800 eoe01tE1" DISTRICT PLAN PART 2 (S) (P) (P) PRIORITY SIX 111x1@11 eeop1o1o8 e01@a10a1 DISTRICT PLAN PART 1 (S) PRIORITY SEVEN 00280200 novel 11511200111 lop SPECIAL PURPOSE AREA REZONING—COURTICE (S) PRIORITY EIGHT ()RING80891 Bangui loop 1eela:/etc DISTRICT PLAN PART 3 ONGOING ITEMS PLANNER (S) FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND locoulpano oo8paaeop couple 922 001201010 npa0eo00a 08 @091000 inguagalcol nag a22co0 0@eee0@ox0 2ponfloncen can ofI coal passel 111 F, DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY PLANNER (S) COURTICE Si ROM WATER 00aesae0ae ®0000 @801 006080008 000000 @a0 000 @00 @00 0000®0 @000 00060000® 090660900 Inecapecoul 000002 lolls oi MANAGEMENT STUDY LEGEND (S) Secondary Activity (P) Primary Activity Current Operations 1980 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WORK PROGRANI i Planning JAN. I FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY I JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. I OCT. NOV. DE--. PLANNING 3 DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS(Y)14@ 28 4 II @825 0&4 17 14 2I ® 5@ 19 262(9�XlS&C 7 42028 4►l i8 2518@22 2 613 20(2 3@17 815 2= 29 _PRIORITIES PLANNER (P) (S) PRIORITY ONE Tsal alga aaaevvgg NEWCASTLE VILLAGE BY-LAW PRIORITY TWO TECHNICIAN P S A-COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Wall agoolgvea PROPOSALS WITH COUNCIL PLANNER (S) P) APPROVAL JAN. 111980 goonIlog Ron DO ECHNICIA (S� (S (S (S) (S� B—COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL a°ao@°aRa °44 ° @ saaaaaao a 991010 Dogegggea Inc aoaoa apa @oa°a °@0800°00 cog access()��oaaDan Ia00D09o° ago DID@@ @o' PROPOSAL a�t ICI iI � 0 01g10D80 � 218080 08000/0/0 @00ag0001 B googol 0°080°°06 Booaaaaoo 00°088 onagalloo 1411813 rill, TECHNICIANS (P DRIORITY THREE ag @vegoghl�@� ! RESIDENTIAL PROPOSALS WITH ')UNCIL APPROVAL JAN. 1,1980 PLANNER P) (S) PRIORITY FOUR Daaoog9a oD18118a1 g891111g RESIDENTIAL PROPOSALS TECHNICIAN(P) S>, �S) —COURTICE v °6°886 081181gog Dee1o111 ga1eIoia a1aDDODDg 11aDVD@IIV' ECHNICIAN S) CANNER P E H PRIORITY FIVE @leflooag @Deaaoaa agooaaloa RESID.PROPOSALS-NEWCASTLE VIL PLANNER (P) PRIORITY 51X RESID. PROPOSALS—BOWMANVILLE PLANNER S} TECHNICIAN(P) PLANNER (S� PRIORITY SEVEN IovooDoa eaDlooaoo ageagllaa 11Iglgva v aaoDDDaa eaagD @ @ @Di RESID. PROPOSALS— HAMLETS PLANNER (S) f PRIORITY EIGHT @Dglaage 9091000021 aaooaeeag gvegeaoal 0a0o080Q 8000000@ 1aa6oegeae 8/0/8800 g10080g0 Boost IIoil DollII @1 @1 ALL OTHER PROPOSALS INCLUDING RURAL AREAS ONGOING ITEMS PLANNER (S) (S) (S) (S) A-SEVERANCE APPLICATIONS /0/808000 900888000 0088/68/ DID 000008 108°°0@20 0°@000°0 88gD0D01 gage Rona 0 ao 00DID2 0011a one Igloo floe aD1oaD lot, TECHNICIA (S) (S) (S) (S) PLANNER (S) (S) (S) (S) B—COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT TECHNICIA D(g) ®®®ao °8800090 (3)1ao1°1 aoalasule 10188°11 (S)880089 30101ag 9o0 1181flauna( S, 82908111 along IIID8 Islas#D.D01 PLANNER �(S) (S) (S) S) C-COMPREHENSIVE BY-LAW aaaDlg °°°agog° Sl aalool novel asset HOaaglo0a 080000 gaallo111 Da080g0aB /90008 8000 @0116 1llsixta AMENDMENT TECHNICIAN(S) ( (S) (S) PLANNER �(S) (S) (S) S) D—OTHER BY—LAWS 8Ba11o88g 88°811081 18000101 g0009D00 011911110 1Dg80088 oflouggell 801llal1 Belli loans 11°ea o°01ax LEGEND TECHNICIAN(S) (S) (S) (S) (S) Secondary Activity \c (P) Primary Activity A P P E N D I C E S A & B OUTSTANDING MATTERS APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM I SUBDIVISIONS FILE # I APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous. Newcastle 17T--19720 S-A-3-12-1 Milani and Milani Pt. L. 29, Con. 1, 100 Subdivision Agreement signed - clear Kinister's conditions Newcastle Village By-law approved by O.M.B. - execute subdivision agreement 17T-24002 S-A-1-15-6 Oakland Developments Pt. L. 18, Con. 7, 44 Draft approved by Minister - subdivision agreement with Region Ltd. Darlington of Housing re Communal Water (Enniskillen) - subdivision agreement with Town - Zoning By-law amendment - after subdivision agreements signed 17T-24689 S-A-1-12-2 Waverly Heights Pt. L. 17, Con. 5, 44 Circulated - formal appli- - resolution of servicing scheme for Darlington cation Hampton No Council action - completion of Hamlet Plan - staff report APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page 2 1 SUBDIVISIONS FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous. Newcastle 18T-24043 S-A-3-10-1 Veltri & Son Ltd. Pt. L. 29, Con. 5, 5 under review - resolution of potential problems Clarke (Orono) with servicing, access - staff report 18T-24404 S-A-1-11-1 R. Spencer Pt. L. 8, Con. 6, 10 -Draft approved - clear Minister's Conditions Darlington -By-law amendment - execute subdivision agreement -OMB approved -subdivision agreement finalized 18T-25149 S-A-3-1-3 Murray Payne Pt. L. 7 & 8, Con. 2, 68 - formal application - finalize Newtonville Hamlet Plan Clarke (Newtonville) - circulated - staff report - no Council action APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page 3 SUBDIVISIONS FILE # i APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous. Newcastle 18T-25449 S-A-1-7-2 Gatehouse Holdings Pt. L. 35, Con. 2, 395 Preliminary application - preparation of Development Plan Darlington - referred to staff for pre- - preliminary report (Courtice) liminary report 18T-74067 S-A-2-5-1 Cean Investments Pt. L. 12, Con. 2, 52 -recommended to Minister of - draft Darlington Housing for approval approval of subdivision (Bowmanville) - negotiate subdivision. agreement rezoning 18T-74080 S-A-1-15-3 1927 Investments Pt. L. 19, Con. 8, 140 - formal application circulated Darlington - no Council action - finalize Enniskillen Hamlet Plan (Enniskillen) - decision from Region re servicing - staff report to P and D I8T-75362 S-A-1-15-5 Burlceton Hills Ltd. Pt. L. 18 & 19, 52 - recommended to Minister -draft approval by Minister of Con. 10, Darlington of Housing for approval Housing -negotiate subdivision agreement -rezoning APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM � Page 4 SUBDIVISIONS FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of i Hous. Newcastle I 18T-75493 S-A-3-13-2 Narva, KSW, Erehwon Pt. L. 29 & 30, Con. 2, 680 - formal application circu- Clarke (Newcastle - completion of Newcastle Village lated Village) District Plan, also Development iPlan for area resolution of servicing problem - staff report 18T-75526 S-A-2-6-3 Schickedanz Pt. L. 8, Con. 1, - recommended for draft - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Darlington (BoC,Tmanville) 236 approval to Minister of Treatment Plant Housing, conditional on - draft approval by Minister of availability of services Housing - negotiate subdivision agreement rezoning 18T-76011 S-A-2-6-2 Penwest Developments Pt. L. 9, Con. 1, Darlington (Bowmanville) 307 - recommended for draft - completion of Soper Creek Sewage approval to Minister of Treatment P1-ant Housing, conditional on - draft approval by Minister of availability of services Housing - negotiate subdivision agreement - rezoning 18T-76020 S-A-3-13-6 S . Gujda Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, 56 - formal application circu- - completion of Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) lated p Newcastle Village District Plan, Development Plan - staff report �< 9 APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page 5 I SUBDIVISIONS FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED !Lin. of Town of i Hous. Newcastle 18T-76021 S-A-3-12-2 S. Gujda, T. Huzar Pt. L. 28, Con. 1, Clarke (Newcastle Village) 21 - recommend for approval by - Draft approval by Minister of Hous- Town ing 18T-76023 S-A-2-1-1 Belfran Realty Pt. L. 13 & 14, Con. 2, Darlington (Bowmanville 28 - Draft approval recommended - resolution of servicing prob_em ' by Town. - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Treatment Plant - staff report 18T-76025 S-A-2-4-1 4 Investments Pt. L. 14, Con. 1, 297 - draft approval of earlier - resolution of possible noise pro- Darlington (Bowmanville) plan recommended by Town blem from railway - revised plan under review - staff report by staff 18T-76027 S-A-1-6-2 Courtice Heights Pt. L. 31 & 32, Con. 2, 681 - draft approved by OMB - clear Minister conditions Darlington (Courtice) - amending By-law approved - execute subdivision agreement by OMB - subdivision agreement signed APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM � Page 4 SUBDIVISIONS FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS Min. of Town of FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED � � , Hous. Newcastle I ' 18T-75493 S-A-3-13-2 Narva, KSW, Erehwon Pt. L. 29 & 30, Con. 2, 680 - formal application circu- Clarke (Newcastle - completion of Newcastle Village lated Village) District Plan, also Development iPlan for area resolution of servicing problem staff report 18T-75526 S-A-2-6-3 Schickedanz Pt. L. 8, Con. 1, recommended for draft - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Darlington (Bowmanville) 236 approval to Minister of Treatment Plant Housing, conditional on - draft approval by Minister of availability of services Housing negotiate subdivision agreement rezoning 18T-76011 S-A-2-6-2 Penwest Developments Pt. L. 9, Con. 1, Darlington (Bowmanville) 307 - recommended for draft - completion of Soper Creek Sewage approval to Minister of Treatment Plant Housing, conditional on - draft approval by Minister of availability of services Housing - negotiate subdivision agreement - .rezoning 18T-76020 S-A-3-13-6 S. Gujda Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, 56 - formal application circu- - completion of Newcastle Village Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) lated District Plan, Development Plan staff report �C J 't'I: s APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page SUBDIVISIONS FILE # I APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous. Newcastle 18T-76071 S-A-2-1-2 LDCM Investments Pt. L. 14, Con. 2, 14 - draft approved - negotiate subdivision agreement Darlington (Bowmanville) j 18T-77001 S-A-1-10-4 Alliance - Exurban Pt. L. 34, Con. 3, 730 - preliminary application - preparation of Development Plan Darlington (Courtice) referred to staff for pre- _ preliminary report liminary report preliminary report 18T-77002 S-A-1-6-3 D.R. Agencies Pt. L. 33, Con. 2, 11 - draft approved - complete Storm Water Management Darlington (Courtice) Study - negotiate subdivision agreement - process application for rezoning 18T-77028 S-A-1-9-1 Alliance - Exurban Pt. L. 29 & 30, Con. 3, 667 - preliminary application - Storm Water Management Study Darlington (Courtice) referred to staff for - preparation of development plan preliminary report - preliminary report c APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page g SUBDIVISIONS FILE # i APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous. Newcastle 18T-77037 S-A-1-5-1 Yugo Construction Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, 4 - draft approval - disposition of related Official Darlington (Courtice) recommended by Town of New- Plan amendment application castle Council - staff report j - does not comply with Region of Durham Official Plan - applicant has submitted application for Official Plan amendment to Region 18T-77041 S-A-1-10-2 Tekla Perun Pt. L. 31, Con. 3, 121 - formal application - Storm Water Management Study Darlington (Courtice) - circulated - preparation of Development Plan - ready for report - report to P & D Committee 18T-77047 S-A-1-10-3 Durcourt Develop- Pt. L. 32, Con. 3, 493 - formal application circu- - Storm Water Management Study ments Ltd. Darlington lated - preparation of Development Plan - ready for report - Report to P & D Committee APPENDIX A WORK PROGP_*1 Page 9 SUBDIVISIONS FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous. Newcastle 18T-77066 S-A-1-13-4 Colin & Lack Pt. L. 30, Con. 4, 7 - preliminary review of appli- - preparation of Mitchell's Corners Darlington (Mitchell's cation indicated that Hamlet Plan Corners) application premature pen- - formal report to Committee ding Mitchell's Corners Hamlet Plan 18T-77067 S-A-1-11-3 Ray Abbott Pt. L. 8, Con. 7, 8 - formal application circu- - completion of Tyrone Plan Darlington (Tyrone) lated - formal report to P and D - ready for report 18T-77095 S-A-2-12-1 Schwarz Brothers Pt. L. 12 Con. 1 18 - draft a pproval recommended - CLOCA approval of proposed cut Bowmanville by Town, subject to CLOCA and fill scheme _ staff report approval site allocated sewage capacity by Council ,c APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page 10 SUBDIVISIONS FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED I Min. of Town of Hous . Newcastle 18T-77123 S-A-1-8-2 Milani & Milani Pt. L. 11, Con. 3, 46 - draft approved by Minister - negotiate subdivision agreement (Rills of Liberty N.) Darlington of Housing - OMIT hearing re By-law 79-111 - objections to implementing zoning By-law amendment not yet heard by OMB 18T-77133 S-A-3-13-1 E. Vierhout & Bowman- Pt. L. 27, Con. 2, 41 - formal application circu- - completion of Newcastle Village Dis - ville Const. Newcastle Village lated trict Plan, also Development Plan for area formal report to Planning Committe 18T-78006 S-A-3-11-1 Newcastle Shoreline Pt. Lot 25, Broken 7 - application circulated in Properties Ltd. Front Concession conjunction with Official - approval by Minister of Housing of (Jack Jacobsen Const.) Clarke Plan amendment application Amendment #14 to the Durham Official Plan - staff report 18T-78027 S-A-3-13-7 Wilswar Enterprises Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, 191 - formal application circu- - completion of Newcastle Village Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) lated District Plan, also Development - Ministry of the Environ- Plan for area ment requires further - submission by applicant of infor- information from applicant mation requested by Ministry of re; noise abatement meas- Environment ures - has not yet been - staff report received APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page Il SUBDIVISIONS FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous. Newcastle 18T-78082 S-A-1-2-2 Milani & Milani Pt. L. 16, Broken Front 20 - preliminary application - submission & circulation of Concession, Darlington Industrial formal application lots - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Treatment Plant 18T-78107 S-A-1-13-5 Ralph Davis Pt. L. 25 & 26, Con. 6, 8 - draft approved - finalize subdivision agree--ant Darlington (Solina) - zoning By-law amendment approved by Town S-A-2-6-4 D & M Developments Pt. L. 9, Con. 2, 59 - preliminary application - completion of Bowmanville Urban Ltd. Bowmanville Area Plan - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Treatment Plant - preliminary report S-A-2-4-2 Wilswar Enterprises Pt. L. 13, Con. 1, 108 - preliminary application Bowmanville -- completion of Bowmanville Urban Area Plan - completion of Soper Creek Sewage Treatment Plant - staff report APPENDIX A WORK PROGRAM Page 12 SUBDIVISIONS FILE # APPLICANT LOCATION UNITS STATUS FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED Min. of Town of Hous. Newcastle S-A-1-12-1 Super Max Pt. L. 17 & 18, Con. 5, 19 - revised application cir- - resolution of servicing problem Darlington (Hampton) culated - Hampton Development Plan - staff report S-A-1-6-5 Remlark Holdings Pt. L. 35, Con. 2, 94 - preliminary application - OMB decision re Courtice Urban Area Darlington (Courtice) designation - finalize Courtice Urban Area Plan - preliminary report 18T-79059 S-A-3-7-1 Waverly Heights Pt. L. 24, Con. 9, 26 - preliminary application - decision re; related Official Plm Clarke Plan Amendment application - staff report 18T-79067 S-A-2-5-2 Danad Properties Pt. L. 11 & 12, Con. 2, 935 - preliminary application - Development Plan Bo� manville - availability of Services - staff report S-A-1-1-3 Brooks, Lovell, Pt. L. 3 & 4, 41 - preliminary application - decision re; related Official McLellan Con. 4, Darlington Plan Amendment application - staff report - decision re; application for rezoning II CURRENT APPLICATIONS FOR REZONING FTT F APPT TrAT\TT Ln(' rTnT „)17 STATUS Z-A-1-1-2 Baypro Industrials Pt. L. 7, Con. l; Industrial Under Review - availability of services Ltd. Lot 7, BFC, Darl. - staff report - development agreement Z-A-1-2-1 Bowbrook Investments Pt. L. 14, BFC, Commercial Awaiting submission - none at this time Darlington of revised plans from applicant i-10-1 Alliance Exurban Pt. L. 34, Con. 3, Residential Awaiting decision on - none at this time Darlington (Courtice) 18T-77001 Z-A-2-1-1 Belfran Realty ' Pt. L. 13 & 14, Con. 2, Residential Awaiting draft approval - none at this time Darlington (Bowmanville) of 18T-76023 (subdivision) Z-A-2-4-1 Pythagorus Group Pt. L. 12 & 13, BFC, Commercial Awaiting submission of - none at this time Darlington revised plans from applicant Z-A-2-4-5 J. Rice Pt. L. 12, Con. 1, Residential Under Review - resolution of servicing problem Bowmanville - staff report Z-A-2-8-1 E. Samuel King St. East, Bowmanville Residential Under Review - Bowmanville Central Area Plan - staff report Z-A-3-3-1 Ridge Pine Park Pt. L. 32, 33, 34 & 35, Mobile Home Under Review - resolution of Official Plan con— Con. 1, Lots 32 & 33, Park formity BFC, Clarke - revision of Plans L - staff report II CURRENT APPLICATIONS FOR REZONING Page 2 PTTY, APPT.TrANT T nramTn\ -rvnc JT. TUJ f l: it ACI T Ii, Ki_11 Z-A-3-12-1 Narva Developments Pt. L. 30, Con. 1, Residential Under Review in con- - staff report after decision on Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) junction with subdiv- subdivision ision application Z-A-3-13-1 S. Gujda Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, Residential Under. • review in con- - staff report after decision on Newcastle Village junction with subdiv- subdivision ision Z-A-3-13-2 Pandel Holdings Manvers and George St. Residential revised Plans circu- - staff report Newcastle Village lated Z-A-3-13-3 Erehwon Developments Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, Residential Under review in con- - staff report after decision on Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) junction with subdivision subdivision Z-A-3-13-4 KSW Developments Pt. L. 30, Con. 2, Residential Under review in con- - staff report after decision on Clarke (Newcastle Vg. ) j.unction with subdivision subdivision Z-A-3-13-5 Wilswar Enterprises -Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, Residential Under review in con- - staff report after decision on Clarke (Newcastle Vg.) junction with subdivision subdivision Z-A-1-8-1 Mrs. M. Frank Pt. L. 10, Con. 4, Farm Implement -Approved by Town condit- - none at this time Darlington Dealership ional on site plan agree- ment -Awaiting submission from applicant Z-A-1-12-3 A. Jukic (Cedar Park) Pt. L. 15, Con. 6, Tourist Camp -By-law 79-10 approved by -negotiate site plan agreement Darlington Council - submitted to OMB Z-A-3-10-1 Armstrong Stores Ltd. Pt. L. 28, Con. 5, Commercial -site plan agreement adopted -OMB approval of By-law Clarke (Orono) by Council -By-law approved by Council i ?1 f .'t L7pL Page 3 FILE APPT.TrAV'(' LOC A TIO r, I N - - HIIK ltJLV /,("1'I!1\_ UL`/1fii DC"l Z-A-1-15-4 Oakland Developments Pt. L. 18, Con. 7, Residential (Randy Jeffrey) Darlington Application approved -applicant to negotiate (Enniskillen) conditionally by Council a subdivision agreement with Town and Region Z-A-3-12-5 Windsweep Farms -preparation of By-law Pt. L. 28, BFC, Seasonal Clarke Approved on condition Residential that site plan agreement study-completion of waterfront (Newcastle Village) be negotiated -staff report on revised Plan later revised by proposal applicant -negotiate site plan agree- Z-A-3-12-6 Granville Chambers ment Pt. L. 30, Con. 1, Industrial Clarke Under Review -staff report (Newcastle Village) Z-A-1-5-4 Richard Gay Pt. L. 29 & 30, Commercial Under Review Con. 2, Darlington -finalize Courtice Urban Area Plan Z-A-1-7-3 Wm. Watson Pt. L. 31, Con, 1, -staff report Industrial Under Review . Darlington -development agreement Z-A-1-2-4 Harry Locke Pt. L. 15, Con. 1, -By-law amendment Commercial Under Review - staff -submission by applicant Darlington report referred back to of revised site plan staff for further con- -staff repor sideration Z-A-3-11-3 Isobel Wright Block 48, Hannin s g Residential Under Review Plan, Newcastle Vg. -Official Plan amendment Z-A-2-7-1 Veltri & Son Pt. L. 11 & 12, -staff report Residential Circulated -staff report Con. 1, Darlington (Bowmanville) Z-A-2-6-3 Brooking Transport Pt. L. 10, Con. 2, Industrial By-law approved b Darlington Y -site plan agreement (Bowmianville) Council -circulation of amending By-law �S FOR R 'Z0IqING Page TILF APPT.TrAV'T' L C A T T ON T 1 i w ,N i7 LI A Z-A-1-6-3 Oshawa Mote j" Pt. L. 33, Con. 2, Commercial Circulated Darlington -staff report Z-A-2-4-7 Veltri & Son Queen Street Residential Circulated -staff report Bowmanville Z-A-1-4-4 Preston, S, Pt. L. 21, Con. 2, Commercial Staff report refer- -submission by applicant Darlington red back to staff for of revised site plan negotiation with appli- -staff report cant Z `--10-2 Wm. McBride Pt. L. 29, Con. 2, Residential Circulated Clarke -staff report Z-A-3-2-3 Schweizer Pt. L. 15, Con. 2, Commercial By-law approved by Clarke -none at this time Council Objections to By-law 79-106 to be heard by OMB Z-A-3-13-6 Mychalchuk Pt. L. 26, Con. 2, Mobile Home Circulated .Clarke Park -staff report Z-A-3-11-4 Newcastle Lodge Pt. L. 27, Con. 1, Residential By-law approved b y for Senior Citizens Clarke -OMB approval of By-law (Newcastle Village) Council, submitted -negotiate site plan agree- to OMB for approval ment Z-A-3-12-8 Vanhaverbeke Projects King St. W. , Commercial Under review -staff report Newcastle Village Z-A-2-11-2 MacDonald Ford Sales King St. & St. George Commercial Under review -staff report St. , Bowmanville Z-A-3-6-5 Denis Prue Pt. L. 32, Con. 7, Residential By-law 79-136 approved -none at this time Clarke by Council Circulated i� li??}Z�N'i Rr.•:('iililG i Page 5 I' E" T r I_ 4P PLLCA'3T LOCATION llr :i ,' v nr',i i i.i uciirrruci iaiiij Z-A-3-11-5 Cooper Pt. L. 27, Con. 1, Industrial & By-law 79-133 -none at this time V ! Newcastle Village Commercial approved by Council Circulated Z-A-1-2-5 Wm. Bennett Pt. L. 23, BFC, Industrial By-law 79-138 approved -none at this time Darlington Home Occupation by Council Circulated Z-A-3-7-5 Irwin Pt. L. 24, Con. 6, Commercial Under review -staff report Clarke Z-A-3-2-4 The Clay Pot Pt. L. 18, Con. 1, Commercial Under review -staff report Clarke Z-A-2-6-4 Bowmanville Zoo Pt. L. 8, Con. 1, Mobile Home Under review -staff report Bowmanville Park & Zoo Z-A-3-12-9 Bond Head Harbour Pt. L. 28, 29 & 30, Seasonal Residen- Under review -finalize waterfront Village BFC, Newcastle Vg. tial & senior citizens plan -staff report Z-A-1-6-4 D.R. Agencies Pt. L. 32 & 33, Con. 2, Commercial & Under review -staff report . Darlington Residential Z-A-1-1-5 Brooks, Lovell, Pt. L. 3 & 4, Con. 4, Estate Residential Under review in con- -decision on O.P.A. McLellan Darlington junction with applications and subdivision for subdivision & O.P.A. -staff report Z-A-1-8-2 Rills of Liberty Pt. L. 11, Con. 3, Estate Residential By-law 79-111 approved -Ontario Municipal Board North Darlington by Council Hearing Objections filed to By-law Z-A-2-13-1 Darlington Marina Pt. L. 10, BFC. , Marine Commercial Under review -staff report Bowmanville Z-A-1-7-4 Ron Amyotte Pt. L. 31 & 32, BFC Industrial Under review -submission of engineering Darlington report by applicant -staff report ' 9 .q1; t Page 6 FILL APPL1C N' LCCITIC'; nrPt riv t,cnrrrnci� Z-A-1-6-5 Texaco Inc. Pt. L. 13, Con, 1, s, c�S3 Commercial Under review Bowmanville -staff report Z-A-2-4-8 J. Chow Pt. L. 13, Con. 1, Commercial Under review Bowmanville -staff report Z-A-3-9-2 Dora May McLaren Pt. L. 28, Con. 5, ' Residential Under review Clarke -staff report f1-A-3-13-8 Syvan Investments/ Pt. L. 28, Con. 2, Commercial Lucbar Investments Newcastle Village Under review -staff report Z-A-3-13-7 Howard Quinney Pt. L. 28, Con, 2, Residential Under review Newcastle Village -staff report Z-A-3-10-4 Mike Mangar Pt. L. 28, Con. 5, Commercial Under review Clarke -staff report i III DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS AND SUBDTVTSTON AGREEMENTS Planning staff input is required to review and assist in the preparation of development agreements or subdivision agreements for all draft approved plans of subdivision, as well as certain in- dustrial and commercial developments, as required by Council. The following is a list of proposals, which require staff input at this time: - Davis Subdivision Solina - LDCM Investments Subdivision Bowmanville - Rills of Liberty North Bowmanville - William Watson Courtice - Newcastle Lodge for Newcastle Village Senior Citizens - Brooking Transport Bowmanville - Spencer Subdivision Tyrone - Burketon Hills Developments Burketon - Sucee Subdivision Burketon - D.R. Agencies Subdivision Courtice - Cedar Park Darlington - Windsweep Farms Newcastle Village IV OTHER ITEMS RL;QUIRINC ACTION - Amendment to Bowmanville Zoning By-law for Taxi Stand - review of Bowmanville Zoning By-law - consolidation and amendment - completion of Darlington Zoning By-law consolidation - policies for Mobile Home parks - formulate policy and guidelines for possible rezoning of lands in rural areas where infilling permitted - policy for kennel licences in Darlington - are they in- cluded in lot frontage and lot area exemption - Salvage Yard By-law - Tourist Camp Licence - Topsoil Preservation Act - review of Sign By-law APPENDIX B WORK PROGRAM Long Range Planning - Outstanding Projects PROJECT STATUS Courtice Urban Area Plan - Council approved Requires : Regional approval Ministerial approval Courtice Neighbourhood - Development plans for residential Development Plans neighbourhoods underway Requires: background studies (eg storm water management) draft document circulation presentation to Council pubic input review and revision Council approval Bowmanville Urban Area Plan - Background studies completed Requires : draft document circulation presentation to Council public input review and revision Council approval Regional approval Ministerial approval — a — PROJECT STATUS Newcastle Village Urban - Draft document completed Area Plan - Presented to Committee - Referred back to staff - Requires: review and revision circulation presentation to Council public input Council approval Regional approval 11inisterial approval Development Plans - Haydon/Tyrone - Draft document completed - Presented to Council - Circulated - Public Input received - Requires : review and revision Council approval Enniskillen/Newtonville - Draft documents completed - Presented to Council - Presented to Public - Circulated - Requires: review and revision Council approval (Enniskillen also requires an Official Plan Amendment) All Other Hamlets - Requires: draft documents circulation presentation to Council public input review and revision Council approval 3 - PROJECT STATUS Other Matters Newcastle District Plan - Background studies underway - Requires : draft document circulation presentation to Council public input review and revision Council approval Regional approval Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law - Requires: review and revision of draft document presentation to Council public meetings Council approval Official Plan Amendments - Following applications presently being processed as active files : - 76-35/D, Waverly Heights - 75-32/D, Schickedanz - 75-29/D, D. McLellan - 79-15/D, Waterfront Plan - 79-42/ND, Courtice Urban Area Plan - 79-6/D, Edward Gabourie - 79-46/D, Windsweep Farms c