HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-25-89 REPORT #2 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORTS # Res. # By-Law # METING: COUNCIL DATE: NOVEMBER 27, 1989 REPORT #: CD -25-89 FILE #: SLB,JECT: PARKS POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17, 1989 RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the minutes of the Parks Policy Committee Meeting held on November 17, 1989 be adopted as circulated. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PARK POLICY M[EE ING MIN MS OF A MEETING OF THE PARKS POLICY COMMITTEE HELD ON FRIDAY NOVEMBER 17,1989 AT 1:00 P.M. IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES MEETING ROOM ROLL CALL Present were. Councillor, D. Hamre. Chairman Councillor, F. Stapleton R Allen Absent: Mayor M_ Hubbard Also Present: J Carnana, Director of Community Services F. Wu, Director of Planning Development M. Knight, Deputy Clerk The Committee was advised that A. Dreslinski has resigned from the Parks Policy Committee. The Director of Community Services was directed to contact Mrs. Dreslinski and request her resignation in writing. Resolution #PPC-8-89 THAT the Minutes of the Parks Policy Committee Meeting held on March 17, 1989 be adopted_ 1. West View Heights Parkette- Newcastle Village 01990 Budget Consideration's Verbal Report The Director of Community Services advised that, pursuant to the request of a delegation that the exmtmg park be developed into a fully serviced park and playground, he wished to bring this to the attention of the committee for their consideration. The existing park has been servicing the needs of the area residents for approximately 15 years. The Foster Creek,from Highway #2 South to Highway #401, will eventually be developed. It was the general consensus that the existing park can be enhance and upgraded with a minimums monetary requirement and that this matter should be addressed in the 1990 budget deliberations. Resolution #PPC-9-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by R. Allen THAT the verbal report of the Director of Community Services pertaining to West View Heights Parkette,Newcastle Village, the received and referred to the 1990 Budget Discussions, Parks Policy Committee 2- November 17, 1989 2. Park Maintenance - Staffing- Overview - Verbal Report The Director of Community Services advised that as of 1990 there w.t'll be a fifty one percent (51%) increase in Parkland which regimes maintenance. This will regime the birnig of approximately 5 or 6 seasonal staff members. The Director of Community Services will be presenting seven to eight packages to Council where in he will accentuate responsibilities which include the hiring of a Harborist and Horbeulturahst whose specialized talents are essential to provide the high level of service required for a viable community with a vision for the future. Resolution #PPC-10-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by R. Allen THAT the verbal report Of the Director of Community Services pertaining to Park Maintenance be received. nvn w RR 3. Naming of New Parks (Poliev) �MW �J 7 Resolution #PPG11-89 Moved by R. Allen, seconded by Councillor Stapleton L THAT the Director of Community Services report pertaining to policy _ Naming of Parks be received;AND 2. THAT the Director of Community Services be authorized to proceed with the preparation of a policy regarding of the naming of parks,for review by the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board and report back to the Parks Policy Committee before proceeding to the General purpose and Administr-a ion Committee. we,,& RTF il" 4. Orono Woods Walk Park The Director Of Community Services advised that the Orono Woods Walk Park wf be addressed as part of the overall scheme in the Master Plan Review. No fiords have been allocated for detail design of the Orono Woods Park in the 1989 budget but an amount of$75,000 will be allocated for preparation of the detail design and first phase developments of the Park in 1990. Resolution #PPG12-89 Moved.by COUMMOr Stapleton, seconded by R. Allen THAT the verbal report of the Director of Community services pertaining to Orono Woods Walk Park be received_ Parks Policy Committee -3- November 17, 1989 5. Other Business Resolution #PPC-13-89 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by R. Allen THAT the successful consultants for the Recreationa aisure Master Plan be requested to meet with the Parks Policy Committee for it's input in the preparation process of the Master Plan. nCiARRI The next Meeting of the Park Policy Committee is scheduled, for Friday, December 15, 1989 at 9:30 A.M. in the Community Services Meeting Room, third floor. The Dui ector of Community Services gave a brief commentary on the recommendations pertaining to Parks contained in the 1990 Budget. If possible, he will bring a copy of the Parks Budget to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Councillor Stapleton suggested that Zion Park be given financial consideration in the 1990 Budget deliberations. 6. Adjournment Resolution #PPC-1489 Moved by R. Allen, seconded by Councillor Stapleton THAT the Meeting adjourn at 2:05 P.M. n!�A'U777TTn h !� D CHAl�N I- LJ; C,CT 7 L 2 ��-�F S. PARK POLICY COWAITTEE —E—1�1 MEETING OF FRIDAY, NOVEMBER j , 1989 COMMUNITY SERVICES MEETING ROOM -- 3RD FLOOR NEWCASTLE TOWN HALL 1. Westview Heights Parkette - Ne)gcastle Villa e ( 1990 Budget Consideration) 2 ._ Park Maintenance - Staffing - Overview 3. Naming of New Parks (Policy) 4 • Orono Woods Walk Vark 5. Other Business 6 . Adjournment NEXT MEETING FRIDAY, C)64 / Z l 1989 -------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------- PLE- --- 2�.......... POLICY/NYVNING OF PARKS C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT rile # Res. # --- By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: September 1989 REPORT #: CS- -89 FILE #: SUB.ECT: POLICY/NAMING OF PARRS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfu ly recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recomme d to,.Council the following:- 1. That-Report No. CS 89 be received and approved; 2. That staff report with a recommended official name for each existing park or open space; 3. That the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board be advised of the recommended official names and that the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board seek input from th local communities and report back to the Community Services Department o the acceptability and/or other recommended names; 4. That the Community Services Department ubmit a final recommendation of official names for the approval of Counci ; . ./2 r J2EPORT CS- -89 - 2 - September , 1989 5. That in future parks the official name to be approved by Council shall firstly where appropriate be named similarly to the abutting school and secondly after an appropriate abutting street; and 6. Council may wish in extra-ordinary circumstances to choose other names where it has been; a) a condition of purchase, b) a condition as a gift or donation 'of the site, c) important to preserve a previous historical name commonly used that would best identify the site, d) whereby Council for other reasons finds it desirable. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 Prior to the formation of the Town of Newcastle, Bowmanville and the various Villages and Hamlets which now comprise the Town had little need to identify their local park. Local recreational needs were for the most part met within each community and the naming and signing of parks was unnecessary. 2.0 C0MMENZ5: 2.1 With amalgamation in 1974 which incorporated 235 square miles into the Town of Newcastle and with the rapid growth experienced over the past few years and expected over the next decade, a more cosmopolitan expectation towards recreational opportunities will be expected. As development takes place the public will seek these opportunities farther afield and more intensely. This intense use along with the population increase will in time necessitate the creation of a by-law to regulate and control the proper and intended use of parks and other Town owned lands. Zb enforce such a by-law, it will be necessary to name and sign the properties. Naming and signing of parks will also enhance the school/park sites as the focal point for neighborhood identity and will lead ultimately to building of a sense of community. . ./3 REPORT CS- -89 - 3 - September , 1989 3.0 METHODS OF NAMING PARKS: 3.1 There is a need to recognize within the community as a whole historical names, settlers, elected officials post humously living residents and national heroes who have made a significant contribution to the community, Ontario or Canada for which special recognition would seem appropriate. To that end the naming of streets or schools, hospitals, airports etc. have been traditional areas and sufficient opportunity exists in these categories. It is our view there is no need to expand the practice in a widespread manner into parks. 3.2 A poling of the four other Durham Region Municipalities has determined that both Whitby and Oshawa have developed an approved policy or rules for naming of parks while Ajax and Pickering's staff recommend to Council suggested names. Either method is equally acceptable. Generally all four Municipalities with few exceptions purposly name the park after an abutting school or adjacent street. It has been their experience and belief that to name parks differently than abutting schools and streets often results in the public ignoring the official name and applying their own (adjacent school or street) . Park names which relate to streets or schools are readily identifiable to local and more distant residents alike. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Joseph P. Caruana, Director Lawrence E. Kotseff Department of Community Services Chief Administrative Officer JPC:JDC:sa THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA 50 CENTRE STREET SOUTH "`--- OSHAWA, ONTARIO TEL: (416) 725-7351 FAX. TEL: (416)436-5618 - T0: Jim Cameron . Community Services Department Town of Newcastle FAX TEL. NO. (416) 623-4169 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: FROM: C. C. Pell , Director, Recreation Division Community Services Department City of Oshawa, 50 Centre Street, Oshawa, Ontario DEPARTMENT: Community Servi ea Department SUBJECT: Naming of Parks and facilities # OF PAGES: two DATE: 1989 03 01 (Including this page) TRANSMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: VOICE REQUEST ❑ SECURE SEND ❑ CONFIRM COMMENTS: �d. %THIRTEENTH Report of Community Services Committee City Council approved 1988 06 zp 5• 'lamin of arks and facilities RECOMMENDATION 1• City of Oshawa parks, recreation buildings (or rooms within buildings) and outdoor recreation facilities shall be named or renamed in accordance with the following guidelines: a) the name of the community area which the park or recreation building will serve; b) the name of the street on which the park or recreation building is c) an historically significant name in terms of famour pioneers, settlements, establishment of incidents applied to the area in which the park or recreation building is located; d) topographical or unique characteristics of the site; e) after persons who donate land or contribute substantially with monies for the purchase of land or construction of a recreation facility; f) after persons who have been recognized as having made a significant contribution to our society in the City, Province or Country. The park or recreation building will not be named after a current employee of the City or member of the City Council; and, 3) discussions by elected representatives regarding the selection of names for parkland, recreation buildings and rooms within recreation buildings shall be held 'In Camera', 2. Names of parkland, recreation buildings and rooms within recreation buildings shall be recommended by the Community Services Department using the aforementioned criteria as a guideline with the Community Services Committee to ratify such selections and City Council shall have final approval of such selections. t A a L L. _i i l i V 1` • ..� \ .. ._ ♦i \ ',/ -. a i a t L . n jh� Re9i�nat F�S�n �:�s;ity pf Oi�rtlam. MUNICIPAL, BUILDING 575 Roseland Rosd Fast Telepnone •• Whitby, Ontario at8$8g Seo3 Canada L I N ZM8 FAX NO. (416) 686-7005 F A X T R A N S M I S S I 0 N TO: DEPT: ✓ � � (� COMPANY: FROM: �- 77 f O rro L lj DEPT: p ("--) K c WE ARE TRANSMITTING PAGES ( INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE) . IF TRANSMISSION IS INCOMPLETE PLEASE TELEPHONE: (416) 668-5803 OR (416) 686-2621 (Toronto Access Ltne) AND SPEAK WITH: 3 TOWN Or tAWCASTLE Cow'"J ky Services COO- November 22, 1988 �UBJ�CT Naming of Municipal Park% tC__r.(7h�t�BNDo__AT�I ON 1 . That Council approve the recommended corporate policies and procedures for naming new Municipal parks as per Attachment No. 1 to Parks and Recreation Director' s Report, Item 67-88; and , 2. That Council further approve the use of current park names as per Attachment No. 2 to Parks and Recreation Director' s Report, Item 67-88 , which have been in existence informally for some time. �Rl{�IN Parks and Recreation Director ' s Report , Itom 67-88, originates with the Parks and Recreation Department . BI�AI�YS I S The purpose of this staff report is that of officially naming existing Municipal parks and also recommending a method whereby new parks , usually through development , are officially named and in advance of its construction. Accordingly, the balance of this report addresses: these two (2) items. Namina gf Existino MunJcia41 Perks The Town of Whitby currently has 78 Municipal Parks/open space areas which are made up of local , district, Town parks, vallwylands and trails . Of the 78 parks and open %pace 4raes in the Town ' s inventory only 6 areas have been officially signed by the Municipality. The parks which have been signed originated through the Municipality' s involvement with service clubs, (i .w. Adopt-a-Park ) or through soma historical significance rwlated to a property. After reviewing the subject matter, staff have determined that although many of the parks are not signed in Whitby, Town staff and community users unofficially purposes. assigned names to parks for reference It is evident through our research that many of our unof#icial C;.isti ,g original subdivis:iondevelopmentl for wxmmplep Forester Park . Therefore, through this r ort , Its ere recommending that Council adopt the parks 'Iarnec listed on Attachment No. 2 to Parks and Recreation Director ' s Report , Item No . 67-88. 2 - November 22, 1988 Many of the recommended names listed wears formulated on the basie of , (a ) Where the community has been rvferring to an existing park by a specific name for some time ( b) Applying the policies and recommended where a developer' s name ehas abeen bused in the past; and, (c ) Any historical significance to a park property which may have been previously discussed and agreed upon during the subdivision agreements stage in relation to previous Council commitments on a park name. To alleviate any confusion in the future related to when and how park names are selected, the Department has developed a criteria to use. Staff feel that it is very important that the name of the park be recommended by Town staff at the time of commenting on draft plan of subdivision proposal ,.. Staff will use the following criteria in selecting names for new parks in Whitby. A local , district or Town park which is being planned to parallel an arterial road or local road will be named after one of these roads . • In situations where a park has more than one road paralleling it, the primary road will be given 4� first priority. Where parks on it a road has one or more the second park will be named on the basis of the local intersecting road which parallels the park . • Parks which do not parallel a landmark roads but parallel in the Municipality such as a will be flamed after the identified landmark . craek , • Parks approved by Council as service clubs will bare the name oofathepa�Qa vibe club. In situations where a seri organization vce club or wishes to adopt an existing park the name of the service club should by the existing name of included with the park. For example, Rotary Centennial Park. Park locations with historical named ignificanCe can be accordi accordingly at draft plan sta commented on by Town staff. ge when being • Parks which are enlarged in uiza separated physicall and are not name of the Y. will maintain the original perk . � The major emphasis of the recommended by the Department lis to d ensure that being Official park name is given to Municipal re hat an very early stage, This will allow the at a community to refer to the names of Public in the are developed in the of new parks as they impor�tare c -hen there y' This i9 extremely and are active facilities in Parents must loeater these facilities , the park If at any time a must Park which has been officially named, be renamed to accommodat® rBCOmmertd that the community, staff the original name of the park remain Item 67-6U - 3 - November 22 , 1988 along with the additional name being requested . In this way , staff feel that the public will be less confused in terms of locating parks , etc . N*min❑ Qf Pgrks tQ 1�x Con11tructed With relation to new parks , the Town ' s p®rkland development policies cover the installation of signs at the time that facilities are being erected in the park . 2AMMA r v Staff in the Parks and Recreation Department realize that until the majority of the Town ' s existing parks are signed , the public may refer to various parks under different names . However, as the Department improves existing parks , proper signs "ill be erected , etc . KL INB N/A BLTERNATIV n N/A FINANCra ��t�EEATION N/A HOsds aLLa � d ft F. ft PISA. 1 THE OOMPORATIQ QE Ita I 9E �JHITHY P9L� PROO�DUR� SUBJECT ; The Naming of Municipal Parks DATE ADOPTED OR RECEIVED BY COUNCIL; RESOLUTION NUMBER; RECOMMENDATION FROM Parks and Recreation Director' s Report, Item 67-80 SUMMARYi It is a responsibility of the Town of Whitby to censure that Municipal local , district and Town parks are properly identified and signed for the convenience of the public . Through a Municipal park signage program, the public will be able to refer to a park by name when dealing with the Municipality or in referring people to various park locations. The official naming of a park will originate through Town staff at the draft plan of subdivision stage. Town staff will use the following policies and procedures when Town Of Whitby. recommending names for new parks in thv Uaming i r gLtS A P rk s Staff will rvvierw the historical significance of park property to determine if thmrer are any Property owner requests registered with thv Town . • Subject to the lack of historical request for the subject property, staff will review the location of the perk in terms of its proximity to any landmark , "creeks" and/or "valleyland" which is in close proximity to the park . • Staff will bring forward any service letters of raquept by clubs/organizations which may be interested in adopting a park for Council ' s consideration . Subject to Council ' s approval , a park may be named after an organization . • Under normal conditions where there are no extenuating historical circumstances or landmarks, Municipal parks in the Town of Whitby will be named after the arterial or local road which abutts the park . In cases where there may be more than one Municipal park on a street, the park In question may be named after a paralleling intersecting street. POLICY PROCEDURE PAGE 2 8UDJECT: The Naming of Municipal Parks 8UMMARYi (CONTINUED ) f pa a t 12 Rgt a ® aar, L&Lw tng Park If a member of the public or organization regwwats the renaming of a Municipal park and Council Concurs with the request, the new name should include some reference to the original name of the park . For example, "Heydenshore Kiwanis Park" . ATTACHMEN' ----------ax-,ccc=va-----aC aax=a-------an-��nSS-v--aa—o�=CCC�=Cq- 1 NC. ! UNOFFICIAL NAME I CRITERIA USED ! RECOMMENDED NF I -------..-anmxxszae:----------a-xa.c xecn ANNES STREET PARK I I lANNES AND DAWSON STREETS ;ANNES PARK ; ASHBURN PARK tASHBURN ROAD 3 ) ASH CREEK CHANNEL !LANDMARK-OPEN IASHBURN PARK 4 ; ASH CREEK NEIGHSHOURHOODIRESENCYSTREETSPACE IASH CREEK TRAIL 5 : BLAIR PARK lROSEDALE DRIVE IREGENCY PARK 6 ! BLUEGRASS MEADOWS N & S ; LANDMARK-OPEN SPACE IROSEDALE PARK 7 ; BRADLEY PARK (SCOTT TRAIL B IBROOKLIN KINSMEN PARK ;HISTORICAL ISRADL.EY PARK 9 ; BROOKLIN MEMORIAL PARK ;HIISTORICAL IBROOKLIN KINSMEN P 10 ; CALAIS PARK ISROOKLIN MEMORIAL 11 ) CENOTAPH ( CALAIS 8TREET ( CALAIS PARK 12 ICENTRAL PARK !HISTORICAL ICENOTAPH 13 ! COLLEGE DOWNS PARK (HISTORICAL ; CENTRAL PARK 14 ;HISTORICAL LANDMARK ; CORONATION PARK !COLLEGE DOWNS' PARK 15 ; MYRTLE PARKETTE HISTORICAL ! CORONATION PARK fHI8TORICALLY USED NAME ; MYRTLE PARKETTE 16 ! D ' HILLIER PARK ; D ' HILLIER Px RESOLUTE STS ; 17 ! ELIZABETH CRESCENT' PARK ; HISTORICALLY USED NAME ! ELIZABETH CRESCENT 18 ; FAREWELL ESTATES PARK ; POWELL ROAD/CAWKER CT 19 ! SSER PARK ; KIRBY CRESCENT/WOODLAWN :KIIRBYL 20 ! GRASS SS PARK ;HISTORICAL P 21 IHEYDENSHORE PARK IGRASS PARK 22 ! HUTCHINSON PARK ILUPIN DRIVE IHEYDENSHORE KIWANIE 23 ; IROQUOIS BEACH PARK ; LUPIN DRIVE ; HISTORICAL !LUPIN PARK 24 ; JEFFERY STREET PARK ; IROQUOIS BEACH PARk 25 !JOVIAL PARK lJEFFERY STREET ( GLEN HILL DRIVE ! JEFFERY PARK IKENDALWOOD PARK IGLEN HILL PARK � ; KINSMEN PARK IHISTOft -PA ; HURON PARK 26 ! LAKE PARK :ADOPT-A-PARK ; KINSMEN PARK 29 ( MYRTLE COMMUNITY PARK (LANDMARK ILAKE PARK 30 ; NICHOL AVENUE PARKETTE IHISTORICALLY USED NAME ;MYRTLE COMMUNITY PA 31 ! OTTER CREEK EAST PARK IHISTORICALLY USED NAME OTTER LICK PARK I 32 ! OTTER CREEK WEST PARK ; RENFIELD/GUTHRER CREEK PARK IE CRESC. OTT 33 : PALMERSTON PARK !©UTHRTE PARK 34 ; PEEL PARK :PALMERSTON AVENUE 35 ! PHILLIPS—KOZAROFF PARK ! HISTORICALLY USED NAME ;PALMERSTON PARK 36 PARK PEEL PARK 1ROBINSON CRESCENT ; PHILLIPS-KOZARUFF P, 37 ! ROBINSON; ROSMAR PARK ! HIGHWAY 12/ROHMAR STREET lROBMAROP PARK 3B ! ROTARY CENTENNIAL PARK ;ADOPT-A-PARK 39 ! PORT WHITBY PARK-WATSON ; WATSON/BROCK STREETS RK !ROTARY CENTENNIAL PE 40 IWILLOW PARK !HISTORICALLY USED NAME ! WATSON! WILLOW P 41 ! Nip PARK I WA PARK 42 ; IROQUOIS PARK IASH STREET ARK 43 :CROQUO PHASE I IHISTORICAL :ASH PARK 44 : COSCAN PHASE V-I-BLOCK A tFALLIN BROOK STREET $T8IFALLI GB PARK 45 ICOSCAN PHASE VI-BLOCK B ICHIPPERFIELD/ENNI8 LD ICHIPPEOBROOK PARK 46 lPRINGLE CREEK PARK CHIPPERFIELD PARKETT !LANDMARK R !ENNIS CLAIR PARKETTE 47 : WINDSOR BAY PARK :HISTORICAL lPRINOLE CREEK PARK 48 ; ALTONE SUBDIVISION (WINDSOR BAY PARK 44 ! BRADLEY FR. S. /PARAM. II rPILAKIRNGTON/EROBINSON CREB IPI' 50 ! BRADLEY Ft�RM S. , tBLLKI PARKETTE 51 COUNTRY BLOCK j ! BANNING/HARRISON/GRAHAM `-KINoPA PARKETTE ! FIRST CITYY/BLOCK/B2/S, ( SUGAR MAPLE STREET IMANNTNG PARKETTE T OTTER CREEK/BLOCK G ( WOOD/LONG DRIVES ( SUGAR MAPLE PARK tHOLLIDAY DRIVE ; LONOWOOD PARK 54 ! OTTER CREEK/BLOCK A/B 55 ; PARAMOUNT IMCQUAY BLVD/GOODFELLOW ! HOLLIDAY TRAIL 56 IWESTDALE ESTATES OCK 91 ; HA58ETT BOUELVARD BASSET TRAIL ( EVERGREEN/HAZELWOOD STS ; BASSET? PARK 57 ! WHITBY ESTATES BLOCK C ; GREENFIELD CRESCENT 58 lGLENAYR HEIGHTS PHASE I ; ; HAZELWOOD PARK 59 ; GLENWAY PHASE II PARK WM STEPHENSON/BLENAYR ( GREENFIELD PARKETTE 60 ( GLENWAY PHASE IWINFIELD CRESCENT ISLENAYR PARK II PARKETTtBRADLEY DRIVE/MARTINET IWINFIELD PARK cSl PHASE SUB . PARK —T=- -t FOREST HEIGHTS IMARTINET PARKETTE IFOREST HEIGHTS PARK mxr=x==xaaer�a—a----------cam_..._ axx-xs.- .r� a=---- -----Qa--r��... Pagm s:ac-=>as...:r.a.._-3aaac—__a:a=;—¢ae==taaaa C3csaz==as:;=Ya ao9 y:aa zcrw as C=ta aasaaa.sl ' { t NO. ; UNOFFICIAL NAME { CRITERIA USED ! RECOMMENDED NAME 1 { ..c=__a.us..�__—a:C�=2saaC===saC3=3ao�==saa�S SOaaR=SSotKC=L av8t0 @trsa0a: [al R6Sb aai Caa a 62 : GRAYWOUD SUB . PARK 2 !FOREST HEIGHTS/MAPLE GLEN ;MAPLE GLEN PARK 63 ! GROUP 2 ! HISTORICAL l iCELLORYN DISTRICT PARK IRDF PHASE II !HISTORICAL IKAPUSCINSKI PARK ICORVINELLI SUBDIVISION ! HAROLD STREET IHAROLD PARK 60 ! BRADLEY FARM NORTH ILANDMARK—CIVIC CENTRE ICIVIC CENTRE PARK 67 ; MARC0S SUBDIVISION IBURNS STREET IBURNS PARK 68 IRDF OPEN SPACE lCOCHRANE STREET ICOCHRANE TRAIL. 69 ! AREA BET. BURNS/DUNDAS ! BURNS/DUNDAS STREETS IDUNDAS TRAIL 70 ! AREA BET. BURNS/401 ! BURNS/401 IBURNS TRAIL. 71 : JEFFERY ST BL A/E & EASTILANDMARK--CREEK ILYNDE CREEK TRAIL 72 ! PARAMOUNT I BLOCK A ; LANDMARK—CREEK IPRINGLB CREEK TRAIL 73 ! 416807 ONTARIO LTD SUB. ; MANNING ROAD IMANNING TRAIL 74 lHANOVER CT SUB. OPEN SP. IBONACORD AVENUE IBONACORD TRAIL 75 : W'ESTWOOD OPEN SPACE ; FOREST/MEADOW/WESTWOOD : WESTWOOD TRAIL 76 ; OTTER CREEK SUBDIVISION ! LANDMARK—OPEN SPACE (OTTER CREEK TRAIL 77 ICOSCAN PHASE V & VI ;ANDERSON STREET 1ANDERSON TRAIL 79 ! OTTER CREEK SUB. B/I ILANDMARK—OPEN SPACE (OTTER CREEK TRAIL I I 1 � I ! I i ! i I I ! I 1 � I ' I I ' 1 I ; I 1 i ! I I ! � I I I � I i I I t 1 ! ! I ' I t ! � I t I I I � I I I I 1 ' I I I I � I ! I ! 1 I 1 I ' 1 ! ! i ! I ' I I I ! I I i I ! ! 1 t ! I t ! t _. .._ .--•-r a e-- ----------- I -- ---sar.c.za..ucoazxrsa=:z=daa=bra=mot-=aeaaae■ G.P.A. Minutes - 20 - June 19, 1989 COMMUNITY SERVICES Courtice Park Association Update - File: 35.60.28 Resolution $GPA-499-89 Moved by Councillor Deegan, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report.No. CS-22-89 be received; THAT Community Services Department staff proceed with addressing Newcastle's concerns about boundaries in this matter to the City of Oshawa Community Services Department and, in conjunction with the Courtic Park Association to the Oshawa Central Council of Neighbourhood Associations; and THAT the Courtice and Zion Park Associations receive a copy of Report No. CS-22-89 and be informed of action taken by Council. Location of Playground Apparatus - Foster Creek Phase I Park - Village of Newcastle - File: 68.31.3 Resolution #GPA--500-89 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Wotten THAT Report CS-23-89 be received; THAT Option 5 stating that no further action be taken be approved; and THAT Mrs. Inglis be so advised; THAT the delegation of Mrs. Beddard be acknowledged and she be advised of actions taken; and THAT the Westview Heights Parkette located on Sunset Boulevard, Newcastle Village, be included on the Parks Policy agenda FORTHWITH. "CARRIID" Community Services Department 1989-90 Program Fees and Facility Rates File: 68.31.4 Resolution #GPA-501-89 Moved by Councillor Hamre, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report No. CS-24-89 be received; THAT the proposed 1989-90 program fees and facility rates be approved (Schedule 1, to Report No. CS-24-89) ; THAT the new rates and fees become effective as of September 1, 1989 for Fall and Winter rates and January 1, 1990 for rates affecting summer users; and � n r . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # �� 3 Res_ # By-Law # hEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: June 19,1989 REPORT #: CS-23-89 FILE #: SUB,ECT: LOCATION OF PLAYGROUND APPARATUS - FOSTER CREEK PHASE I PARK - VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to council the following:- 1. That Report CS-23-89 be received; 2. That Option 5 stating that no further action be taken be approved; and 3. That Mrs. Inglis be so advised. 1.0 BACKGROUND.: 1.1 Foster Creek Parkette is located in the Village of Newcastle south of Highway #2 and between the forks of Wilmot Creek. The park consists of a narrow wedge of raised tableland immediately adjacent the west side of Wilmot Creek's east branch. The southern 4/5 of the park was developed in 1988. Trees and playground were added soon after the grass seed had germinated. The northern 1/5 of the park is separated from the main body of the park by a deep grassed gully used to take surface drainage from private lands. ../2 913, REPORT CS-23-89 - 2 - May 15, 1989 1.2 In the Fall of 1988 following installation of the playground a series of telephone calls were received by staff and elected officials from a Mrs. Inglis who resides adjacent to the park and closest to the park playground area. Mrs. Inglis appeared before Council as a delegation, indicating her displeasure with the location of the playground equipment, the number of children attracted to the site and resulting noise. Subsequently Council passed Resolution #C-794-88 requesting staff to submit a report to General Purpose and Administration Committee dealing with the issue. A number of site visits resulted and a decision was made to resolve the issue in the spring of 1989. 2.0 REPORT: Staff in reviewing the situation have considered the following options noting their positive and negative affects. 2.1 OPTION 1: Relocate the playground to Westview Heights Parkette adjacent Hwy. 401 and a few hundred feet to the south. The playground would be more removed from residential properties; however the more remote location would make neighbourhood policing more difficult; the location is not central to the area to be served and small children may not be permitted to cross the busier Sunset Blvd. 2.2 OPTION 2: Relocate the playground to the northern 1/5 of the Foster Creek Park. Although this would move the playground some + 100 feet further away from Mrs. Inglis` residence, it would be located on a parcel of land too small to properly locate the playground, it would be immediately adjacent to future private residences and similar concerns are likely to result and the children must cross a gully which is subject to seasonal and occasional flooding and mud. . ./3 g14 REPORT CS-23-89 - 3 - May 15, 1989 2.3 OPTION 3: Close the park, consolidate and maintain the land at an Open Space level of maintenance. This would eliminate the playground and benches etc. and would eliminate any playground in the area leaving only the future Foster Creek Park to the north to provide a playground. Residents in the area would have no conveniently accessible park or playground and the level of maintenance may not be acceptable to the local residents. 2.4 OPTION 4: Declare the park to be a passive park and remove the playground. This would solve the identified concern but would leave the other local - residents' children with no playground. 2.5 OPTION 5: Take no further action. This option does not address the concern of Mrs. Inglis but it does provide the service to the remainder of the community and the park would be used for the purpose it was intended. 3.0 CC MMENTS: 3.1 Although we sympathize with Mrs. Inglis, information obtained by her from the developer or real estate agent, conflicted with the Community Services Department's park development program for this site. It should be noted that at no time, prior to preparing the site for development was the department consulted. 3.2 In overview, there is no solution which can satisfactorily address all concerned. This park site was accepted for its prime location and proximity to the open space features of the creek system. Although individual concerns are considered, the collective needs of the neighbourhood to be serviced are paramount and dictate the department's development programs. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Jos P. Caruana, Director Lawrence E. Kotseff De rtment of Community Services C� 1 Chief Administrative Officer JDC:JPC:sa %