HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-16-04 -. -., REPORT 113 C@r.#]gron REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Date: COUNCIL MAY 10, 2004 Meeting: Report #: CLD-16-04 File#: By-law #: Subject: APPLICATION FOR COMPLIANCE AUDIT- MAYOR JOHN MUTTON'S 2003 ELECTION CAMPAIGN RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: THAT Report CLD-16-04 be received; and THAT Council resolve either: 1. THAT, in accordance with subsection 81(3) ofthe Municipal Elections Act, 1996 the application submitted by Mr. Richard Ward for a Compliance Audit of Mayor John Mutton's 2003 Election Campaign be granted and an auditor licensed under the Public Accountancy Act be appointed to conduct such audit. OR 2. THAT, in accordance with subsection 81 (3) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 the application submitted by Mr. Richard Ward for a Compliance Audit of Mayor John Mutton's 2003 Election Campaign be rejected, since Council is of the opinion that there are not any reasonable grounds to believe that Mayor John Mutton contravened a provision of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 relating to election campaign finance. Submitted by: c'J t< cp.. R.X. <:.,.. ~ . Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLB CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 . ~- " REPORT NO.: CLD-16'()4 PAGE 2 of6 Backaround Section 81 (1) of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 (the Act) states that an elector who is entitled to vote in an election and believes on reasonable grounds that a candidate has contravened a provision of the Act relating to election campaign finances may apply for a compliance audit of that candidate's election campaign finances. On April 26, 2004, Richard Ward submitted an application for a compliance audit of Mayor John Mutton's 2003 election campaign finances. A copy of Mr. Ward's application together with the documents which Mr. Ward provided in support of his application are included as Attachment 1 to this report. Mr. Ward is an elector entitled to vote in the 2003 election as well as a candidate for the office of Mayor in that election. The documents comprise Corporation Profile Reports for Cougs Investments Ltd., Lawrence Glen Holdings Limited, and Property Assessment information for two properties in Ajax and one in Pickering. The assessed owner of the first Ajax property shown on Roll No. 01 001 0021 260000 is Cougs Investment Ltd. This corporation is also one of the assessed co-owners of the second Ajax property (427 Taunton Road) with L. Marr Investments Limited and 437033 Ontario Inc. The co-owners are shown on Assessment Roll No. 01 001 1122000000. The Pickering property is located at 3225 Fifth Concession Road, Pickering. The PropertylParcel information provided by Mr. Ward shows the owner to be 869547 Ontario Inc. It is not clear to me why the assessment information has been provided by Mr. Ward. It does not seem to be relevant to Council's consideration of Mr. Ward's application for a compliance audit. Cougs Investment Ltd. and Lawrence Glen Holdings Limited contributed $750 each to the financing of Mayor Mutton's 2003 election campaign. 437033 Ontario Inc. and L. Marr Investments Limited, the assessed co-owners with Cougs Investments Ltd. of the second Ajax property (427 Taunton Road) are not listed as contributors to the financing of Mayor Mutton's 2003 election campaign. Also, with respect to the second Ajax property (427 Taunton Road), Corporation Profile Reports for L. Marr Investments Limited and 437033 Ontario Inc. show that no one who is a director and officer of Cougs Investments Ltd. or Lawrence Glen Holdings Limited is a director or officer of either of the former corporations. 869547 Ontario Inc. is not listed as a contributor to the financing of Mayor Mutton's 2003 election campaign. Copies of the Corporation Profile Reports for 869547 Ontario Inc., L. Marr Investments Limited and 437033 Ontario Inc. are contained in Attachment 2 to this report. . ',- REPORT NO.: CLD.16-04 PAGE 3 OF 6 The Corporation Profile Report for Cougs Investments Ltd. shows the following individuals to be directors and officers of the corporation: - George Reed - Director and President - John Robert Coughlan - Director and Vice President - Paula Coughlan - Director and General Manager - Mary Louise Mullen - Director and Vice President - Beverly Ann Reed - Director and Treasurer - Janice Marie Russell - Director and Secretary The Corporation Profile Report for Lawrence Glen Holdings Limited shows the following individuals to be directors of the corporation: - George Reed - Director and Gerieral Manager - Jeremiah Francis Coughlan - Director and President - Lorraine J. Coughlan - Director and Secretary The Corporation Profile Reports do not indicate whether or not particular directors or officers own shares in the corporation which is the subject of the report. I have written to Mr. Ward and requested him to provide any additional information that he may have to support his request for a compliance audit (Attachment 3). To date, no further information has been provided by Mr. Ward. ReQuirements of Act Respectina Compliance Audit Application The Act requires that within 30 days of receiving Mr. Ward's request, Council shall consider the application and decide whether the compliance audit should be granted or rejected. If an auditor is appointed to do a compliance audit, the Act gives him or her the powers of a commission under Part II of the Public Inquiries Act. These powers include the power to require any person to give evidence under oath and to produce any document. The decision of Council on Mr. Ward's application may be appealed to the Ontario Court of Justice within 15 days of the decision being made. The Court may make any decision Council could have made on the application. If Council decides to grant the application, Council must, by resolution, appoint an auditor to conduct the compliance audit. Only an auditor who is licensed under the Public Accountancy Act may be appointed. The auditor's costs of performing the audit are to be paid by the municipality. Council must consider the auditor's report within 30 days of receiving it. Council may commence a legal proceeding against the candidate for any apparent contravention of a provision of the Act relating to election campaign finances. If the auditor's report indicates that there was no apparent contravention and Council finds that there were no reasonable grounds for the application, the Council is entitled to recover the auditor's costs from the applicant. . REPORT NO.: CLD.16.()4 PAGE 4 OF 6 Basis of Application The decision to be made by Council is whether there are reasonable grounds for believing that Mayor Mutton has contravened a provision of the Act relating to election campaign finances. The Act states that a corporation that carries on business in Ontario may make contributions to a municipal election campaign. The maximum allowed amount of a contribution is $750. If two corporations who make contributions are "associated" within the meaning of section 256 of the Income Tax Act, their combined contributions are treated as the contribution of a single contributor and are subject to the $750 limit. Mr. Ward's application for a compliance audit appears to be based on the fact that the Corporation Profile Report for Cougs Investments Ltd. shows George Reed to be a director and the President and the Corporation Profile Report for Lawrence Glen Holdings Limited shows Mr. Reed to be a director and General Manager of that corporation. Additionally, the Reports show that the two corporations have the same registered and mailing addresses. Mr. Ward alleges in his application that the contributions made by these two corporations of $750 each are "clear violations" of the Act because the two corporations are "associated". In order to determine whether there are reasonable grounds to support Mr. Ward's allegation, it will be necessary for Council to determine whether Cougs Investments Ltd. and Lawrence Glen Holdings Limited are "associated" for the purposes of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The Act states that corporations that are "associated" with one another under section 256 of the Income Tax Act shall be deemed to be a single corporation. For the purposes of section 256 of the Income Tax Act, one corporation is "associated" with another in a taxation year if, at any time in the year, (a) one of the corporations controlled, directly or indirectly in any manner whatever, the other; (b) both of the corporations were controlled, directly or indirectly in any manner whatever, by the same person or group of persons; (c) each of the corporations was controlled, directly or indirectly in any manner whatever, by a person and the person who so controlled one of the corporations was related to the person who so controlled the other, and either of those persons owned, in respect of each corporation, not less than 25% of the issued shares of any class, other than a specified class, of the capital stock thereof; (d) one of the corporations was controlled, directly or indirectly in any manner whatever, by a person and that person was related to each member of a group of persons that so controlled the other corporation, and that person owned, in respect of the other corporation, not less than 25% of the issued shares of any class, other than a specified class, of the capital stock thereof; and . , REPORT NO.: CLD-16'()4 PAGE 5 OF 6 ~ (e) each of the corporations was controlled, directly or indirectly in any manner whatever, by a related group and each of the members of one of the related groups was related to all of the members of the other related group, and one or more persons who were members of both related groups, either alone or together, owned, in respect of each corporation, not less than 25% of the issued shares of any class, other than a specified class, of the capital stock thereof. The information provided by Mr. Ward shows the registered offices and mailing addresses of Cougs Investments Ltd. and Lawrence Glen Holdings Limited to be identical. You will note that the registered offices and mailing addresses of the corporations are not relevant in answering the question whether the corporations are "associated" under section 256 of the Income Tax Act. It should also be noted that certain terms used in section 256 of the Income Tax Act have been the subject of Court decisions. Other terms have been given expanded meanings by particular subsections of section 256. I n interpreting section 256 of the Income Tax Act, the Courts have decided that a person or group of persons "control directly or indirectly in any manner whatever" a corporation, where the person or group of persons own enough shares to carry a majority of the votes in the election of the directors of the corporation. Section 256(5.1) of the Income Tax Act expands the concept of "control" by stating that a corporation may also be "controlled" by another corporation, person or group of persons where the controller has any direct or indirect influence that if exercised would result in control in fact of the corporation. No information has either been provided by Mr. Ward or is otherwise available to me to suggest that any person or group of persons who is or are directors or officers of Cougs Investments Ltd. .control" Lawrence Glen Holdings Limited or vice versa. Consequently, neither section 256(1 )(a) nor 256(1 )(b) of the Income Tax Act would appear to apply to deem these two corporations to be "associated" for the purpose of section 256 of the Income Tax Act, and therefore of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. While Mr. George Reed is a director both of Cougs Investments Ltd. and of Lawrence Glen Holdings Limited, as is noted above, five other individuals are shown in the Corporation Profile Report to be directors of Cougs Investments Ltd., and two other individuals are shown to be directors of Lawrence Glen Holdings Limited. Apart from Mr. Reed, none of the other directors of Lawrence Glen Holdings Limited are directors of Cougs Investments Ltd. Also, no information has been provided by Mr. Ward or is otherwise available to me as to whether any, and if so, how many of the issued and outstanding shares of the capital stock of either of the two corporations is owned by any of the directors of the two corporations. ~ REPORT NO.: CLD-16'()4 PAGE 6 OF 6 In summary, it is not possible to determine from the information provided by Mr. Ward or otherwise available to me that any of the criteria set out in section 256 of the Income Tax Act have been satisfied. Only if at least one of the criteria is satisfied will the corporations be deemed to be "associated" for the purposes of section 256 of the Income Tax Act and therefore of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. Only if they are "associated" would the two corporations in question be treated as a single corporation and the maximum contribution limit of $750 to the election campaign expenses of a candidate would apply. Conclusion Council must decide, in accordance with subsection 81 (3) of Municipal Elections Act, 1996 whether to grant or reject Mr. Ward's application for a compliance audit. , ATTACHMENT III RICHARD WARD . 3709 REGIONAL 9E#9 ORONO,ONTARIO LOB IMO 905 983 6213 APRIL 26,2004 TO: PATTI BARRIE CLERK FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON APPLICATION FOR COMPLIANCE AUDIT OF JOHN MUTTON'S 2003 ELECTION CAMPAIGN FINANCES. This request is in response to Patti Barrie decision that the only way determine that a violation has taken place is by way of an audit. John Mutton has again taken contributions from two of the four DEER CREEK contributions that are the subject of a Divisional Court Application to be heard June 3,2004. Attached is Property Assessment information for 27 Buggey Lane Ajax Cougs And Lawrence Glen Holdings 11127 Taunton Rd. Ajax c/o Ron Halliday and 3225 Balsam Rd. Pickering-residence of Neil Acton. The CORPORATION PROFILE REPORTS FOR COUGS INVESTMENTS LTD AND LAWRENCE GLEN HOLDINGS LIMITED SHOWS GEORGE REED AS PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THESE CONTRIBUTIONS ARE CLEAR VIOLATIONS TO THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT. MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IF REQUIRED. "",: . .. , , Roll Number Address Owners PROPERTY ASSESSMENT 1010010021260000 o 271 IBUGGEY LANE 'COUGS INVESTMENTS L TO ~ i '. ~ Mailing Address .27 BUGGEY LANE iAJAX ON IL 1Z 1X4 Legal Description iCON 4 PT LOT3,4 AND RD ALLOW !NOW 40R10348 PART 1-6, PLAN '40M1577 BLK69,71 &40M1578 ~ 1 AND 40R17476 PART 2 188.56AC Assessments COM TAX FULL RES TAX FULL ENG SEP Wednesday, April 21, 2004 $1,711,000 $6,520,000 }':~ge J of] . Roll Number Address Owners PROPERTY ASSESSMENT 010011122000000 o 427 TAUNTON RO 'COUGS INVESTMENTS L TO ------..-------- L MARR INVESTMENTS LIMITED ,437033 ONTARIO INC' Mailing Address 27 BUGGEY LANE Legal Description CON 3 N PT LOT 13 NOW RP 40R11 054 PART 1,2 ---- 30,51AC Assessments 1AJAX ON iL1S4S7 COM TAX FULL FRM TAX FULL ENG PUB RES TAX FULL ENG PUB Wednesday, Apri121, 2004 $184,000 $121.000 $51.000 "" I of I '. , Fde Data Search Edit Actions Reports "'/indow Help u. ~ '....., c "'.,~, ,,-,,,"'7."~'- . . ,'''''Amanda - Front Counter ~~.. ~"' .,:"-~''''--":.-;':;-, >~~~3~~';:::~l'%. ~~~. ~ . . '"'."\;>"'_'_~~r~_~"".l ~..~, ..-- -~~~~~ II m.J ~ Fo~ II Propert, . ~ ~ L:J People:. 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I xl yl Status /Active Depth 10 I FamilyRSN 120342 Obsoleted Date 1 Property RSN 120342 Survey I Copy I Copy Coiumns I ReJtlledl I (jJ.+ Exi~ se .O<&V8J!!l1~~ . . .- d ....' .." f <~)'j-' , ~Aman a - Front Counter <:,,- ~ _: >\-_;-<~.;~':."?'.!:~." ~J<:;,,;~-, FueDa!i!Searcl1 Edit Actiolls Reports Window Help l~F!lt,~'.4;pt. .~!..~' ~.. u~. r ^=.. ~. ~if~2:~~~.:-i{ _IClI~ Name DEli I Orgl869547 ONTARIO INC Address I I Cityl20342 Phonel< ) - e 1<) - e Ie ) - e Free Form 127 BUGGEY LANE Address /RR 1 IAJ.A.X ON III S 4S7 I L " Row Sequence Number 175740 ;~'l1iJ!;m=qiartmt~pS(trypfEiafrllders I Properties I EnvelopellnvoiCel Personal Info I Same I ,;F;aTai~gp1Ei11 tjj;pl~q[roarked(;'l)bYlJnmarkede1) I r High6ghl 1 Row Returned m.+ Ezit II I II I ,- ".. Emaill License la03000830200 Type IOwner Comment 'Prbperty I PeOPle/ 1A.~PY1?~~'.~!ii:i:3f~t~~f}I~;';{;~i::'~:~X~\: ~_ - _ ~&illT@j~'~~.i 1 J I~Amanda - Front Counter ", .' .. -". ,.'- .". -' -.,'..." .. '.,-,. ,.~ .... .... . <2. ~'.:L:_~:~]F!~1~~9;g~f~k~ d d Use -:))~~:m Slart Dale 1- IN I r- 2 Rows Return, .."_.;',,,:_,_:."''0.._..: ;' -. ',";-_ 0 Co,,," <,",c" "_,~_,"'~' ! eo$ve.l!!!ll9J~,; -~ _'quest 10. Tran~action ID: Category ID: 006042191 23473283 UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number Corporation Name 589315 COUGS INVESTMENTS LTD. Corporation Type Corporation Status ONTARIO BUSINESS CORP. ACTIVE - Registered Office Address 27 BUGGEV LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 Mailing Address 27 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 8;::::.. ""Ii:::; TI"'~ '\C<;'-, J;:HlC Date Amalgam,neco NOT APPL::L.=::i...t New Amai. Ndrnoe- NOT ApcU:_:_.::,,-= Revival Date NOT APPLlC;S_o Transferred Out Date NOT APPLlC.~.Bc= EP Licence Eff.Date NOT APPLlCAELE Number of Directors Date Commenced Minimum Maximum in Ontario Activity Classification UNKNOWN UNKNOWN NOT APPLlC.t.,SLE NOT AVAILABLE ..cd o.c.:;ed: 2804,'04':22 10:43: 15 1 :r:corporation Date . 984/06/12 -'~lrisdiction :NT ARlO ;:Carmer Jurisdiction . .OT APPLICABLE ':llalgamation Ind. ! OT APPLICABLE :):ice Date : OT APPLICABLE _'"tter Date ::OT APPLICABLE ::"o:-.rinuation Date ! ,.)T APPLICABLE Cancelilnactive Date '.OT APPLICABLE ::~- Licence Term.Date I:OT APPLICABLE DOi'!:e Ceased i:-I Ontario GT APPLICABLE oP.equest 10: Transaction ID: Categor~ rD: 006042191 23473283 UNIE Province 01 Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 589315 Corporate Name Historv COUGS INVESTMENTS LTD. Current Business Namels) Exist: Expired Business Name(s) Exist: Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporation) JOHN ROBERT COUGHLAN Date Began 1989/1 1/30 Designation OFFICER Corporation Name COUGS INVESTMENTS L TO. Effective Date 1984/06/12 - D2.t8 Repo~t Produced: Time Report Produced: Page: NO YES - SEARCH REQUIRED FOR DETAILS Address 2185 LAWRENCE AVENUE WEST Suite # 906 SCARBOROUGH ONTARIO CANADA M1P 2P6 Arat Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian OTHER Y 2004/04/22 10:43:15 2 f!,~uest 10' Tran:;"dction 10: Category, 10: 006042191 23473283 UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 589315 Administrator: Name {Individual! Corporation I JOHN ROBERT COUGHLAN Date Began 1989/1 -j/30 Designation OFFICER Administrator: Name (Individual! Corporation) PAULA COUGHLAN Date Began 1989/11/30 Designation OFFICER Corporation Name COUGS INVESTMENTS LTD. Address 2185 LAWRENCE AVENUE WEeST - Suite # 906 SCARBOROUGH ONTARIO CANADA M 1 P 2P6 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian VICE-PRESIDENT Y Address 25 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian GENERAL MANAGER Y DoiCe F,,: i :mc r,8~" Paw: '~::i;Jced . '---;':;:Juced: 2004'04.22 10,43.15 R~quest ID' TranS-action 10: Category' l~: 006042191 23473283 UNIE Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 589315 Administrator: Name (Individual! Corporation I JOHN R08ERT COUGHLAN Date Began 1993!1 ;:';:: Designation OIRECTOR Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporation) PAULA COUGHLAN Date Began 1993112/22 Designation DIRECTOR Corporation Name COUGS INVESTMENTS LTD. Address 2185 LAWRENCE AVENUE WEST - Suite # 906 SCARBOROUGH ONTARIO CANADA M 1 P 2P6 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian Y Address 25 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian Y Cate Report Produced: Time Report Produced" ::>age; 2004/04,22 10'43:15 4 Rr::luest JD: Trans~ction ID; Category; ID: 006042191 23473283 UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 589315 Administrator: Name (Individual/Corporation) MARY LOUISE MULLIN Date Began 1989'" "'?O Designation OFFICER Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporation) MARY LOUISE MULLIN Date Began 1 989/11/30 Designation OFFICER Corporation Name COUGS INVESTMENTS LTD. Address 32 BEAUFORT ROAD - TORONTO ONT ARlO CANADA M4E 1 M7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian OTHER Address 32 BEAUFORT ROAD TORONTO aNT ARlO CANADA M4E 1 M First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian VICE-PRESIDENT Y :-' :~ . . C. hirE' . :--rClduced: '. uroduced: 2004.0:',22 10:43: 15 5 fl':'Quest 10: TransEction 10: Category 10: .006042191 23473283 UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 589315 Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporation) MARY LOUISE MULLIN Date Began 1993/; 2/':2 Designation DIRECTOR Administrator: Name (Individual! Corporation) BEVERLEY ANN REED Date Began 1989/11/30 Designation OFFICER Corporation Name COUGS INVESTMENTS LTD. Address 32 BEAUFORT ROAD - TORONTO ONTARIO CANAOA M4E 1 M First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian Y Address 40 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian TREASURER Y uate Report Proouced: Time Report Produced: Page: 2004/04.22 10:43:15 f: Request ID: Traflsaction 10: Category ID: 006042191 23473283 UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 589315 Administrator: Name (Individual J Corporation) BEVERLEY ANN REED Date Began 1993/1 ':'J22 Designation DIRECTOR Administrator: Name (Individual J Corporation) GEORGE REED Date Began 1997/01/07 Designation DIRECTOR Corporation Name COUGS INVESTMENTS L TO. Address 40 BUGGEY LANE - AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian Y Address 40 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 Rrst Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian Y D3t~ ht;:-:C'- >:'...;::;ed: Time he~:,c:-- - 'c;J;:;ed: Page: 2004/04/22 10A315 7 .A:"lquest 10; . Transaction 10: Category 10: 006042191 23473283 UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 589315 Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporation) GEORGE REED Date Began 1997/01/07 Designation OFFICER Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporation) JANICE MARIE RUSSELL Date Began 1989/11/30 Designation OFFICER Corporation Name COUGS INVESTMENTS L TO. Address 40 BUGGEY LANE - AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L1 S 4S7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian PRESIDENT Y Address 58 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 Fltst Director NOT APPLlCA8LE Officer Type Resident Canadian SECRETARY Y Date Report Produced: Time Report Produced: Page: 2004/04.'22 10:43:15 8 . :iequest 10: - Trarl'Saction 10: Categqrv 10: 006042191 23473283 UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 5B9315 Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporation) JANICE MARIE RUSSELL Date Began 1993/i 2/22 Designation DIRECTOR Corporation Name COUGS INVESTMENTS L TO. Address 58 BUGGEY LANE - AJAX ONTARIO CANADA LIS 4S7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian Y Date Report Produced: Time Report Produced: Page: 2004/04/22 10:43:15 9 . Request.ID:' Trt'!nsaction 10: Category ID: 006042191 23473283 UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch Date Report Produced: Time Report Produced: Page: CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 589315 Corporation Name COUGS INVESTMENTS LTD. Last Document Recorded ActI~de Description CIA Fonn Date ANNUAL RETURN 2003/12/13 (ELECTRONIC FlUNG) lC - THIS REPORT SETS OUT THE MOST RECENT INFORMATION FILED BY THE CORPORATION ON OR AFTER JUNE 27. '992. AND RECOROED IN THE ONTARIO BUSINESS INFORMAnON SYSTEM AS AT THE DATE AND TIME OF PRINTING. ALL PERSONS WHO ARE RECORDED AS CURRENT DIRECTORS OR OFFICERS ARE INCl.UDED IN THE UST OF ADMINISTRATORS. PtEASE NOTE THAT WHEN THE SAME INDMDUAL HOLDS MULTIPLE 'OTHER UNTlTLED' OFFICER POSITIONS. AS INDICATED ON A FORM 1 UNDER THE CORPORA TIONS INFORMATION ACT. ONLY ONE OF THESE 'OTHER UNTITLED' POSITIONS HELD BY THAT INDIVIDUAL WILL BE REFLECTED ON THIS REPORT. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION. CONTACT COMPANIES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITY BRANCH. ADDITIONAL HISTORICAL INFORMATION MAY EXIST ON THE COMPANIES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITY BRANCH MICROFICHE. . 2004/04/22 10:43:15 10 R--:QU8::it JD: -"'-'anSaclion JD: Cat6gory ID: 00604219i 23473288 UN!E Province of On:a'ic Ministry of Ccnsumer and BUSlne::is Se~;:c::es Companies an::: Pe:sonal Propen'1. Se::::":~:ly Bra;;:, CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number Corporation Name 150554 LAWRENCE GLEN HOLDINGS ur::TED Corporation. Type Corporation Status ONTARIO BUSINESS CORP, " ACTIVE Registered Office Address 27 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA LIS 4S7 Mailing Address 27 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONT ARlO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 Number of Directors Minimum Maximum Activity Ciassification UNKNOI\'N UNKNo\'..N REAL ESTATE OPERATOR/INSURANCE AGENT INDUSTRIES Date An;;;i,:::. NO""" ;==-_ Nev.' Am;: NO- ;'.2::~ Rev!'.';)! ['2,: ~~OT h=;::~ Transferr,;;.: .c..." NOT ;:.pp~~-_ EP licer.cs E~:.::' NOT .L.Pp_:~.-: Date CommiCl~c,,'" in Ontario NOT .L.P=:-:: _ : .::::e-:: ..:cec (l04/0L.-.22 C':43: 15 'lcorporation Date 966 '05 '04 ~.Jrisdiction JNTARIO :- ormer Jurisdiction JOT APPLICABLE malgamation Ind. .OT ,c,PPLlCABLE otice Date .OT APPLICABLE o:tter Date .OT APPclCABLE ontinuation Date .OT APPLICABLE ,.ancel/lnactive Date .OT APPLICABLE :J Licence Term.Date .CJT APPLICABLE one Ceased Ontario .JT APPLICABLE 'R~ques, 10; T -ansaction 10: Category ID: 006042'9' 23473288 UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch [;:1:<.: ';,T:c" " FilCh:' CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 150554 Corporate Name History Corporation Name LAWRENCE GLEN HOLDINGS W.V": Effective Date LAWRENCE GLEN HOLDINGS LIMITED - REFER TO MICROFICHE 21B5 LAWRENCE AVENUE EAST LIMITED Current Business Name(sl Exist: Expired Business Name(s) Exist: Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporation) JEREMIAH F. COUGHLAN ! Date Began 1966/07/07 Designation DIRECTOR REFER TO MICROFICHE NO NO Address 25 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian y ._ced 2004,'04.'22 10:43:15 _;ixed Request Ie: Trang-action rD: Category lD: 006042191 23473288 UN/E PrOVince of Ontario Ministry at Consumer anc ousiness Services Companies and Persona! P,oowty Se:::JrIlY Branch :..:ced: Juced 2004/04 22 ~0:43:15 3 CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 150554 Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporation) JEREMIAH F. COUGHLAN Date Began 1966/07/07 Designation OFFICER Administrator: Name {Individual I Corporation) LORRAINE J. COUGHLAN Date Began 1971/07/07 Designation DIRECTOR Corporation Name LAWR=NCE GLEN HOLOII,'~S Address 25 BUGGEY LANE ,.." AJAX ONTAFiIO CANADA L 15457 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian PRESIDENT y Address 32 BEAUFORT RD. TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA M4E 1 M7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian Request JD: Transaction JD: Catego~y ID: 006042191 23473288 UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch Date: r. i..m , . xed Time :::'c:-; - - = _~: ..;::ed Pa';'H: 2004/04/22 10:43:15 4 CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 150554 Administrator: Name {Individual I Corporationl LORRAINE J. COUGHLAN Date Began 1971/07/07 Designation OFFICER Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporation) LORRAINE J. COUGHLAN ! Date Began 19B7/02/09 Designation OFFICER Corporation Name LAWRENCE GLEN HOLDINGS L1MiTEC' Address 32 BEAUFORT RD. ~ TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA M4E 1 M7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian TREASURER Address 32 BEAUFORT RD. TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA M4E 1 M7 Rrst Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian SECRETARY Requ~st [0:, T~Cins.action ID: Category 10: 006042191 23473288 UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Sec'~.i:ty Branch Date '-:c.:: Time f;,,;; Page CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number 150554 Administrator: Name lIndividuall Corporation) GEORGE REED Oate Began 19B7/02/09 Designation DIRECTOR Administrator: Name Undividuall Corporationl GEORGE REED Date Began 19B7/02/09 Designation OFFICER Corporation Name LAWRENCE GLEN HOLDINGS L1M'TEJ Address 40 BUGGEY LANE r AJAX ONTAR:O CANADA L 1 S 4S7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian Y Address 40 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resident Canadian GENERAL MANAGER Y j:::ed: :~::;ed: 2004/04:22 10:43:15 5 fieq:.Jcst.ID: .006042191 l'~anslJctiori 10: 23473288 Category 10: UN/E Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and 6usiness Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch Date Report Pr:)duced: Time Report Produced: Page: CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number Corporation Name 150554 LAWRENCE GLEN HOLDINGS LIMITED Last Oocument Recorded Act/Code. Description Form Date CIA ANNUAL RETURN lC - 2003/11/23 IELECTRONIC FILING) THIS REPORT SETS OUT THE MOST RECENT INFORMATION ALEC BY THE CORPORATION ON OR AFTER JUNE 27, 1992, AND RECORDED IN THE ONTARIO BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM AS AT THE DATE AND TIME OF PRINTING. All PERSONS WHO ARE RECORDED AS CURRENT DIRECTORS OR OFFICERS ARE INCLUDED IN THE LIST OF ADMINISTRATORS. ADDITIONAL HISTORICAL INFORMATION MAY EXIST ON THE COMPANIES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITY BRANCH MICROFICHE. . 2004/04/22 10:43:15 6 B5/B5/2B04 15:27 . ., ?\0quest ID~ 'jrer.sactron ID: :::aregory ID: 006D73366 23572999 UN/E 4158547404 ;:0:1 iI'iIS HEFFEROI, LAI'; Province ot Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business ServicQs CompanIes and Personal ProPE?rty Seouritj Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Numbar 869547 Cor~oratlon Typa ONTARIO BUSINESS CORP, Registurod Offic9 Addr&!:is 27 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1S 4S7 MaIlIng Addmss 27 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 18487 Activity Classification NOT AVAILABLE Cor~oratlon Name 869547 ONTARIO INC. Corporation Status ACTIVE Numbar.of DIrectors Minimum Maximum F;::..,GE 82....19 Dare ReDC'l ~r=d~iC.:~. Time Rer:;::::rt ~T)j ~c,' Page: ATTACHMENT ;'2 Date Amalgamated NOT APPLlCAELE N9W Amal. Number NOT APPliCABLE Revival Date NOT APPLICABLE ":04/05/04 . < :47:05 l;-;c::;rr;oration Datu J :::'::;','''' ~i28 J'.!;I~,:iidlon ::-. ~c" 0 FC~r:1~ ~ ,Jurisdiction ';::- cDPLlCABLE ~::i;;iation Ind. - c ~PLlCABLE t\ct~c~ ~-.!at9 ',C' c,,:'''L1CA8LE L-:o:,~:' ~}:'tQ :.i=~,,;;oPLlCABLE Conti;";ur.:-lon Datu Transferred Out Date C::H'ictiL'::;aetlve Data c.::~ ""PLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE o::=:- ~""L1CABLE EP Licence Err. Date NOT APPLICABLE' UNKNOWIVNKNOWN NOT APPLICABLE Dat9 Comm9nc~d In Ontario E~ L;;::;2-nCQ T&nn.Dat9 :,c;~ ",~PLlCABLE D~t~ :::Gase,d in Oh~::.:.rio ~C~,,;;oPlICABLE B5/B5/2BB4 15:27 Roques! IDo . DOO073366 Tren.eclJon ID: 23572gg9 Cat.,gory 10: UN/EO 41585474B4 DENNIS HEFFERON LAW ~AGE r?~''''19 Province of Ontarto Ministry Of Consumer and Business Services Compenl.. and Pe"""'el Property SeCllrily Branch Ontario Corp Number CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Corporation Namo 869547 Corporate Name History 869547 ONTARIO INC. CurrMt Business Neroe(s) exist: ExpIred Buslne... Nem&(s) ExIst: Administrator: Nam. (Individual J Corporation) JEREMIAH FRANCIS COUGHLAN Data Began 1989112112 Doslgnatlon DIRECTOR 669547 ONTARIO INC. ElIeellve oato 1989/11/26 NO NO Address 25 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA LIS 4S7 F Irs! Director NOT APPLICABLE OfflcorType Resid.nt Cana.dlan y Date Report Produced: 2004/05104 Time Report PrO<luced: 11:47:05 Pagri:: .2 05/05,'2004 15:27 Rl'lquest 10: ' Transaction ID: Category ID: 006073366 23572999 UN/E 4158547404 DEI"I'! I 5 HEFFEROo. LA'".! Province of OntarIo MiniStry of Consumer and Business St:Hvices Companies and Personsl Property Security Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT 869547 Ontario Corp Numblillr Administrator: Nam9 (Ind.lvlduall Corporation) JEREMIAH FRANCIS COUGHLAN DatQ B~g~n 1989/12/12 Designatioll OFFICER Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporatfon) JEREMIAH COUGHLAN Datc~ Began 1989/12/12 D9slgnatlon DIRECTOR Corporation Name 869547 ONTARIO INC. Addr9SS 25 BUGGEY LANE AJ/iY. ONTARIO CANADA L 18 4S7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Typo ReSidellt Canadian SECRETARY Y Address 27 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1 S 4S7 First Dlr9Ctor NOT APPLICABLE Officer Typ-a RGSldont Canadla.t1 Y Date Report Produce: Time Report ProdllCr,:= PClge: ,/'",'.') \A,. '... .,,/ "'AGO: 04./1 g 204/05/01 ',47:05 05/05/2004 15:27 f<equest 10: . 006073366 Tr'l."saction ro: 23672999 . Category 10: U N/E 4158547404 DENNIS HEFFEROH LAW ProvInce of Ontarlo Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companl... and Personal Proparty Seeu~Jy Braneh Ontario Corp Numbor CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Corporation Name 869547 AdmlnistrQtor: Name (Individual I Corporation) jEREMIAH COUGHLAN Dete Began 1991/03/19 Deslgnatlon OFFICER Administrator: Name (Individual I Corporation) MAURICE D. FRISQUE Date Bugan 1989/12/12 Deslgnafion OFFICER I 869547 ONTARIO INC. Address 27 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1S 457 First Director NOT APPLICABLE 01fIc.. Type ReSIdant Canadian PRESIDENT y Add...... 3225 BALSAM RD. S. R. R.#1 BROOKLlN ONTARIO CANADA LOB 1 CO First Direc:tor NOT APPLICABLE Olllear Type PRESIDENT Residant Canadian Y Date Report Produced: Time Report PrOduced: Page: PAGE 05/:'9 2004105104 11:47:05 4 05/05/2004 15:27 ~equest 10: Transaction I D C81egory 10: 006073366 23572999 UN/E 41585~7404 [=::"1'-115 HEFFEROI, LA'" Province ot Ontario Mfnlstry of Consumer and Business Services CompanIes and Personal Property Security Branch CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT 869547 Ontario Corp Number Adminl9trator; Name (Individual/Corporation) AGNES FRISQUE Oate Bog.... 1989/12/12 Designation OFFICER Acfminlstrator: Namt'l (IndMdual1 Corporation) GEORGE K. REED Datg Began 1989/12/12 De!>lgnatlon DIRECTOR corporation Name 889547 ONTARIO INC. AddrASS 3225 BALSAM RD. S. R. R. #1 BROOKLlN ONTARIO CANADA LOB 1CO First Director NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type Resldont C:::madlan OTHER y Address 40 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1S 4S7 First 01rgetor NOT APPLICABLE Officer Typo Resident Canadian Y Date Report ProduC;o.j Time Report Prcd;.:~r:;.c Page: C"i.o"- ~b/1~ :)04/05/04 1 :47:05 05/05/2004 15:27 Requast ID; 006073366 Transaction [D: 23572999 ca:tegory ID: UN/E 4168647404 DENNIS HEFFERO[, LAW Pruvince of Ontario Ministry of CoosumQr and Business Servtces Compan[as and Personal Property SeouHly Branch Ontario Corp Number CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Corpomtlon NamA 869547 Administrator: Nama (IndMdual/ Corporation) GI;:ORGI;: K. RI;:I;:O Dat9 Began 19B9/12/12 09slgnatlon OFFICI;:R AdminlstratQr: Nama (Individual/ Corporation) GEORGE REED Data Bogan 1991103/19 Designation DIRI;:CTOR 869547 ONTARIO INC. Addrall9 40 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1S 457 First DIrector NOT APPLICABLE OfflcwType Resident Canadian OTHER y Addross 27 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 15 4S7 First DI_r NOT APPLICABLE Ofllcar Typa ReGldent Canadian y Date Report Produced: Time Report Produced: Page: F'AGE B7/1g 2004/05/04 11:47:05 6 05/05/2004 15:27 Request i6: 006073366 Transaction 10: 23572999 Cefogory 10: UN/E 4158547404 DEI'"HIS HEFFERDi'1 LA',' Province 01 Ontario Ministry of ConGumer and Business Services Companies and Personal Property Security Branch Ontario Corp Number CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Corpor.ltlon NamQ 869547 Administrator: Name (IndlvlduB;J 1 Corporation) GEORGE REED Date Began 1994/04107 D9slgnatlon OFFICER Adm.inlstrator: Name (In~ivl~uall Corporation) GEORGE REED Date Began 1994/04/07 D9s1gnatlon OFFICER 889547 ONTARIO INC. Addmss 27 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA LIS 4S7 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Off1ear Type. Resident Canadian SECRETARY y A~~re$$ 27 BUGGEY LANE AJAX ONTARIO CANADA L 1S 4S7 First Dlr&C:tor NOT APPLICABLE Officer Type R091d9nt Canadian TREASURER Y Date Report ?rCiQ'J:O;::: Time Report Pro::lJ:::e:: P2ge: PAGE 08,/1 g 2004/05/04 11 :47:05 7 05/05/2004 15:27 415B547404 DENNIS HEFFERON LA,,) PAGE 09/19 'Requ",' ID . 006073366 Tr~5aCtlon ID: 23572999 Catega<yID: UNIE Province of Ontario Ministry of COnsumer and Business Services Companies ana Personal Property Security Branch Date Report Produced: 2004/05/04 Time Report ProdlJced: 11:47:05 Page: 8 CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT ontsrio Corp Numbor Corpo..uon Nam. 869547 869547 ONTARIO INC. Last Document Recorded Act/Cod. Description Form Dat8 CIA ANNUAL RETURN 1C 2004/02115 (ELECTRONIC FILING) THIS REPORT Sl!TS OUT THE MOST RECENT INFORMATION FILED RY~E CORPORATION ON OR AFTER JUNE 27b'992. AND RECORDED IN THE ONTARIO BUSINSSS INFORMATION SYSTEM AS AT THE: DAn: til1.l~li. OJ: PRINTING. ALL PERSONS WH' ARE: RECORDED AS CURRENT D1RECiOFts OR OFFICERS ARE INCLUDED IN THE LIST OF M,"~ TRATORS. PLEASE NOTE THAT WHEN THE SAME INDIVIDUAL HOLDS MULTIPLE 'OTHER UNmLED' OFFICER POSlTlON9~ INDICATED ON A FORM' UNDER THE CO/IJ'QRATlONS lNFORMATlONACT. ONLY ONE OIfTHESE 'OTHER UNTITLED' POSITIONS HELD B HAT NDIVIDUAL WILL BE REFLECTED ON THIS REPORT. FOR COMPLETEINFQRMATlON, CONTACT COMPANIES AND PERSONAL PROP RoTY SECURITY BRANCH. ADDITION"'L HISTORICAL INFORMATION M"'Y EXIST ON THE COMPAHlES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITY BRANCH MICROFICHE. The I$sut:lnee of this I'9port in eledronlc fann 1!!l.uthoTlz.od by lhe Dil8Ctor of Companies. 3nd Pe~oru,1 ProlXlt'ly S~eulily Bnmch. 05/05/2004 15:27 ,RGlQU9Sf I'D: 006073340 Tran"t.2.ctIOfI"ID: 23572951 C>ilog<lrj ID: (C)CC/E 4158547404 DEI,HIS HEFFEROH LA,I Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Companies and PGrsonal Property Security Brclnch PAGE 10/19 Date Report F>rcducs,.:j Time Report Pro:\;cej: Page: Certlflod a true copy of the data e11!i racorde<f on the Ontario Business Information systo~~and Pe'Jonal Property Socurlty Branch. DFrector CQmpanlos and Personal Property Seeurtt:y Branch MInistry of Consumer and Bu&lne99 SGTVIc::us Toronto, Ontario CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT OntarIo Corp Numbgr 471565 Co rporatlon Type ONTARIO BUSINE'SS CORP, R9gistofod Office Address 3625 DUFFERIN ST Suit.. # STE 207 NORTH YORK ONTARIO CANADA M3K 1Z2 Mailing Addross 3625 DUFFERIN ST Suite # STE 207 NORTH YORK ONTARIO CANADA M3K 1Z2 Activity Classlfleatlon NOT AVAILABLE Corporation Name L, MARR INVESTMENTS LIMITED Corporation Status ACTIVE Numbor of Directors MinImum MaXimum Data Amalgamat&d NOT APPLICABLE ,t Ne.w Amat Number NOT APPLICABLE Revival DatQ NOT APPLICABLE 2004/05/04 11:45:09 1 Amalgamation Dato 1851/C2/23 Jurisdiction O',~'A.RIO Former JurisdictIon "CT APPLICABLE AITI~::g;:,matJon 'nd. hlcilCe Date i'!C:- "PPLICABLE LQtt.g Dat9 i\CT APPLICABLE COlltinuation Date Transferred Out Dato Cance!tinactlVQ Datg, HC- APPLICABLE EP LicencQ Eft.Date NOT APPLICABLE I\CT ApPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE UNKNOWNJNKNOWN NOT APPLICABLE Date Commencad J n Ontario EP LicGnee Term.Data NO- APPLICABLE Date, Ceased" in Ohtario NeT APPLICABLE 05/05/2004 16:27 4168647404 DENNIS HEFFERON LAW PAGE ~c/19 'ReqL.",.t ID' 006073340 TranSllctlon ID; 23572951 catego;", 10: (C)CC/E ProvInce or Ontarfo Ministry of Consumer and Business Services ComP'lnles and Personal Properly Securily Branch Date Report Produced: 2004/05/04 Time Report Pruducsd: 11 :45:09 Page: 2 Certified a true copy or t.... data .... recorded on '~e Ontarlo Busln,," Infonnatlon SyM~;n____ and Personalt'roporty Security Branch. Director Companies and Pel$Onal Property Securtty Branch Ministry of COnsumer and Business ServlC08 Toronto. Ontario CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number Corporation Name 471565 L. MARR INVESTMENTS LIMITED Corporate Name History Err.ctlve Dale L. MARR INVESTMENTS LIMITED 1981/02123 Curront Buslnass Name(s) Exist: Expired Business Name(s) Exist: NO NO Amalgamating Corporations Corporation Name Co.-porate Number L. MARR INVESTMENTS LIMITED GALOSA LIMITED 1222B7 259588 05/05/2004 15:27 .Raque.tl!:l: 006073340 TranS!Jcllon'ID: 23572951 C~gorY 10: (C)CC/E 4158547404 DDNIS HEFFERON LAW Province of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Compenles and Personal Property SeCl/riff BranCh Date RepOr1 proc'uc.ss Time Report Prc,cc::GC Page: certified a true copy of the data as recorded on th~ Ontario Business Information Syste~~ and P...sonal Property Socllrflf 8ranch. Diroctor i Companies and P9rsonal Proparty Security Branch Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Toronto. Ontario Ontario Corp Number CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Corporation Name 471565 Administrator: Name (Individual J Corporation) LARRY L MARR Dat.t;ll Bggan 1981/01/15 Designation DIRECTOR Admin19trator: Nama (Individual I Corporation) LARRY L MARR Dat9 B9gan 1981/01/15 Doslgnaijon OFFICER L MARR INVi:STMENTS LIMITED Add.....9 3625 DUFFERIN ST DOWNSVIEW M3K 1Z2 First Director NOT APPLICABLE Offic~r Typo Re91dent Canadian Y Addross 3626 DUFFER IN ST DOWNSVIEW M3K 1Z2 First Director NOT APPLICABLE OtflCor Type Reslda.,t Canadian SECRETARY Y PAGE 12/19 2'J 04/05/04 1.'45:09 3 B5/B5/2BB4 15:27 415B5474B4 DENNIS HEFFERON LAW PAGE 13/19 .Reque'lID, ooa073340 Trar\'!taction 10: 23572951 . D.!<egOl)' I D: (C)CC/E Province Of Ontario , Mlnlstry of Con9Umer and Business Services Companiss and Psnlonal Property Secu~ty Branch Date Report Produced; 2004/05/04 Time Report Produced: 11 :45:09 Pege: 4 Certmed a true copy of the dllla as recorded on the OntarIo Business Information Syste~nl-: _ Personal Proparty Sec:urlly Br cneh. Director Companies and _nlll Property Security Braneh Ministry of Cansum.. ..nd Business Services Toronto, Ontario CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number Corporation Name 471565 L. MARR INVESTMENTS LIMITED Admlnl_r: Name (Individual/ Corporation) GLORIA S MARR Add,ees 3625 DUFFERIN ST Suite"" 207 DOWNSVIEW CANADA M3K lZ2 Date Began 1981/01/15 First Director NOT APPLICABLE 0.91\1nallon ome,", Type ResJdlHlt Canadian DIRECTOR y Administrator: Name (IndivIdual/ Corporation) Address GLORIA S MARR 3625 DUFFERIN ST SUite tI 207 DOWNSVIEW CANADA M3K lZ2 Oat. Began 1981/01/15 First Director NOT APPLICABLE D&sgnatlon omee, Type Regldent Canadian OFFICER PRESIDENT y 05/05/2004 15:27 4158547404 DENNIS HEFFERON LAW PAGE 14/19 .Req~t !D: 000072340 Tra..!!!ictlon'lD: 23572951 Co!legorojo 10: (C)CCIE Provlnc@ Of Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Business ServiC9S Companies and Personal Properly Seeu~ly Branch Dale Report Produced: 2004/05/04 Time Report Produced: 11 :45:09 Page: 5 Cerulled a truo copy of the data as reeorded on the Ontario BIlSlnG99 Informallor. Syste'"J;iJ'~:nles/and PerSOhal Property SGeurity Branoh. Dlr&Ctor Companl.s and PersGna' P",P*1Y S""",.1ty Braneh Mlnl9try of ConGumer and ilUSl"""" Servlo4l$ Toronto. Ontario CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Ontario Corp Number Corporation Name 471565 L. MARR INVESTMENTS LIMITE:D Last DoClunent Recorded Act/Coda Description 1'0,," Dato CIA ANNUAL RETURN 1C 2003/05/1 9 THiS REPORT SETS OUTTHE MOST RECENT INFORMATION F1LEC BY THE CORPORATION ON OR AFTER JUNE 27b1992~ AND RECORDED iN THE ONTARIO eUSlNESS INFORMATION SYSTEM AS AT THE DATE AND nME Or=: PPtINTlNG. ALL PERSONS WI-l ARt:. RECORDEO AS CURRENT OllttClORS OR OFFICERS ARE INCLUDED IN THE LIST OF ADMINisTRATORS. ADDmONA~ HISTORICAL INFORMATION MAY EXIST ON THE COMPANII!S AND PERSONAL PROPERTY SECURITY BRANCH MICROFICHE. The Issulllnet;) of this Q3rtified report In electronic form is authorized by the OiMetor or Companies. and P81'BOnal Prop$rt~ Security Branch, ~~, ~_. ~-_. ............... R.Q1.!~tIO: T'l'>"",,d19n 10: C""'90ry10: i1J.. WI 006073357 23572976 UN/I;;. ......................r....u.... l.Jt:.I"II'U.:::' Ht:,t- t- t.t~UN LAW PAGE 15/19 ProvInce of Ontar1o Ministry of eonsum... and Business SeMCtlS Companies end Pe"'OI1el Property Security Branoh OntariO Corp Numb.. CORPORATION PROFILE REPORT Corporation Name 437033 Corpomte Name History 437033 ONTARIO INC. 437033 ONTARIO INC. Etrectlve Dale 1989/02124 EDMISTROUD MANAGEMENT INC. Current Bw;tne. Name(s) Exlst: Expired BusIness Name{s) Exist: Administrator: Name (IndMdual/ Corporation) MURRAY DELBERT STROUD Date Began 1980/04115 DeslgnaUon DIRECTOR 1980101/25 NO NO Addl'8SS 356 KINGSTON ROAD PICKERING ONTARIO CANADA L IV 1A2 First Director NOT APPLICABLE orne.,. Type Residant Canadian Y Oete Report Produced: 2004/05/04 Time Report Produced: 11:46:11 Page: 2 .~: Clw:-!lJgton FilE COPY ATTACHMENT 113 April 28, 2004 HAND DELIVERED Mr. R. Ward 3709 Regional Road #9 Orono, Ontario LOB IMO Dear Mr. Ward: Re: Application for Compliance Audit I am in receipt of your letter dated April 26, 2004 wherein you request a compliance audit of John Mutton's 2003 election campaign finances. Would you please confirm that your letter to me sets out the grounds on which you request your compliance audit. It is my intention to bring this matter before Council at their meeting of May 10, 2004. It is therefore necessary that I receive your written response to this letter by May 4, 2004 at the latest. Yours truly, Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Municipal Clerk CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON .,,,,..HiYJ;; 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 ;-"'-':;~,'j .~ ,-- ...,.-- - ...~.._--.~- -- .....~~,....~..