HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-63-86 REPORT #3 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # , By-Law # METING: COUNCIL MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 24, 1986 REPORT #: r.n-��-s6 FILE #: 10.12,4 SUB.ECT: STRIKING COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 10, 1986 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 . That Report CD-63-86 be received; and 2. That Ronald R. M. Strike be appointed to the Committee of Management for the Lions Centre ; and 3. That the attached By-law to establish and appoint a Committee of Management to operate a Community Centre be approved; and 4. That Schedule "A" attached to the By-law name the position of the Lions Club nominees. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: The Striking Committee met on Monday, November 10th, 1986 and following a review of the names submitted, made the recommendation that Mr. Ronald Strike be appointed as Council 's third (and final ) appointment to the Committee of Management for the Lions Centre. All Council appointments have been made for the term of Council . For this reason, it will not be necessary to deal with this item annually. In his letter of April 30, 1986, Paul Bellefontaine, 3rd Vice President , Lions Club , indicated that the Lions Club hoped to change their Lions Board members annually to have the current Chairman of the Property Committee, Chairman of the Hall Rental Committee , Treasurer and President sit on the Committee of Management. The By-law states that the Lions Club appointments shall be recommended to Council . Therefore, to eliminate dealing with this item annually, the Striking Committee recommends that the position of the Lions Club Nominee be listed on Schedule A of the appointing by-law instead of the name of the Nominee. ReV�6'hn ul y submitted, RR/ M� "Winters p. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 86 - 154 being a by-law to establish and appoint a Committee of Management to operate a Community Centre on behalf of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Lions Club of Bowmanville Hall was established as a Community { Centre pursluant to the Community Recreation Centres Act, 1974; and i WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle considers it desirable to establish a Committee of Management to operate the said Community Centre on behalf of the Town of Newcastle: NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: j 1. That the buildings and lands described and known municipally as j 26 Beech Avenue, shall be managed as a Community Centre by ; e a "Committee of Management"; 2. That the "Committee of Management" hereinafter referred to as the "Committee" shall be comprised of seven (7) persons, four (4) members of the Lions Club of Bowmanville and three (3) non Lions Club members. The Committee shall be appointed by resolution of Council. (i) The members of the Committee who are members of the Lions Club of Bowmanville shall be selected by the Lions Club and their appointment recommended to Council. (ii) The non members of the Lions Club appointed to the Committee shall be citizens of the Town of Newcastle and may include one Council representative. 3. The members of the Committee shall be appointed for a term concurrent with the term of the appointing Council. And, shall hold office until their successors are appointed and are eligible for re-appointment or the expiration of their term of office. I 4. That in the case of a vacancy by the death or resignation of a member, or from any cause other than the expiration of the term for which the member was appointed, Council shall appoint another eligible person in his place for the unexpired portion of the term. i E7�.i 5, That the members of the Committee shall serve without remuneration. 'r 6. That a majority of the Committee constitutes a quorum. 7. That the Committee shall, as soon as possible after its members are appointed in each term, elect such officers as it may deem necessary to properly conduct the business of the Committee. 8. That the Committee shall keep proper minutes and records of meetings of the Committee. 9. That the Corporation auditors shall be the auditors of the Committee and all of the books, documents, transactions, minutes and accounts of the Committee shall at all times be open to their inspection. 10. That the fiscal year of the Committee shall be the calendar year. I 11. That on or before the 1st day of March in each year, the Committee shall submit its annual report for the preceeding year to Council including a complete audited and certified financial statement of its affairs with balance sheet and revenue and expenditure statement. 12. That the Committee shall submit to Council, an annual budget in a form ! and at a time satisfactory to Council. The monies provided by Council from time to time shall be paid by the Treasurer of the Corporation to the Committee upon receipt of requisitions signed by the Chairman thereof. 13. That the Committee shall deposit and keep on deposit with the Treasurer of the Corporation, insurance policies satisfactory in all respects to the said P P i official, indemnifying the Corporation against public liability and property damage in,respect of the activities of the Committee. !. 14. That Schedule "A" be adopted as part of this By-Law. 15. That this a Law shall take effect on the By-Law By-Law read a first time this 24th day of November 1986 By-Law read a second time this 24th day of November 1986 By-Law read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of November 1986 Mayor— Clerk 't CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW 86 - 154 The following persons are hereby appointed to the Committee of Management for the Bowmanville Lions Club Hall known municipally r, as 26 Beech Avenue: Lion's Club Nominees 1. President 2, Treasurer 3, Chairman of the Property Committee 4. Chairman of the Hall Rental Equipment Other Council Appointees r r: 5. Dieter Wunderlich 6. Ronald R.M. Strike 7. Councillor Marie Hubbard i { ti,