HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-43-82 /t�y V(1V.It DGE A\5p 5j CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE rV 6(c) OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK ,E 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623-3379 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 4 LiC 3A6 �I REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 12TH 1982. CD-43-82 OUR FILE: 10. 13. 1. SUBJECT: PARKING ENFORCEMENT ORONO AND NEWCASTLE VILLAGE PURCHASE OF ENFORCEMENT SERVICES RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That the Town of Newcastle award a contract to Oshawa Security Service Ltd. , for the provision of Parking Enforcement Service in Orono and Newcastle Village for the balance of 1982; and 3. That the attached by-law be approved and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement d. d on behalf of the Town; and 4. That the effectiveness of the program be monitored and reviewed by Committee at the end of the year 1982, and depending upon the findings , the contract be extended for the year 1983, or cancelled; and 5. That the cost be charged to "Parking Enforcement - Purchase of Services ," Account Number 7225-0249-X-7. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: The matter of parking enforcement in Orono and in Newcastle Village has been raised by members ofCouncil on several occasions. Recognizing that parking enforcement was an appropriate activity in these two areas of the municipality, ;I Continued . . . . . /2 f11 V CD-43-82 - 2 - July 12th 1982 Council authorized the inclusion of $6,000.00 for the purpose in the 1982 budget. The matter of parking enforcement on the Town's behalf by a "third party" (by contract) was discussed by members of staff and, the consensus was that "third party" enforcement would result in the parking regulations being enforced impartially. Oshawa Security Service Ltd. , have by letter dated June 22nd 1982 , offered to supply the Town of Newcastle with parking enforcement services on the following basis: 1. Personnel (a) Provide one enforcement officer to enforce parking by-law as required; (b) Attend Court to prosecute offenders as required; (c) Deliver copies of parking tickets to by-law enforcement for processing; 2. Service Level (a) Patrol Orono and Newcastle Monday through Friday (Statutory Holidays excepted) : two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon; (b) Recheck each area at the end of the two hour cycle and issue tickets to vehicles parked overtime. 3. Cost of Service (a) Labour rate of $7.50 per hour to a maximum of 4 hours per day; five days per week = $150.00 per week; (b) Mileage rate 20 cents per kilometre necessarily travelled; estimated @ 30 km per day = $30.00 per week; (c) Attendance in Court at labour rate of $7.50 per hour, (Court time approximately 1 hour per month) . Based upon the costs noted above, it is estimated that the program would cost the Town approximately $5,000 for the balance of 1982. This amount is within estimates. Accordingly, staff would recommend that an agreement be entered into with Oshawa Security Service Ltd. , P.O. Box 334, Oshawa, Ontario, for the provision of part-time Parking Enforcement Services in the Continued . . . . . /3 CD-43-82 - 3 - July 12th 1982 Orono and Newcastle Village areas of the Town of Newcastle for the balance of 1982. And, that their performance be reviewed at the end of the year. Respectfully submitted, David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk. Dvv4s to LJUN OSHAWA SE CURITY SERVICE LTD. SECURITY GUARDS PRIVATE INVESTIGATION 23 W P.O. BOX 334 . Oshawa, Ontario, Canada L1H 71-3 tl '1 CAS T TELEPHONE (416) 725-9931 UEPARIN1ENT UulLe :-L' 196.2 =�U Jel,,l.�e�arLCe :�•(.a'e.ed. >ou�,r,arLVi.�_i.e, IJrL•La.a•tiro d'LL 3, 6 lira,. utr•t. i,(a.v Lo our recen.•L •Lei et JLone cc nuea,-�aL'LorL Pe(/arcl.i.ng vLe- u.-e o-6 our •i_/1. a bI.; 'atu e/id"oa cc me/t•L o j -t•i.cea, J o r 7,eu ca LL Le L ,Ziu,y.e u.ad, v vo/Lo ,Y am jj Lea%�eci to ou-L4-.-ne bcatow our lie wou.tu J,auc olLe i ru.:i Vi ejuaL Swoav"L •Lrt aa. all wJ o�se �e�{_.onatibi Lid:.i ea wou.,f_c, be �-o {_)u,Cro,L cLe �ic,l�u.Le�� aa�ea�� at_ cev414u '-ll Li !,lea c ua i.rL,f (_lie cat) . (ill •LIl.e vouncu J,e or al,e wouZa. c{LaUe. 4 ,,e Lc a ea of caxa clta-L are {.�'_arle-ect a,n a Jcou.a I.,uaiLirtr zone. Jl,.e n(ICZ routli'd woutci be !„ac,i.e w l"lou.ra -La•t-ev an,_(. a•L •( J;.a•L •Li l,,e attt, VeJl.i.c•Le -0,.aL JLa,6 no•L rr,oV(,-u. a l..aalztin!J wou'bl be tia�u.c d. Uur cJLaa,,.e •boa, -Ui.i.a- wouZu. be on an JLouvtL) ba%yti.s, at, Lhe ra•Le, o.� /Lour p•f'ua :,ZUq- ja-p-r A. )/,. ua,•i_Ven. Any, cou.Vt WOU4Xi be cJ,,ar({.eci a•L 43,e rey.utar h.our'bj ra%Le'. sia I)lflll.t�Onet tirL our co/"LVeaaa.•LtiOn 4.'e ILCLVe been j.-.roV4.c1'Ligj CJl.tia aea,ui-cc ¢,o a, 'U,.e Jown o.b .fi j-aaG o o a, •L%Le l.iaa t 1 t,c�a� J.. l'e 12 a,o L/ o'.e. •LJLi.•�. �e.a,vi_ce i,;onc:a� •i.ILa,u l�e..Llie.ac�au �� a,oru % a. n,. un•LL� 5 {�. n!. Jll.ua,•o,la,.; allo j a-Lout;a our o b t i.cea, i a oil. aukL, •6 vor„ 10: C0 a. n,. Member of Better Business Bureau o-p ou.r per'aonne.t- are un-i doa�n,ecf, 4_�cenJ.ea anti bonded- -t 'rou.(Ph. 'Lltv Vlidak'o Proutinci_at l o.�tice. J wou.-t-d be. ta,Lea/.�e.cl 4-o a� �.oi,cr� co�•�veietience. I-r'cyi.cl en�t: DISTRiB A A(-!(, BY: . .... L. CINAL TO: .......... c. ""S T0: �. l I f THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE I BY-LAW 82-100 I being a by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Oshawa Security Service Ltd. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: i THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of i the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and seal with the Corporation I Seal, an agreement between Oshawa Security Service Ltd. , and the said Corporation, with respect to the provisions of Parking Enforcement Services in Orono and Newcastle Village. ! i i I ' i By-law read a first and second time this lg day of July 1982• By-law read a third and final time this lg day of July 1982. i Mayor Seal Clerk I I i i THIS AGREEMENT MADE IN DUPLICATE THE DAY OF 1982 and authorized by 8y-law No. 82- of the Town of Newcastle BETWEEN: The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle E and I Oshawa Security Service Limited , f a corporation incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario and having its Head Office in the City of Oshawa i The parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Oshawa Security Service Limited agrees to provide security personnel as Parking Enforcement Officers to carry out parking enforcement duties in Newcastle Village and Orono, commencing July 1982, to December 31, 1982. E 2. Oshawa Security Service Limited agrees to carry out a regular enforcement ` patrol in Newcastle Village and Orono five days of the week, Monday to Friday, Statutory Holidays excepted. 3. Oshawa Security Service Limited further agrees to carry out the aforementioned parking enforcement for a period not in excess of twenty (20) hours per week. 4. Oshawa Security Service Limited shall , during the currency of this agreement and every renewal or extension thereof: . (a) indemnify and save harmless the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, its servants and agents from all loss, damages, expenses and costs which may be suffered by them, or any of them, by reason or on account of any i E matter or thing done or purported to be done, or any neglect in the doing of the same by the Town of Newcastle, whether under the terms of this agreement or otherwise; and (b) at its own expense, keep in force a policy of insurance in amount of i i not less than $1,000,000.00 to indemnify and save harmless the Town, its i servants or agents, from all loss damage, expenses and costs which may be suffered by them, or any of them by reason or on account of any matter or thing done, or purported to be done, or any neglect in the ! doing of the same by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, whether under the terms of this agreement or otherwise and a copy of a policy naming the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle as a co-insured shall be deposited with the Town Clerk. 5. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle agrees to pay Oshawa Security Service Limited for services rendered at the rate of $7.50 per hour - parking enforcement; .20¢ per km - mileage necessarily travelled in the performance of the parking enforcement program; $7.50 per hour - Court time. i I l . - 2 - 6. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle shall not in advance, P a Y for such services rendered at the rate established and upon receipt of an invoice for services rendered in the previous month, direct that such fees be paid. No acknowledgement or acceptance of any additions or increases in the cost of services will be permitted. 1 7. Oshawa Security Service Limited and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle agree that a review of the parking enforcement program will be undertaken prior to December 31st 1982. 8. The provisions of this agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. In witness whereof the parties hereto have affixed their Corporate Seals under the hands of their officers duly authorized in that behalf. Seal President Oshawa Security Service Limited Mayor Seal Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle I F f 9