HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-19-04 . CfMllgtoo REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE CLERK'S DEPARTMENT pH Date: May 17, 2004 Report #: CLD-19-04 File#: {Zes: 6-P,.1~IS~O'-f By-law #: Subject: CLARINGTON ANIMAL SERVICES - APPLICATION FOR ADOPTION OF DOGS/CATS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 THAT Report CLD-19-04 be received; 2 THAT the Application for Adoption of Dogs/Cats attached to Report CLD-19-04 as Attachments 1 and 2, be approved; and 3 THAT Animal Alliance of Canada and the Animal Advisory Committee be advised of Council's decision and forwarded a copy of Report CLD-19-04. -\; JC' C / " --, - ;- '_/ ~ '--.... --- . .-. .Z-.. Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer MPKS*PLB'wc CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L lC 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 1108 REPORT NO.: CLD.19.04 PAGE 2 OF 3 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT It has become obvious to the staff of the Clarington Animal Shelter that the necessity for the completion of an Adoption Application Form for Dogs and Cats by perspective animal adoptees has become crucial to the most efficient and safe operation of the animal shelter for the following reasons: · Pet adoptions impact neighbourhoods as well as families. All pets require a COMMITMENT, not just a purchase. . Most of the animals received by Clarington Animal Services are strays and therefore the past history of the animal is unknown to members of staff. The evaluation of the animal conducted by staff members during the 7 -day waiting period is the only available information about the animal. Animal Services staff have the expertise to direct potential owners to animals which are appropriate to their family situation, hopefully preventing bites and neighbour conflicts. Staff members become familiar with the personality of the animal; I.e., which dogs are timid, which dogs are barkers and which dogs would require a lot of patience or a very experienced owner. Some pets require being the only pet in the household. The approval of an Adoption Application for Dogs and Cats would be an important tool for staff members to make a good permanent match between the pet and the perspective owner. · There are presently owners who regularly lose dogs/cats or whose dogs/cats end up being killed on the road because the dogs/cats are allowed to run at large. The Adoption Application would allow staff members to refuse the adoption of another pet to these persons knowing the end result of another animal adoption. · There are presently owners of cats who allow their unaltered (unfixed) cats to run loose and breed. The Adoption Application would allow staff members to have some control with the cat overpopulation problem by being more selective of the perspective cat adoptees. · Staff members have encountered situations where a parent brings a child/children into the animal shelter to look at "cute little kittens" and the parent ends up being persuaded by the child to adopt a pet. An Adoption Application would alleviate this type of "impulse buying" of pets. · Some apartment dwellers have, in the past, insisted on adopting a large breed of dog or a dog which barks a lot. Shortly thereafter, complaints are received from their neighbours about the same dog. An Adoption Application would assist Staff with this type of problem. a Some persons who live at home with parents have adopted an animal without the prior consent of the parents. The parents end up bringing the animal back to the animal shelter because they do not want the animal. An Adoption Application would reduce these types of situations. 1109 REPORT NO.: CLD-19-04 PAGE 3 OF 3 . Staff has experienced people with young children adopting dogs/cats which, in their opinion, have a questionable temperament. When advised of this, some people choose to ignore the advice of staff members. Staff is greatly concerned about the safety of these children. Also, in some cases, the dog/cat ends up being returned to the animal shelter or "dumped" elsewhere when the parents realize that they have made a mistake by adopting this animal. An Adoption Application would help reduce these types of situations and more appropriately adhere to the requirements of Bill C-45. The following shelters presently use Adoption Applications: Oshawa Animal Services Durham Region Humane Society Shelter of Hope (Port Hope) Port Hope Humane Society PAW Animal Shelter in Whitby and Uxbridge/Scugog Animal Shelter do not use an Adoption Application form for their pet adoptions. In summary, Council's approval of an Adoption Application would allow staff members the opportunity to refuse a particular adoption if, in their professional opinion, they conclude that the perspective adoptee and the animal are not a good match. The ultimate goal of the staff of the Clarington Animal Shelter is to provide the best possible service to the residents of Clarington as well as the best possible care to the animals by finding them compassionate and responsible owners. Recommendation For all of the above reasons, it is resprectfully recommended that the adoption application for dogs and cats be approved by Council. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Dog Adoption Application Attachment 2 - Cat Adoption Application Interested Parties to be advised of Council's decision: Ms. Liz White Animal Alliance of Canada 221 Broadview Avenue Suite 101 Toronto, ON M4M 2G3 Animal Advisory Committee 1110 11-ill' ."1//. .."~" '''''?~ ~ C , ," 'J' '-'.... - ,~ ~',':'~'" .~ ;-- ~ --- .. n .....:... .......... ..... C,~f1r.mglon Cat Adoption Application The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Clarington Animal Services. (905) 623.7651 33 Lake Road, Bowmanville In order to be considered for adoptlon, you must be 18 years of age; have the knowledge and consent of all adults living in your household; provide valid identification with your current address; and provide the name and phone number of your landlord/superinlendenUmanagement company in a condo or rental situation. The information provided here will help us find the best match for you and your family. SectlCllll Name }c,}.. . ""(:' Home Phone Number Work Phone Number Address City Postal Code o Working o Retired o Other (specify) o Shared Accommodations How Ion have au lived at o Semi-detached ur current address? o Townhouse Do you: 0 Live with Parents 0 Own o Rent If less than 2 ears, Ive revious address Landlord/Superintendent's Name Phone Number Section 2 Number of adults in the household Number of children in household and their ages Which household member will have rima res onsibili for care of the new et? Does anyone in your home Feeding the new pet Training the new pet Exercising the new pet have allergies to animals? DYes 0 No Check any/all of the following that apply to reasons why you would like to adopt a cat from us o Gift o Companion for person o Companion for other pet o Breeding o For a School o Mousing 0 For a Special Needs Facility o For a Retirement Residence o Fora Barn o For a Child o Other (Specify) What type(s) of pet(s) do you own, or have owned, during the past ten years? s" T efBreed A e S a ed/Neutered Vaccination Date Stilt Own Yes/No Name of Veterinarian Name of Veterinarian Clinic Phone Number How often are you prepared to take your pet to the veterinarian? How much do you expect that you will spend yearly to feed, vaccinate, licence and provide medical care for your pel? $ o Once a ear 0 As re uired If you go on vacation, what will you do with your pet? If you move, what will you do with your pet? Describe your home atmosphere o Very Busy a Some Activity 0 Very Quiet Do you plan to alter (spay or neuter) your pet? aYes DNa 1111 " Cat Adoption Application - Page 2 ISectlon 3 Indicate what you feel your level of MCat Experience. is a First-time Owner 0 Have had one or two cats How long will the cal be alone each day? [] Not at all 0 4 to 6 hours If your cat Is outside will It be [] On leash 0 In cat enclosure [] Allowed to wander 0 In the back arn Describe your Ideal cat Adult Size [] Knowled eable and E rienced Will your cat be allowed outside? o 8 hours Ius aYes 00 you have a fenced yard? aYes [] Small (0-12 Ibs) a Medium/Large (13 - 20 Ibs) [] No Preference Coat [] Short [] Medium o Long [] No Preference Age o 2-4 months [] 4-12 months 01-3 ears o No reference Activity Level Sex D Low [] Medium oHi h o Male o Female 0 no reference Breed or Type Preferred Are you prepared for an adjustment period of at least 2 weeks? Note: Adjustment issues may include: vocalization (especiaffy at night), door dashing, scratching furniture not eating/over eating, hiding, and conflicts with other animals ISectlon 4 I certify that the information I have given is true and that any misrepresentation of facts may result In my losing the privilege of adopting a pet. I understand that the Municipality of Clarington has the right to deny my request to adopt an animal. I authorize the investigation of all statements in this application. r understand that this a lication is the ro e of the Municj ali of Clarin ton. Signature Date DYes DNo For Office Use Onl Animal File Number Species Description Comments Personal information provided is collected under authority of the Municipal Act, RS.O. 2001, c.25, 5.253(1), and will be used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990, for pet adoption purposes only. 1112 ,,~""il""',O~__ " - r<;:! .... 'r> ~ ~ } ....;~~.~.. '. to. '3 - '. - " --, . '.- -.'- - C,l.wilJglon Dog Adoption Applicaton The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarlngton Clarlngton Animal Services. (905) 623-7651 33 lake Road, Bowmanvllle In order to be considered for adoption, you must be 18 years of age; have the knowledge and consent of all adults living In your household; provide valid identification with your current address; and provide the name and phone number of your landlordJsuperintefldenVmanagement company In a condo or rental situation. The lnformation provided here will help us find the besl match for you and your family. Section 1 Name Home Phone Number Address City o Retired oOther s e o TO'Nnhouse o Rent o Shared Accommodations How Ion have au lived at ,., Work Phone Number Postal Code o Semi-detached ur current address? landlord/Superintendent's Name If less than 2 ears, give previous address Phone Number Section 2 Number of adults In the household Number of children in household and their ages Which household member will have rima res nsibiri for care of the new et? Feeding the new pet Training the new pet Exercising the new pet Does anyone in your home have allergies to animals? DYes DNa Check any/ari of the following that apply to reasons why you would like to adopt a dog from us o Gift o Companion for person o Companion for other pet o Breeding o Guarding 0 For a Special Needs Facility 0 For a Retirement Residence o ForaBam o Hunting 0 Other (Specify) What type{s) of pet(s) do you own, or have owned, during the past ten years? T Sex S a ed/Neutered Vaccination Date Breed Ae Name of Veterinarian Name of Veterinarian Clinic How often are you prepared to take your pet 10 the veterinarian? o Once a year 0 As required o For a school o For a child Still Own Yes/No Phone Number If you go on vacation, what will you do with your pet? If you move, what will you do with your pet? How much do you expect that you will spend yearly to feed, vaccinate, licence and provide medical care for your pet? . Describe your home atmosphere Do you plan to aller (spay or neuter) your pet? o Ve Quiet 0 Yes 0 No o Ve Bus o Some Activi 1113 Dog Adoption Applicaton - Page 2 I Section 3 Indicate what you feel your level of -Dog Experience- is o First-time Owner 0 Have had one or more Are any family members uncomfortable with dogs? s 0 Knowled able and Ex 'anced If Yes, specify why DYes DNo How long will the dog be alone each day? o Not at all 04 to6 hours Do you intend to keep the dog 0 indoors or 0 outdoors? If outdoors, what type of shelter will you provide? o 8 hours plus Where will you be keeping your dog when you afe not at home? Do you have a fenced yard? aYes 0 No Describe your Ideal dog SIze o Small Coat o Short 0 Medium Age 024 months 04-12 months Training Level o Housetrained 0 Some obedience train;n Activity Level o Low 0 Medium 0 Hi h Breed or Type Preferred o long 0 No Preference o 1-3 yeafS 0 Older 0 No preference o Full trained 0 None Sex o Male 0 Female 0 no reference Do you plan to take your dog 10 training classes? DYes 0 No Are you prepared for an adjustment period of at least 2 weeks? Note: Adjustment issues may include: barking, house-soiling, chewing, running away, and conflicts with other animals aYes oNo Section 4 I certify that the infonnation I have given is true and that any misrepresentation of facts may result in my losing the privilege of adopting a pet. I understand that the Municipality of Crarington has the right to deny my request 10 adopt an animal. I authorize the investigation of all statements in this application. I understand that this a lication is the 0 e of the Muoici aU of Clarin on. Signature Date For Office Use Onl Animal File Number Species Description Comments Personal information provided is collected under authority of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 2001, c.25, s.253(1), and will be used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Infonnation and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990, for pet adoption purposes only. 1114