HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-41-83 �Ca� N`SDO,,E KNOWLEDGE Ay. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623-3379 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 4, 1983 CD-41-83 - Our File: 10.2.11 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PERMISSION BY THE NEWCASTLE LAKERS BASEBALL TEAM TO ERECT A "BEER TENT" IN THE NORTH END OF THE PARK, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SENIOR "D" BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS SEPTEMBER 3RD, 4TH AND 5TH, 1983 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 . That this report be received; and 2. That the Newcastle Lakers Baseball Team be required to provide the Town of Newcastle with a policy of insurance covering the period of the event in an amount not less than one (1 ) million dollars and a performance bond to cover the clean-up of the Park following the event, in the amount of $1 ,000. ; and 3. That the Newcastle Lakers Baseball Team submit all of the necessary site plans, certificates of flame retardance and interior plans for the beer tent to the appropriate municipal departments for their review and approval ; and 4. That the Newcastle Lakers Baseball Team obtain the approval of the Regional Health Unit respecting sanitary facilities; and 5. That upon compliance with recommendation 1 through 4 by the Newcastle Lakers Baseball Team, the Clerk be authorized to issue a letter approving the holding of the event and sanctioning the issuing of a special occasion licence by the L.L.B.O. ; 6. And further that, Mrs. Bonnie Alldred, Secretary, Newcastle Lakers Baseball Team, Box 294, Newcastle Village, be provided with a copy of this report. BACKGROUND: By letter dated May 9th, 1983, the Newcastle Lakers Baseball Team requested Continued . . . . . ./2 CD-41-83 - 2 - July 4 1983 Council 's permission to erect a "Beer Tent" at the north end of the park during the championship tournament to be held from September 3rd to 5th, 1983 inclusive. Council , at the meeting of May 24th, 1983, passed a resolution referring the request to Staff for review and a report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. (Council Resolution #C-363-83) COMMENT: As part of the review process, the Newcastle Lakers Baseball Team letter was distributed for comment to the Fire Department, Building Inspection, Community Services and the Clerk's Department. Briefly, their comments on the request were as follows : 1 . Fire Department Conditions - Tents and Tarpaulins shall be fire retardant; - The grounds enclosed by the tent and a ten foot area surrounding it shall be cleared of all combustible material ; - Smoking and all open flames are prohibited; - No Smoking signs must be installed; - Electrical equipment must be operated in a safe manner; - Fire extinguishers of an approved type, must be provided on site; - Waste containers must be non-combustible; - Aisles within the tent must be of a prescribed width; - Anticipated attendance, nature and purpose of the event, security measures must be provided; - A site plan must be provided. i 2. Building Inspection Conditions - Tent must conform to N.F.P.A. standards respecting fire resistance and be certified; - Tent and area of tent must be free of flamable vegetation; - Require site plan showing layout of tent, siting of tent, EXITS, etc. ; - Plot plan showing location on property must be prepared for inspection purposes; - Tent operation must be in accordance with approved safety measures. 3. Community Services Conditons - Police/Security protection; - Insurance for third party liability; Continued . . . . . ./3 CD-41-83 - 3 - July 4 1983 - Performance Bond for clean-up; - Approval of Regional Health; - Limit on the hours of operation of the tent (to 11 :30 p.m. ) ; - Beverage to be served in plastic cups; - All temporary structures to be removed no later than the next day. CLERK'S DEPARTMENT - Obtain the Fire Department and the Building Department's approval of the structure; - Satisfy Community Services respecting after-event clean-up; - Prepare and submit a site plan and a plot plan; - Arrange for security services; - Provide the Town of Newcastle with a policy of insurance covering the i period of the event in an amount not less than one million dollars. Each of the departments circulated, have essentially the same concerns. That is, in the event the application is approved, that the activity contemplated be held safely and in the event that problems arise, that the municipality be protected. The Council of the Town of Newcastle, if it approves the application, will be required to take two separate actions: 1 . Approve the event subject to certain conditions; (Recommendation 1 to 4) 2. Authorize the issuing of a letter sanctioning the issuing of a special occasion licence for the sale of beer on Town owned lands. (Recommendation 5) Based upon the comments of the departments circulated, Staff do not object to the approval of the request, provided that the Newcastle Lakers Baseball Team satisfy all of the conditions detailed in the report and recommendations. Respectfully submitted, David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk WO%p Attach. �w FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS wts San en�swi€rice Aanr s 132 CHURCH ST. FIRE TELEPHONE 623.3300 4-�� ��. J.E.HAYMAN,FIRE CHIEF �i�1�5 BUSINESS 623-6126 n n TOWN OF NEWCASTLE I May 31 , 1983. Mr. David W. Oakes, Town Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: Tents and Air Supported Structures - Our File No. 20.30.14. Please find listed below the requirements for a tent structure:- 1 . ) Tents, tarpaulins shall be of a rated fire resistant material . (Label or certificate). 2. ) The ground enclosed by a tent and for at least 10 ft. outside of such structures shall be cleaned of all flamable material or Vegetation that will carry fire. 3. ) Smoking and open flame devices shall not be permitted in a tent. No smoking signs to be installed. 4. ) The electrical system and equipment shall be maintained and operated in a safe manner. 5. ) At least one, Class 2A and one, Class 10 B.C. fire extinguisher is re- quired for every 2,000 sq. ft. or part thereof of the tent. 6. ) Every waste container used in a tent shall be of non-combustible material and shall be equipped with a lid. 7. ) Aisles shall be located so that there are not more than 10 seats between any seat and the nearest aisle. 8. ) A letter setting out the nature, purpose and scope of the event, esti- mated attendance and security and control measures to be provided. 9. ) Plans showing the location of the event, any buildings or tents to be used, . . . . . . . . . . . . .Continued FIRE PREVENTM BEGINS WITH YOU Mr. David W. Oakes - 2 - May 31 , 1983. 600 l Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the writer. Yours truly, JH/sr J. Hayman, Fire Chief. ' h TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MEMORANDUM i f i TO: D. Oakes, A.M.C.T. , Clerk FROM: H. G. Wight, Chief Building Official DATE: June 13, 1983 SUBJECT: Newcastle Lakers Request for Beer Tent at Baseball Tournament The tent to be used in connection with the above noted request must conform to N. F.P.A. "Standard Methods of Fire Test for Flame Resistant Textiles & Film" or U.L.C. "Standard for Flame Tests & Flame Resistant Fabrics & Films" . Proof of conformity should be in the form of a stamp or label on the fabric or a letter from the 'Manufacturer' not the rental firm. The ground enclosed by the tent and an area extending 10 feet outside of the tent must be cleared of all flammable material and or vegetation that will carry fire. In addition, to the foregoing there are requirements that must be complied with respecting fire safety and exits within the tent. These cannot be determined until we have the size of the tent and a floor plan indicating how the interior is to be used. A plot plan showing the proposed location of the tent on the lot in relation to the property lines should be submitted for site inspections purposes. HGW:mb WU TOWN OF NE14CASTIF MEMORANDUM kdAY 26 1053 TO: David Oakes, Clerk FROM: Thomas A. Fanning, Director of Community Services DATE: May 26, 1983 SUBJECT: BEER TENT -- NEWCASTLE VILLAGE PARK After having discussions with staff regarding the above-mentioned subject, I would recommend that Council approve the Beer Tent at Newcastle Park and the following recommendations be adhered to and they are: 1. Police protection 2. Insurance Bond for third liability coverage 3. Performance Bond (to cover cleaning up) 4. If food served (Public Health Unit to be notified) 5. Time limit, no later then 11:30 p.m. 6. Alcoholic drinks be served in plastic cups 7. Any temporary structures be taken down as soon as possible (no later then next day) Thomas A. Fanning, Director. TAF/sa cc: J. P. Caruana,D/Director N. VanSeggelen, Foreman TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MEMORANDUM CURK DEPAUMENT TO: D. N. Smith, M.C. I.P. , Chief Administrative Officer FROM: David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. , Town Clerk DATE: May 19, 1983 SUBJECT: Lakers Baseball Team Application for Permission to Operate a Beer Tent on Town-owned Lands During the Period September 3rd to 5th 1983 Inclusive. Our File: 10.2.11. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Your comments on the yellow tab were noted, and I would advise as follows: 1. This is not an event covered by the Town's Special Events By-law. 2. This type of activity requires Council 's sanctioning of the use of Town Property by the Team and the issuing of a letter to the Team to be submitted with their application for a liquor licence which says: "Council of the Town of Newcastle has no objection to the Lakers Baseball Team being issued a licence to sell beer during the "Senior D" Championships to be held in the ball park, Newcastle Village, from September 3rd to 5th 1983. " 3. Prior to the approval of the issuing of such letters, the "Team" would have to meet the following conditions : (a) obtain the Fire Department's approval of the marquee by submitting a fire retardency certificate to the Fire Department; (b) prepare a site plan for review by Building Inspection and Fire Department, showing the location of the enclosure and the marquee and identifying the entrances and exits; (c) arrange for necessary police security services; i. Continued . . . . . /2 D. N. Smith - 2 - May 19, 1983 (d) provide the Town of Newcastle with liability insurance in the amount of 1 million dollars covering the period of the event. Having satisfied all of these requirements, the Town could issue a letter to the Team to be submitted with their Liquor Licence Application and a separate letter authorizing the holding of the event on Town-owned lands. DWO/ms ,t OX i,2 1 � HEWCA:;'TLE UJ{': F.l{ I (1 j� } NAY 09 , 1 ()83 r .. )*09H CLERK THE NEWCASTLE LAKERS BASEBALL TEAM HAS BEEN GRANTED THE 1.LL OI;'1'^I'. ! 0 �SEBALL ASSOCIATION "SENIOR U" CIfAMPIOJfS11IP TO BE HEI,I) 0;{ THE L1,BOUI? Dr.Y WEEKEND . THE TOURNAMENT WILL CONSIST OF SIX TERMS REPRESE!{TI;!G Vn.l'. IOU�' LOCATIONS Ili ONTARIO . AS THE NEWCASTLE LAKERS ARE THE HOST TEAM WE ARE P.EQJ! ST' I1(G pr^,liI :;: IOJ: TO ERECT A BEET{ TENT AT THE NORTH END OF THE PARE: IJ{ NEWCASTLE VILL".GE ON SEPTEMBER 3 , 4 , AND 5TH , 1983 . THE AREA IH QUESTION IS TO BE A SHOW FENCE ENCLOSURE IJITH T'11-,POSSIBILITY OF A TAP.POLIN ROOF , WHICH WILL BE RENTED FROI-1 AJ{ AGENCY , IH SO DOING , THE FIRE REGULATION STANDARDS [JILL HP.VE PRIOR APPROVAL . THE TENT WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE DIRECTORS OF T!(-_;' LAI:ERS EXECUTIVE , WITS! THE INTENT TO SELL BEER DURING THE HOUP.S ' OI•, AND 7 : 00 P . M . REQUEST WILL BE ('LADE TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE, TO HIVE i'::I:I ,p, 1 WEf:I;END PATROL OF THE PARK . SANITATIOII P.EGULATIOJlS WILL `,L`;0 BE THERE WILL BE ( AJAX ) PORTABLE WASJlROOI.IS SET UP AT VARIOU:; I,OC '1' IC'J?.; !! I 1'I! I;t T1 ?ARK . SINCE THE LAKERS ARE HOLDING THE TOURNAMENT ANY EXPEN.';ES I:(Ct1I'I:Eli THROUGHOUT ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE TEAM , SO THAT ANY 1110?;E'1 T'A.;:I:'t IN FROM THE SALE OF BEER WILL BE USED TO SETTLE THESE EX'PEN.';ES . IF APPROVAL IS GRANTED AN APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO T!117 LIQUo BOARD FOR THE APPROPRIATE LICENSE , AND IF NECE 'SAI?Y A COPY [JILL 2L TO YOU . SENDING THE REQUEST IN AT THIS TIME WILL ALLOW FOR BE TAI:EN CARE OF OVER THE SUMMER MONTHS . IF FURTHER INFORMATION IS REQUIRED PLEASE CONTACT BETH C,AN, Bt:LL :•.'i 987-14248 OR B0NNIE ALLDRED AT 987-5383 , WE WOULD LIKE TO BE ADVISED OF THE DATE OF THE GENERAL P.'1' 11){ I;'!I 'THI::; NAT'PER WILL BE DISCUSSED . THANK YOU SF:CRE'TARY : B . ALLD;tED / L c iC TREASURER : B . CAMPBELL I1 Q y 77) Q oM ^+u� ,ry