HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-32-88 0 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # 77.39.3. Res. #C-% -- n By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JULY 41 1988 REPORT #: CD-32-88 FILE #: SUBJECT: EMPLOYEE PARKING - USE OF SILVER STREET PARKING LOT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Clerk's Report CD-32-88 be received; and 2. That the parking meters not be removed from the Silver Street Parking Lot; and 3. That staff be authorized to utilize the Silver Street Parking Lot on a temporary basis, pending resolution of employee parking requirements in the long term. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: The General Purpose and Administration Committee received Report CD-21-88 "Employee Parking" at the meeting of May 16, 1988. The recommendations were approved, including recommendation 3 which dealt with the removal of parking meters from the Silver Street Parking Lot. A further amendment was passed directing "That staff meet with the B.I.A. immediately to discuss the recommendations contained in Report CD-21-88, as amended, and report back to the General Purpose and Administration Committee." Continued . . . . ./2 Report CD-32-88 - 2 - July 4, 1:M_j A meeting attended by the Chief Administrative Officer, Mr. A. A. Strike and the Clerk was held on May 25, 1988. While the expansion of the metered parking areas was also discussed the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the removal of the parking meters and the use of the Silver Street Parking Lot for Town Employee purposes. The conclupion arrived at was that the meters should not be removed because the lot was being used by shoppers. Mr. Strike indicated that he would raise the question at the next B.I.A. Board of Management Meeting and advise the Town of any decision reached. By letter dated June 15, 1988, we were advised that the B.I.A. had passed the following resolution; "THAT the Town Administration be advised that the Bowmanville Business Centre has no objection to Town employees using the merchants' lot on Silver Street, on a temporary basis, for a six-month period, pending Council resolving the long-term problem of Staff parking in the Downtown area." Based upon the contents of the resolution the B.I.A. have indicated agreement with the use of the subject lot by Town staff,' but have also suggested I that a long-term solution be sought which does not take the Silver Street Parking Lot out of service on a permanent basis. By letter also dated June 15, 1988, the B.I.A. have requested that the municipality move to purchase the Silver Street Parking Lot. Since acquisition has been the Town's intention, the purchase should be pursued with the owner during 1989. Continued . . . . ./3 i I i Report CD-32-88 - 3 - July 4, -1388 Allowing a mix of public and staff parking in the Silver Street Parking Lot is an acceptable compromise solution and staff would now recommend that the parking meters in the subject lot not be removed. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for Presentation to Committee J David W. Oakes, B.A.,A.M.C.T.,C.M.O., wren wren E Kotseff, M.C.I.P., Town Clerk Chief ,dmi istrative Officer DWO/ms Attachments: 1. Copy of G.P.A. Minutes 2. Copy of B.I.A. Letter 3. Copy of Report CD-21-88 IF777.39.3. - 20 - May lb, 1700 A, Minutes Resolution #GPA-370-88 loyee Parking Moved by Councillor Wotten, seconded by Councillor Stapleton 1, THAT Rep ort CD-21-88 be received; and 2. THAT staff be authorized to utilize the west side of the westerly parking lot at the Fire Station and the silver Street Parking lot for additional employee parking; and 3, THAT Council authorize the removal of the parking meters in the Silver Street parking lot following the move to the new Town Hall. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution #GPA-371-88 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Mayor Winters THAT Resolution #GPA-370-88 be amended by adding Recommendation #4 as follows: 114. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to renew the existing Lease Agreement between Schleiss Development Company Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle with respect to the rental of the Silver Street Parking Lot on similar terms and conditions of the existing Lease Agreement entered into on May 20, 1983 FORTHWITH." "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-372-88 yoved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor McKnight THAT staff meet with the B.I.A. immediately to a discus dedhe recommendations contained in Report CD-21-88, and report back to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-373-88 Moved by Councillor Stapleton, seconded by Councillor McKnight. THAT the removal of the parking meters be authorized where necessary on the west side of Temperance Street, between Highway #2 and Church Street in front off the newled Hall FORTHWITH and that appropriate signag e be By-law 79-1 be amended accordingly. "CARRIED" I CUII BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE p p ® ® = BOWMANVILLE P.O. BOX 365 BUSINESS CENTRE is �;» BOWMANVILLE, ONT.L1 C K1 1988 06 15 i Mr. David W. Oakes Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Dear Mr. Oakes At the regular meeting of the Board of Management, sub- sequent to the Parking Committee Report , the following motion was passed: "THAT the Town Administration be advised that the Bow- manville Business Centre has no objection to Town employees using the merchants ' lot on Silver Street, on a temporary basis , for a six-month period, pending Coun- cil resolving the long-term problem of Staff parking in the Downtown area. " If you wish to discuss this matter further, please con- tact our Chairman of Parking , Mr. A. Strike. Yours very truly _ Garth Gilpin = :.._v_� Secretary-Treasurer and !__C4{(J. General Manager ! �i.. i 6 . ) T 0 W N OF C'E r t STING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE iA IE: MAY 16, 1988 MUT #: CD--21-V E : 77.39.2 SUBJECT: EMPLOYEF PARKING RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. THAT Clerk's Report CD-21-88 be received; and 2. THAT staff be authorized to utilize the west side of the westerly parking lot at the Fire Station and the Silver Street Parking lot for additional employee parking; and 3. THAT Council authorize the removal of the parking meters in the Silver Street parking lot following the move to the new Town Hall. i BACKGROUND AND COMMENT There have been ongoing discussions respecting the provision of parking for Council Members, employees and visitors to the Tcwn that will be req,�irec. once the Administration moves into the new Town Hall. The conclusions reached in discussion with staff indicate that the parking lot on the east side of the Fire Building continue to be used for employee parking and that the westerly half of the west parking lot be used for additional employee parking. In addition, it will be necessary to use the Silver Street public parking lot for the above purposes and therefore, it is respectfully recommended that this parking area. converted to employee parking and that at the appropriate time, the par'� .rg meters in the Silver Street lot b� removed. I Report CD-21-88 - 2 - May 16, 1988 The review of the parking requirements indicates that approximately 80 to 90 spaces will be required. The parking areas referred to in this report appear to be sufficient to meet the Town's parking requirements for the above-mentioned purposes. Furthermore, if additional spaces are required, the Bowmanville Arena site could be used for parking purposes until such time as the future of that property is determined. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for Presentation to Committee �1 f r David W. Oakes, B.A., A.M.C.T., C.M.O., Lawrence . Kotseff, M.C.I.P., Town Clerk Chief Ad nistrative Officer DWO/ms i i I i I I i i i