HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-22-83 REPORT #3 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623-3379 \� �z BOWMAN ILLE, ONTARIO Li C 3A6 REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING OF APRIL 11, 1983. CD-22-83 - Our File: 35.60.8. SUBJECT: BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE (B.I.A. ) REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO BY-LAW NO. 77-33, TO INCREASE THE BOARD OF THE B. I.A. FROM SEVEN TO EIGHT MEMBERS RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That Council give consideration to the request of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area Board of Management for an increase in the membership of the Board from seven to eight members. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: By letter dated March 14th 1983 (received March 30, 1983), the Bowmanville B. I.A. has requested that Council give consideration to increasing the membership of the Board of Management from seven to eight members, one of whom will be a member of Council . It would appear, that the increase in the size of the Board of Management has been occasioned by the increase in the number of responsibilities and activities with which they are now involved. By-law No. 77-33 entitled "a by-law to designate an area in the Bowmanville Central Business District as a Business Improvement Area and to establish a Board of Management for the Bowmanville Central Business Improvement area," provides in Section 4. thereof as follows: "The Board shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by Council , one of whom shall be a member of Council and the remaining members shall be persons qualified to be elected members 16?) of Council assessed for business assessment in respect of land in the area or nominees of Corporations so assessed. " Cont'd . . . /2 CD-22-83 - 2 - April 11, 1983 Section 217 (6) of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, provides that: "A Board of Management established under subsection (1) is a body corporate and shall consist of such number of members appointed by Council as the Council considers adviseable, at least one of whom shall be a member of the Council and the remaining members shall be individuals assessed for business assessment in respect of land in the area or nominees of such individuals or of corporations so assessed. " Clearly, there is no limit placed upon the numbers of persons that may be appointed to serve on a Business Improvement Area Board of Management, subject of course, to the limit established by Council by by-law. If Council concurs with the request of the Bowmanville B. I.A. that the membership of the Board be increased by one additional member, then it would be appropriate to pass a by-law authorizing the increase. A draft by-law giving effect to the Bowmanville B. I.A. 's request is also attached for Council 's consideration. I would also note for Council 's information, that Mr. Gilpin has by letter dated March 17, 1983 (received March 30, 1983) reported that the membership of the Bowmanville Business Improvement Area at a meeting held on March 16, 1983, elected seven persons to its Board of Management for the year 1983. For the sake of continuity of action, it would be appropriate for Council to consider, and if it is Council 's wish to approve an increase in the Board from seven to eight members, pass the by-law attached to this report authorizing the increase in the Board of Management. Then, Council could properly appoint the seven persons elected to the Board of Management for the year 1983, and finally to complete the process, it would also be in order to officially appoint a member of Council to the Board for the same period. Respectfully submitted, 4 ��. a, David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. , Town Clerk. ms Attachments. CUtb- E BOWMANVILL SS CENTRE 0 0 91 L] T BOWMANVILLE P.O. BOX 365 BUSINESS CENTRE BOWMANVILLE, ONT. L1C3L1 1983 03 14 OUIN-d'I'VI HT Mr . David W . Oakes Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville , Ontario Dear Mr. Oakes In order to accomodate all of the positions now required on the Board of Management , a change in By-Law 77-33 , Section 4 , is required . Under the new arrangement there will be a total of eight positions--seven elected by vote at an All- Members Meeting and one appointed by Council . We would be pleased if you would make the necessary arrangements to have By-Law 77-33 amended to this effect . Yours very truly Garth Gilpin Business Manager ACK. BY: . . .. . . ... ORIGINAL TO. .......... cOPIES TO, BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE o 0 El ® a BOWMANVILLE � � � � � P.O. BOX 365 BUSINESS CENTRE � 5 (; �� tip, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. LIC30 1983 03 17 Mr . David W. Oakes Town Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville , Ontario Dear Mr . Oakes At the Annual All-Members Meeting held on Wednesday , March 16 , 1983 , the following were elected to the Board of Management , to the positions indicated : Chairman : G . Webster Secretary-Treasurer J . Lander Landscaping Chairman L . Koenderman Parking Chairman A . Strike Promotion Chairman E . Denny Communications Chairman D . Abernethy Public Relations A . Hooper It is understood that Council is required to give approval to these appointments by motion . Yours very truly TIC �4 $„/ � '41 b.G.1 1.�J.1♦ b P g i l q p 9 OR1 INAL T0:Q,.? : i THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 83- being a by-law to amend Section 4 of By-law }' 7733, being a by-law to designate an area !• .± in the Bowmanville Central Business District as a Business Improvement Area and to establish a Board of Management for the Bowmanville Central Business Improvement Area. WHEREAS Section 217 (1) of The Municipal Act R.S.O., 1980, provides that the Council of a municipality may pass by-laws designating an area as an Improvement Area and may by by-law establish for any such area so designated, a Board of Management; and AND WHEREAS Section 217 (6) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, grants the Council of the Municipality the authority to establish the number of members that shall be appointed as a Board of Management for an Improvement Area !' PP 9 P ; a established under Section 217 (1) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it adviseable to amend By-law No. 77-33 of the Town of Newcastle to permit an increase in the number of members to be appointed as a Board of Management for the Bowmanville Central Business Improvement Area; ,,,,`. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED AS A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION—OF F THE TOWN—OFNEWCAS?L�BY—THE COUNCIL-T 1, That Section 4 to By-law No. 77-33 is hereby amended by deleting Section 4 therefrom and substituting the following revised Section 4 therefore: 4. The Board shall consist of eight (8) members appointed by Council, one of whom shall be a member of Council and the remaining members be shall e �,,,,;, ,,,• p rsons qualified to be elected members of Council assessed for business assessment in respect of land in the area or nomineest' of such individuals or of corporations so assessed. By-law read a first and second time this 11th day of April 1983. By-law read a third and final time this 11th day of April 1983. Mayor Clerk •�5 M1 V ! 't,+;1. _ � �$ },$',;•:,KL` 1 °1{,}`'��J,�'i4,',�}'i?�° u.._.,,... . ,.,.,.0»,. . .,�"'filbi':{?•Y::.,.•:Y'° u., t ,.Hn......,� .•,•::i'•.,.,''it, ... ,