HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-13-84 V-1 ,i(C) WSO�,K�e,E�E�o CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623-3379 BOWMAN ILLE, ONTARIO REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 1984. CD-13-84 - File: 68.26.2. SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PLACEMENT OF A SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD AT MILL STREET AND MILSON HILL, ORONO RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That Mrs. Debbie Hogenhout, Box 285, Orono, Ontario, be advised that a crossing guard is not warranted at Mill Street and Millson Hill , Orono at this time; and 3. That a further traffic survey be undertaken in April . BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: By letter dated October 27th 1983, Mrs. Debbie Hogenhout, Box 285, Orono, requested that the Town of Newcastle consider the placement of an adult crossing guard at Mill Street and Millson Hill , Orono. The request was referred to Durham Regional Police with a request, that they undertake a traffic survey and advise whether the traffic volumes were of a nature that placement of a guard was warranted. Constable D. Anderson reported on November 3rd 1983, that his investigation was inconclusive and recommended that a further traffic count be undertaken when traffic had stabilized. Mrs. Hogenhout was advised of the outcome of the investigation at that time. Constable D. Anderson undertook his second review on January 17th 1984. His conclusion was that he could not recommend the placement of an adult crossing guard at the subject location at this time. Continued . . . . ./2 CD-13-84 - 2 - February 6, 1984 He suggested, that a further study be done, possibly in the spring when the situation relative to the new I.G.A. Store has normalized. Copies of Mrs. Hogenhout's letter and Constable Anderson's reports are attached for your information. Having regard for the findings , it is staff's recommendations that an adult traffic guard not be placed at Mill Street and Millson Hill , Orono, at this time. And, that arrangements be made to review the need for a guard in April . Respectfully submitted, V/ //' Y f f David W. Oakes , B.A. , A.M.C.T. , Town Clerk. DWO/ms Attachments. January 24, 1984. October 27, 198 OCT 31 LQ83 Dear Mr. Oaks : TQ' ���t This letter is about getting an adult paid crossing Cc�Py guard at the corner of Millson Hill and ;dill St. N. in the town of Orono. My child attends Orono Public School. He is a kindergarden child. The reason is because when the IGA Store is completed there is going to be an increased amount of traffic in the area. There will be delivery trucks that will not always see little children.. This guard should be there from 8 : 25 to 8: 55 then again at 12 : 15 to 12 : 55 also from 3: 30 to 3: 50. Another reason why I • think 'a guard should be on duty ,is that—thefe A4.a,; a bit of a knoll there and cars coming sometimes can not always be seen by the child untill it is almost on top cf them. .ny child Brian, was ;il nost run over Frl . Oct. 21/83 crossiri(, -it that in-Gersoctio,n. ,.: i>rC;;> rrd 'cc %J I e�.]. your decision if something is not done about this situation promptly. Right now there i.; construction. going on theme and `many trucks may be going in and out of the entrance. I do not see any reason ahy a cr. ossin,; rUard r:o� ld` liot look after children crossing at tviillson Hill Iiluc- the entrance to the IGA. As ;you will see in the picture enclosed it seems ironic that there is a si n thoro that says crossing; ahead when then are children are cross in; right there at that sign: I am a working; Mother and can' t walk Brian to school everyday as some can, so I am askin::r that -ameone from the town see if they can make this a safer pot for -all chtildren crossing in this area! I would like to attend thy-: .ioetinc, of the town council when this is brouC up . Debbie Hogenhout Box 235 CL[,h. ...... . ....... OR0140, Ont . )83-9607 ( ho<.e) ORIGINAL TOi ........... 7_5')113 (wcr::) COPIES TO: `7 �C Lvs (c» /ff� r f1uG' '<J cF�cc� Durham Regional Police Force V1 1 ' c Date . . . . . . 03 Nov .$ . . . . . . . . MEMORANDUM T 0: , . I1.aN. Goodwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � s 1=J c 13y-Law Officer , Towfi 1')f Nlewcastle NOV 3 i2F,3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOWN OF NEWCASTLE F R 0 M: '• •D.Ander son BYLAW DUAR!M:N1 Community Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ... . . . . . . . . . . RE: !?equost for Crossinp, Guard , Lill. St.Orono T ear Sir: In responoe to y )ur request received rIov 2nd, for me to look at the situation. On this date between 0820 hrs and 0850 hrs. I took a survey of traffic , vehicular and ;.pedestrian in the area of gill St. and 1-!il.l.son Bill and the new T.G.A. entrance. I !i,:-}it add that on this date there was very little tr- affic to the I.<<.A. store , two or three small trucks parked -it the store!. During the period I was there 32 students walked south and crossed the I.G . A. entrance , at this point 1 vehicle , a z ton truck, left the store. Children experienced no difficulty. Pis to Millson Hill ar a, 14 children crossed Pill St. and walked south. During this time 5 vehicles travelled on ?.iill.son ?fill and south on Mill St. 8 vehicles travelled south on Mill St. and 7 vehicles travelled north. During the above time 5 bicycles 'travelled s Guth on• Mi11 St. There appears to be no difficulty for the students crossing either ;,till St. at ?:'illsori hill or those crossing the new entrance to T .', . ,. I feel that a true traffic picture can! of by set;n tt ti!.i.s time. iJajor construction appears to have been firii shed , e�:cupt or p tvinr;, and the store has not yet opened for I feel that a truer observation might be made once the business has opened. I don ' t feel action can be taken strictly on a' fear factor, we should have a true traffic movement cok;nt to work with. As soon as the storCl is open for business I would be happy to do a traffic survey and,at that time , make any suggestions. P.C.non Anderson r ,..: . ........... _ January 23 , 1984 . - v Mr. David Oakes JAN " 1 PA Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario C;i,rRK KPARIMLINT L1C 3A6 Dear Sir : RE: Request for placement of School Crossing Guard, Mill Street, Millson Hill, Orono. On Tuesday, January 17 , 1984 , I attended at the above location and did a pedestrian and vehicle count in the time periods that Orono Public School children would be on the move. 0820 hours to 0850 hours 44 Students walked south on the east side of Mill Street, 11 Students crossed from Millson Hill to the east side of Mill Street. During this period 18 vehicles travelled north and south on Mill Street, 4 vehicles turned at Millson Hill and 2 delivery trucks left the I .G.A. driveway and 1 car entered. 1210 hours to 1230 hours 18 vehicles travelled north and south on Mill Street, 3 turned onto Millson Hill, 3 cars pulled into I .G.A. , 8 left, 3 students , only walked home for lunch, they walked on the west side of Mill Street. 1230 hours to 1300 hours 12 vehicles travelled north and south on Mill Street, 3 northbound vehicles turned left onto Millson Hill, 2 northbound vehicles turned right into I .G.A. , 1 south- bound turned left into I .G.A. During this period 5 students crossed from Millson Hill to the east side of Mill Street and south on Mill Street. Students had no traffic problems . 1535 hours to 1555 hours 21 vehicles travelled north and south on Mill Street, 2 northbound vehicles turned left into Millson Hill and 3 northbound turned right into I .G.A. , 2 vehicles left I .G.A. driveway, one travelled north, one south. During the above times , 38 students walked north on the east side of Mill Street, 5 of these crossed Mill Street to travel west on Millson Hill . Once again students had no problems with traffic. l,� c�� 2 Warmer weather might change the student count, I feel some are being driven to school now. Once the I .G.A. is more firmly established, the traffic pattern could change. If an adult guard is considered, I feel it might be difficult for this person to control the flow of students across Mill Street at Millson Hill as well as those crossing the I. G.A. entrance on the east side of Mill Street. The diffuculty would be encountered due to the I .G.A. entrance being offset to the south of Millson Hill. On the basis of the above noted figures and the fact that I could not see any students having problems with the traffic, I would be hesitant to recommend an adult crossing guard at this time. I trust that these figures and comments will be of some help to you in your consideration of this request. Yours in safety, Const. D.A. Anderson Community Services Durham Regional Police Force OUTION lCCEftl4_ 1�`r ll. -R F ..a--