HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-18-86 HANDOUT TOWN OF NEWCASTLE rU t REPORT File # Res. # - -- _-- By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: March 17, 1986 REPOT #: CD-18-86 FILE #: 10.2.11. SUBJECT: REPORT ON MUNICIPAL PARTICIPATION IN "COMMUNITY JUSTICE WEEK" PROGRAM. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . That Report CD-18-86 be received for information BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Council at the meeting of Monday, March 10th 1986, received the correspondence from the Attorney General of Ontario, requesting that we participate in "Community Justice Week" and directed that staff review the material to determine how the municipality might participate in the program. Essentially, the programs listed in the organizational directory relate to educational activities. That is, it is suggested that tours of local courts be arranged, that panel shows be convened to discuss the structure and functions of the courts and law enforcement. That mock trials be organized, that movies be shown and panels discuss the differences between "fantasy" justice and the "real" justice system. It would seem that most if not all of these activities are of a type that fit more closely in the educational system. Continued . . . . ./2 Report CD-18-86 - 2 - March 17, 1986 Since the municipality has a very limited roll to play, it would be appropriate to declare the week of April 13th to 19th 1986 as "Community Justice Week" in Newcastle and advise the following organizations that the "Justice Week" material is available for their review and use: 1 . The Block Parent's Association; 2. The Board of Education; 3. The Separate School Board; 4. The Community Service Order. Respe tfully submitted, David . Oakes, B.A. , A.M.C.T. , C.M.O. , Town Clerk. DWO/ms i